Plot to behead Pamela Geller

If they want to force their beliefs on others they need to find another place to do it.
Indeed, that your job you believe. How dare those damn sand ******* try what you do.

who? Texans do not have much to do with sand----well---lately maybe-----is there a drought there----or too much rain---
I forgot
Go back to sleep, that's what you're good at.

I wish-----as one ages---sleep becomes FRACTIONATED----one does not spend as much time in stage 4 sleep at my age as does an infant
If they want to force their beliefs on others they need to find another place to do it.
Indeed, that your job you believe. How dare those damn sand ******* try what you do.

who? Texans do not have much to do with sand----well---lately maybe-----is there a drought there----or too much rain---
I forgot
Go back to sleep, that's what you're good at.

I wish-----as one ages---sleep becomes FRACTIONATED----one does not spend as much time in stage 4 sleep at my age as does an infant
There are drugs for that, seek them.
If they want to force their beliefs on others they need to find another place to do it.
Indeed, that's your job you believe. How dare those damn sand ******* try to do what you do.

Really, I use persuasion not force, I guess you're too ignorant to know the difference.
Since you couldn't change the mind of a cat by using tuna fish I care not at all.

There ya go again, slipping into total irrelevance.
If they want to force their beliefs on others they need to find another place to do it.
Indeed, that your job you believe. How dare those damn sand ******* try what you do.

who? Texans do not have much to do with sand----well---lately maybe-----is there a drought there----or too much rain---
I forgot
Go back to sleep, that's what you're good at.

I wish-----as one ages---sleep becomes FRACTIONATED----one does not spend as much time in stage 4 sleep at my age as does an infant
There are drugs for that, seek them.

the use of soporifics for insomnia constitutes a kind of Ponzi scheme-----a borrow from peter to pay paul------it snowballs out of control
Indeed, that your job you believe. How dare those damn sand ******* try what you do.

who? Texans do not have much to do with sand----well---lately maybe-----is there a drought there----or too much rain---
I forgot
Go back to sleep, that's what you're good at.

I wish-----as one ages---sleep becomes FRACTIONATED----one does not spend as much time in stage 4 sleep at my age as does an infant
There are drugs for that, seek them.

the use of soporifics for insomnia constitutes a kind of Ponzi scheme-----a borrow from peter to pay paul------it snowballs out of control
Drugged sleep is better than no sleep.
who? Texans do not have much to do with sand----well---lately maybe-----is there a drought there----or too much rain---
I forgot
Go back to sleep, that's what you're good at.

I wish-----as one ages---sleep becomes FRACTIONATED----one does not spend as much time in stage 4 sleep at my age as does an infant
There are drugs for that, seek them.

the use of soporifics for insomnia constitutes a kind of Ponzi scheme-----a borrow from peter to pay paul------it snowballs out of control
Drugged sleep is better than no sleep.

NO!!!! it is like using credit cards----A NEVER ENDING CYCLE OF DEPENDENCE
Go back to sleep, that's what you're good at.

I wish-----as one ages---sleep becomes FRACTIONATED----one does not spend as much time in stage 4 sleep at my age as does an infant
There are drugs for that, seek them.

the use of soporifics for insomnia constitutes a kind of Ponzi scheme-----a borrow from peter to pay paul------it snowballs out of control
Drugged sleep is better than no sleep.

NO!!!! it is like using credit cards----A NEVER ENDING CYCLE OF DEPENDENCE
Lifestyle changes, less stress, more exercise, less computer time, less alcohol, and sleeping pills as needed. It can be done. Start at the health food store. Their stuff works for me.
I wish-----as one ages---sleep becomes FRACTIONATED----one does not spend as much time in stage 4 sleep at my age as does an infant
There are drugs for that, seek them.

the use of soporifics for insomnia constitutes a kind of Ponzi scheme-----a borrow from peter to pay paul------it snowballs out of control
Drugged sleep is better than no sleep.

NO!!!! it is like using credit cards----A NEVER ENDING CYCLE OF DEPENDENCE
Lifestyle changes, less stress, more exercise, less computer time, less alcohol, and sleeping pills as needed. It can be done. Start at the health food store. Their stuff works for me.

what state? they are already selling marijuana in the "health food" stores in your state?
There are drugs for that, seek them.

the use of soporifics for insomnia constitutes a kind of Ponzi scheme-----a borrow from peter to pay paul------it snowballs out of control
Drugged sleep is better than no sleep.

NO!!!! it is like using credit cards----A NEVER ENDING CYCLE OF DEPENDENCE
Lifestyle changes, less stress, more exercise, less computer time, less alcohol, and sleeping pills as needed. It can be done. Start at the health food store. Their stuff works for me.

what state? they are already selling marijuana in the "health food" stores in your state?
Plenty of good legal stuff out there. Give it a shot.
the use of soporifics for insomnia constitutes a kind of Ponzi scheme-----a borrow from peter to pay paul------it snowballs out of control
Drugged sleep is better than no sleep.

NO!!!! it is like using credit cards----A NEVER ENDING CYCLE OF DEPENDENCE
Lifestyle changes, less stress, more exercise, less computer time, less alcohol, and sleeping pills as needed. It can be done. Start at the health food store. Their stuff works for me.

what state? they are already selling marijuana in the "health food" stores in your state?
Plenty of good legal stuff out there. Give it a shot.

