Plot to behead Pamela Geller

We have tons, you just want tolerance for your intolerance which isn't allowed in many cases. Time to grow up now and bake the stupid cake.

Wanting people to be free from the government to make their own choices is "intolerance." Got it
Some choices are yours, not all. You live in a society, not anarchy. Keep your Ayn Rand teenage bullshit to yourself.

Yes, my choices are Marxism or anarchy, you have already informed me of that
Nope. And keep your fallacies to yourself as well.

Read your own quote where you told me my only other choice was anarchy
Yep, didn't happen. That you made up.
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.

I've been to church quite a few times and they have not yet taught any savagery.

He's full of hyperbole

Oh, he's full of SOMETHING, that's for damn sure...
Yep, didn't happen. That you made up.

Here you go

You live in a society, not anarchy
Exactly, Society versus Anarchy, which means what you said was a lie of course.

What I said was the choice you constantly give me, Marxism or anarchy
Nope, that is not the choice you are being given, this is:



noun, plural societies.
an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes.
a body of individuals living as members of a community; community.
the body of human beings generally, associated or viewed as members of a community:
the evolution of human society.
a highly structured system of human organization for large-scale community living that normally furnishes protection, continuity, security, and a national identity for its members:
American society.
such a system characterized by its dominant economic class or form:
middle-class society; industrial society.
those with whom one has companionship.
companionship; company:
to enjoy the society of good friends.
Society Define Society at
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So what else is new. The Zionist game since the end of WWII, and a bit before.

You aren't fooling anyone into believing you aren't an antisemite by using the term "zionist" to refer to Jews.
So, the Jews who oppose Zionism as I do are anti-Semites? Interesting. I'll let them know.

How many are there, 5? There were Jews who fought for the Nazis.
Jews who oppose Zionism, many. And not nearly enough Jews fought the Nazis. Most of them died like pussies, not men.

And you ignored the question of course. Are anti-Zionism Jews anti-Semites?

Yes they are, and I said there were Jews who fought for the Nazis, not against them.

A lot.
The Zionist element of the 1940's asked Hitler for an alliance against the British.
The big problem with Zionism is exactly the same as he problem with all extremists.
They don't give a shit about their own people as long as they reach their political objective.

Hey, I found Jesus.
You aren't fooling anyone into believing you aren't an antisemite by using the term "zionist" to refer to Jews.
So, the Jews who oppose Zionism as I do are anti-Semites? Interesting. I'll let them know.

How many are there, 5? There were Jews who fought for the Nazis.
Jews who oppose Zionism, many. And not nearly enough Jews fought the Nazis. Most of them died like pussies, not men.

And you ignored the question of course. Are anti-Zionism Jews anti-Semites?

Yes they are, and I said there were Jews who fought for the Nazis, not against them.

A lot.
The Zionist element of the 1940's asked Hitler for an alliance against the British.
The big problem with Zionism is exactly the same as he problem with all extremists.
They don't give a shit about their own people as long as they reach their political objective.

That's not all that surprising. People defect to the enemy for many reasons.

Specifically as it relates to Zionists... I'm not sure why that is shocking.

You have a government that is directly and openly hostile to Jews. Option A: stay and be gassed to death. B: Work with the Nazis, to have Jews smuggled into the land of Israel, in opposition to the Brits.

I'd go for plan B myself.

I haven't find much evidence that they were actually trying to subvert the Brits, as much as oppose the limitation of immigration to Israel.

Which again.... Most of Europe really hated the Jews. The only solution is for them to have a land of their own, or face death. Again, I'd for the 'land of our own' option any day.

Try putting the shoe on the other foot....

Say that Russia conquered the US, and spread Americans all over the planet. Everywhere the Americans go, they are hated and persecuted, to the point people are planning their genocide.

Wouldn't we do.... pretty much anything, to get back to a land of our own? Yeah, I think so.
He didn't invade Iraq for the purpose of murdering people, Pugsley. Terrorism is bad, invading countries that aren't threatening us is bad, but bad things are not all the same weight

I would think invading countries that aren't threatening us is a little worse, by terms of the number of people killed.

