Poland saved Europe many times.

It was funny! LOL yes you did. You already know I can't spell Netyahatu's name! No I wasn't. On second thought, Abe was his favorite. You were his second favorite! I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings :)

I had no favorite there, they all were a bunch of Kosher pricks.

The fact of the matter is Limpy, apart from Abe you were the only Jew on there. :)

Almost everybody there was Jewish, you'd have to be clueless, not to know it.

You'd have to be clueless to think it. To you anybody who doesn't attack Jews must be a Jew..
If you think I'm Jewish, you're wrong about that and you're wrong about everyone else.

These are the religions of some of the posters on there.

Me - Ukrainian GC
Alexey - Russian Orthodox
Uther Pendragon - Serbian Orthodox
Pesky Army - Roman Catholic
Kubek - Roman Catholic
Lukashenko is Dr Phil - Finnish reindeer worshipers
Iron Dictator - Serbian Orthodox
Real Magyar - Roman Catholic
Cassandra - Russian Orthodox
Abe - Roman Catholic/Jewish
You - Hassidic Jew :)
2 more lies!

Luka worshipped Hitler! I'm not Russian Orthodox! hmmmm was Russian Orthodox, how could you forget him?!

LOL @ Abe. Roman Catholic all the way

That's true, but that's not an official religion. :) Yes you are! I didn't forget hmmm. I only included people who posted on the Poland forum. I can't remember if Limpy posted on the Russia forum. I did forget STA, but I'm not sure what his religion is. :)

He may have been a practicing Roman Catholic, but he was 50% Jewish. That's 50% less Jewish than Limpy. :)
You said that not me! You hate Brits as much as Limpy!
I was quoting you and you know it! Liar!

You were quoting yourself!
I was not! You bad mouthed Brits in our PM's years ago!

I have never bad mouthed Brits! The UK is one of Ukraine's biggest supporters!
LOL yes you did in PM's. You said they were retarded :) So? They're only supporting you against Russia.

I never said that! Stop making things up!

Not only that, the UK is a friend of Ukraine.
In your next message or your previous one?

Maybe not. We'll find out in January.

Haha he can't send me anywhere!

The next message.

What's happening in January?

You wanna bet? :)
Oh ok.

The sanctions were extended another 6 months in June so it will be January before they vote again.

Sure! He can't because I'm an American citizen :)

To extend them by another 6 months. ;)

Try telling that to those African Americans he wants to deport.
What African Americans?! You're making things up or you're confused. A lot of Haitians came here and got asylum after an earthquake but they're still here! They aren't American so....?

You didn't see on the news those 4 African American women who criticised Trump? Trump said they should be sent home even though 3 of them were born in the US. LOL!
They're asylum seekers, they've got special status! What's your excuse? :)
LOL! What four African Americans? Do you assume any 'person of color' is black?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (aka Occasional-Cortex) is Puerto Rican, Rashida Taib is a US born Palestinian (immigrant parents), Ayanna Pressley is black & born here, Ilhan Omar is from Somalia. 2 blacks.

Those asylum seekers need to go back to their country. It's been 9 years, if it hasn't been rebuilt by now, maybe the folks back home could use a hand.
Ethnically Jewish! I wasn't raised Jewish! Why would I be Hawaiian? We can say Aloha and not be Hawaiian. I'm not sure we can say Shalom if we aren't Jewish.

No you're not! Aloha is an Hawaiian greeting!
What would you say to a German who said Guten Tag to you? What would you say to an Italian who said Ciao to you? Who replies Aloha to someone who says Shalom to them, especially if they're not Hawaiian! :auiqs.jpg:
Yes I am :) So?!
"Thanks for the info but I'm not on a gluten free diet!" "I'm not hungry!"
I didn't know if it was appropriate to say Shalom if you aren't Jewish! I mean religiously Jewish of course.

