Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

Pocahontas knows that her lie about being something she ain't will be a campaign issue.

She is just trying to get this out long before she runs so that it becomes old news in 2020.

However, Trump won't let it go. He will schlong her just like he did that Crooked Hillary liar.
She should donate the equivalent of her salary from harvard going back to when she was hired by harvard, to the Cherokee nation.

Anything less than that is BULLSHIT contrition.
It was a non factor in her hiring.

According to whom? Her? Harvard? We already know SHE'S a liar, and I'm disinclined to believe Harvard, either, given the scandals they've recently had about insane affirmative action policies and given that they glowing spoke of her as their "first woman professor of color".
Funy chit. What was Warren's lie?

I get it. Warren & Harvard are lying.

Warren never indicated any Native American ancestry on her applications.

To get a minority status anywhere officially, you need to show that you are a member of that minority.

Claiming your family had stories about a grandmother having Native American heritage would not cut it.

You people are as fucking stupid as Trump. My God.

What was Warren's lie?

How about when she listed herself on forms at Harvard as "Native American"? That's a flat-out lie, because there are very specific requirements to putting that designation down on those forms, and those requirements are spelled out in the instructions for filling out that form. "Family lore" doesn't cut it. In order to list yourself for Department of Labor statistical purposes, you must actually have an official affiliation with a tribe. However, employers take your word for it; they don't require you to show them proof of your claimed race/ethnicity. It's on you to answer correctly.

Or how about when she claimed she had no idea, all these years, that Harvard was reporting her as "Native American" to the Department of Labor? She's the one who told Harvard she was Native American! You're telling me that a fucking law professor doesn't know the most basic facts of employment law? She really had no idea that when you tell Human Resources that you're XYZ race/ethnicity, they turn around and report that to the government? I can either believe she is utterly ignorant of laws that even the university secretaries know, or I can believe she's lying. Take your pick.

She did not "claim her grandmother had Native American heritage". You WISH it was that general and vague, given that her actual "heritage" turns out to be that general and vague. But the fact is that she ran around for decades, EXPLICITLY claiming to BE Native American, not just to have a random Native American hidden in the family woodpile 10 generations back. And every time she deliberately told someone to list her as "Cherokee" or "minority", or allowed them to do so unchallenged, she lied.
Yep, the loopy kunt Has changed her story five or six times. Obviously she is lying
Naaah she didn’t

Dude, she embellished and or flat out lied about her being part native American. My great grandfather was a full blooded Native American....so what am I entitled to???



President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days

That was a month ago

The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims Trump says most regularly. Here's our latest tally as of Sept.12, 2018

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
GAME, set AND match, sealybobo!!!!! The WASHINGTON fucking Post! The last bastion of hope for unbiased, truth seeking journalism with absolutely no agenda!!!!! Totally changes the complexion of the topic as it pertains to Pocahontas Warren.....

Well played, sealybobo! WELL PLAYED!!!!!


Do you think a conservative site is going to tell you how much Trump has lied?

In his first year as President, Trump made 2,140 false claims, according to the Post. In just the last six months, he has nearly doubled that total to 4,229. In June and July, he averaged sixteen false claims a day. On July 5th, the Post found what appears to be Trump’s most untruthful day yet: seventy-six per cent of the ninety-eight factual assertions he made in a campaign-style rally in Great Falls, Montana, were “false, misleading or unsupported by evidence.” Trump’s rallies have become the signature events of his Presidency, and it is there that the President most often plays fast and loose with the facts, in service to his political priorities and to telling his fervent supporters what they want and expect to hear from him. At another rally this week, in Tampa, Trump made thirty-five false and misleading claims, on subjects ranging from trade with China to the size of his tax cut.

Dude, c'mon....do you REALLY think you are gonna tell me how the cow eats the cabbage by using an Operation Mockingbird news outlet that carries water for the globalists that run the CFR? Is Trump the "end all be all"? Nope, does he embellish and or get things wrong at times? Absolutely, but he hasn't told whoppers like Iraq has WMDS and he hasn't told us that if we like our healthcare plan we can keep our healthcare plan...PERIOD. He hasn't ordered the spying and collection of phone #s on reporters. Maybe Trump is simply playing a role like every predecessor since JFK and we are ALL being played. What I do know is that the ones attacking Trump are my enemies as well. Trump has proven (if nothing else) AND validated the claims of those like myself that there is indeed a deep state that works on behalf of the shadow government that pulls the strings behind the scenes. 90 percent of every news story on all media has a negative spin????? Are you REALLY awake like you claim you are? Because if you were, you would be having some "WTF?" moments.

