PM to Abbas

P F Tinmore, et al,

OH come now. If you want the specific break-out just for Gaza; I can accommodate you. But please, stop with your stock answer of "blowing smoke." If anyone here is consistently trying to conceal the facts to fit their agenda, it's not me.

Where are the exports?

Without exports they will have no money to run an economy. That is why their economy crashed leaving them dependent on handouts. All of the aid is sustenance, nothing for development.

Until they can import what they need to run their farms and factories, and export for cash, there will be no economy.

The data previously supplied is from the Palestinians Central Bureau of Statistics records; as stated. It makes more sense to them in that way based on their analysis methodology.

View attachment 82186
Legal Center for Freedom of Movement

Gisha is an Israeli not-for-profit organization, founded in 2005,
whose goal is to protect the freedom of movement of Palestinians,
especially Gaza residents. Gisha promotes rights guaranteed by
international and Israeli law.
Gaza economy: Squeezed by siege said:
The estimated cost of relief, recovery and reconstruction after last summer’s war was $4 billion. International donors pledged $3.5 billion for Gaza’s reconstruction in Cairo in October, but only $954 million has been disbursed as of early April. Basil Nasser, the acting head of the U.N. Development Program’s Gaza office, said donors have been slow to fulfill their promises because of the political environment.
SOURCE: Al-Jazeera America

Even that staunch and stalwart media outlet al-Jazeera understands that the International Donor see the Gaza as more volatile than the West Bank. The leadership prompts and prokes a conflict, the Gazan suffer heavy losses do to the HAMAS government violating Rules 23 and 24 of Customary International Humanitarian Law, and then cry foul.

The International Donors do not want to contribute to Gaza is all they are going to do is trigger another conflict just to have it destroyed again because the HAMAS Government wants to hide behind protected activities:

• Locating Military Objectives INSIDE Densely Populated Areas
• Failing to Removal of Civilians and Civilian Objects from the Vicinity of hostile Military Objectives
No matter how you defend this action (or inaction) by HAMAS, --- no matter argument about the HoAP concept of what they are allowed to do, --- the donors don't really care. The donors want to know that HAMAS is going to take such action that will protect the reconstruction donations they provide.

Absent reassurances of HAMAS and based on their previous history, that simply is not forth coming.

Most Respectfully,
1/2 of Gaza' farmland and 90% of Gaza's factories are out of business because of Israel. This destruction started when Fatah was still in power and Israel still had troops in Gaza. So I don't want you to say Hamas...

And what piddly they do export has to be approved by Israel. I don't understand what this has to do with Israel's security.

Did Israel ibnstigate the wars and violence or was it hamas. Again you deny the Jews the rights you demand be handed to the arab muslims calling themselves palestinians on a plate. The Jews have the right under internastional laws, geneva conventions and the UN charter to defend against islamonazo terrorist acts of war much as you want to deny them this right, and if hamas insists on using farmland and factories for their acts of war then they will keep on getting destroyed.It is written in the UN charter.

The reason you dont understand is because you want to deny the Jews their human, legal and moral rights, including the right to have international law forced down the throats of the palestinians and their supporters.
Links with quotes please.

Links to what, your refusal to accept the Jews have rights. All you need do is look at your own posts when you deny them these rights. The rights to defend are in the UN charter, geneva conventions and IHL that you have been given thousands of times in the past. Why dont you read them and see just what rights the Jews have.
No, it started with a condescending propaganda lecture designed for consumption by a gullable American audience.

Really? So, the end of terrorism is not a requirement for peace?

Ending the occupation will end the resistance to occupation.

Oh please. If you do not believe that the Jewish people have rights to sovereignty on any of the territory, then there can be no way to end the occupation and have a nation for the Jewish people still exist.

That is why the Gaza disengagement increased the violence ("resistance") rather than eliminated it.

Yes there is,one inclusive state with equal rights guarenteed for all it's citizens under a constitution, the Palestinian proposal from the beginning and rejected by the Zionists.

And why was it rejected again, was it because it included the words and the new state will be Jew free as only those living in the area prior to 1875 will be seen as palestinians.
Indeed, it did not include the colonists.
... because of Israel.

Because of the conflict with Israel. Which can be alleviated by, you know, not attacking Israel anymore.