You're not! So why do you want to use it?
That's unusual for you, you must have just eaten a few pizzas and cakes. :)
Why didn't you ask Limpy he'll know! :)
Show me your genetics credentials! Yes I am ethnically Jewish! I didn't want to, I just couldn't think of a better way to say hi back! What's wrong with saying Aloha??
LOL I don't eat that much!
I should have! I'm sure I talked about my Israeli cousin on Topix.
Ethnically Jewish! I wasn't raised Jewish! Why would I be Hawaiian? We can say Aloha and not be Hawaiian. I'm not sure we can say Shalom if we aren't Jewish.

No you're not! Aloha is an Hawaiian greeting!
What would you say to a German who said Guten Tag to you? What would you say to an Italian who said Ciao to you? Who replies Aloha to someone who says Shalom to them, especially if they're not Hawaiian! :auiqs.jpg:
Yes I am :) So?!
"Thanks for the info but I'm not on a gluten free diet!" "I'm not hungry!"
I didn't know if it was appropriate to say Shalom if you aren't Jewish! I mean religiously Jewish of course.

You're not! So why do you want to use it?
That's unusual for you, you must have just eaten a few pizzas and cakes. :)
Why didn't you ask Limpy he'll know! :)
Show me your genetics credentials! Yes I am ethnically Jewish! I didn't want to, I just couldn't think of a better way to say hi back! What's wrong with saying Aloha??
LOL I don't eat that much!
I should have! I'm sure I talked about my Israeli cousin on Topix.

I'm not showing you my credentials! :)
0.00000001% maybe! Why didn't you just say hello? Nothing if you're Hawaiian!
Are you on a diet?
Your Israeli fifth cousin! Limpy's probably more related to him than you. :)
You don't have any! Haha I'm only 89% European' but the other 11% isn't only Jewish. Why?! I'm not Jewish and he said Shalom, he's not Hawaiian so I said Aloha!
Why would I be on a diet?! Stop talking about my weight!
He could be a fourth cousin! I have Jewish 3rd cousins too but they haven't written to me demanding to know how on earth they're related to me. LOL yeah probably.
It was funny! LOL yes you did. You already know I can't spell Netyahatu's name! No I wasn't. On second thought, Abe was his favorite. You were his second favorite! I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings :)
It's the truth!
To anti Ukrainians! I think you can! Yes you were! I am offended that you think I was in his top 2!
Lie x 2!
I can't!! I wasn't! You absolutely were his #2 :)

Truth x 4!
You can! You were! You were his #1. :)
More lies x 8!
No I can't! LOL that was Abe ;)

Truth x 8!

Yes you can! It was definitely you. :)
Lies x 999,999,999,999,999,999,999!

I cannot and I've tried twice already! If I want to spell it, I'll ask a Jew like you :) It was Abe!
I had no favorite there, they all were a bunch of Kosher pricks.

The fact of the matter is Limpy, apart from Abe you were the only Jew on there. :)

Almost everybody there was Jewish, you'd have to be clueless, not to know it.

You'd have to be clueless to think it. To you anybody who doesn't attack Jews must be a Jew..
If you think I'm Jewish, you're wrong about that and you're wrong about everyone else.

These are the religions of some of the posters on there.

Me - Ukrainian GC
Alexey - Russian Orthodox
Uther Pendragon - Serbian Orthodox
Pesky Army - Roman Catholic
Kubek - Roman Catholic
Lukashenko is Dr Phil - Finnish reindeer worshipers
Iron Dictator - Serbian Orthodox
Real Magyar - Roman Catholic
Cassandra - Russian Orthodox
Abe - Roman Catholic/Jewish
You - Hassidic Jew :)
2 more lies!

Luka worshipped Hitler! I'm not Russian Orthodox! hmmmm was Russian Orthodox, how could you forget him?!

