Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'
Pure garbage obviously, super duper, just like everything else you know. Change the channel.
This whole thing is just too funny! Poo Pocahontas.
Yep, the GOP based on lies innuendo phony scandals and Dupes like you, it's hilarious. Poor America.
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'

Not really.

After Warren proves Native American ancestry, Trump pretends he didn’t make $1M charitable offer

Doesn't Trump owe her some money now?


Frank is correct. He owes that money to the charity. Doesn't have to go through Warren. But it does have to show up. That is, if Rump's word means anything, which is a bigly bigly IF.

Oh look, Frank's here. The same guy who kept insisting "she lied", and could never prove it.
NOW look where ya are.
Her DNA tests conclusively prove that she's NOT an American Indian

Did you not read her DNA results? She's 1/1024 "Indian". She self pwned
Didn't she receive a lucrative job by lying about being a 'Minority?' Were Taxpayer Dollars involved with her salary? Are we supposed to just forget she's a conniving thief?

No and no. The institution she worked for made the claim that she was of Indian Heritage for some symposium or other, but the bald fact is that Warren has never sought or received any econmic benefit or privilege on account of her native heritage.

Now that Ms. Warren has had that DNA test which proves that her claims are correct. She does have native blood and her story that her grandmother (great-grandmother?) was Native American is likely true.

Proving once again that Donald Trump makes up shit about people and then calls them liars and abusers of the system, if the opposition isn't male or white. Trump himself has proven over and over again to have abused the financial and tax rules frequently, and often criminally, as the case of his private charity, the "gifts" from his father, and his tactics in fighting municipal tax levies, court cases and other ways in which Trump has used the courts to bully his creditors and resist paying his contractual obligations, and to openly scam others.

Warren is, was and always has been, an honest politician who has put forth some amazing consumer protection legislation, and every customer of Wells Fargo Bank should be sending her a Christmas gift this year.

Trump hates smart, capable people who aren't white males. Yes he hires women for top positions - and then he sends them out to lie for him abasing both them and himself in the process.
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'

Not really.

After Warren proves Native American ancestry, Trump pretends he didn’t make $1M charitable offer

Doesn't Trump owe her some money now?


Frank is correct. He owes that money to the charity. Doesn't have to go through Warren. But it does have to show up. That is, if Rump's word means anything, which is a bigly bigly IF.

Oh look, Frank's here. The same guy who kept insisting "she lied", and could never prove it.
NOW look where ya are.
Her DNA tests conclusively prove that she's NOT an American Indian

Let it go, Mal. Thanks for introducing me to Suen Kuti
She's a disgrace. Another Hillary Clinton. She represents everything folks hate about Politicians. But hey, y'all go ahead and run her. Whatever.
You dupes are obsessed with this idiocy, while your greedy idiot Heroes rob you blind and wreck your lives... Idiots.

Meanwhile there is no evidence that Hillary or the foundation or Obama etc etc are corrupt or evil... How's the prosecution coming, brainwashed functional morons?

You are on Acid.....
There is no evidence the Hillary or the foundation or Bill or Obama or the Democrats are evil or corrupt. You have memorized a gigantic pile of total b*******from bought off High School grad cokehead GOP pundits, dumbass.

Rave on you idiot….

The evidence is overwhelming that you are either a fool or Zealot.

Any decent objective person knows the left is evil……………
You mean any right wing nut job like yourself.


I'm talking about a Jack Ass like yourself.....

Frank is correct. He owes that money to the charity. Doesn't have to go through Warren. But it does have to show up. That is, if Rump's word means anything, which is a bigly bigly IF.

Oh look, Frank's here. The same guy who kept insisting "she lied", and could never prove it.
NOW look where ya are.
Her DNA tests conclusively prove that she's NOT an American Indian

Did you not read her DNA results? She's 1/1024 "Indian". She self pwned
Then she has some Indian in her.

It’s funny trump can lie 1000 times but hillary says she’s under sniper fire and you crucify her and Elizabeth warren says something about having Indian in her and you can’t let it go.

Trumps the king liar. Why don’t you mind? Ahhh it’s politics. You’re just playing politics.
You dupes are obsessed with this idiocy, while your greedy idiot Heroes rob you blind and wreck your lives... Idiots.

Meanwhile there is no evidence that Hillary or the foundation or Obama etc etc are corrupt or evil... How's the prosecution coming, brainwashed functional morons?

You are on Acid.....
There is no evidence the Hillary or the foundation or Bill or Obama or the Democrats are evil or corrupt. You have memorized a gigantic pile of total b*******from bought off High School grad cokehead GOP pundits, dumbass.

Rave on you idiot….

The evidence is overwhelming that you are either a fool or Zealot.

Any decent objective person knows the left is evil……………
You mean any right wing nut job like yourself.


I'm talking about a Jack Ass like yourself.....
rush, Steve Bannon, trump, manafort, Mitch, Paul Ryan, pure evil.