But according to tinny the palestinians have the right to breach International laws, UN charter and the Geneva conventions because they are opposing the Jews and some moronic islamonazi has read the UN resolutions to mean that terrorist attacks are legal when done by the palestinians.
Oh jeese, what a load of Israeli crap.

Your own words come back to haunt you. How many times have you posted or endorced the words that have been twisted that says the palestinians have the right to use any methods to defend against occupation ? When the words have no valisity in law .................................
P F Tinmore, et al,

OH come now. If you want the specific break-out just for Gaza; I can accommodate you. But please, stop with your stock answer of "blowing smoke." If anyone here is consistently trying to conceal the facts to fit their agenda, it's not me.

Where are the exports?

Without exports they will have no money to run an economy. That is why their economy crashed leaving them dependent on handouts. All of the aid is sustenance, nothing for development.

Until they can import what they need to run their farms and factories, and export for cash, there will be no economy.

The data previously supplied is from the Palestinians Central Bureau of Statistics records; as stated. It makes more sense to them in that way based on their analysis methodology.

View attachment 82186
Legal Center for Freedom of Movement

Gisha is an Israeli not-for-profit organization, founded in 2005,
whose goal is to protect the freedom of movement of Palestinians,
especially Gaza residents. Gisha promotes rights guaranteed by
international and Israeli law.
Gaza economy: Squeezed by siege said:
The estimated cost of relief, recovery and reconstruction after last summer’s war was $4 billion. International donors pledged $3.5 billion for Gaza’s reconstruction in Cairo in October, but only $954 million has been disbursed as of early April. Basil Nasser, the acting head of the U.N. Development Program’s Gaza office, said donors have been slow to fulfill their promises because of the political environment.
SOURCE: Al-Jazeera America

Even that staunch and stalwart media outlet al-Jazeera understands that the International Donor see the Gaza as more volatile than the West Bank. The leadership prompts and prokes a conflict, the Gazan suffer heavy losses do to the HAMAS government violating Rules 23 and 24 of Customary International Humanitarian Law, and then cry foul.

The International Donors do not want to contribute to Gaza is all they are going to do is trigger another conflict just to have it destroyed again because the HAMAS Government wants to hide behind protected activities:

• Locating Military Objectives INSIDE Densely Populated Areas
• Failing to Removal of Civilians and Civilian Objects from the Vicinity of hostile Military Objectives
No matter how you defend this action (or inaction) by HAMAS, --- no matter argument about the HoAP concept of what they are allowed to do, --- the donors don't really care. The donors want to know that HAMAS is going to take such action that will protect the reconstruction donations they provide.

Absent reassurances of HAMAS and based on their previous history, that simply is not forth coming.

Most Respectfully,
1/2 of Gaza' farmland and 90% of Gaza's factories are out of business because of Israel. This destruction started when Fatah was still in power and Israel still had troops in Gaza. So I don't want you to say Hamas...

And what piddly they do export has to be approved by Israel. I don't understand what this has to do with Israel's security.

Did Israel ibnstigate the wars and violence or was it hamas. Again you deny the Jews the rights you demand be handed to the arab muslims calling themselves palestinians on a plate. The Jews have the right under internastional laws, geneva conventions and the UN charter to defend against islamonazo terrorist acts of war much as you want to deny them this right, and if hamas insists on using farmland and factories for their acts of war then they will keep on getting destroyed.It is written in the UN charter.

The reason you dont understand is because you want to deny the Jews their human, legal and moral rights, including the right to have international law forced down the throats of the palestinians and their supporters.
Links with quotes please.

Links to what, your refusal to accept the Jews have rights. All you need do is look at your own posts when you deny them these rights. The rights to defend are in the UN charter, geneva conventions and IHL that you have been given thousands of times in the past. Why dont you read them and see just what rights the Jews have.
Your usual duck. You never quote passages because nothing there agrees with what you claim.
Really? So, the end of terrorism is not a requirement for peace?

Ending the occupation will end the resistance to occupation.

Oh please. If you do not believe that the Jewish people have rights to sovereignty on any of the territory, then there can be no way to end the occupation and have a nation for the Jewish people still exist.

That is why the Gaza disengagement increased the violence ("resistance") rather than eliminated it.