For the sake of all of us, we better hope that Trump was recruited by the white hats because if not? We are totally fucked and life in these incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.INC is going to change in ways that are going to cause the frail shoulders of the average sheeple to collapse under the sheer weight. I know exactly of what I speak because this house of cards that is our fiat debt system of commerce is one small wisp of strategically placed air from falling in on itself.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.

Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
I love it, but if you make a joke about black people liking it......the left puts you in the klan.

Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
Nope. She said her mom told her she had a grandmother. That explains why warren is 1/64th indian
In the video I posted, Warren said her mom was part Cherokee and Delaware, nothing else is mentioned. That means according to Warren in this interview her mom is 100% Native. Hard to keep up with all her lies.
Yep, the loopy kunt Has changed her story five or six times. Obviously she is lying
Naaah she didn’t

Dude, she embellished and or flat out lied about her being part native American. My great grandfather was a full blooded Native American....so what am I entitled to???



President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days

That was a month ago

The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims Trump says most regularly. Here's our latest tally as of Sept.12, 2018

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
Yep, the loopy kunt Has changed her story five or six times. Obviously she is lying
Naaah she didn’t

Dude, she embellished and or flat out lied about her being part native American. My great grandfather was a full blooded Native American....so what am I entitled to???



President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days

That was a month ago

The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims Trump says most regularly. Here's our latest tally as of Sept.12, 2018

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
GAME, set AND match, sealybobo!!!!! The WASHINGTON fucking Post! The last bastion of hope for unbiased, truth seeking journalism with absolutely no agenda!!!!! Totally changes the complexion of the topic as it pertains to Pocahontas Warren.....

Well played, sealybobo! WELL PLAYED!!!!!


Do you think a conservative site is going to tell you how much Trump has lied?

In his first year as President, Trump made 2,140 false claims, according to the Post. In just the last six months, he has nearly doubled that total to 4,229. In June and July, he averaged sixteen false claims a day. On July 5th, the Post found what appears to be Trump’s most untruthful day yet: seventy-six per cent of the ninety-eight factual assertions he made in a campaign-style rally in Great Falls, Montana, were “false, misleading or unsupported by evidence.” Trump’s rallies have become the signature events of his Presidency, and it is there that the President most often plays fast and loose with the facts, in service to his political priorities and to telling his fervent supporters what they want and expect to hear from him. At another rally this week, in Tampa, Trump made thirty-five false and misleading claims, on subjects ranging from trade with China to the size of his tax cut.
There would be no trump but there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.

Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
I love it, but if you make a joke about black people liking it......the left puts you in the klan.

Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
I will take steak over chicken any day
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.

Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
Only if you serve it with watermelon and grape soda....
She should donate the equivalent of her salary from harvard going back to when she was hired by harvard, to the Cherokee nation.

Anything less than that is BULLSHIT contrition.
It was a non factor in her hiring.

According to whom? Her? Harvard? We already know SHE'S a liar, and I'm disinclined to believe Harvard, either, given the scandals they've recently had about insane affirmative action policies and given that they glowing spoke of her as their "first woman professor of color".
Funy chit. What was Warren's lie?

I get it. Warren & Harvard are lying.

Warren never indicated any Native American ancestry on her applications.

To get a minority status anywhere officially, you need to show that you are a member of that minority.

Claiming your family had stories about a grandmother having Native American heritage would not cut it.

You people are as fucking stupid as Trump. My God.

What was Warren's lie?

How about when she listed herself on forms at Harvard as "Native American"? That's a flat-out lie, because there are very specific requirements to putting that designation down on those forms, and those requirements are spelled out in the instructions for filling out that form. "Family lore" doesn't cut it. In order to list yourself for Department of Labor statistical purposes, you must actually have an official affiliation with a tribe. However, employers take your word for it; they don't require you to show them proof of your claimed race/ethnicity. It's on you to answer correctly.

