Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

Exactly, Warren didn't say her mom was anything other than Cherokee and Delaware. That means her mom was full blooded Native, according to Warren.
Nope. She said her mom told her she had a grandmother. That explains why warren is 1/64th indian
In the video I posted, Warren said her mom was part Cherokee and Delaware, nothing else is mentioned. That means according to Warren in this interview her mom is 100% Native. Hard to keep up with all her lies.
Yep, the loopy kunt Has changed her story five or six times. Obviously she is lying
Naaah she didn’t

Dude, she embellished and or flat out lied about her being part native American. My great grandfather was a full blooded Native American....so what am I entitled to???



President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days

That was a month ago

The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims Trump says most regularly. Here's our latest tally as of Sept.12, 2018

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
Nope. She said her mom told her she had a grandmother. That explains why warren is 1/64th indian
In the video I posted, Warren said her mom was part Cherokee and Delaware, nothing else is mentioned. That means according to Warren in this interview her mom is 100% Native. Hard to keep up with all her lies.
Yep, the loopy kunt Has changed her story five or six times. Obviously she is lying
Naaah she didn’t

Dude, she embellished and or flat out lied about her being part native American. My great grandfather was a full blooded Native American....so what am I entitled to???



President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days

That was a month ago

The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims Trump says most regularly. Here's our latest tally as of Sept.12, 2018

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
GAME, set AND match, sealybobo!!!!! The WASHINGTON fucking Post! The last bastion of hope for unbiased, truth seeking journalism with absolutely no agenda!!!!! Totally changes the complexion of the topic as it pertains to Pocahontas Warren.....

Well played, sealybobo! WELL PLAYED!!!!!

No, you know what you wrote was bullshit. Everyone has some Indian in them, it has to be enough to call yourself a Cherokee......she doesn't......she loses.....

Here are the requirements for Cherokee Nation....you need one DIRECT ancestor to come from a list......if she had that, we would have known.
About Citizenship

Ironically the DNA test is irrelevant to them.

Warren has never claimed to be, nor did she ever apply for, membership in Cherokee Nation. That's not the same thing and you damn well know it.

I've got Irish on both sides--- that doesn't make me a freaking citizen of Ireland.
Have you used your Irishness to get a job? Has your work every used your Irishness to show diversity? Either one?

Nope. Nor did Warren.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Have you used your Irishness to get a job? Has your work every used your Irishness to show diversity? Either one?
yeah we are talking about that. If her being an Indian was no big deal, THEN WHY DID SHE DO IT, if she didn't know?
I often checked OTHER when it asked me if I was white, black or hispanic. I'm Greek.

Today I check white.
Greeks are white......I'm not sure I get it. You go with the predominate one. .

That's what Warren did too. When there actually was a box to check, she checked "white".
So Harvard just random picked her to be their woman of color?

Elizabeth Warren's big mistake (Opinion) - CNN

At their best, affirmative action programs were set up to tackle the deep and genuine institutional racism that prevents many nonwhite students from equality of educational opportunity. But much right-wing scorn at such programs comes not from a blindness to racial injustice, but a skepticism of tick-box culture as a means of accurately assessing institutional inclusivity. Elizabeth Warren did not use her ethnic background to engage in deceitful virtue signaling, but we're having this conversation because at some point, Harvard did.
So the idea is Harvard just randomly chose her....

The best thing about this is, that it exposes the stupidity of affirmative action and it's implementation........and now she's faking being a minority...thanks for proving us right...we called this decades ago.
Affirmative action has helped women more than any other group by far.

Still not nearly as many as there should be on the bod or executive boar or our government
It's a joke......people should get the job on meritt
Nope. She said her mom told her she had a grandmother. That explains why warren is 1/64th indian
In the video I posted, Warren said her mom was part Cherokee and Delaware, nothing else is mentioned. That means according to Warren in this interview her mom is 100% Native. Hard to keep up with all her lies.
Yep, the loopy kunt Has changed her story five or six times. Obviously she is lying
Naaah she didn’t

Dude, she embellished and or flat out lied about her being part native American. My great grandfather was a full blooded Native American....so what am I entitled to???



President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days

That was a month ago

The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims Trump says most regularly. Here's our latest tally as of Sept.12, 2018

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
this crap is nonsense, none of the crap they prove is really factual, it's based on exagerations that trump does or statements like Storm has a horseface....does she no, but who gives a fuck.
She clearly lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. I'm just interested in finding out if Taxpayer Dollars were involved with her salary. I know she's a conniving jerkoff, but if Taxpayer Dollars were involved, she needs to pay restitution.
She clearly never lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. Makes you the liar. Funny, a liar using a lie to call someone else a liar. Does it get more pathetic than that?

Really? So what was the purpose of listing herself as "Native American" in the Association of Law Professors Journal for nine years, if it wasn't to make herself look like a minority in relation to her law professorship?

Which makes you wonder...... did she take the place of a real person of color who was supposed to go to Harvard?

Actually it doesn't make you wonder if you've read into any of this because Harvard and everybody else said it was never a consideration and wasn't even known about. Funny how summa y'all seem to have a hard time understanding somebody getting hired on merit rather than ethnicity.
No we're all for it, so we don't need affirmative action.....well thank you for proving our point.
Warren has never claimed to be, nor did she ever apply for, membership in Cherokee Nation. That's not the same thing and you damn well know it.

I've got Irish on both sides--- that doesn't make me a freaking citizen of Ireland.
Have you used your Irishness to get a job? Has your work every used your Irishness to show diversity? Either one?

