Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

Nope. Nor did Warren.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Nonsense. You're seeing what you want to see. Fact is AA hasn't done enough. Still not enough women or minorities in the board room, executive offices or congress.
LOL, so what is the right amount? When can we close shop on AA?
When it is fair????
Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
I love it, but if you make a joke about black people liking it......the left puts you in the klan.

Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
I never thought in America 2019 we would have children in prison camps.
They aren't.....you want children to go to jail with criminals....run on that....oh and you never answered my questions.....

what is blackness?

Seeking asylum is not a crime. Illegally crossing the border is a misdemeanor. You don't jail people for misdemeanors & steal their children.

Only a piece of shit like you & Trump thinks this is how America acts.

Fuck you people,.
Oh pipe down and get off your high horse. Don't fucking come here unless we say it's ok.....do not send your children with randos,(which most are), they just get exploited. If you really cared about the children you would wonder why parents would sent them with strangers and then be alarmed by the exploitation they go through....but you don't care, because it doesn't fit your narrative.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Nonsense. You're seeing what you want to see. Fact is AA hasn't done enough. Still not enough women or minorities in the board room, executive offices or congress.
LOL, so what is the right amount? When can we close shop on AA?
When it is fair????
So never...because according to you it's never fair.
When you put programs into place, you have to have a goal....do you know what a goal is? Can you define it for me?
Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
I love it, but if you make a joke about black people liking it......the left puts you in the klan.

Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
I never thought in America 2019 we would have children in prison camps.
Who gives a shit about these illegal aliens, you realize all the problems these fuckers bring with them?
You mean like Melania????
Well she was legal......and she may have mooched off Trump, but it wasn't off me.
Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
I love it, but if you make a joke about black people liking it......the left puts you in the klan.

Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
I never thought in America 2019 we would have children in prison camps.
Who gives a shit about these illegal aliens, you realize all the problems these fuckers bring with them?
You mean like Melania????
This garbage...

I love it, but if you make a joke about black people liking it......the left puts you in the klan.

Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
I never thought in America 2019 we would have children in prison camps.
Who gives a shit about these illegal aliens, you realize all the problems these fuckers bring with them?
You mean like Melania????
Well she was legal......and she may have mooched off Trump, but it wasn't off me.
She came here on a tourist visa & then worked. That is illegal.
Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
I never thought in America 2019 we would have children in prison camps.
Who gives a shit about these illegal aliens, you realize all the problems these fuckers bring with them?
You mean like Melania????
Well she was legal......and she may have mooched off Trump, but it wasn't off me.
She came here on a tourist visa & then worked. That is illegal.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.
Careful your racist bias is showing
No, not at all, you guys say any black, that has a job, goes to school, acts responsible, votes republican....those are all acting white

I don't make it up.....you lefties and black folk do
Acting white - Wikipedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to black people, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

or Russell Wilson

Seattle Seahawks football player Russell Wilson came under fire in 2014 when anonymous sources alleged that the feeling in the Seahawks locker room was that Wilson lacked "blackness". CBS Sports cited this conflict as a possible reason for the trading of star player[citation needed] Percy Harvin from the Seahawks to the New York Jets.[17]

Explain "blackness" to me?
I'm still waiting and I saw you have posted after this....you wouldn't be avoiding me would you?
Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
I never thought in America 2019 we would have children in prison camps.
Who gives a shit about these illegal aliens, you realize all the problems these fuckers bring with them?
You mean like Melania????
Well she was legal......and she may have mooched off Trump, but it wasn't off me.
She came here on a tourist visa & then worked. That is illegal.
I never thought in America 2019 we would have children in prison camps.
Who gives a shit about these illegal aliens, you realize all the problems these fuckers bring with them?
You mean like Melania????
Well she was legal......and she may have mooched off Trump, but it wasn't off me.
She came here on a tourist visa & then worked. That is illegal.
I think Dave gave up in the AA fight....he cant define what a goal is......because the point of AA isn't to fulfill any goal or objective....it's to create division and problems.
Was it even 50 percent Native American? Goofy Warren still doesn't get it.
You don't get it. She never said she was a Native American. She never said she was half, quarter, eigth etc etc etc.

