Plot to behead Pamela Geller

...I'm an Atheist - and I don't need the 10 Commandments to know right from wrong. The Constitution and my conscience take care of that.
And... do you acknowledge that much of your Law and Morality have its basis in a hybrid of the surviving elements of life in Classical Antiquity, as preserved by both Christian and Islamic caretaker organizations, and as evolved and modified to conform with Christian canon law and its early offshoots and sorties into the secular realm?

I.E. - do you acknowledge the debt you owe to Western Civilization and Christianity, for preserving and evolving those morals and laws across the ages, and transmitting those across the generations until Western Man was once again in a position to run with them?
...I'm an Atheist - and I don't need the 10 Commandments to know right from wrong. The Constitution and my conscience take care of that.
And... do you acknowledge that much of your Law and Morality have its basis in a hybrid of the surviving elements of life in Classical Antiquity, as preserved by both Christian and Islamic caretaker organizations, and as evolved and modified to conform with Christian canon law and its early offshoots and sorties into the secular realm?

I.E. - do you acknowledge the debt you owe to Western Civilization and Christianity, for preserving and evolving those morals and laws across the ages, and transmitting those across the generations until Western Man was once again in a position to run with them?

I only acknowledge that mankind had to learn some worthwhile shit along the way. The Constitution ain't the Bible.
That is what you said, only you tried to weasel and make it look like you didn't say it.

That standard operating mode for you: lying about what you stated in a previous post.

Taqiyya. SOP for Islamists like PMH. Lying is forbidden in Christianity. Not in Islam.
There are a couple of permitted forms, and for people who aren't supposed to lie the Christians do little else. Rregardless, riddle me this.

If, in WWII, you were hiding Jews in the attic and the Nazis knocked on the door seeking them, should you tell the truth or lie?
...I'm an Atheist - and I don't need the 10 Commandments to know right from wrong. The Constitution and my conscience take care of that.
And... do you acknowledge that much of your Law and Morality have its basis in a hybrid of the surviving elements of life in Classical Antiquity, as preserved by both Christian and Islamic caretaker organizations, and as evolved and modified to conform with Christian canon law and its early offshoots and sorties into the secular realm?

I.E. - do you acknowledge the debt you owe to Western Civilization and Christianity, for preserving and evolving those morals and laws across the ages, and transmitting those across the generations until Western Man was once again in a position to run with them?

I only acknowledge that mankind had to learn some worthwhile shit along the way. The Constitution ain't the Bible.
If that's your final answer, then, I believe, you are either uninformed, or unwilling to make such a common-sense concession, or behaving in a disingenuous manner, in this context.

My money is on No. 1, but, one never knows.
...Atheists? Are you suggesting that having NO religion is a bad thing?
Yes and No.

No - insofar as we hold that Freedom OF Religion and Freedom FROM Religion are both necessary aspects of our secularized Christian-centric nation.

Yes - insofar as a great many people drift into Evildoing and do not fear an Ultimate Accounting in order to avoid actually DOING the Evil to which they are inclined.

As with most things in life, The Truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

All that was true when religion was a way to live a better more honorable life. Since it has been bastardized into nothing more than a political statement, it doesn't apply any more.
That is what you said, only you tried to weasel and make it look like you didn't say it.

That standard operating mode for you: lying about what you stated in a previous post.

Taqiyya. SOP for Islamists like PMH. Lying is forbidden in Christianity. Not in Islam.
There are a couple of permitted forms, and for people who aren't supposed to lie the Christians do little else. Rregardless, riddle me this.

If, in WWII, you were hiding Jews in the attic and the Nazis knocked on the door seeking them, should you tell the truth or lie?
Tell a lie, in violation of your religious precepts.

A better Sky-Pilot Belief System than one which allows you to lie in accordance with your religious precepts.

Big difference.
And... do you acknowledge that much of your Law and Morality have its basis in a hybrid of the surviving elements of life in Classical Antiquity, as preserved by both Christian and Islamic caretaker organizations, and as evolved and modified to conform with Christian canon law and its early offshoots and sorties into the secular realm?

I.E. - do you acknowledge the debt you owe to Western Civilization and Christianity, for preserving and evolving those morals and laws across the ages, and transmitting those across the generations until Western Man was once again in a position to run with them?

Horseshit. there are non-western societies that had developed systems of law and morality that are probably just as good as the Abrahamic Sky Fairy believers have.

In fact, the triumph of the Abrahamic God was a step backwards. The Dark Ages were the first "Faith Based Initiative".
...Atheists? Are you suggesting that having NO religion is a bad thing?
Yes and No.

No - insofar as we hold that Freedom OF Religion and Freedom FROM Religion are both necessary aspects of our secularized Christian-centric nation.

Yes - insofar as a great many people drift into Evildoing and do not fear an Ultimate Accounting in order to avoid actually DOING the Evil to which they are inclined.

As with most things in life, The Truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

All that was true when religion was a way to live a better more honorable life. Since it has been bastardized into nothing more than a political statement, it doesn't apply any more.
Well, that is your observation or opinion on the subject, anyway.

Vast numbers of people worldwide - including vast numbers of your own fellow countrymen - hold otherwise.

Vast numbers.
(CNN) —Usaamah Rahim, who was fatally shot after waving a military knife at law enforcement officers in Boston, was originally plotting to behead Pamela Geller, an activist and conservative blogger, law enforcement sources told CNN on Wednesday.

