Pocahontas erupts about her "economic patriotism" plan while giving 2020 speech in New Hampshire

Jake Tapper has Pocahontas on the ropes about her health care plan.

i'll post the vid later!

She is going to have to back down on that. There is no path to Medicare for all

What she can offer is Medicare for more
Crazy Bernie wants to lower the medicare age 10 years less every year for four years until everyone is covered. so in 2020, people 55 and older would get medicare, and so on.

i've got bad news for crazy bernie: you will never be president of the united states!
Jake Tapper has Pocahontas on the ropes about her health care plan.

i'll post the vid later!

She is going to have to back down on that. There is no path to Medicare for all

What she can offer is Medicare for more
Crazy Bernie wants to lower the medicare age 10 years less every year for four years until everyone is covered. so in 2020, people 55 and older would get medicare, and so on.

i've got bad news for crazy bernie: you will never be president of the united states!

Bernie has some good ideas but his dreams are unachievable in this political climate.

Medicare can be brought down to 55 and you pay for it until you are 65.
Medicaid can be expanded for more low income families.

If, after 10 years, it is working
Expand it some more
And yet factual, and we all know you don't do facts.
You are getting more involved in conspiracy theories as you get older
Trump factor?

You're the one pushing the Trump collusion fantasy, silly boy.

I need a favor though....

"Favor for us".......you lying twat
Imagine that......demanding personal favors in return for military aid

Yeah, quid pro quo joe certainly did that. Trump didn't
You are getting more involved in conspiracy theories as you get older
Trump factor?

You're the one pushing the Trump collusion fantasy, silly boy.

I need a favor though....

"Favor for us".......you lying twat
Imagine that......demanding personal favors in return for military aid

Yeah, quid pro quo joe certainly did that. Trump didn't
Joe Biden did everything in public and in coordination with our allies

Trump hid his phone-call until a whistle blower called him on it.
Trump demanded personal favors....Biden did not
You're the one pushing the Trump collusion fantasy, silly boy.

I need a favor though....

"Favor for us".......you lying twat
Imagine that......demanding personal favors in return for military aid

Yeah, quid pro quo joe certainly did that. Trump didn't
Joe Biden did everything in public and in coordination with our allies

Trump hid his phone-call until a whistle blower called him on it.
Trump demanded personal favors....Biden did not

Yeah, he was so confident that the Dems were going to beat trump that he allowed his arrogance, pomposity, and corruption to take center stage.

The fact that quid pro quo Joe did it in public, doesn't make it any less illegal.

So? That has nothing to do with the discussion.

You are still flailing and deflecting.
Has everything to do with the discussion

Why does our policy favor the 400 over working Americans?

That is what Liz Warren is asking

How does our policy favor the 400 over working Americans?

Be specific.
Let’s see

Tax reduction-Across the board tax cuts. FAIL
Deregulation of markets-Job creation for workers-FAIL
Relaxation of worker protections-Link?
Environmental-?????? Pollution only hurts working folks? WTF do you mean by "environmental". Be specific.
Protection of foreign investments-How do we protect foreign investments?
See above.
All helped the wealthy to acquire and retain more wealth than it helped working Americans
Job creation and the lowest minority unemployment on record helped wealthy more than working Americans? Doubling the standard deduction helped the wealthy more than working Americans?

You are a dumbass.

And I note you failed to bring links backing up claims 3-5.
Has everything to do with the discussion

Why does our policy favor the 400 over working Americans?

That is what Liz Warren is asking

How does our policy favor the 400 over working Americans?

Be specific.
Let’s see

Tax reduction-Across the board tax cuts. FAIL
Deregulation of markets-Job creation for workers-FAIL
Relaxation of worker protections-Link?
Environmental-?????? Pollution only hurts working folks? WTF do you mean by "environmental". Be specific.
Protection of foreign investments-How do we protect foreign investments?
See above.
All helped the wealthy to acquire and retain more wealth than it helped working Americans
Job creation and the lowest minority unemployment on record helped wealthy more than working Americans? Doubling the standard deduction helped the wealthy more than working Americans?

