Plot to behead Pamela Geller

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.
Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"
I love the spin. Spend some time reading of the reports sent back to the Popes of the Glorious Slaughters they praised God for, after trowing infants into the air to slash them in two or baptizing them before smashing their heads in on rocks. They reported walking though knee-deep piles of bodies so they could enter a holy site and give thanks to their god...

Can you quote some of these "reports?"
Yep, if I cared to which I don't currently. Learn to use Google...

In other words, you can't quote any.
Not at all what I said. You can look them up if you care, my little pisser.
Who's land? Joey supports the caliphate

I support not getting involved in someone else's fight. You don't want to be killed by a Muslim, stop stealing their land. Simple enough solution.

Which land did we steal, moron?

Palestine. Or we helped the Zionists steal it, which was my point to J'Roids.

Palestine has never been a country in any time in history...nor is it today
Actually, inciting a riot is against the law. Someone needs to lock Geller up.

Drawing a picture of Muhammed doesn't qualify as "inciting a riot," any more than a bunch of black people waking down the streets of Selma Alabama in 1960 doesn't qualify. If pissing a bunch of imbecile savages off by spouting ideas they don't like qualified as a justification for rioting or murdering people, then it would be legal for me to run around shooting people who support Obama or Hillary because that sure pisses me off.
And what is the point of making a Graven Image? Oh right, to insult the religion of 1.6 billion people since there is absolutely no other reason for doing so.

Hey mommy, that stupid violent ****** hit me, when I called him a stupid violent ******. Life is so unfair right my little infant?

So what was the point of immersing a crucifix in urine?

You guys just can't seem to be consistent in your attacks, can you?
He insulted the faith, literally pissed on it, but you approve right? Or do you approve only when it's offensive to Muslims?

Everyone has the right to say what they believe, even a genocidal Nazi like you.
You can sure say it but if it gets your head cut off and you were warned, that's mostly on you.
Who's land? Joey supports the caliphate

I support not getting involved in someone else's fight. You don't want to be killed by a Muslim, stop stealing their land. Simple enough solution.

Which land did we steal, moron?

Palestine. Or we helped the Zionists steal it, which was my point to J'Roids.

Your belief that it belongs to the people who call themselves "Palestinians" is a hoax. Those people are Jordanians.
If ISIS and domestic terrorists really wanted to hurt Americans they'd just shoot us.

Oh look, terrorists have guns and are killing Americans with guns. Maybe it's time for some gun control? :)
Oh they want gun control alright, for others that is. They don't deserve the protection, which is what guns are for right, protection? That's what they always say.

And there's a whole lot of "protection" over there, and over here. Don't you feel "protected"?

Palestinians should consider themselves lucky that they aren't all in cages.
Just animals, who deserve nothing right my little infant?

Yes, they are murdering savages who should be sterilized and then kept in cages until they die of old age.
Typical Zionist, immorality in a human form. Just another Brownshirt.
The Greatest Murder Machine in History
By Mike Konrad
When one thinks of mass murder, Hitler comes to mind. If not Hitler, then Tojo, Stalin, or Mao. Credit is given to the 20th-century totalitarians as the worst species of tyranny to have ever arisen. However, the alarming truth is that Islam has killed more than any of these, and may surpass all of them combined in numbers and cruelty.

The enormity of the slaughters of the "religion of peace" are so far beyond comprehension that even honest historians overlook the scale. When one looks beyond our myopic focus, Islam is the greatest killing machine in the history of mankind, bar none.

The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. -- Will Durant, as quoted on Daniel Pipes site.

Conservative estimates place the number at 80 million dead Indians.

According to some calculations, the Indian (subcontinent) population decreased by 80 million between 1000 (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 (end of Delhi Sultanate). -- Koenrad Elst as quoted on Daniel Pipes site

80 Million?! The conquistadors' crimes pale into insignificance at that number. No wonder Hitler admired Islam as a fighting religion. He stood in awe of Islam, whose butchery even he did not surpass.

Over 110 Million Blacks were killed by Islam.

... a minumum of 28 Million African were enslaved in the Muslim Middle East. Since, at least, 80 percent of those captured by Muslim slave traders were calculated to have died before reaching the slave market, it is believed that the death toll from 1400 years of Arab and Muslim slave raids into Africa could have been as high as 112 Millions. When added to the number of those sold in the slave markets, the total number of African victims of the trans-Saharan and East African slave trade could be significantly higher than 140 Million people. -- John Allembillah Azumah, author of The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa: A Quest for Inter-religious Dialogue

Read more: Articles The Greatest Murder Machine in History
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Drawing a picture of Muhammed doesn't qualify as "inciting a riot," any more than a bunch of black people waking down the streets of Selma Alabama in 1960 doesn't qualify. If pissing a bunch of imbecile savages off by spouting ideas they don't like qualified as a justification for rioting or murdering people, then it would be legal for me to run around shooting people who support Obama or Hillary because that sure pisses me off.
And what is the point of making a Graven Image? Oh right, to insult the religion of 1.6 billion people since there is absolutely no other reason for doing so.