Yes there is,one inclusive state with equal rights guarenteed for all it's citizens under a constitution, the Palestinian proposal from the beginning and rejected by the Zionists.

And why was it rejected again, was it because it included the words and the new state will be Jew free as only those living in the area prior to 1875 will be seen as palestinians.
Indeed, it did not include the colonists.

So once again you deny the Jews their rights to international law because it would mean the palestinians will be outvoted. The LoN were the soveriegn land owners from 1917 and they granted the worlds jews the right to migrate and colonise the lands of palestine granted to them as their future NATIONal home.

Your post above is the link you asked for isnt it, as it shows you deny the Jews their rights under international laws.
... because of Israel.

Because of the conflict with Israel. Which can be alleviated by, you know, not attacking Israel anymore.

But according to tinny the palestinians have the right to breach International laws, UN charter and the Geneva conventions because they are opposing the Jews and some moronic islamonazi has read the UN resolutions to mean that terrorist attacks are legal when done by the palestinians.
Oh jeese, what a load of Israeli crap.

Your own words come back to haunt you. How many times have you posted or endorced the words that have been twisted that says the palestinians have the right to use any methods to defend against occupation ? When the words have no valisity in law .................................
The Palestinians do have the right to defend themselves.
P F Tinmore, et al,

OH come now. If you want the specific break-out just for Gaza; I can accommodate you. But please, stop with your stock answer of "blowing smoke." If anyone here is consistently trying to conceal the facts to fit their agenda, it's not me.


The data previously supplied is from the Palestinians Central Bureau of Statistics records; as stated. It makes more sense to them in that way based on their analysis methodology.

View attachment 82186
Legal Center for Freedom of Movement

Gisha is an Israeli not-for-profit organization, founded in 2005,
whose goal is to protect the freedom of movement of Palestinians,
especially Gaza residents. Gisha promotes rights guaranteed by
international and Israeli law.
Even that staunch and stalwart media outlet al-Jazeera understands that the International Donor see the Gaza as more volatile than the West Bank. The leadership prompts and prokes a conflict, the Gazan suffer heavy losses do to the HAMAS government violating Rules 23 and 24 of Customary International Humanitarian Law, and then cry foul.

The International Donors do not want to contribute to Gaza is all they are going to do is trigger another conflict just to have it destroyed again because the HAMAS Government wants to hide behind protected activities:

• Locating Military Objectives INSIDE Densely Populated Areas
• Failing to Removal of Civilians and Civilian Objects from the Vicinity of hostile Military Objectives
No matter how you defend this action (or inaction) by HAMAS, --- no matter argument about the HoAP concept of what they are allowed to do, --- the donors don't really care. The donors want to know that HAMAS is going to take such action that will protect the reconstruction donations they provide.

Absent reassurances of HAMAS and based on their previous history, that simply is not forth coming.

Most Respectfully,
1/2 of Gaza' farmland and 90% of Gaza's factories are out of business because of Israel. This destruction started when Fatah was still in power and Israel still had troops in Gaza. So I don't want you to say Hamas...

And what piddly they do export has to be approved by Israel. I don't understand what this has to do with Israel's security.

Did Israel ibnstigate the wars and violence or was it hamas. Again you deny the Jews the rights you demand be handed to the arab muslims calling themselves palestinians on a plate. The Jews have the right under internastional laws, geneva conventions and the UN charter to defend against islamonazo terrorist acts of war much as you want to deny them this right, and if hamas insists on using farmland and factories for their acts of war then they will keep on getting destroyed.It is written in the UN charter.

The reason you dont understand is because you want to deny the Jews their human, legal and moral rights, including the right to have international law forced down the throats of the palestinians and their supporters.
Links with quotes please.

Links to what, your refusal to accept the Jews have rights. All you need do is look at your own posts when you deny them these rights. The rights to defend are in the UN charter, geneva conventions and IHL that you have been given thousands of times in the past. Why dont you read them and see just what rights the Jews have.
Your usual duck. You never quote passages because nothing there agrees with what you claim.

How about your post prior to this where you deny the Jews there right to migrate and colonise the lands of palestine granted by the 2 soveriegn land owners from 1850 to 1948.

Yiou are the one that ducks everytime your words are used against you and show you constantly deny the Jews their legal, moral and civil rights
Ending the occupation will end the resistance to occupation.