You pure stupid
You are on Acid.....
There is no evidence the Hillary or the foundation or Bill or Obama or the Democrats are evil or corrupt. You have memorized a gigantic pile of total b*******from bought off High School grad cokehead GOP pundits, dumbass.

Rave on you idiot….

The evidence is overwhelming that you are either a fool or Zealot.

Any decent objective person knows the left is evil……………
You mean any right wing nut job like yourself.


I'm talking about a Jack Ass like yourself.....
rush, Steve Bannon, trump, manafort, Mitch, Paul Ryan, pure evil.

You pure stupid

You're pure Stupid....

obongo went to a RACIST CHURCH FOR 20 YEARS....

You and yours are the evil ones.....
You are on Acid.....
There is no evidence the Hillary or the foundation or Bill or Obama or the Democrats are evil or corrupt. You have memorized a gigantic pile of total b*******from bought off High School grad cokehead GOP pundits, dumbass.

Rave on you idiot….

The evidence is overwhelming that you are either a fool or Zealot.

Any decent objective person knows the left is evil……………
You mean any right wing nut job like yourself.


I'm talking about a Jack Ass like yourself.....
rush, Steve Bannon, trump, manafort, Mitch, Paul Ryan, pure evil.

You pure stupid

1/1024th Mexican or Peruvian - what a model for American Indians....

Poor racist Silly Bonobo, this didn't go at all the way you thought it would.
She .00000000000000001% Native American...and 100% shit.
The test says she is up to 1.56% Native American, just like she has always said, brainwashed functional morons.

You lying little twat.

The test points out she MIGHT have 1/1024th Mexican or Peruvian.

My Dingo has more American Indian blood than Warren does, and she's Australian, and a dog....
There is no evidence the Hillary or the foundation or Bill or Obama or the Democrats are evil or corrupt. You have memorized a gigantic pile of total b*******from bought off High School grad cokehead GOP pundits, dumbass.

Rave on you idiot….

The evidence is overwhelming that you are either a fool or Zealot.

Any decent objective person knows the left is evil……………
You mean any right wing nut job like yourself.


I'm talking about a Jack Ass like yourself.....
rush, Steve Bannon, trump, manafort, Mitch, Paul Ryan, pure evil.

You pure stupid

You're pure Stupid....

obongo went to a RACIST CHURCH FOR 20 YEARS....

You and yours are the evil ones.....
A racist believes other race is inferior and discriminates against them. Hating racists is not racism.
She .00000000000000001% Native American...and 100% shit.
The test says she is up to 1.56% Native American, just like she has always said, brainwashed functional morons.

You lying little twat.

The test points out she MIGHT have 1/1024th Mexican or Peruvian.

My Dingo has more American Indian blood than Warren does, and she's Australian, and a dog....
Link to that garbage propaganda please?
She .00000000000000001% Native American...and 100% shit.
The test says she is up to 1.56% Native American, just like she has always said, brainwashed functional morons.

You lying little twat.

The test points out she MIGHT have 1/1024th Mexican or Peruvian.

My Dingo has more American Indian blood than Warren does, and she's Australian, and a dog....
Link to that garbage propaganda please?


YOU demand a link? YOU???: :rofl:

She had a dilemma. She could put the results in a drawer, but if she did that and they leaked somehow, it’d be a scandal. She’d be guilty not only of having exaggerated extremely remote Native American ancestry, she’d be guilty of covering it up. Trump would never let her hear the end of it. So instead she concluded that the only option was to publish the results and claim it as some sort of victory. I told you I had Native American blood.

Which is sort of true, I guess? By the genetic standards of vicious racists, per the “one-drop rule,” she does indeed qualify. She’s got … about exactly one drop.

In fact, here’s a superb catch by George Conway (yes, that George Conway) from an NYT story on genetics and ancestry in America published in 2014:

The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.

A genome that’s .19 percent native works out to 1/512. So, do the math. The best-case scenario for Warren, that she’s 1/64th native, would mean that around 1.6 percent of her genome is Native American, about 10 times more than the average European-American. The worst-case scenario, 1/1024th, would mean it’s around .10 Native American — roughly half the share the average European-American has. It’s possible, in other words, that Fauxcahontas is less native than the typical white American.}

Correction: Elizabeth Warren might be as little as 1/1024th Native American
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'
Pinocchio Pocahontas is a lying bitch… And truly evil at heart
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'
I laugh at you dumbasses.

Warren never tried to use her heritage to get a job or promotion. That is a proven fact.

Warren was always very clear in how she came to say she was part Native American. It was through family stories.

Her Native American ancestry has never been proven either way. Record keeping years ago in OK was not that great.

I understand that Elizabeth Warren is so =much more intelligent than your orange buddy that she scares the fuck out of both of you.
The fucking bitch is not an American Indian... No two ways about it

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