Plot Twist: Trump says his lawyers had 'productive' meeting with DOJ about Jan 6 - "explained I did Nothing wrong!"


There are 2 leftists here.

And neither has posted to this thread or likely will, because they understand what's happening, and agree far more with your persepctive than disagree with it.

You're the kinda Leftist I can agree with.

You should really run as a Green. ;)
They lack integrity.

They lack everything. You cannot reason with them, you cannot expect common sense from them, you cannot expect fair play from them. These are fundamentally anarchists whose sole purpose is to blow things up by injecting chaos into the system.

Such people are the barnacles on the society of life and need only scraped off the hull of civilization and cast back into the water as fish food.
THe wALls ArE cLoSinG iN!

trump cornered.jpeg

Well this is one helluva plot twist.

And before you Lefties argue "He's lying" - no one sane buys that.

Every time Trump has had a looming indictment, he's immediately come out swinging.

Playing it down is simply not his style, we've seen that again and again.

Honestly don't know what to think of this.

Maybe it's all one big head fake?

Well hell, if Trump's lawyers said he did nothing wrong, that should be good enough for everyone.

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Why is it a plot twist? Trump has said all along he's innocent. That's what the court system is find out if people are innocent or guilty. But I will agree it never goes to trial for Trump. This time it might be different. If it does, expect lots of all caps rage tweets because at that point, he will know it's all over for him.
Yes, law enforcement has been weaponized and the kangaroo investigations have now turned into the kangaroo courts. Perfectly predictable.
Well this is one helluva plot twist.

And before you Lefties argue "He's lying" - no one sane buys that.

Every time Trump has had a looming indictment, he's immediately come out swinging.

Playing it down is simply not his style, we've seen that again and again.

Honestly don't know what to think of this.

Maybe it's all one big head fake?

Trump educated.jpg

Sure, Trump is a fighter. But he is also scum.

Still, he is better than the dems.

Trump thinks.jpg
Well hell, if Trump's lawyers said he did nothing wrong, that should be good enough for everyone.

Still no indictment over Jan 6th.

News for the past 10 days or so have said it was imminent.

Now? Crickets.

It could still happen, but every day that passes and it doesn't?

Seems to mark this thread as "Fact Check True".

P.S. I only believe Hunter's lawyers.
Still no indictment over Jan 6th.

News for the past 10 days or so have said it was imminent.

Now? Crickets.

It could still happen, but every day that passes and it doesn't?

Seems to mark this thread as "Fact Check True".

P.S. I only believe Hunter's lawyers.

I suspect it will happen.

PS. I do not believe any lawyers but my own, and even then if do the old "trust by verify" routine
I'm an independent, but thank you.

An Independent who happens to have one of the most far left politicians in America as his avatar.

And yes, he's running to be President, so he's a politician by definition.
Plot twist? WTF? Lefties treat politics like a freaking movie while the reality of the Biden administration passes them by.
An Independent who happens to have one of the most far left politicians in America as his avatar.
Yeah, I do like him.

But I also like Tulsi and RFKJ, but she's not running, and I will NEVER vote for a Democrat again, so RFKJ is out unless he runs 3rd party.

But Trump is also a strong possibility depending on where I'm living come 2024.
And yes, he's running to be President, so he's a politician by definition.
Of course.

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