Plot to behead Pamela Geller

Palestine. Or we helped the Zionists steal it, which was my point to J'Roids.

Your belief that it belongs to the people who call themselves "Palestinians" is a hoax. Those people are Jordanians.
The lie of the Zionist squatters..,

truth, in other words.
Zionism has, and will always be, a lie.

You're a lie, Nazi.
Nope, and plenty Jews believe the same thing.
I am a graphic artist. Let's have our irreverent art fest here, draw a pic of what you think allah looks like! Show some guts. I will put up my art here on this board when I can figure it out. A giant sphincter or a black hole, wide open here with ideas. Stick figure with a moon and star...Be creative!
I am a graphic artist. Let's have our irreverent art fest here, draw a pic of what you think allah looks like! Show some guts. I will put up my art here on this board when I can figure it out. A giant sphincter or a black hole, wide open here with ideas. Stick figure with a moon and star...Be creative!

Sooner or later the west will need to put on it's big boy pants and stand up against Saudi Arabia. We don't need oil so much we sell out and we won't enable muslim fascism. Enough.

Because of Fracking we don't need their oil at all......time to break ties with them...
No...hitler was and atheist...what is it with you morons who think that if someone is born into a certain religion they are absolute followers of the at religion....hitler and the nazis were atheists and pagans...Christianity had to be dealt with because it was in Germany, but it was in the way.........

But that's the point, it didn't get in the way. Catholic priest were chaplains in the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS. The Pope didn't say jack diddly squat about what the Nazis were doing.
And from a nazi bigwig......of course, what they say should be ignored...right moron.....?

Bormann believed Nazism was based on a "scientific" world-view, and was completely incompatible with Christianity.[72] Bormann stated:

Martin Bormann, Hitler's "deputy" from 1941, also saw Nazism and Christianity as "incompatible" and had a particular loathing for the Semitic origins of Christianity.[67]

Bormann wasn't really all that important. He was just kind of Hitler's gopher.

But to the point, whatever might have been going through the heads of individual Nazis is kind of irrelevent.

The fact is, millions of indisputably Christian Germans followed the Nazis to the bitter end. Those "Good Germans" never showed up. They fought to the last old man and young boy they had. No doubt singing praises to Jesus the whole way.

So your "No True Scotsman" fallacy remains just that- a fallacy.
Geller - the American champion of free speech?
Face it, she's is using you as Israel's bitches.

If it were not for Christians Europe would most likely be totally Muslim today. The Crusades drove them out. Gawd can you imagine how backwards Europe would be?

Actually, the Islamic World was more technologically and culturally advanced than the Christian World in the Middle Ages.

It wasn't until the Renascence that the Christian world stopped being savage.
The "Renascence"? Really, Joey?:eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh::haha::haha::haha::haha:
That is what you said, only you tried to weasel and make it look like you didn't say it.

That standard operating mode for you: lying about what you stated in a previous post.

Taqiyya. SOP for Islamists like PMH. Lying is forbidden in Christianity. Not in Islam.
I wouldn't lift a finger to defend that crazy Jew bitch.

You don't have to defend her. How about defending all the infidels that these radicals hate and want to kill. You might be one of them.

What will you do when radical Muslims kill a liberal over something, such as gay rights? Will you say that the activists deserved it for poking the wasp's nest?

There is a big difference between being gay and what that vile thing is doing.

Are we as Americans now going to change our American ways, and our rights so that we don’t offend Muslims? It may be that these pathetic Muslims are getting much to comfortable in our country and are emboldened by their increasing numbers to start attacks like these anywhere there is something that they don't like, or agree with, like a meeting, a protest, or maybe a sign held up by a Jew, or a march or even a drawing contest like this one that Pam Geller held.
Why don't you get that pissed off when Al Sharpton holds these "protests"?
Muslims need to obey the laws of this country and not pollute it . And we need to stop being cowards!
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The "Renascence"? Really, Joey?

Spellcheck sucks, doesn't it.

Anyway, duly noted as usual, you can't answer the point, that the Christian world was pretty savage for most of its history.

Dude, the "world" was pretty savage for most of it's history! Do you think savagery was invented by Christians?

And what sucks is your spelling. Spell check? You obviously need it, Joey because you obviously can't spell.
Dude, the "world" was pretty savage for most of it's history! Do you think savagery was invented by Christians?

I think Christianity refined it. Shit, when it comes to doing nasty shit, no one has anything on the Christian World.

But those mean old Muslims, how dare they fight back when we invade their countries.

And what sucks is your spelling. Spell check? You obviously need it, Joey because you obviously can't spell.

again, guy, i get paid for my writing. So, no. Another Cleetus wingnut who doesn't know what he is talking about.
Are we as Americans now going to change our American ways, and our rights so that we don’t offend Muslims? It may be that these pathetic Muslims are getting much to comfortable in our country and are emboldened by their increasing numbers to start attacks like these anywhere there is something that they don't like, or agree with, like a meeting, a protest, or maybe a sign held up by a Jew, or a march or even a drawing contest like this one that Pam Geller held.

Guy, here's the thing. We already have 16,000 homicides a year in this country, most of them committed by non-Muslims, and a lot of whom were able to buy a gun legally. So if the Muslim Population of this country was really what you were pissing your bib-overalls about, we'd probably have a lot of these incidents,and not just maybe one or two a year.

Muslims need to obey the laws of this country and not pollute it . And we need to stop being cowards!

Okay. You know what, most Muslims I know just want to raise their families and do their jobs, just like Christians. I'm wondering how many Muslims you k now personally. I'm willing to bet the number is in single digits.

Why don't you get that pissed off when Al Sharpton holds these "protests"?

What does Al Sharpton (who I think is a fraud) have to do with much of anything? Is he holding a "Draw Jesus" contest?
Muslims need to obey the laws of this country and not pollute it . And we need to stop being cowards!

Okay. You know what, most Muslims I know just want to raise their families and do their jobs, just like Christians. I'm wondering how many Muslims you k now personally. I'm willing to bet the number is in single digits.

Why don't you get that pissed off when Al Sharpton holds these "protests"?

First of all, we are not talking about the "most Muslims YOU know" We are talking about the assholes who are killing and beheading Americans and who are threatening Pam Geller!

And the "Al Sharpton" comment was meant for that Jerk-off who is calling Pam Geller those stupid names and anti semitic slurs,
Was Mohammed a ******? Sure are a lot of them going radical here in the states. But then they are libs...maybe Mo was a libtard...

WHY ?? are some words being censored here ? when i first joined there was no censoring, total free speech was the norm.

this forum has been liberized.

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