Hey mommy, that stupid violent ****** hit me, when I called him a stupid violent ******. Life is so unfair right my little infant?

So what was the point of immersing a crucifix in urine?

You guys just can't seem to be consistent in your attacks, can you?
He insulted the faith, literally pissed on it, but you approve right? Or do you approve only when it's offensive to Muslims?

Everyone has the right to say what they believe, even a genocidal Nazi like you.
You can sure say it but if it gets your head cut off and you were warned, that's mostly on you.

Mostly on me? In other words, you believe it's OK to murder people who say things you don't like.

You're a despicable barbarian piece of shit. You aren't fit to live in a civilized country.

You claim you believe in rules, but you reject one call "The First Amendment."

I could go on all day about what a piece of crap you are.
ROFL! So an imbecile who calls himself a "liberal" is endorsing murder because he doesn't like what someone has to say?

You realize, of course, that you are a despicable hypocritical piece of shit, right?

Not exactly supporting murder; you'll note I wished the killer to be shot immediately after his crime.

However, even if I did, do you really believe people like daft extremist Geller and the equally daft extremist end of Islam are really the slightest use to anyone on this planet?

People of that nature are the cause of most of the trouble on Earth, and the whole world would be a better pace if two silly fuckers were deader than they are at the moment.
If ISIS and domestic terrorists really wanted to hurt Americans they'd just shoot us.

Oh look, terrorists have guns and are killing Americans with guns. Maybe it's time for some gun control? :)
Oh they want gun control alright, for others that is. They don't deserve the protection, which is what guns are for right, protection? That's what they always say.

And there's a whole lot of "protection" over there, and over here. Don't you feel "protected"?

Palestinians should consider themselves lucky that they aren't all in cages.
Just animals, who deserve nothing right my little infant?

Yes, they are murdering savages who should be sterilized and then kept in cages until they die of old age.
Typical Zionist, immorality in a human form. Just another Brownshirt.

Yeah, so says the anti-Semite who endorses genocide of Israeli Jews.

You have no credibility in this forum, Nazi.
Who's land? Joey supports the caliphate

I support not getting involved in someone else's fight. You don't want to be killed by a Muslim, stop stealing their land. Simple enough solution.

Which land did we steal, moron?

Palestine. Or we helped the Zionists steal it, which was my point to J'Roids.

Your belief that it belongs to the people who call themselves "Palestinians" is a hoax. Those people are Jordanians.
The lie of the Zionist squatters..,
Oh they want gun control alright, for others that is. They don't deserve the protection, which is what guns are for right, protection? That's what they always say.

And there's a whole lot of "protection" over there, and over here. Don't you feel "protected"?

Palestinians should consider themselves lucky that they aren't all in cages.
Just animals, who deserve nothing right my little infant?

Yes, they are murdering savages who should be sterilized and then kept in cages until they die of old age.
Typical Zionist, immorality in a human form. Just another Brownshirt.

Yeah, so says the anti-Semite who endorses genocide of Israeli Jews.

You have no credibility in this forum, Nazi.
Like many smart Jews, I oppose Zionism, and Zionists.
ROFL! So an imbecile who calls himself a "liberal" is endorsing murder because he doesn't like what someone has to say?

You realize, of course, that you are a despicable hypocritical piece of shit, right?

Not exactly supporting murder; you'll note I wished the killer to be shot immediately after his crime.

However, even if I did, do you really believe people like daft extremist Geller and the equally daft extremist end of Islam are really the slightest use to anyone on this planet?

People of that nature are the cause of most of the trouble on Earth, and the whole world would be a better pace if two silly fuckers were deader than they are at the moment.

What use are you to anyone on this planet? I guess that means it's OK to kill you, right?

It's hard to believe the things your ilk will admit to in this forum.
If ISIS and domestic terrorists really wanted to hurt Americans they'd just shoot us.

Oh look, terrorists have guns and are killing Americans with guns. Maybe it's time for some gun control? :)
Oh they want gun control alright, for others that is. They don't deserve the protection, which is what guns are for right, protection? That's what they always say.

And there's a whole lot of "protection" over there, and over here. Don't you feel "protected"?