LOL @ Abe. Roman Catholic all the way

That's true, but that's not an official religion. :) Yes you are! I didn't forget hmmm. I only included people who posted on the Poland forum. I can't remember if Limpy posted on the Russia forum. I did forget STA, but I'm not sure what his religion is. :)

He may have been a practicing Roman Catholic, but he was 50% Jewish. That's 50% less Jewish than Limpy. :)
LOL If I ever see Luka again, I'm telling him you said that :)
No I am not! Oh ok, that makes sense. yeah I think hmmmm left shortly after Limpy came there. Yes Limpy trolled the Russia forum, we only followed him to the Poland forum after LFOD started posting there.
STA's religion was the same as Luka's :)

Abe knew next to nothing about Jews or the Jewish faith. He was raised Catholic so I'm glad you admit that - finally! He never did.

LOL where do you get that he was 50% Jewish?? Because he claims his mother was Jewish? In most Catholic-Jewish marriages, the children adopt the Jewish faith. In many marriages, the children adopt the mother's faith. So why was he raised Catholic? I asked Abe this before btw :) Anyway most Jews aren't 100% or even 50% Jewish. My Israeli cousin is genetically only 3% Jewish which is half of my brother and way less than half of me. That's why they say "Jewish isn't an ethnicity, it's a religion" But it is an ethic group as well.

Limpy is 100% Jewish both in ethnicity and in faith :)
I was quoting you and you know it! Liar!

You were quoting yourself!
I was not! You bad mouthed Brits in our PM's years ago!

I have never bad mouthed Brits! The UK is one of Ukraine's biggest supporters!
LOL yes you did in PM's. You said they were retarded :) So? They're only supporting you against Russia.

I never said that! Stop making things up!

Not only that, the UK is a friend of Ukraine.
I was quoting you and you know it! Liar!

You were quoting yourself!
I was not! You bad mouthed Brits in our PM's years ago!

I have never bad mouthed Brits! The UK is one of Ukraine's biggest supporters!
LOL yes you did in PM's. You said they were retarded :) So? They're only supporting you against Russia.

I never said that! Stop making things up!

Not only that, the UK is a friend of Ukraine.
My replies got all messed up when the site went down!

Ok you implied it then! Happy now? :dance:
So what was wrong with the UK before it became a 'friend' of Ukraine and why were they retarded then but not now? :))
I had no favorite there, they all were a bunch of Kosher pricks.

The fact of the matter is Limpy, apart from Abe you were the only Jew on there. :)

Almost everybody there was Jewish, you'd have to be clueless, not to know it.

You'd have to be clueless to think it. To you anybody who doesn't attack Jews must be a Jew..
If you think I'm Jewish, you're wrong about that and you're wrong about everyone else.

These are the religions of some of the posters on there.

Me - Ukrainian GC
Alexey - Russian Orthodox
Uther Pendragon - Serbian Orthodox
Pesky Army - Roman Catholic
Kubek - Roman Catholic
Lukashenko is Dr Phil - Finnish reindeer worshipers
Iron Dictator - Serbian Orthodox
Real Magyar - Roman Catholic
Cassandra - Russian Orthodox
Abe - Roman Catholic/Jewish
You - Hassidic Jew :)

Lol, you are delusional.

Some of them may be wrong, but none of them are Jewish apart from you and Abe. :)

LOL, Abe was the 2nd most anti-Kosher, and I was the 1st most anti-Kosher on that forum.

How could anybody think we were Kosher, and not them, is beyond me.

Pesky, Uther, and Cassandra, were rabidly pro-Kosher, and promoted the Kosher agenda, I.E blaming everybody for the Holocaust, crying about Anti-Semitism, promoting Kosher people.

Wow, I don't know how anybody wouldn't know those 3 were Kosher.
Pesky, Uther & Cassandra were very Kosher.
Me & Pesky are Roman Catholic, uther was Serbian Orthodox.