That is what you fucking assholes are too God damn stupid to get.

Take some time & get a fucking education.

YOU don't get it. There's no amount of word-parsing that's going to magically make you correct in believing this. You believe it only because it serves your agenda, and not because it bears any relation to either fact OR the general public's perception of fact. And the more you try to tell us, "Oh, you believed this was what she was saying all this time, but ACTUALLY she said this, and we only just now decided to clarify" about something WE CAN READ AND HEAR WITH OUR OWN SENSES, the more you just compound the perception of you and Warren and everyone else on the left as a bunch of amoral pathological liars.

And FYI, swallowing lies like you do is not "education", nor would I ever want to be "educated" to be as gullible and partisan as you are.

She most assuredly DID say she was Native American. Repeatedly.
Who gives a shit about these illegal aliens, you realize all the problems these fuckers bring with them?
You mean like Melania????
Well she was legal......and she may have mooched off Trump, but it wasn't off me.
She came here on a tourist visa & then worked. That is illegal.
I think Dave gave up in the AA fight....he cant define what a goal is......because the point of AA isn't to fulfill any goal or objective....it's to create division and problems.
In Liberalville there is never full equality. The "struggle" is never over. There is always something to fight for. There is always a victim to protect. There has to be; otherwise, there is no purpose for leftists.
She clearly lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. I'm just interested in finding out if Taxpayer Dollars were involved with her salary. I know she's a conniving jerkoff, but if Taxpayer Dollars were involved, she needs to pay restitution.
She clearly never lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. Makes you the liar. Funny, a liar using a lie to call someone else a liar. Does it get more pathetic than that?

Really? So what was the purpose of listing herself as "Native American" in the Association of Law Professors Journal for nine years, if it wasn't to make herself look like a minority in relation to her law professorship?

Which makes you wonder...... did she take the place of a real person of color who was supposed to go to Harvard?

From what I understand, Harvard was taking flak for not having any "women of color" professors, so yes, if they hadn't been able to latch on to her, they'd have hired an actual minority woman to take the heat off.
Liar. You evidently don't understand shit. You are making it up.

Did Elizabeth Warren check the Native American box when she ‘applied’ to Harvard and Penn?

Argue it with them.

And YOU have no standing whatsoever to call anyone else a liar. That's like Satan telling someone they've been naughty.
She should donate the equivalent of her salary from harvard going back to when she was hired by harvard, to the Cherokee nation.

Anything less than that is BULLSHIT contrition.
It was a non factor in her hiring.

According to whom? Her? Harvard? We already know SHE'S a liar, and I'm disinclined to believe Harvard, either, given the scandals they've recently had about insane affirmative action policies and given that they glowing spoke of her as their "first woman professor of color".
Funy chit. What was Warren's lie?

I get it. Warren & Harvard are lying.

Warren never indicated any Native American ancestry on her applications.

To get a minority status anywhere officially, you need to show that you are a member of that minority.

Claiming your family had stories about a grandmother having Native American heritage would not cut it.

You people are as fucking stupid as Trump. My God.

Asked, answered, re-asked, re-answered, linked to the high heavens, and now ignored because you think pretending it never happened will somehow make that so.

Why don't you take your own advice and get some education? Start by reading sources other than DNC talking point memos.

Was it even 50 percent Native American? Goofy Warren still doesn't get it.
You don't get it. She never said she was a Native American. She never said she was half, quarter, eigth etc etc etc.

That is what you fucking assholes are too God damn stupid to get.

Take some time & get a fucking education.
She did. She said in an interview that her mother was Cherokee and Delaware. What does that make her?
No she did not. Provide that interview or STFU.

For about the third or fourth time:

elizabeth warren youtube video parents eloped - Bing video

Try not to "mysteriously" miss it this time.
Oh give me a break. I would worry about Kavanaugh's judgement and character a lot more than Obama's.