Palestinians should consider themselves lucky that they aren't all in cages.
Just animals, who deserve nothing right my little infant?

Yes, they are murdering savages who should be sterilized and then kept in cages until they die of old age.
Nobody killed the artist that created "Pisscrist".Mapplethorpe died from AIDs. Christians didn't kill him, his lifestyle did. Why are muslims afraid of truth, and art? Islam is all about control and dominance. Coming from a bunch of Kool-Aid drinking conformists that believe in the cosmic equivalent of the tooth fairy, I am not liking them much. That started after 9/11, went down hill from there.

I think what you don't get is that the problem is not the Cartoons. it's the cartoons on top of everything else.

The Cartoons are the proverbial straw that broke the back of the equally proverbial camel.

If you think our problem with the islamic world is over cartoons, you are deluded.
Not sure who you are replying to. Islam is making cartoons into a mountain. Not the other way round. Islam despised American armed forces in Saudi Arabia back in 90' (we contaminated the holy land) during Operation desert storm, these anal twits were so offended, they launched numerous attacks on America up till 9/11. I HATE islam. And frankly, cartoons and trolls an mockery aside, we should have addressed the Saudi issue long ago. Bomb Mecca during the haj, 9/11 was far worse than Pearl harbor and islam is just a another cult, on a massive scale. End them, end this.
And what is the point of making a Graven Image? Oh right, to insult the religion of 1.6 billion people since there is absolutely no other reason for doing so.

Hey mommy, that stupid violent ****** hit me, when I called him a stupid violent ******. Life is so unfair right my little infant?

So what was the point of immersing a crucifix in urine?

You guys just can't seem to be consistent in your attacks, can you?
He insulted the faith, literally pissed on it, but you approve right? Or do you approve only when it's offensive to Muslims?

Everyone has the right to say what they believe, even a genocidal Nazi like you.
You can sure say it but if it gets your head cut off and you were warned, that's mostly on you.

Mostly on me? In other words, you believe it's OK to murder people who say things you don't like.

You're a despicable barbarian piece of shit. You aren't fit to live in a civilized country.

You claim you believe in rules, but you reject one call "The First Amendment."

I could go on all day about what a piece of crap you are.
You are an infant, I am a grownup, which is why you can't understand rights come with responsibilities.

If you burn the U.S. flag at a VFW biker rally don't bitch when they kick your ass.
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What use are you to anyone on this planet? I guess that means it's OK to kill you, right?

It's hard to believe the things your ilk will admit to in this forum.

I promote understanding.
The extremists promote hate.

If the extremists kill each other, I see no loss to the planet.
I only hope they manage to do it without involving anyone else.
Imagine this.
The Boston bombers had killed Geller, then got killed.

That means no death or injury to anyone except extremists, and the general public would have been saved.

I would have seem that as a far better outcome.
Can anyone tell me it's better the way it turned out?
hitler and the nazi party leadership were atheists and pagans...

Uh, no, they weren't. If you can't even get these simple facts right, you are deluded.

Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikiquote

Religion in Nazi Germany was secondary to political ideology

Religion in Nazi Germany

From your own source...

Nazi attitudes toward God, religion and German churches were complicated. Contrary to popular opinion Adolf Hitler was not an atheist. As a boy Hitler was introduced to Catholicism by his devoutly religious mother; he was educated in a Catholic school and for a time served as a choirboy in his local cathedral. Hitler drifted away from the church after leaving home and his religious views in adulthood are a matter of some dispute. According to those closest to Hitler he continued to identify as a Catholic and made regular financial contributions to the church – however he never attended church or received communion. Hitler’s book Mein Kampf contains many references to a divine creator, albeit one who does not interfere in the destinies of men. Hitler’s early speeches often mentioned God and emphasised the pivotal role of Christianity in German society. -

Now, I get it, you Christians want to disown Hitler. I totally get that. He's like the Crazy Uncle who shows up at Thanksgiving.

But the fact is, he's a product of Christian civilization. The Holocaust only makes sense in the context of 2000 years of "The Jews killed our God-Man". Martin Luther, the father of German Protestantism, wrote a book called "The Jews and their lies". (Probably not on your Lutheran Synod's reading lists, I suspect.)

The real problem- there was no conflict between the Church and what the Nazis were trying to do. The Church's biggest worry was that the real Atheists in Russia might win out. So they welcomed Hitler and Mussolini with an "Anti-Comintern Pact" to contain them.

Which is why the Pope pretty much stayed neutral in a fight between a mostly Catholic Axis and a mostly Protestant/Atheist United Nations.

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