Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

She should donate the equivalent of her salary from harvard going back to when she was hired by harvard, to the Cherokee nation.

Anything less than that is BULLSHIT contrition.
It was a non factor in her hiring.

According to whom? Her? Harvard? We already know SHE'S a liar, and I'm disinclined to believe Harvard, either, given the scandals they've recently had about insane affirmative action policies and given that they glowing spoke of her as their "first woman professor of color".
Funy chit. What was Warren's lie?

I get it. Warren & Harvard are lying.

Warren never indicated any Native American ancestry on her applications.

To get a minority status anywhere officially, you need to show that you are a member of that minority.

Claiming your family had stories about a grandmother having Native American heritage would not cut it.

You people are as fucking stupid as Trump. My God.

Asked, answered, re-asked, re-answered, linked to the high heavens, and now ignored because you think pretending it never happened will somehow make that so.

Why don't you take your own advice and get some education? Start by reading sources other than DNC talking point memos.


You keep lying & claiming you know something.
Pinocchio Pocahontas is the one that’s lying, she is not at all American Indian.
The Cherokee nation told her to pound sand
She should donate the equivalent of her salary from harvard going back to when she was hired by harvard, to the Cherokee nation.

Anything less than that is BULLSHIT contrition.
It was a non factor in her hiring.

According to whom? Her? Harvard? We already know SHE'S a liar, and I'm disinclined to believe Harvard, either, given the scandals they've recently had about insane affirmative action policies and given that they glowing spoke of her as their "first woman professor of color".
Funy chit. What was Warren's lie?

I get it. Warren & Harvard are lying.

Warren never indicated any Native American ancestry on her applications.

To get a minority status anywhere officially, you need to show that you are a member of that minority.

Claiming your family had stories about a grandmother having Native American heritage would not cut it.

You people are as fucking stupid as Trump. My God.

Asked, answered, re-asked, re-answered, linked to the high heavens, and now ignored because you think pretending it never happened will somehow make that so.

Why don't you take your own advice and get some education? Start by reading sources other than DNC talking point memos.


You keep lying & claiming you know something.

Wow. You're still vapor. Funny, that.
She did. She said in an interview that her mother was Cherokee and Delaware. What does that make her?
No she did not. Provide that interview or STFU.

For about the third or fourth time:

elizabeth warren youtube video parents eloped - Bing video

Try not to "mysteriously" miss it this time.
That's more evidence that she was telling the truth--even other families in the community knew there was an Indian in the wood pile.
Squaw speaks with forked tongue.
Lotsa bigots in Oklahoma, I see.
Squaw is an acceptable term in Indian culture, Too bad Pinocchio Pocahontas is not one… For you
It was a non factor in her hiring.

According to whom? Her? Harvard? We already know SHE'S a liar, and I'm disinclined to believe Harvard, either, given the scandals they've recently had about insane affirmative action policies and given that they glowing spoke of her as their "first woman professor of color".
Funy chit. What was Warren's lie?

I get it. Warren & Harvard are lying.

Warren never indicated any Native American ancestry on her applications.

To get a minority status anywhere officially, you need to show that you are a member of that minority.

Claiming your family had stories about a grandmother having Native American heritage would not cut it.

You people are as fucking stupid as Trump. My God.

Asked, answered, re-asked, re-answered, linked to the high heavens, and now ignored because you think pretending it never happened will somehow make that so.

Why don't you take your own advice and get some education? Start by reading sources other than DNC talking point memos.


You keep lying & claiming you know something.

Wow. You're still vapor. Funny, that.
Dave lost his shadow...
You don't get it. She never said she was a Native American. She never said she was half, quarter, eigth etc etc etc.

That is what you fucking assholes are too God damn stupid to get.

Take some time & get a fucking education.
She did. She said in an interview that her mother was Cherokee and Delaware. What does that make her?
No she did not. Provide that interview or STFU.

For about the third or fourth time:

elizabeth warren youtube video parents eloped - Bing video

Try not to "mysteriously" miss it this time.
PART. Do you know what "psrt =" means???

She said her mother was PART Native American.

Not that she was a Native American

Pull that shit out of your ears that you gathered while your head was up Trump's ass.
1/1024 is not part anything, The Cherokee nation told her to pound sand

1/1024th is the amount of Native American blood you have when your great-great-great-great-grandfather was sneezed on by one.
She clearly lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. I'm just interested in finding out if Taxpayer Dollars were involved with her salary. I know she's a conniving jerkoff, but if Taxpayer Dollars were involved, she needs to pay restitution.
She clearly never lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. Makes you the liar. Funny, a liar using a lie to call someone else a liar. Does it get more pathetic than that?