THe Iraq War killed 5000 Americans (more than 9/11) and anywhere from 150K to 500K Iraqis. It created problems we are STILL dealing with 12 years later.

But fuck it, those are mostly brown people, right, Double Wide?
So, the Jews who oppose Zionism as I do are anti-Semites? Interesting. I'll let them know.

How many are there, 5? There were Jews who fought for the Nazis.
Jews who oppose Zionism, many. And not nearly enough Jews fought the Nazis. Most of them died like pussies, not men.

And you ignored the question of course. Are anti-Zionism Jews anti-Semites?

Yes they are, and I said there were Jews who fought for the Nazis, not against them.

A lot.
The Zionist element of the 1940's asked Hitler for an alliance against the British.
The big problem with Zionism is exactly the same as he problem with all extremists.
They don't give a shit about their own people as long as they reach their political objective.

That's not all that surprising. People defect to the enemy for many reasons.

Specifically as it relates to Zionists... I'm not sure why that is shocking.

You have a government that is directly and openly hostile to Jews. Option A: stay and be gassed to death. B: Work with the Nazis, to have Jews smuggled into the land of Israel, in opposition to the Brits.

I'd go for plan B myself.

I haven't find much evidence that they were actually trying to subvert the Brits, as much as oppose the limitation of immigration to Israel.

Which again.... Most of Europe really hated the Jews. The only solution is for them to have a land of their own, or face death. Again, I'd for the 'land of our own' option any day.

Try putting the shoe on the other foot....

Say that Russia conquered the US, and spread Americans all over the planet. Everywhere the Americans go, they are hated and persecuted, to the point people are planning their genocide.

Wouldn't we do.... pretty much anything, to get back to a land of our own? Yeah, I think so.
What the hell does Zionism have to do with Pam Geller, her activities, and the Neanderthal -caliber Islamic reaction against her?
How many are there, 5? There were Jews who fought for the Nazis.
Jews who oppose Zionism, many. And not nearly enough Jews fought the Nazis. Most of them died like pussies, not men.

And you ignored the question of course. Are anti-Zionism Jews anti-Semites?

Yes they are, and I said there were Jews who fought for the Nazis, not against them.

A lot.
The Zionist element of the 1940's asked Hitler for an alliance against the British.
The big problem with Zionism is exactly the same as he problem with all extremists.
They don't give a shit about their own people as long as they reach their political objective.

That's not all that surprising. People defect to the enemy for many reasons.

Specifically as it relates to Zionists... I'm not sure why that is shocking.

You have a government that is directly and openly hostile to Jews. Option A: stay and be gassed to death. B: Work with the Nazis, to have Jews smuggled into the land of Israel, in opposition to the Brits.

I'd go for plan B myself.

I haven't find much evidence that they were actually trying to subvert the Brits, as much as oppose the limitation of immigration to Israel.

Which again.... Most of Europe really hated the Jews. The only solution is for them to have a land of their own, or face death. Again, I'd for the 'land of our own' option any day.

Try putting the shoe on the other foot....

Say that Russia conquered the US, and spread Americans all over the planet. Everywhere the Americans go, they are hated and persecuted, to the point people are planning their genocide.

Wouldn't we do.... pretty much anything, to get back to a land of our own? Yeah, I think so.
What the hell does Zionism have to do with Pam Geller, her activities, and the Neanderthal -caliber Islamic reaction against her?

Oh who knows. I have no idea why he brought up Zionism. I just responded to his post.

There really isn't much to say about Pam Geller, or anything she does or doesn't do, are the attempt to kill her.

That's why the conversation moves on.
How many are there, 5? There were Jews who fought for the Nazis.
Jews who oppose Zionism, many. And not nearly enough Jews fought the Nazis. Most of them died like pussies, not men.

And you ignored the question of course. Are anti-Zionism Jews anti-Semites?

Yes they are, and I said there were Jews who fought for the Nazis, not against them.

A lot.
The Zionist element of the 1940's asked Hitler for an alliance against the British.
The big problem with Zionism is exactly the same as he problem with all extremists.
They don't give a shit about their own people as long as they reach their political objective.

