Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

Now the left is trashing the Cherokee Nation. These leftist creatures are off the reservation.
Rave on you idiot….

The evidence is overwhelming that you are either a fool or Zealot.

Any decent objective person knows the left is evil……………
You mean any right wing nut job like yourself.


I'm talking about a Jack Ass like yourself.....
rush, Steve Bannon, trump, manafort, Mitch, Paul Ryan, pure evil.

You pure stupid

1/1024th Mexican or Peruvian - what a model for American Indians....

Poor racist Silly Bonobo, this didn't go at all the way you thought it would.
Politifact says her comment was accurate and trump owes her charity one million

So you are such a dumb ass that you believe politard

over common sense and the truth.....

If this is the standard going forward then your average White

person is twice the Indian warren is...…

You tards are stupid beyond belief.
Now the left is trashing the Cherokee Nation. These leftist creatures are off the reservation.
Yep, The Cherokee nation told Pinocchio Pocahontas to fuck off… Now the snowflakes or upset at the Cherokee nation
rush, Steve Bannon, trump, manafort, Mitch, Paul Ryan, pure evil.

You pure stupid

You're pure Stupid....

obongo went to a RACIST CHURCH FOR 20 YEARS....

You and yours are the evil ones.....
You still spreading that lie? I’m not going to defend any church because they’re all lies but you couldn’t be better people than barrack and Michelle.

You saying what you said proves you’re a dumbot

It wasn't a lie, that is why Oprah stopped going there. Wright was Obama's mentor and a racist, does that make him a bad guy, no. It does put his judgement of character in question.

"Wright was Obama's mentor"?

A pastor is a "mentor" now?

SMH --- in my experience a "pastor" is the guy who runs that church. It doesn't mean his opinions reflect yours and it sure doesn't mean he's in charge of yours. Where do you people even come UP with this shit? Do y'all actually think ideologies are some kind of gaseous cloud that infuses everybody in the building like some contact high?

What is it that makes y'all Composition Fallacists incapable of seeing that if two people, or ten people or a thousand people, are all in the same building they're STILL TWO or TEN or a THOUSAND different people? How does that even work?

And they're posting that people are nuts while being "crazy for Trump." LOL

Trump can out insult anyone though. He's got that down pat.

You Tards make it so easy for him......
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'
With that misleading title I was expecting to find a quote where she actually denied her heritage. I guess I should lower my expectations.
Cherokee Nation issues statement on Sen. Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results
No one is invested in her being a native. It doesnt matter. Lol. Wtf are you and trump on about? Is this a hard hitting controversy in Lala land? If this is the worst that the right can dig up on her then I like her more.
The loopy kunt has no credibility
Trump has no credibility. And neither does anyone who forgives all his lies.

Either you are rich or a fool.
Trump has 100% credibility and is a great man.
She just checked a box saying she had some indian in her. That's what she believed. But Trump didn't have bone spurs. Trump has a history of getting doctors to lie for him. Remember this one?

Doctor: Trump would be healthiest president ever

That's funny. He couldn't go to Viet Nam because he wasn't healthy enough but he's the healthiest president ever.

No, you know what you wrote was bullshit. Everyone has some Indian in them, it has to be enough to call yourself a Cherokee......she doesn't......she loses.....

Here are the requirements for Cherokee Nation....you need one DIRECT ancestor to come from a list......if she had that, we would have known.
About Citizenship

Ironically the DNA test is irrelevant to them.

Warren has never claimed to be, nor did she ever apply for, membership in Cherokee Nation. That's not the same thing and you damn well know it.

I've got Irish on both sides--- that doesn't make me a freaking citizen of Ireland.
Have you used your Irishness to get a job? Has your work every used your Irishness to show diversity? Either one?

Nope. Nor did Warren.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
Warren has never claimed to be, nor did she ever apply for, membership in Cherokee Nation. That's not the same thing and you damn well know it.

I've got Irish on both sides--- that doesn't make me a freaking citizen of Ireland.
Have you used your Irishness to get a job? Has your work every used your Irishness to show diversity? Either one?
yeah we are talking about that. If her being an Indian was no big deal, THEN WHY DID SHE DO IT, if she didn't know?
I often checked OTHER when it asked me if I was white, black or hispanic. I'm Greek.

Today I check white.
Greeks are white......I'm not sure I get it. You go with the predominate one. .

That's what Warren did too. When there actually was a box to check, she checked "white".
So Harvard just random picked her to be their woman of color?

Elizabeth Warren's big mistake (Opinion) - CNN

At their best, affirmative action programs were set up to tackle the deep and genuine institutional racism that prevents many nonwhite students from equality of educational opportunity. But much right-wing scorn at such programs comes not from a blindness to racial injustice, but a skepticism of tick-box culture as a means of accurately assessing institutional inclusivity. Elizabeth Warren did not use her ethnic background to engage in deceitful virtue signaling, but we're having this conversation because at some point, Harvard did.
So the idea is Harvard just randomly chose her....

The best thing about this is, that it exposes the stupidity of affirmative action and it's implementation........and now she's faking being a minority...thanks for proving us right...we called this decades ago.
Affirmative action has helped women more than any other group by far.