Nope. Nor did Warren.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
Have you used your Irishness to get a job? Has your work every used your Irishness to show diversity? Either one?

Nope. Nor did Warren.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.
In the video I posted, Warren said her mom was part Cherokee and Delaware, nothing else is mentioned. That means according to Warren in this interview her mom is 100% Native. Hard to keep up with all her lies.
Yep, the loopy kunt Has changed her story five or six times. Obviously she is lying
Naaah she didn’t

Dude, she embellished and or flat out lied about her being part native American. My great grandfather was a full blooded Native American....so what am I entitled to???



President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days

That was a month ago

The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims Trump says most regularly. Here's our latest tally as of Sept.12, 2018

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
GAME, set AND match, sealybobo!!!!! The WASHINGTON fucking Post! The last bastion of hope for unbiased, truth seeking journalism with absolutely no agenda!!!!! Totally changes the complexion of the topic as it pertains to Pocahontas Warren.....

Well played, sealybobo! WELL PLAYED!!!!!


Do you think a conservative site is going to tell you how much Trump has lied?

In his first year as President, Trump made 2,140 false claims, according to the Post. In just the last six months, he has nearly doubled that total to 4,229. In June and July, he averaged sixteen false claims a day. On July 5th, the Post found what appears to be Trump’s most untruthful day yet: seventy-six per cent of the ninety-eight factual assertions he made in a campaign-style rally in Great Falls, Montana, were “false, misleading or unsupported by evidence.” Trump’s rallies have become the signature events of his Presidency, and it is there that the President most often plays fast and loose with the facts, in service to his political priorities and to telling his fervent supporters what they want and expect to hear from him. At another rally this week, in Tampa, Trump made thirty-five false and misleading claims, on subjects ranging from trade with China to the size of his tax cut.
Warren has never claimed to be, nor did she ever apply for, membership in Cherokee Nation. That's not the same thing and you damn well know it.

I've got Irish on both sides--- that doesn't make me a freaking citizen of Ireland.
Have you used your Irishness to get a job? Has your work every used your Irishness to show diversity? Either one?

Nope. Nor did Warren.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Nonsense. You're seeing what you want to see. Fact is AA hasn't done enough. Still not enough women or minorities in the board room, executive offices or congress.
Nope. Nor did Warren.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.
Careful your racist bias is showing
Have you used your Irishness to get a job? Has your work every used your Irishness to show diversity? Either one?

Nope. Nor did Warren.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Nonsense. You're seeing what you want to see. Fact is AA hasn't done enough. Still not enough women or minorities in the board room, executive offices or congress.
LOL, so what is the right amount? When can we close shop on AA?
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.
Careful your racist bias is showing
No, not at all, you guys say any black, that has a job, goes to school, acts responsible, votes republican....those are all acting white

I don't make it up.....you lefties and black folk do
Acting white - Wikipedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to black people, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

or Russell Wilson

Seattle Seahawks football player Russell Wilson came under fire in 2014 when anonymous sources alleged that the feeling in the Seahawks locker room was that Wilson lacked "blackness". CBS Sports cited this conflict as a possible reason for the trading of star player[citation needed] Percy Harvin from the Seahawks to the New York Jets.[17]

Explain "blackness" to me?
Nope. Nor did Warren.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.

Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
Yep, the loopy kunt Has changed her story five or six times. Obviously she is lying
Naaah she didn’t

Dude, she embellished and or flat out lied about her being part native American. My great grandfather was a full blooded Native American....so what am I entitled to???



President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days

That was a month ago

The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims Trump says most regularly. Here's our latest tally as of Sept.12, 2018

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
GAME, set AND match, sealybobo!!!!! The WASHINGTON fucking Post! The last bastion of hope for unbiased, truth seeking journalism with absolutely no agenda!!!!! Totally changes the complexion of the topic as it pertains to Pocahontas Warren.....

Well played, sealybobo! WELL PLAYED!!!!!


Do you think a conservative site is going to tell you how much Trump has lied?

In his first year as President, Trump made 2,140 false claims, according to the Post. In just the last six months, he has nearly doubled that total to 4,229. In June and July, he averaged sixteen false claims a day. On July 5th, the Post found what appears to be Trump’s most untruthful day yet: seventy-six per cent of the ninety-eight factual assertions he made in a campaign-style rally in Great Falls, Montana, were “false, misleading or unsupported by evidence.” Trump’s rallies have become the signature events of his Presidency, and it is there that the President most often plays fast and loose with the facts, in service to his political priorities and to telling his fervent supporters what they want and expect to hear from him. At another rally this week, in Tampa, Trump made thirty-five false and misleading claims, on subjects ranging from trade with China to the size of his tax cut.
Ok, so tell me in that Montana rally, give us a few falsehoods? Lets see how serious these "lies" are?
Nope. Nor did Warren.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.
It's weird because everything to the left is political. Common sense and the truth take a back seat to the political agenda.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.

Who doesn’t like fried chicken?
I love it, but if you make a joke about black people liking it......the left puts you in the klan.
Have you used your Irishness to get a job? Has your work every used your Irishness to show diversity? Either one?

Nope. Nor did Warren.
Yep, Harvard claimed her a woman of color when they were taking heat for having none....you lose.
Do you suddenly care about diversity? Then Elizabeth warren did her job
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Nonsense. You're seeing what you want to see. Fact is AA hasn't done enough. Still not enough women or minorities in the board room, executive offices or congress.
Hey, while you're in the kitchen, would you make me a sandwich and grab me a beer.....

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