Really? So what was the purpose of listing herself as "Native American" in the Association of Law Professors Journal for nine years, if it wasn't to make herself look like a minority in relation to her law professorship?

Which makes you wonder...... did she take the place of a real person of color who was supposed to go to Harvard?

Actually it doesn't make you wonder if you've read into any of this because Harvard and everybody else said it was never a consideration and wasn't even known about. Funny how summa y'all seem to have a hard time understanding somebody getting hired on merit rather than ethnicity.
No we're all for it, so we don't need affirmative action.....well thank you for proving our point.

I've proven that point many a time over the years but that isn't the point HERE. The point HERE is that Harvard, and Warren's other employers, hired her for her CV, not for her ethnicity, which didn't even come up. That's already a known fact.
No she did not. Provide that interview or STFU.

For about the third or fourth time:

elizabeth warren youtube video parents eloped - Bing video

Try not to "mysteriously" miss it this time.
That's more evidence that she was telling the truth--even other families in the community knew there was an Indian in the wood pile.
Squaw speaks with forked tongue.
Lotsa bigots in Oklahoma, I see.
You're the bigot that said "Indian in the wood pile".
What's bigoted about "Indian in the wood pile?" It's an expression.
She clearly never lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. Makes you the liar. Funny, a liar using a lie to call someone else a liar. Does it get more pathetic than that?

Really? So what was the purpose of listing herself as "Native American" in the Association of Law Professors Journal for nine years, if it wasn't to make herself look like a minority in relation to her law professorship?

Which makes you wonder...... did she take the place of a real person of color who was supposed to go to Harvard?

Actually it doesn't make you wonder if you've read into any of this because Harvard and everybody else said it was never a consideration and wasn't even known about. Funny how summa y'all seem to have a hard time understanding somebody getting hired on merit rather than ethnicity.
No we're all for it, so we don't need affirmative action.....well thank you for proving our point.

I've proven that point many a time over the years but that isn't the point HERE. The point HERE is that Harvard, and Warren's other employers, hired her for her CV, not for her ethnicity, which didn't even come up. That's already a known fact.
So then why did she say she was, and why did Harvard PROMOTE that ???
She did. She said in an interview that her mother was Cherokee and Delaware. What does that make her?
No she did not. Provide that interview or STFU.

For about the third or fourth time:

elizabeth warren youtube video parents eloped - Bing video

Try not to "mysteriously" miss it this time.
PART. Do you know what "psrt =" means???

She said her mother was PART Native American.

Not that she was a Native American

Pull that shit out of your ears that you gathered while your head was up Trump's ass.
1/1024 is not part anything, The Cherokee nation told her to pound sand

1/1024th is the amount of Native American blood you have when your great-great-great-great-grandfather was sneezed on by one.
The report said it could have been 1/64th, as well, or anything between that and 1024th. No one is using 1/64th, though, even though the family story (which was right all along) would indicate it wasn't as far back as 10 generations.
You don't get it. She never said she was a Native American. She never said she was half, quarter, eigth etc etc etc.

That is what you fucking assholes are too God damn stupid to get.

Take some time & get a fucking education.
She did. She said in an interview that her mother was Cherokee and Delaware. What does that make her?
No she did not. Provide that interview or STFU.

For about the third or fourth time:

elizabeth warren youtube video parents eloped - Bing video

Try not to "mysteriously" miss it this time.
That's more evidence that she was telling the truth--even other families in the community knew there was an Indian in the wood pile.

You literally will believe anything if a Democrat tells you to, no matter how many ridiculous "maybe THIS" scenarios you have to invent for them, won't you?

Way to vault right past "useful idiot" to "useful zombie".
What did I believe that was in any way undocumented?
FUCKING BULLSHIT. Number one that's not how English works, number two that's not what your own video says.

Cheeses Christ on a Cracker are you fucking retarded??

Once AGAIN stupid --- she QUOTES HER FATHER'S PARENTS as saying "she's part Cherokee and she's part Delaware". Warren herself doesn't offer an opinion at all.. "Part" does not mean "half", never did, never will.