You are a dumbass.

And I note you failed to bring links backing up claims 3-5.

Dumbwinger never backs up his claims.
Patriots dont shit on the constitution.
Of course, we already knew she was a huge liar. A fake.

She hasn’t lied
She is very sincere about her views on the excesses of the wealthy
Fauxcohontas speak with forked tongue for many moons.

Maybe we need to start calling Trump Sven

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Not a biggie.

My father-in-law had to hide his Ukrainian heritage so he could get a job.

Different times.

Trumps father had a job. He denied being a German so that he could sell property to Jewish clients

Liz Warren claimed Native American heritage based on family telling her so
Trump claimed to be Swedish based on family telling him so

What is the difference?
Trump didn't steal a place in an Ivy League school from a real minority by lying on an application.
4 percent? For a short time
What was the top rate before Reagan slashed it?

Why don’t we go back to the pre 86 rate?

Supply side did not deliver what was promised

Are you going back to the same exclusions, deductions and exemptions that were available then? No one paid the top rate.

They don’t pay top rate now either

So tell the class what rate they do pay.


View attachment 298119

The problem with effective tax rates is the wealthy have thousands of pages of tax code to relieve their tax burden

Working Americans have very few deductions
Which is why Trump doubled the standard deduction the vast majority of working people use.
Patriots dont shit on the constitution.
Of course, we already knew she was a huge liar. A fake.

She hasn’t lied
She is very sincere about her views on the excesses of the wealthy
Fauxcohontas speak with forked tongue for many moons.

Maybe we need to start calling Trump Sven

Trump faked his heritage just like he's accusing Warren of doing

Shortly after World War II, Donald Trump's father Fred falsely claimed their family was Swedish, hiding their German heritage to avoid any problems selling apartments to Jewish customers, the Boston Globe reported last year. Donald Trump was still claiming Swedish heritage as late as his 1987 book "Art of the Deal," in which he writes that his grandfather came to the U.S. from Sweden.

Not a biggie.

My father-in-law had to hide his Ukrainian heritage so he could get a job.

Different times.

Trumps father had a job. He denied being a German so that he could sell property to Jewish clients

Liz Warren claimed Native American heritage based on family telling her so
Trump claimed to be Swedish based on family telling him so

What is the difference?

Trump’s father isn’t running for President.

go get em Lizzy!

Well I could only tolerate about 2.5 minutes of her communist manifesto. Bumped through the rest, different topic, same solution, break the country. Fuck her.


Fucking retired second grade dork teacher for president. No way. She should be learning how to make tastier cupcakes [emoji3164]. [emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Distinguished professor in economics and commercial law

An economics professor who is illiterate in economics. Can't even explain how she will pay for her own plans.:21:

go get em Lizzy!

Well I could only tolerate about 2.5 minutes of her communist manifesto. Bumped through the rest, different topic, same solution, break the country. Fuck her.

Who knew according to idiot CONservatives having a FAIR economy where EVERYONE is lifted up instead of the 1% is "communism". I like what she has to say and the CONservatives hate it because she is right and they know she can talk to those who aren't in the 1% or rich enough to invest in the stock market and see the economy STILL sucks.

go get em Lizzy!

Well I could only tolerate about 2.5 minutes of her communist manifesto. Bumped through the rest, different topic, same solution, break the country. Fuck her.

Who knew according to idiot CONservatives having a FAIR economy where EVERYONE is lifted up instead of the 1% is "communism". I like what she has to say and the CONservatives hate it because she is right and they know she can talk to those who aren't in the 1% or rich enough to invest in the stock market and see the economy STILL sucks.

Has everything to do with the discussion

Why does our policy favor the 400 over working Americans?

That is what Liz Warren is asking

How does our policy favor the 400 over working Americans?