I prefer not to do legal
They are evil, she is evil. No difference.
They threatened violence.

That is Evil.

She prodded them to do violence, to order to clearly demonstrate their danger to her fellow countrymen.

That is Foolhardby, by some gauges, but Brave, and Worthy.
She's a ****, not a patriot.

Really, she managed to flush out three would be terrorist in less than a month, if DHS only had such a record.
Crazy people are good at finding others like themselves.

Really, who did she set out to shoot or behead?
Nobody, of course, but these Islam Apologists and their 'debating allies', our own Isolationists, try (and fail with) the full-court press, to try to portray Geller in that way.

Geller knows exactly what she's doing - outing Islam-in-the-West for the latent danger to Western Society that it truly is.

Sometimes, it takes hard, clean examples, to get through to the thick-headed folks who can't be bothered to contemplate it, otherwise.

A task and a sortie that Geller appears admirable suited to serving up.

As foolhardy as many of us (and sometimes, even I) perceive such efforts to be, still, it provides Public Service Message, and raises awareness of the viper (Islam) in our midst.
The difference between you and the nutter Joey is, he says he's an atheist but defends islam. you don't do that so you're much smarter than that moron

Uh, I guy, I don't "defend" Islam. I just think we need to leave them the fuck alone.

That means don't support the Zionists, because honestly, fuck those guys, and stop trying to manipulate the region to keep the price of oil down.

Our problem with the Islamic World is not because their fairy tales are any more fucked up than YOUR fairy tales. Our problem with them is that we keep invading their countries, and they do exactly what anyone else would do when invaded.
Nobody, of course, but these Islam Apologists and their 'debating allies', our own Isolationists, try (and fail with) the full-court press, to try to portray Geller in that way.

Geller knows exactly what she's doing - outing Islam-in-the-West for the latent danger to Western Society that it truly is.

If it's a "danger", why do you need to provoke a riot in order to prove that?

"See how dangerous this hornet's nest is?" whack whack whack "Help, help, I'm being stung".

"Yeah, because you whacked the hornet's nest, dumbass!"

Sometimes, it takes hard, clean examples, to get through to the thick-headed folks who can't be bothered to contemplate it, otherwise.

A task and a sortie that Geller appears admirable suited to serving up.

As foolhardy as many of us (and sometimes, even I) perceive such efforts to be, still, it provides Public Service Message, and raises awareness of the viper (Islam) in our midst.

I think the problem is, you are going with the "Fire Marshall Bill" method of demonstrating danger.

Remember Fire Marshall Bill, he was a character on In Living Color played by Jim Carrey, who demonstrated how dangerous things were by actually starting fires.

He didn't invade Iraq for the purpose of murdering people, Pugsley. Terrorism is bad, invading countries that aren't threatening us is bad, but bad things are not all the same weight

I would think invading countries that aren't threatening us is a little worse, by terms of the number of people killed.

THe Iraq War killed 5000 Americans (more than 9/11) and anywhere from 150K to 500K Iraqis. It created problems we are STILL dealing with 12 years later.

But fuck it, those are mostly brown people, right, Double Wide?

OK, I've been cleaning out the race whores, I"m just sick of your crap. Bye bye
...If it's a "danger", why do you need to provoke a riot in order to prove that?...
Nobody provoked a riot. Geller provoked two Radical Muslim Sleeper-Cell types to come out from under their rock, so that the police could kill them.

The happiest of all possible outcomes.

Those non-Muslims who know something about the violence-prone nature of Islamic dogma, also know that Islam remains in the shadows until their numbers are sufficiently large so as to begin encroaching (forcing their viewpoint and demanding special accommodation) upon their host-country like a parasitical growth.

We already see ample and long-standing evidence of this across multiple areas of Europe.

Many Sheeple will not believe in the violent and demanding nature of Islam unless they see a practical demonstration of same.

Geller provides that example, while remaining within a legal framework of a legitimate exercise of rights.

She performs a public service.
The difference between you and the nutter Joey is, he says he's an atheist but defends islam. you don't do that so you're much smarter than that moron

Uh, I guy, I don't "defend" Islam. I just think we need to leave them the fuck alone.

That means don't support the Zionists, because honestly, fuck those guys, and stop trying to manipulate the region to keep the price of oil down.

Our problem with the Islamic World is not because their fairy tales are any more fucked up than YOUR fairy tales. Our problem with them is that we keep invading their countries, and they do exactly what anyone else would do when invaded.

You just did moron
The difference between you and the nutter Joey is, he says he's an atheist but defends islam. you don't do that so you're much smarter than that moron

Uh, I guy, I don't "defend" Islam. I just think we need to leave them the fuck alone.

That means don't support the Zionists, because honestly, fuck those guys, and stop trying to manipulate the region to keep the price of oil down.

Our problem with the Islamic World is not because their fairy tales are any more fucked up than YOUR fairy tales. Our problem with them is that we keep invading their countries, and they do exactly what anyone else would do when invaded.

You're really fucked in the head, the last one to commit suicide by cop was an American, we didn't invade anything of his.

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