Oh please. If you do not believe that the Jewish people have rights to sovereignty on any of the territory, then there can be no way to end the occupation and have a nation for the Jewish people still exist.

That is why the Gaza disengagement increased the violence ("resistance") rather than eliminated it.

Yes there is,one inclusive state with equal rights guarenteed for all it's citizens under a constitution, the Palestinian proposal from the beginning and rejected by the Zionists.

And why was it rejected again, was it because it included the words and the new state will be Jew free as only those living in the area prior to 1875 will be seen as palestinians.
Indeed, it did not include the colonists.

So once again you deny the Jews their rights to international law because it would mean the palestinians will be outvoted. The LoN were the soveriegn land owners from 1917 and they granted the worlds jews the right to migrate and colonise the lands of palestine granted to them as their future NATIONal home.

Your post above is the link you asked for isnt it, as it shows you deny the Jews their rights under international laws.
Colonists have rights?

1/2 of Gaza' farmland and 90% of Gaza's factories are out of business because of Israel. This destruction started when Fatah was still in power and Israel still had troops in Gaza. So I don't want you to say Hamas...

And what piddly they do export has to be approved by Israel. I don't understand what this has to do with Israel's security.

Did Israel ibnstigate the wars and violence or was it hamas. Again you deny the Jews the rights you demand be handed to the arab muslims calling themselves palestinians on a plate. The Jews have the right under internastional laws, geneva conventions and the UN charter to defend against islamonazo terrorist acts of war much as you want to deny them this right, and if hamas insists on using farmland and factories for their acts of war then they will keep on getting destroyed.It is written in the UN charter.

The reason you dont understand is because you want to deny the Jews their human, legal and moral rights, including the right to have international law forced down the throats of the palestinians and their supporters.
Links with quotes please.

Links to what, your refusal to accept the Jews have rights. All you need do is look at your own posts when you deny them these rights. The rights to defend are in the UN charter, geneva conventions and IHL that you have been given thousands of times in the past. Why dont you read them and see just what rights the Jews have.
Your usual duck. You never quote passages because nothing there agrees with what you claim.

How about your post prior to this where you deny the Jews there right to migrate and colonise the lands of palestine granted by the 2 soveriegn land owners from 1850 to 1948.

Yiou are the one that ducks everytime your words are used against you and show you constantly deny the Jews their legal, moral and civil rights
Who owned Palestine?

Links with passages?
... because of Israel.

Because of the conflict with Israel. Which can be alleviated by, you know, not attacking Israel anymore.

But according to tinny the palestinians have the right to breach International laws, UN charter and the Geneva conventions because they are opposing the Jews and some moronic islamonazi has read the UN resolutions to mean that terrorist attacks are legal when done by the palestinians.
Oh jeese, what a load of Israeli crap.

Your own words come back to haunt you. How many times have you posted or endorced the words that have been twisted that says the palestinians have the right to use any methods to defend against occupation ? When the words have no valisity in law .................................
The Palestinians do have the right to defend themselves.

Which does not include terrorist acts, firing of illegal weapons and kidnapping children. Nor does it include international terrorist activities, threats against other nations and instigating violence. All they can do is defend from within using military forces ( this includes militia but they must carry their weapons openly ). Time for the UN to send a fully armed task force into gaza to sort out hamas once and for all.
Oh please. If you do not believe that the Jewish people have rights to sovereignty on any of the territory, then there can be no way to end the occupation and have a nation for the Jewish people still exist.

That is why the Gaza disengagement increased the violence ("resistance") rather than eliminated it.

Yes there is,one inclusive state with equal rights guarenteed for all it's citizens under a constitution, the Palestinian proposal from the beginning and rejected by the Zionists.

And why was it rejected again, was it because it included the words and the new state will be Jew free as only those living in the area prior to 1875 will be seen as palestinians.
Indeed, it did not include the colonists.

So once again you deny the Jews their rights to international law because it would mean the palestinians will be outvoted. The LoN were the soveriegn land owners from 1917 and they granted the worlds jews the right to migrate and colonise the lands of palestine granted to them as their future NATIONal home.

Your post above is the link you asked for isnt it, as it shows you deny the Jews their rights under international laws.
Colonists have rights?