Or how about when she claimed she had no idea, all these years, that Harvard was reporting her as "Native American" to the Department of Labor? She's the one who told Harvard she was Native American! You're telling me that a fucking law professor doesn't know the most basic facts of employment law? She really had no idea that when you tell Human Resources that you're XYZ race/ethnicity, they turn around and report that to the government? I can either believe she is utterly ignorant of laws that even the university secretaries know, or I can believe she's lying. Take your pick.

She did not "claim her grandmother had Native American heritage". You WISH it was that general and vague, given that her actual "heritage" turns out to be that general and vague. But the fact is that she ran around for decades, EXPLICITLY claiming to BE Native American, not just to have a random Native American hidden in the family woodpile 10 generations back. And every time she deliberately told someone to list her as "Cherokee" or "minority", or allowed them to do so unchallenged, she lied.
If she runs for president they will really dig into this whole issue with her, they will hound her relentlessly
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.

Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
I love it, but if you make a joke about black people liking it......the left puts you in the klan.

Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
I never thought in America 2019 we would have children in prison camps.
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.

Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
I love it, but if you make a joke about black people liking it......the left puts you in the klan.

Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
I never thought in America 2019 we would have children in prison camps.
Who gives a shit about these illegal aliens, you realize all the problems these fuckers bring with them?
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.

Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
I love it, but if you make a joke about black people liking it......the left puts you in the klan.

Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
I never thought in America 2019 we would have children in prison camps.
They aren't.....you want children to go to jail with criminals....run on that....oh and you never answered my questions.....

what is blackness?
Was it even 50 percent Native American? Goofy Warren still doesn't get it.
You don't get it. She never said she was a Native American. She never said she was half, quarter, eigth etc etc etc.

That is what you fucking assholes are too God damn stupid to get.

Take some time & get a fucking education.

YOU don't get it. You can parrot that lie until your face turns blue, and it will not make it true, and it most assuredly will not prompt anyone to say, "Oh, RealDave says so. I trust his word for it more than I trust WHAT I CAN SEE WITH MY OWN EYES ON YOUTUBE".

But by all means, I wouldn't dream of stopping you leftists from arrogantly assuming you can rewrite history to your liking. I LOVE how completely you all are revealing yourselves to the world for exactly what you are.
Was it even 50 percent Native American? Goofy Warren still doesn't get it.
You don't get it. She never said she was a Native American. She never said she was half, quarter, eigth etc etc etc.

That is what you fucking assholes are too God damn stupid to get.

Take some time & get a fucking education.

YOU don't get it. You can parrot that lie until your face turns blue, and it will not make it true, and it most assuredly will not prompt anyone to say, "Oh, RealDave says so. I trust his word for it more than I trust WHAT I CAN SEE WITH MY OWN EYES ON YOUTUBE".

But by all means, I wouldn't dream of stopping you leftists from arrogantly assuming you can rewrite history to your liking. I LOVE how completely you all are revealing yourselves to the world for exactly what you are.

I am not rewriting history. You are making it up.

What you tube video are you looking at & then lying about?
"Warren, between 1984 and 1995, paraded around as a Cherokee, and in the most public ways possible — in books and in school directories. But in 2012, she says she has no idea how her employers discovered she identified as American Indian."
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.

Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
I love it, but if you make a joke about black people liking it......the left puts you in the klan.

Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
I never thought in America 2019 we would have children in prison camps.
They aren't.....you want children to go to jail with criminals....run on that....oh and you never answered my questions.....

what is blackness?

Seeking asylum is not a crime. Illegally crossing the border is a misdemeanor. You don't jail people for misdemeanors & steal their children.

Only a piece of shit like you & Trump thinks this is how America acts.

Fuck you people,.
"Warren, between 1984 and 1995, paraded around as a Cherokee, and in the most public ways possible — in books and in school directories. But in 2012, she says she has no idea how her employers discovered she identified as American Indian."
But she has Native American ancestry so that kind of makes your post dumber than shit.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.

Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
I love it, but if you make a joke about black people liking it......the left puts you in the klan.

Every ‘race’ likes fried chicken.
I never thought in America 2019 we would have children in prison camps.
Who gives a shit about these illegal aliens, you realize all the problems these fuckers bring with them?
You mean like Melania????
Pocahontas knows that her lie about being something she ain't will be a campaign issue.

She is just trying to get this out long before she runs so that it becomes old news in 2020.

However, Trump won't let it go. He will schlong her just like he did that Crooked Hillary liar.
Warren just proved it.

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