That's not all that surprising. People defect to the enemy for many reasons.

Specifically as it relates to Zionists... I'm not sure why that is shocking.

You have a government that is directly and openly hostile to Jews. Option A: stay and be gassed to death. B: Work with the Nazis, to have Jews smuggled into the land of Israel, in opposition to the Brits.

I'd go for plan B myself.

I haven't find much evidence that they were actually trying to subvert the Brits, as much as oppose the limitation of immigration to Israel.

Which again.... Most of Europe really hated the Jews. The only solution is for them to have a land of their own, or face death. Again, I'd for the 'land of our own' option any day.

Try putting the shoe on the other foot....

Say that Russia conquered the US, and spread Americans all over the planet. Everywhere the Americans go, they are hated and persecuted, to the point people are planning their genocide.

Wouldn't we do.... pretty much anything, to get back to a land of our own? Yeah, I think so.
What the hell does Zionism have to do with Pam Geller, her activities, and the Neanderthal -caliber Islamic reaction against her?
They are evil, she is evil. No difference.
Yep, didn't happen. That you made up.

Here you go

You live in a society, not anarchy
Exactly, Society versus Anarchy, which means what you said was a lie of course.

You've made it quite clear that your version of "society" is indistinguishable from Nazi Germany.
Nope, very little like it, and nothing like what you as an infant want either.
Jews who oppose Zionism, many. And not nearly enough Jews fought the Nazis. Most of them died like pussies, not men.

And you ignored the question of course. Are anti-Zionism Jews anti-Semites?

Yes they are, and I said there were Jews who fought for the Nazis, not against them.

A lot.
The Zionist element of the 1940's asked Hitler for an alliance against the British.
The big problem with Zionism is exactly the same as he problem with all extremists.
They don't give a shit about their own people as long as they reach their political objective.

That's not all that surprising. People defect to the enemy for many reasons.

Specifically as it relates to Zionists... I'm not sure why that is shocking.

You have a government that is directly and openly hostile to Jews. Option A: stay and be gassed to death. B: Work with the Nazis, to have Jews smuggled into the land of Israel, in opposition to the Brits.

I'd go for plan B myself.

I haven't find much evidence that they were actually trying to subvert the Brits, as much as oppose the limitation of immigration to Israel.

Which again.... Most of Europe really hated the Jews. The only solution is for them to have a land of their own, or face death. Again, I'd for the 'land of our own' option any day.

Try putting the shoe on the other foot....

Say that Russia conquered the US, and spread Americans all over the planet. Everywhere the Americans go, they are hated and persecuted, to the point people are planning their genocide.

Wouldn't we do.... pretty much anything, to get back to a land of our own? Yeah, I think so.
What the hell does Zionism have to do with Pam Geller, her activities, and the Neanderthal -caliber Islamic reaction against her?
They are evil, she is evil. No difference.
They threatened violence.

That is Evil.

She prodded them to do violence, to order to clearly demonstrate their danger to her fellow countrymen.

That is Foolhardby, by some gauges, but Brave, and Worthy.
Yep, didn't happen. That you made up.

Here you go

You live in a society, not anarchy
Exactly, Society versus Anarchy, which means what you said was a lie of course.

You've made it quite clear that your version of "society" is indistinguishable from Nazi Germany.
Nope, very little like it, and nothing like what you as an infant want either.

What's the difference? You don't hate Jews? Nope, that certainly isn't it. You don't condone genocide? Nope, that isn't it either.
For the benefit of all those information-deprived liberals, whose media doesn't report about jihad in America, here is a list of Muslim terrorist attacks in the USA, prior to the more recent ones shown in Post # 638.

For the benefit off all those information deprived zionist apologists, American Likudnicks, neocrazies and other scumbags, here is a list of Judeo-American attacks against Muslims:

1- The zionist attack against Palestinian Arabs began in 1925 and has remained constant for the past 90 years

2- The US has contributed over 100 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars since 1949 towards the Palestinian Genocide

3- The US invaded Iraq in 1990 and remained there for 18 years

4- The US invaded Syria - the blowback created ISIS

5- And so it fucking goes.



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