Go learn how to fucking English. Be sure to ask your teacher what the words "my father's parents said" MEANS.

She is a fucking liar, and YOU are a fucking liar.

Everyone here knows it, Sluggo.

Bustamante found ZERO American Indian DNA in Warren's sample. ZILCH.


I've got the whole report right here. You're pulling it out your ass as always Pothead.

>> The analysis also identified 5 genetic segments as Native American in origin at high confidence, defined at the 99% posterior probability value. We performed several additional analyses to confirm the presence of Native American ancestry and to estimate the position of the ancestor in the individual’s pedigree.

(2) The largest segment identified as having Native American ancestry is on chromosome 10. This segment is 13.4 centiMorgans in genetic length, and spans approximately 4,700,000 DNA bases. Based on a principal components analysis (Novembre et al., 2008), this segment is clearly distinct from segments of European ancestry (nominal p-value 7.4 x 10-7, corrected p-value of 2.6 x 10-4) and is strongly associated with Native American ancestry.

(3) The total length of the 5 genetic segments identified as having Native American ancestry is 25.6 centiMorgans, and they span approximately 12,300,000 DNA bases. The average segment length is 5.8 centiMorgans. The total and average segment size suggest (via the method of moments) an unadmixed Native American ancestor in the pedigree at approximately 8 generations before the sample, although the actual number could be somewhat lower or higher (Gravel, 2012 and Huff et al., 2011).

(4) The sample was compared to the results of the 185 reference individuals with European ancestry, from Great Britain and Utah.
• The segment on chromosome 10 observed in the individual is larger than any of the segments identified as having Native American ancestry in any of the 185 reference individuals.
• The total length of Native American segments observed in the individual is greater than the
average value for the reference individuals — by 12.4-fold (corresponding to 12.7 standard deviations) for the individuals from Great Britain and 10.5-fold (corresponding to 4.9 standard deviations) for the individuals from Utah. <<​
...And Pinocchio Pocahontas has no American Indian heritage.
And the fucking bitch has no credibility

The science --- WHICH IS LAID OUT RIGHT THERE IN THE POST YOU JUST QUOTED, DUMBASS ---- says you're full of shit.
Elizabeth Warren angers prominent Native Americans with politically fraught DNA test

The Cherokee nation Told the loopy kunt to fuck off...
Because the fucking bitch has no credibility you sorry ass motherfucker

STILL fucking bullshit. I have the test results right here. Anyone can download them.

Perhaps the tribal official quoted in your link should have done that, since he's quoted as saying:

>> “It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven,” Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. said in a statement. “Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.”

....Hoskin said the tests cannot even reliably determine lineage among North or South American tribal groups. <<​

Hoskin should have read the actual report and/or Warren's website because nowhere does either purport to make any claim of "tribal" heritage or "tribal" anything. Moreover the report itself notes that discerning specific tribes via DNA is impossible, which Warren also noted in the same article in your own link. Hate to tell you this Princess but one guy from one tribe in no way speaks for all Native Americans of all tribes of two fucking continents. He's answering a question that nobody asked. The term "Cherokee" does not appear anywhere in the report at all. NOWHERE.

When you think you're linking something to prove a point it's always a good idea to actually READ WHAT THE FUCK IT SAYS before you splooge on this board and embarrass yourself. DUMBASS.
Last edited:
I've proven that point many a time over the years but that isn't the point HERE. The point HERE is that Harvard, and Warren's other employers, hired her for her CV, not for her ethnicity, which didn't even come up. That's already a known fact.
Sure, and Obama was admitted into Harvard for his brilliance. LOL
Warren has never claimed to be, nor did she ever apply for, membership in Cherokee Nation. That's not the same thing and you damn well know it.

I've got Irish on both sides--- that doesn't make me a freaking citizen of Ireland.
Have you used your Irishness to get a job? Has your work every used your Irishness to show diversity? Either one?

Nope. Nor did Warren.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat.....

----------- Link?

BUH bye now. BUH bye.
I often checked OTHER when it asked me if I was white, black or hispanic. I'm Greek.

Today I check white.
Greeks are white......I'm not sure I get it. You go with the predominate one. .

That's what Warren did too. When there actually was a box to check, she checked "white".
So Harvard just random picked her to be their woman of color?