Still not nearly as many as there should be on the bod or executive boar or our government
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'
I laugh at you dumbasses.

Warren never tried to use her heritage to get a job or promotion. That is a proven fact.

Warren was always very clear in how she came to say she was part Native American. It was through family stories.

Her Native American ancestry has never been proven either way. Record keeping years ago in OK was not that great.

I understand that Elizabeth Warren is so =much more intelligent than your orange buddy that she scares the fuck out of both of you.

Riiiiiight. She was just putting it on forms and in her signatures in various books and having articles written about her being "the first female professor of color" at Harvard for kicks. Had nothing to do with her career.

I understand that I routinely flush things that are so much more intelligent than you that it scares the fuck out of you.
Didn't she receive a lucrative job by lying about being a 'Minority?' Were Taxpayer Dollars involved with her salary? Are we supposed to just forget she's a conniving thief?

They swear that her repeated claims of being Native American had nothing to do with getting hired by Harvard. Purely coincidental, dontcha know.
She needs to confront this story . Cause it’s all the gop has against her .

Well, no, she's also a shitty human being backing shitty policies.

But she has no one to blame for this particular kerfuffle but herself, since SHE'S the one who started it by claiming to be Native American when it's obvious that she's so white, she's practically transparent.
She clearly lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. I'm just interested in finding out if Taxpayer Dollars were involved with her salary. I know she's a conniving jerkoff, but if Taxpayer Dollars were involved, she needs to pay restitution.
She clearly never lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. Makes you the liar. Funny, a liar using a lie to call someone else a liar. Does it get more pathetic than that?

Really? So what was the purpose of listing herself as "Native American" in the Association of Law Professors Journal for nine years, if it wasn't to make herself look like a minority in relation to her law professorship?
She should donate the equivalent of her salary from harvard going back to when she was hired by harvard, to the Cherokee nation.

Anything less than that is BULLSHIT contrition.
It was a non factor in her hiring.

According to whom? Her? Harvard? We already know SHE'S a liar, and I'm disinclined to believe Harvard, either, given the scandals they've recently had about insane affirmative action policies and given that they glowing spoke of her as their "first woman professor of color".
She clearly lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. I'm just interested in finding out if Taxpayer Dollars were involved with her salary. I know she's a conniving jerkoff, but if Taxpayer Dollars were involved, she needs to pay restitution.
She clearly never lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. Makes you the liar. Funny, a liar using a lie to call someone else a liar. Does it get more pathetic than that?

Really? So what was the purpose of listing herself as "Native American" in the Association of Law Professors Journal for nine years, if it wasn't to make herself look like a minority in relation to her law professorship?

Which makes you wonder...... did she take the place of a real person of color who was supposed to go to Harvard?
She clearly lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. I'm just interested in finding out if Taxpayer Dollars were involved with her salary. I know she's a conniving jerkoff, but if Taxpayer Dollars were involved, she needs to pay restitution.
She clearly never lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. Makes you the liar. Funny, a liar using a lie to call someone else a liar. Does it get more pathetic than that?

Really? So what was the purpose of listing herself as "Native American" in the Association of Law Professors Journal for nine years, if it wasn't to make herself look like a minority in relation to her law professorship?

Which makes you wonder...... did she take the place of a real person of color who was supposed to go to Harvard?

From what I understand, Harvard was taking flak for not having any "women of color" professors, so yes, if they hadn't been able to latch on to her, they'd have hired an actual minority woman to take the heat off.
I heard a joke today.

Did you hear about the guy who bought a Jeep and named it Elizabeth Warren? It was white, but it calls itself a Cherokee.
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'
I laugh at you dumbasses.

Warren never tried to use her heritage to get a job or promotion. That is a proven fact.

Warren was always very clear in how she came to say she was part Native American. It was through family stories.

Her Native American ancestry has never been proven either way. Record keeping years ago in OK was not that great.

I understand that Elizabeth Warren is so =much more intelligent than your orange buddy that she scares the fuck out of both of you.

Riiiiiight. She was just putting it on forms and in her signatures in various books and having articles written about her being "the first female professor of color" at Harvard for kicks.

Links to these 'forms' and 'articles' are ----------- where?

I understand that I routinely flush things that are so much more intelligent than you that it scares the fuck out of you.

Speaking of flushing how's that mad search for me using a Composition Fallacy coming along? I've logged a running total of ... let's see... zero. You keep at it though. Be the first. :)
She clearly lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. I'm just interested in finding out if Taxpayer Dollars were involved with her salary. I know she's a conniving jerkoff, but if Taxpayer Dollars were involved, she needs to pay restitution.
She clearly never lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. Makes you the liar. Funny, a liar using a lie to call someone else a liar. Does it get more pathetic than that?

Really? So what was the purpose of listing herself as "Native American" in the Association of Law Professors Journal for nine years, if it wasn't to make herself look like a minority in relation to her law professorship?

Which makes you wonder...... did she take the place of a real person of color who was supposed to go to Harvard?

Actually it doesn't make you wonder if you've read into any of this because Harvard and everybody else said it was never a consideration and wasn't even known about. Funny how summa y'all seem to have a hard time understanding somebody getting hired on merit rather than ethnicity.

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