Oh, and Obama didn't do SHIT for black people. Remember? You republicans always like to argue out of both sides of your mouths. One minute you're saying Obama didn't do shit for blacks and now you are suggesting that Obama favored blacks and hated whites.

He did everything he could to not seem like he was bending over backwards to help black people. Instead he kept it generic and tried to help all people with his policies. He NEVER targetted the black community and said, "I'm going to make it right what whites did to the black community". He stayed virtually silent his entire presidency.

I agree with the things Rev Wright said about white society. Especially back when he said it.

Oh and by the way, I've sat in a pew and listened to all kinds of idiots preach. Don't for a second think I agree with them just because I came into a house of worship and that's where I go once a week to get right with the lord. That preacher hasn't brainwashed me.

You just swallowed the right wing talking point on Rev Wright and Obama. Total bs.

Pumpkin, I never claimed Obama did anything for blacks, Wright was a racist, Obama went to that church for 20 plus years, it is all accurate. Just because you can't accept it doesn't make it a lie.

Obama denounced the statements in question, but critics continued to press the issue of his relationship with Wright. In response to this, he gave a speech titled "A More Perfect Union", in which he sought to place Wright's comments in a historical and sociological context. In the speech, Obama again denounced Wright's remarks, but did not disown him as a person. The controversy began to fade, but was renewed in late April when Wright made a series of media appearances, including an interview on Bill Moyers Journal, a speech at the NAACP, and a speech at the National Press Club.[5] After the last of these, Obama spoke more forcefully against his former pastor, saying that he was "outraged" and "saddened" by his behavior, and in May he resigned his membership in the church.

I guess you aren't smart enough to put his speeches into a historical or sociological context.

He was running for President, he had to denounce the speech. He sat in the church as listen to the sermons for 20 plus years, he was the man that married Michelle and Barack. He also baptized the two daughters. I guess you aren’t smart enough to figure out when someone is snowing you. It wasn’t new behavior it was the same man preaching for many many years, nothing new, nothing different, Oprah disagreed with Wright and left, Obama was forced because he was running for the Presidency.

So, if you go to church, you eventually are brainwashed to agree with every view your preacher has.

I would not go to a church where their values don't match mine, would you?

Rather defeats the purpose of having multiple religions and doctrines, seems to me.
Didn't she receive a lucrative job by lying about being a 'Minority?' Were Taxpayer Dollars involved with her salary? Are we supposed to just forget she's a conniving thief?
No. No.
She's not a conniving thief, either.
Was it even 50 percent Native American? Goofy Warren still doesn't get it.
You don't get it. She never said she was a Native American. She never said she was half, quarter, eigth etc etc etc.

That is what you fucking assholes are too God damn stupid to get.

Take some time & get a fucking education.
She did. She said in an interview that her mother was Cherokee and Delaware. What does that make her?
No she did not. Provide that interview or STFU.

For about the third or fourth time:

elizabeth warren youtube video parents eloped - Bing video

Try not to "mysteriously" miss it this time.
That's more evidence that she was telling the truth--even other families in the community knew there was an Indian in the wood pile.
Was it even 50 percent Native American? Goofy Warren still doesn't get it.
You don't get it. She never said she was a Native American. She never said she was half, quarter, eigth etc etc etc.

That is what you fucking assholes are too God damn stupid to get.

Take some time & get a fucking education.
She did. She said in an interview that her mother was Cherokee and Delaware. What does that make her?
No she did not. Provide that interview or STFU.

For about the third or fourth time:

elizabeth warren youtube video parents eloped - Bing video

Try not to "mysteriously" miss it this time.
That's more evidence that she was telling the truth--even other families in the community knew there was an Indian in the wood pile.
What a racist post. I bet you're a Democrat, huh.
Didn't she receive a lucrative job by lying about being a 'Minority?' Were Taxpayer Dollars involved with her salary? Are we supposed to just forget she's a conniving thief?
No. No.
She's not a conniving thief, either.
Just be honest. Democrats don't give a damn whether she's lying about her heritage or not. All that matters is the agenda. Just admit it.

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