Elizabeth Warren's big mistake (Opinion) - CNN

At their best, affirmative action programs were set up to tackle the deep and genuine institutional racism that prevents many nonwhite students from equality of educational opportunity. But much right-wing scorn at such programs comes not from a blindness to racial injustice, but a skepticism of tick-box culture as a means of accurately assessing institutional inclusivity. Elizabeth Warren did not use her ethnic background to engage in deceitful virtue signaling, but we're having this conversation because at some point, Harvard did.
So the idea is Harvard just randomly chose her....

The best thing about this is, that it exposes the stupidity of affirmative action and it's implementation........and now she's faking being a minority...thanks for proving us right...we called this decades ago.
Affirmative action has helped women more than any other group by far.

Still not nearly as many as there should be on the bod or executive boar or our government
It's a joke......people should get the job on meritt

Which is what went down in this case.

So wassup?
I doubt that the lefties here can comprehend this little gem, but others will appreciate it.
For about the third or fourth time:

elizabeth warren youtube video parents eloped - Bing video

Try not to "mysteriously" miss it this time.
That's more evidence that she was telling the truth--even other families in the community knew there was an Indian in the wood pile.
Squaw speaks with forked tongue.
Lotsa bigots in Oklahoma, I see.
You're the bigot that said "Indian in the wood pile".
What's bigoted about "Indian in the wood pile?" It's an expression.
It's a racist expression. You obviously need to take a sensitivity training class.
No she did not. Provide that interview or STFU.

For about the third or fourth time:

elizabeth warren youtube video parents eloped - Bing video

Try not to "mysteriously" miss it this time.
PART. Do you know what "psrt =" means???

She said her mother was PART Native American.

Not that she was a Native American

Pull that shit out of your ears that you gathered while your head was up Trump's ass.
1/1024 is not part anything, The Cherokee nation told her to pound sand

1/1024th is the amount of Native American blood you have when your great-great-great-great-grandfather was sneezed on by one.
The report said it could have been 1/64th, as well, or anything between that and 1024th. No one is using 1/64th, though, even though the family story (which was right all along) would indicate it wasn't as far back as 10 generations.
How do you know that the family story is right?
I've proven that point many a time over the years but that isn't the point HERE. The point HERE is that Harvard, and Warren's other employers, hired her for her CV, not for her ethnicity, which didn't even come up. That's already a known fact.
Sure, and Obama was admitted into Harvard for his brilliance. LOL

I don't know, I wasn't there nor has anyone asked them.

Were you there?

At what point is it going to dawn on you yammerheads that what happens in factual history is not a matter of "what feels good to Numero Uno"?
For about the third or fourth time:

elizabeth warren youtube video parents eloped - Bing video

Try not to "mysteriously" miss it this time.
PART. Do you know what "psrt =" means???

She said her mother was PART Native American.

Not that she was a Native American

Pull that shit out of your ears that you gathered while your head was up Trump's ass.
1/1024 is not part anything, The Cherokee nation told her to pound sand

1/1024th is the amount of Native American blood you have when your great-great-great-great-grandfather was sneezed on by one.
The report said it could have been 1/64th, as well, or anything between that and 1024th. No one is using 1/64th, though, even though the family story (which was right all along) would indicate it wasn't as far back as 10 generations.
How do you know that the family story is right?
Because as a young squaw Warren was in a tepee skining a buffalo when her memaw told her.
I've proven that point many a time over the years but that isn't the point HERE. The point HERE is that Harvard, and Warren's other employers, hired her for her CV, not for her ethnicity, which didn't even come up. That's already a known fact.
Sure, and Obama was admitted into Harvard for his brilliance. LOL

I don't know, I wasn't there nor has anyone asked them.

Were you there?

At what point is it going to dawn on you yammerheads that what happens in factual history is not a matter of "what feels good to Numero Uno"?
I wasn't around for WW II either, but I'm pretty surre it happened.
PART. Do you know what "psrt =" means???

She said her mother was PART Native American.

Not that she was a Native American

Pull that shit out of your ears that you gathered while your head was up Trump's ass.
1/1024 is not part anything, The Cherokee nation told her to pound sand

1/1024th is the amount of Native American blood you have when your great-great-great-great-grandfather was sneezed on by one.
The report said it could have been 1/64th, as well, or anything between that and 1024th. No one is using 1/64th, though, even though the family story (which was right all along) would indicate it wasn't as far back as 10 generations.
How do you know that the family story is right?
Because as a young squaw Warren was in a tepee skining a buffalo when her memaw told her.
Hardcore racist.

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