Haha, good joke.
Ok Pesky was possibly/probably an atheist then lol. But he really was Slovakian and lived in Slovakia and had a Slovakian name. I was curious about Russian Orthodoxy but there are no Russian Orthodox churches nearby so I talked to uther and he said Serbian Orthodox is close enough and we have more than one here. Plus, Pesky & uther were the only 2 who teased Abe for being Jewish :) I don't mean attacked him for it they way you did.

Lol, Real Magyar is from Slovakia, and said Pesky can't speak Slovak.

Pesky also must have blamed Poland for the Holocaust 1,000 times, said that the Wiesenthal Center was coming to get me, and listed Israeli inventions lists, but not Slovak ones.

Duh, Pesky was Kosher.
Magyar lol. Magyar means Hungarian lol. I don't care what that idiot claimed to know.

Abe used to post videos to Pesky of "Slovaks" doing stupid stuff but Pesky was never bothered by it. I asked him once how he was able to so easily shrug it off and he said those were all Czechs in those videos, he could tell by the accent. Same language, different pronunciation :)

Pesky asked me to send him an item made in the US and would not ship overseas so I knew who he was and he's a Slovak.

Do you have a list of Slovak inventions? How do you think Abe and STA would have responded if Pesky posted a list? Do you think they would have mocked it? Held it up in comparison to other nations, especially the US? So why would Pesky bother?

The Wiesenthal Center was coming to get you! LOL!

Pesky was ONLY bothered by my anti-Kosher comments, duh.

Because he was Kosher, duh.
The next message.

What's happening in January?

You wanna bet? :)
Oh ok.

The sanctions were extended another 6 months in June so it will be January before they vote again.

Sure! He can't because I'm an American citizen :)

To extend them by another 6 months. ;)

Try telling that to those African Americans he wants to deport.
What African Americans?! You're making things up or you're confused. A lot of Haitians came here and got asylum after an earthquake but they're still here! They aren't American so....?

You didn't see on the news those 4 African American women who criticised Trump? Trump said they should be sent home even though 3 of them were born in the US. LOL!
They're asylum seekers, they've got special status! What's your excuse? :)
LOL! What four African Americans? Do you assume any 'person of color' is black?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (aka Occasional-Cortex) is Puerto Rican, Rashida Taib is a US born Palestinian (immigrant parents), Ayanna Pressley is black & born here, Ilhan Omar is from Somalia. 2 blacks.

Those asylum seekers need to go back to their country. It's been 9 years, if it hasn't been rebuilt by now, maybe the folks back home could use a hand.

I didn't check their nationalities! The point is Trump wanted to send home 3 women who were born in the US!

Blame Trump for not sending them back!
I had no favorite there, they all were a bunch of Kosher pricks.

The fact of the matter is Limpy, apart from Abe you were the only Jew on there. :)

Almost everybody there was Jewish, you'd have to be clueless, not to know it.

You'd have to be clueless to think it. To you anybody who doesn't attack Jews must be a Jew..
If you think I'm Jewish, you're wrong about that and you're wrong about everyone else.

These are the religions of some of the posters on there.

Me - Ukrainian GC
Alexey - Russian Orthodox
Uther Pendragon - Serbian Orthodox
Pesky Army - Roman Catholic
Kubek - Roman Catholic
Lukashenko is Dr Phil - Finnish reindeer worshipers
Iron Dictator - Serbian Orthodox
Real Magyar - Roman Catholic
Cassandra - Russian Orthodox
Abe - Roman Catholic/Jewish
You - Hassidic Jew :)

Lol, you are delusional.

Some of them may be wrong, but none of them are Jewish apart from you and Abe. :)

LOL, Pesky, Uther, and Cassandra constantly blamed Poland for the Holocaust.

Why don't you look around on USMB, to tell me who does that here, and it's almost exclusively Kosher people.

Every forum post & just about every celebrity blaming Poland for the Holocaust, is Kosher.

Take a hint.
The fact of the matter is Limpy, apart from Abe you were the only Jew on there. :)

Almost everybody there was Jewish, you'd have to be clueless, not to know it.