But Rahim, a 26-year-old security guard who officials believe was radicalized by ISIS and other extremists, decided instead to target the "boys in blue," a reference to police, according to court documents.

"I can't wait that long," he said of the original beheading plan, according to an FBI affidavit filed in federal court in Boston on Wednesday.

Geller drew national attention last month after an off-duty police officer working security thwarted an attack at her organization's contest for Prophet Mohammed drawings in Garland, Texas. She's president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which includes subsidiary programs Stop Islamization of America and Stop Islamization of Nations.

"They targeted me for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. They mean to kill everyone who doesn't do their bidding and abide by their law voluntarily," Geller told CNN's Erin Burnett.

"This is a showdown for American freedom. Will we stand against this savagery or bow down to them and silence ourselves?"

Geller said that she's had an "army of security" since last month's thwarted attack.

"This is what is required just to show a cartoon in America, 2015," she said. "It's striking. It's devastating, and people need to understand what's at stake. I mean, if we surrender on this point, what will we surrender next?"

More: Plot to kill conservative activist Geller - National News - KCCI Home

Geller should surrender to ISIS. When you poke a hornet's nest - expect to get stung.

It's nice a liberal is being honest about your hate and intolerance for a change
So if the Muslim Population of this country was really what you were pissing your bib-overalls about, we'd probably have a lot of these incidents,and not just maybe one or two a year

"one or two a year" ? Is that what we heard you say ?

28. Synagogue Terror Plot—May 2009

29. Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad—June 2009

30. Raleigh Jihad Group—July 2009

31. Najibullah Zazi—September 2009

32. Maher Husein Smadi—September 2009

33. Michael Finton—September 2009

34. Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra—October 2009

35. Major Nidal Hasan—the Fort Hood Massacre - November 2009

36. The Christmas Day (Underwear) Bomber—December 2009

37. Raja Lahrasib Khan—March 2010

38. Faisal Shahzad (Times Square bomber) —May 2010

39. Paul G. Rockwood Jr. and Nadia Piroska Maria Rockwood—July 2010

40. Farooque Ahmed—October 2010

41. Air Cargo Bomb Plot—October 2010

42. Mohamed Osman Mohamud—November 2010

43. Antonio Martinez—December 2010

44. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari—February 2011

45. Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh—May 2011

46. Yonathan Melaku—June 2011

47. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh—June 2011

48. Ulugbek Kodirov—July 2011

49. Emerson Winfield Begolly—August 2011

50. Rezwan Ferdaus—September 2011

51. Iranian Terror Plot—October 2011

52. Jose Pimentel—November 2011

53. Sami Osmakac—January 2012

54. Amine El Khalifi—February 2012

55. AQAP Plane Bomb Plot—May 2012

56. Adel Daoud—September 2012

57. Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis—October 2012.

58. Qazi Brothers’ Plot—November 2012
And... do you acknowledge that much of your Law and Morality have its basis in a hybrid of the surviving elements of life in Classical Antiquity, as preserved by both Christian and Islamic caretaker organizations, and as evolved and modified to conform with Christian canon law and its early offshoots and sorties into the secular realm?

I.E. - do you acknowledge the debt you owe to Western Civilization and Christianity, for preserving and evolving those morals and laws across the ages, and transmitting those across the generations until Western Man was once again in a position to run with them?

Horseshit. there are non-western societies that had developed systems of law and morality that are probably just as good as the Abrahamic Sky Fairy believers have.

In fact, the triumph of the Abrahamic God was a step backwards. The Dark Ages were the first "Faith Based Initiative".
No, it's not Horseshit - not in any way.

Was not credit given to the pagan environment of the age of Classical Antiquity?

Was not credit given to both Christian and Islamic efforts to preserve as much of that knowledge as might prove practicable for the times?

Did I, anywhere along the way, even hint at denial - never mind deny - that other regions of the globe also developed morals and ethics with their own particular flavor?

Everything I've said (above) is absolutely truthful and accurate.

Including the observation that we all owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the Christian West for buying The West time to evolve into what it has in our present age.

Your well-documented and near-obsessive hatred for Religion in general and Christianity and Judaism in particular is all-too-well known and understood, and is taken into account, in trying to objectively sift past your hatred, in order to evaluate your observations for accuracy.

You fail that particular sniff test.
So if the Muslim Population of this country was really what you were pissing your bib-overalls about, we'd probably have a lot of these incidents,and not just maybe one or two a year

"one or two a year" ? Is that what we heard you say ?


Most of these things failed, most of them didn't happen in the US. Is this really the best you got, Cleetus.

okay- news flash. Terrorism is bad and all, but it's not an existential threat. There is simply nothing the terrorists can do to make the US Cease to Be.
Well Pugsley, so what Christians are intentionally trying to murder thousands of people a shot?

All the NeoCons who got us into the Iraq War and now want to get us into a War with Iran.

That's stupid, some neocons are Christians but they aren't doing it for Christianity. Neocons like Obama and the Democratic leadership sure aren't
That's stupid, some neocons are Christians but they aren't doing it for Christianity. Neocons like Obama and the Democratic leadership sure aren't

Most Muslims aren't doing it for Islam. They are doing it because we invaded their countries and helped the Zionists take their land.

"Well, we just slaughtered 100,000 Iraqis, but we didn't do it for religion! We did it to steal their oil! Doesn't that make us better?"

"Didn't Bush say God told him to invade Iraq?"

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