Be specific.
Let’s see

Tax reduction-Across the board tax cuts. FAIL
Deregulation of markets-Job creation for workers-FAIL
Relaxation of worker protections-Link?
Environmental-?????? Pollution only hurts working folks? WTF do you mean by "environmental". Be specific.
Protection of foreign investments-How do we protect foreign investments?
See above.
All helped the wealthy to acquire and retain more wealth than it helped working Americans
Job creation and the lowest minority unemployment on record helped wealthy more than working Americans? Doubling the standard deduction helped the wealthy more than working Americans?

You are a dumbass.

And I note you failed to bring links backing up claims 3-5.

Job creation without a commensurate increase in wages an benefits
Working Americans saw a minimal tax cut and wage increases not in lone with employers who saw a 40 percent tax cut

go get em Lizzy!

Well I could only tolerate about 2.5 minutes of her communist manifesto. Bumped through the rest, different topic, same solution, break the country. Fuck her.

Who knew according to idiot CONservatives having a FAIR economy where EVERYONE is lifted up instead of the 1% is "communism". I like what she has to say and the CONservatives hate it because she is right and they know she can talk to those who aren't in the 1% or rich enough to invest in the stock market and see the economy STILL sucks.

View attachment 298520

It is greed to take money from a society without wanting to contribute to that society
How does our policy favor the 400 over working Americans?

Be specific.
Let’s see

Tax reduction-Across the board tax cuts. FAIL
Deregulation of markets-Job creation for workers-FAIL
Relaxation of worker protections-Link?
Environmental-?????? Pollution only hurts working folks? WTF do you mean by "environmental". Be specific.
Protection of foreign investments-How do we protect foreign investments?
See above.
All helped the wealthy to acquire and retain more wealth than it helped working Americans
Job creation and the lowest minority unemployment on record helped wealthy more than working Americans? Doubling the standard deduction helped the wealthy more than working Americans?

You are a dumbass.

And I note you failed to bring links backing up claims 3-5.

Job creation without a commensurate increase in wages an benefits
Working Americans saw a minimal tax cut and wage increases not in lone with employers who saw a 40 percent tax cut
Your idiocy and lies are too easy to expose.

Workers at the lower end of the pay scale finally are getting the most benefit from rising wages

Wage growth is hot and more raises are coming, major employers tell CNBC

go get em Lizzy!

Well I could only tolerate about 2.5 minutes of her communist manifesto. Bumped through the rest, different topic, same solution, break the country. Fuck her.

Who knew according to idiot CONservatives having a FAIR economy where EVERYONE is lifted up instead of the 1% is "communism". I like what she has to say and the CONservatives hate it because she is right and they know she can talk to those who aren't in the 1% or rich enough to invest in the stock market and see the economy STILL sucks.

View attachment 298520

It is greed to take money from a society without wanting to contribute to that society

You mean, like the 47% who pay zero income taxes?

go get em Lizzy!

Well I could only tolerate about 2.5 minutes of her communist manifesto. Bumped through the rest, different topic, same solution, break the country. Fuck her.

Who knew according to idiot CONservatives having a FAIR economy where EVERYONE is lifted up instead of the 1% is "communism". I like what she has to say and the CONservatives hate it because she is right and they know she can talk to those who aren't in the 1% or rich enough to invest in the stock market and see the economy STILL sucks.

Really, wages are rising faster for the working class in this economy because there is a worker shortage. Employers are paying more to keep and attract workers. Simple supply and demand, what you commies fail to realize is labor is a commodity, just like any other.


go get em Lizzy!

Well I could only tolerate about 2.5 minutes of her communist manifesto. Bumped through the rest, different topic, same solution, break the country. Fuck her.

Who knew according to idiot CONservatives having a FAIR economy where EVERYONE is lifted up instead of the 1% is "communism". I like what she has to say and the CONservatives hate it because she is right and they know she can talk to those who aren't in the 1% or rich enough to invest in the stock market and see the economy STILL sucks.

View attachment 298520

It is greed to take money from a society without wanting to contribute to that society

Who's doing that?


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