Poison Ivy


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Sucks. I got it all over my arms and on my legs from the knees down. I got some Cortizone 19 but it's not working as good as I thought it would. Is there anything that works better than that?
No. It just takes time to work itself out of your system and heal.

But don't worry about spreading it around to other parts of your body. After the initial contact, it doesn't work like that. So scratch away.
I got some Cortizone 19 but it's not working as good as I thought

Take a pin...use it to tear open a few blisters...then immediately rub some cream into the freshly torn blisters.

That's what I always had to do to make it work.

You only need to rip open a few blisters in each area...not many.
Not much works after you have it. If big blisters on your fingers hurt, poke them with a pin and drain them some, but ripping them open is causing needless pain.

The big secret to not getting it is to, first, get very familiar with what it looks like.

Second, scrub really freakin' hard if you think you've been exposed. Urushoil is an oil, so it needs to be scrubbed off like an oil. A quick rinse won't do it. It takes a few hours before the reaction begins, so you usually have time. Imagine your hands, wrists and forearms are covered in black grease. Use soap and a washcloth to scrub all skin, rinse, then repeat again. Legs too, if you've been wearing shorts.

Dawn dish soap works well there, because of the grease-cutting action. Special poison ivy washes are a waste of money. And jewelweed juice, a popular folk remedy, doesn't actually do anything beyond what a placebo does.
Old OTC product called "Ivy Dry" But you have to follow the directions. The process can be uncomfortable but it has worked for me since 1947. I think I still have a bottle but haven't needed it as Poison Ivy and Poison Oak don't grow around here. Oh, it don't work worth a damn on Devil's Club.
I've used liquid Xylitol on broken blisters and it stopped the itch and didn't come back after that.
Disir, after doing that if you have Plantain growing somewhere nearby pick a few handfuls of that and blend up in the blender to put on the areas were you need healing or swelling to go down.

For tonight if you have some meat tenderizer (papian) you could wet a little bit of it and see if that will help. It breaks down toxins on bug bites and helps take down swelling so it may help- worth a try if you have it on hand.

Sucks. I got it all over my arms and on my legs from the knees down. I got some Cortizone 19 but it's not working as good as I thought it would. Is there anything that works better than that?

Manuka honey, Disir, gare awn teed.

Get it at the pharmacy. Gel tube and/or gel patches.

Those patches are really small or really, really big. I used the big ones when I set myself on fire but I put manuka honey gel on, too, with the manuka honey patch.

That stuff is like magic. It'll heal and sooth...especially sooth...
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Plantain growing somewhere nearby pick a few handfuls of that and blend up in the blender to put on the areas were you need healing or swelling to go down.
Good. Plantain should work the same as the oatmeal bath.
Actually better than oatmeal for healing as it has the chlorophyll and takes down swelling. Straight chlorophyll works great for healing cuts. Either type of plantain used as a poultice on a bruised area expedites healing. I generally grab a few other things to add when I pick a bunch, a few elderberry leaves, dandelion and even a few red clover if they are all growing where I'm picking stuff for a poultice. I put any extra in a baggy, thin it out and freeze up for when needed again.
Got a really bad case of poison Oak a few years back.
I just scratched the shit out of it and poured rubbing alcohol all over it.

Gawdam, man. You crazy...

It worked...
I'm immune to poison ivy for whatever reason and assumed I was immune to poison oak as well.
Terrible assumption as it turned out.
Took around two months to totally get rid of it.
Sucks. I got it all over my arms and on my legs from the knees down. I got some Cortizone 19 but it's not working as good as I thought it would. Is there anything that works better than that?
Rhulicream....or something close to that. It works fast and it's OTC. Dries it up and stops the itch.

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