Mandate of palestine. UN charter.
Because of the conflict with Israel. Which can be alleviated by, you know, not attacking Israel anymore.

But according to tinny the palestinians have the right to breach International laws, UN charter and the Geneva conventions because they are opposing the Jews and some moronic islamonazi has read the UN resolutions to mean that terrorist attacks are legal when done by the palestinians.
Oh jeese, what a load of Israeli crap.

Your own words come back to haunt you. How many times have you posted or endorced the words that have been twisted that says the palestinians have the right to use any methods to defend against occupation ? When the words have no valisity in law .................................
The Palestinians do have the right to defend themselves.

Which does not include terrorist acts, firing of illegal weapons and kidnapping children. Nor does it include international terrorist activities, threats against other nations and instigating violence. All they can do is defend from within using military forces ( this includes militia but they must carry their weapons openly ). Time for the UN to send a fully armed task force into gaza to sort out hamas once and for all.
All they can do is defend from within using military forces...​

OK, they do.
Yes there is,one inclusive state with equal rights guarenteed for all it's citizens under a constitution, the Palestinian proposal from the beginning and rejected by the Zionists.

And why was it rejected again, was it because it included the words and the new state will be Jew free as only those living in the area prior to 1875 will be seen as palestinians.
Indeed, it did not include the colonists.

So once again you deny the Jews their rights to international law because it would mean the palestinians will be outvoted. The LoN were the soveriegn land owners from 1917 and they granted the worlds jews the right to migrate and colonise the lands of palestine granted to them as their future NATIONal home.

Your post above is the link you asked for isnt it, as it shows you deny the Jews their rights under international laws.
Colonists have rights?


Mandate of palestine. UN charter.
No quotes, of course.
Did Israel ibnstigate the wars and violence or was it hamas. Again you deny the Jews the rights you demand be handed to the arab muslims calling themselves palestinians on a plate. The Jews have the right under internastional laws, geneva conventions and the UN charter to defend against islamonazo terrorist acts of war much as you want to deny them this right, and if hamas insists on using farmland and factories for their acts of war then they will keep on getting destroyed.It is written in the UN charter.

The reason you dont understand is because you want to deny the Jews their human, legal and moral rights, including the right to have international law forced down the throats of the palestinians and their supporters.
Links with quotes please.

Links to what, your refusal to accept the Jews have rights. All you need do is look at your own posts when you deny them these rights. The rights to defend are in the UN charter, geneva conventions and IHL that you have been given thousands of times in the past. Why dont you read them and see just what rights the Jews have.
Your usual duck. You never quote passages because nothing there agrees with what you claim.

How about your post prior to this where you deny the Jews there right to migrate and colonise the lands of palestine granted by the 2 soveriegn land owners from 1850 to 1948.

Yiou are the one that ducks everytime your words are used against you and show you constantly deny the Jews their legal, moral and civil rights
Who owned Palestine?

Links with passages?

WHEN ? as prior to 1917 it was Ottoman empire who handed it over to the LoN in 1917 as reparations. Then in 1948 the Jews declared independence on the 22% alloctaed as their NATIONal home.

What links would you accept that have not already been given and ignored
But according to tinny the palestinians have the right to breach International laws, UN charter and the Geneva conventions because they are opposing the Jews and some moronic islamonazi has read the UN resolutions to mean that terrorist attacks are legal when done by the palestinians.
Oh jeese, what a load of Israeli crap.

Your own words come back to haunt you. How many times have you posted or endorced the words that have been twisted that says the palestinians have the right to use any methods to defend against occupation ? When the words have no valisity in law .................................
The Palestinians do have the right to defend themselves.

Which does not include terrorist acts, firing of illegal weapons and kidnapping children. Nor does it include international terrorist activities, threats against other nations and instigating violence. All they can do is defend from within using military forces ( this includes militia but they must carry their weapons openly ). Time for the UN to send a fully armed task force into gaza to sort out hamas once and for all.
All they can do is defend from within using military forces...​

OK, they do.

NO THEY DONT as firing illegal weapons at Israel is not defence, kidnapping children is not defence, attacking unarmed women and children is not defence. They are all acts of war and terrorist attacks that are illegal under the UN charter, UN resolutions and the Geneva conventions.
Because of the conflict with Israel. Which can be alleviated by, you know, not attacking Israel anymore.

