Pluto Time

This is really cool. My next Pluto time is 26 minutes away!
Pluto Time!

I'm actually surprised it gets this bright on Pluto. It's 3.7 billion miles from the sun!

Are we sure this Pluto Time thing is correct?
Pluto Time!
I'm actually surprised it gets this bright on Pluto. It's 3.7 billion miles from the sun!
Are we sure this Pluto Time thing is correct?

The sun from Pluto looks like just a slighter brighter star than the next brightest like Sirius and Canopus in a star filled sky so if the site tells you noon on Pluto is any more than twilight here, they are wrong, which is why Pluto appears fainter than 15th magnitude on Earth needing at least an 8" telescope to even spot it among the stars.
The sun from Pluto looks like just a slighter brighter star than the next brightest like Sirius and Canopus in a star filled sky so if the site tells you noon on Pluto is any more than twilight here, they are wrong, which is why Pluto appears fainter than 15th magnitude on Earth needing at least an 8" telescope to even spot it among the stars.
I find it difficult to believe noon on Pluto is even as bright as twilight here.

It does not make sense at 3.7 billion miles.
I find it difficult to believe noon on Pluto is even as bright as twilight here.

It does not make sense at 3.7 billion miles.

Well, the Sun is -27th magnitude and the brightest star in the sky Sirius is only about -1.6 magnitude. For every mag lost, you decrease brightness by 2.5X. Then consider that here on Earth, the Sun is bright enough to fry you to a crisp if you sat out long enough.

Also consider that in truly dark clear locations like the desert, that the Milky Way cast shadows on the ground and the average distance of those stars is around hundreds to thousands of light-years.

Noon on Pluto would be just bright enough to make out shadows and shapes vaguely with your scotopic vision.
The sun from Pluto looks like just a slighter brighter star than the next brightest like Sirius and Canopus in a star filled sky so if the site tells you noon on Pluto is any more than twilight here, they are wrong, which is why Pluto appears fainter than 15th magnitude on Earth needing at least an 8" telescope to even spot it among the stars.
Everybody's an expert 😂
It's from NASA
Are you one of them science deniers?
So how do you really feel about global warming?
Ask about some other dumb subject .Try Climate Change .Alwaye gets people laughing .

BTW is that the NASA that was taken over by Deep State decades ago and never tells the public the truth about anythiing of consequence ?
Everybody's an expert 😂

Yes, I consider myself an expert in that I studied astronomy since my early teens, knew more than my science teacher in 7th grade, taught astronomy for extra credit in high-school, own about $80,000 worth of astronomy gear, and almost became an astronomer--- in high-school switching to engineering instead but still running an astronomy forum teaching astronomy privately to this day.

You doubt anything in my previous post, I invite you to prove me wrong or STFU.
I find it difficult to believe noon on Pluto is even as bright as twilight here.
It does not make sense at 3.7 billion miles.

Apply the inverse square law starting with the Sun's brightness at Earth's distance then remember that for every relative doubling of distance, cut the brightness by a factor of 4 until you get to the mean distance of Pluto and you will see. Also remember that Pluto has a highly eleptical orbit and is currently near its perihelion now starting to move farther away which is why it was so critical to send a probe to Pluto now to study it before it got farther away and its atmosphere froze out.
My Pluto time is today 8:09 pm. Different than my Micky Mouse time:


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