But according to tinny the palestinians have the right to breach International laws, UN charter and the Geneva conventions because they are opposing the Jews and some moronic islamonazi has read the UN resolutions to mean that terrorist attacks are legal when done by the palestinians.
Oh jeese, what a load of Israeli crap.

Your own words come back to haunt you. How many times have you posted or endorced the words that have been twisted that says the palestinians have the right to use any methods to defend against occupation ? When the words have no valisity in law .................................
The Palestinians do have the right to defend themselves.

Which does not include terrorist acts, firing of illegal weapons and kidnapping children. Nor does it include international terrorist activities, threats against other nations and instigating violence. All they can do is defend from within using military forces ( this includes militia but they must carry their weapons openly ). Time for the UN to send a fully armed task force into gaza to sort out hamas once and for all.
Nor does it include international terrorist activities, threats against other nations and instigating violence.​

Links with quotes?
Links with quotes please.

Links to what, your refusal to accept the Jews have rights. All you need do is look at your own posts when you deny them these rights. The rights to defend are in the UN charter, geneva conventions and IHL that you have been given thousands of times in the past. Why dont you read them and see just what rights the Jews have.
Your usual duck. You never quote passages because nothing there agrees with what you claim.

How about your post prior to this where you deny the Jews there right to migrate and colonise the lands of palestine granted by the 2 soveriegn land owners from 1850 to 1948.

Yiou are the one that ducks everytime your words are used against you and show you constantly deny the Jews their legal, moral and civil rights
Who owned Palestine?

Links with passages?

WHEN ? as prior to 1917 it was Ottoman empire who handed it over to the LoN in 1917 as reparations. Then in 1948 the Jews declared independence on the 22% alloctaed as their NATIONal home.

What links would you accept that have not already been given and ignored
Your usual duck.

Who owned Palestine?

Links with passages?
And why was it rejected again, was it because it included the words and the new state will be Jew free as only those living in the area prior to 1875 will be seen as palestinians.
Indeed, it did not include the colonists.

So once again you deny the Jews their rights to international law because it would mean the palestinians will be outvoted. The LoN were the soveriegn land owners from 1917 and they granted the worlds jews the right to migrate and colonise the lands of palestine granted to them as their future NATIONal home.

Your post above is the link you asked for isnt it, as it shows you deny the Jews their rights under international laws.
Colonists have rights?


Mandate of palestine. UN charter.
No quotes, of course.

You have the full links to read at your liesure so you can report back that you are wrong and the Jews do have rights

But according to tinny the palestinians have the right to breach International laws, UN charter and the Geneva conventions because they are opposing the Jews and some moronic islamonazi has read the UN resolutions to mean that terrorist attacks are legal when done by the palestinians.
Oh jeese, what a load of Israeli crap.

Your own words come back to haunt you. How many times have you posted or endorced the words that have been twisted that says the palestinians have the right to use any methods to defend against occupation ? When the words have no valisity in law .................................
The Palestinians do have the right to defend themselves.

Which does not include terrorist acts, firing of illegal weapons and kidnapping children. Nor does it include international terrorist activities, threats against other nations and instigating violence. All they can do is defend from within using military forces ( this includes militia but they must carry their weapons openly ). Time for the UN to send a fully armed task force into gaza to sort out hamas once and for all.
Nor does it include international terrorist activities, threats against other nations and instigating violence.​

Links with quotes?

TO WHAT do try and be specific as everey time you ask you say that is not what you asked for.

The examples I gave have been covered many times in the press and on this board, and you have walked of into the distance when they were.
Indeed, it did not include the colonists.

So once again you deny the Jews their rights to international law because it would mean the palestinians will be outvoted. The LoN were the soveriegn land owners from 1917 and they granted the worlds jews the right to migrate and colonise the lands of palestine granted to them as their future NATIONal home.

Your post above is the link you asked for isnt it, as it shows you deny the Jews their rights under international laws.
Colonists have rights?


Mandate of palestine. UN charter.
No quotes, of course.

You have the full links to read at your liesure so you can report back that you are wrong and the Jews do have rights

You don't quote passages because because nothing in there agrees with what you claim.

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