You'd have to be clueless to think it. To you anybody who doesn't attack Jews must be a Jew..
If you think I'm Jewish, you're wrong about that and you're wrong about everyone else.

These are the religions of some of the posters on there.

Me - Ukrainian GC
Alexey - Russian Orthodox
Uther Pendragon - Serbian Orthodox
Pesky Army - Roman Catholic
Kubek - Roman Catholic
Lukashenko is Dr Phil - Finnish reindeer worshipers
Iron Dictator - Serbian Orthodox
Real Magyar - Roman Catholic
Cassandra - Russian Orthodox
Abe - Roman Catholic/Jewish
You - Hassidic Jew :)

Lol, you are delusional.

Some of them may be wrong, but none of them are Jewish apart from you and Abe. :)

LOL, Abe was the 2nd most anti-Kosher, and I was the 1st most anti-Kosher on that forum.

How could anybody think we were Kosher, and not them, is beyond me.

Pesky, Uther, and Cassandra, were rabidly pro-Kosher, and promoted the Kosher agenda, I.E blaming everybody for the Holocaust, crying about Anti-Semitism, promoting Kosher people.

Wow, I don't know how anybody wouldn't know those 3 were Kosher.
You are just qwazy!

Abe the guy who always insisted he was a Polish Jew?! You're right about you though :)

uther & Pesky picked on Abe and his "funny cap" and that's not all.

I was not "pro Kosher" until you got on there! No one talked about Jews until you got there, no one picked on Jews and no one defended Jews until you got on there.

No we did not blame everyone for the Holocaust, we only blamed the Polaks! No one even blamed the Nazis lol.
No you're not! Aloha is an Hawaiian greeting!
What would you say to a German who said Guten Tag to you? What would you say to an Italian who said Ciao to you? Who replies Aloha to someone who says Shalom to them, especially if they're not Hawaiian! :auiqs.jpg:
Yes I am :) So?!
"Thanks for the info but I'm not on a gluten free diet!" "I'm not hungry!"
I didn't know if it was appropriate to say Shalom if you aren't Jewish! I mean religiously Jewish of course.

You're not! So why do you want to use it?
That's unusual for you, you must have just eaten a few pizzas and cakes. :)
Why didn't you ask Limpy he'll know! :)
Show me your genetics credentials! Yes I am ethnically Jewish! I didn't want to, I just couldn't think of a better way to say hi back! What's wrong with saying Aloha??
LOL I don't eat that much!
I should have! I'm sure I talked about my Israeli cousin on Topix.
No you're not! Aloha is an Hawaiian greeting!
What would you say to a German who said Guten Tag to you? What would you say to an Italian who said Ciao to you? Who replies Aloha to someone who says Shalom to them, especially if they're not Hawaiian! :auiqs.jpg:
Yes I am :) So?!
"Thanks for the info but I'm not on a gluten free diet!" "I'm not hungry!"
I didn't know if it was appropriate to say Shalom if you aren't Jewish! I mean religiously Jewish of course.

You're not! So why do you want to use it?
That's unusual for you, you must have just eaten a few pizzas and cakes. :)
Why didn't you ask Limpy he'll know! :)
Show me your genetics credentials! Yes I am ethnically Jewish! I didn't want to, I just couldn't think of a better way to say hi back! What's wrong with saying Aloha??
LOL I don't eat that much!
I should have! I'm sure I talked about my Israeli cousin on Topix.

I'm not showing you my credentials! :)
0.00000001% maybe! Why didn't you just say hello? Nothing if you're Hawaiian!
Are you on a diet?
Your Israeli fifth cousin! Limpy's probably more related to him than you. :)
You don't have any! Haha I'm only 89% European' but the other 11% isn't only Jewish. Why?! I'm not Jewish and he said Shalom, he's not Hawaiian so I said Aloha!
Why would I be on a diet?! Stop talking about my weight!
He could be a fourth cousin! I have Jewish 3rd cousins too but they haven't written to me demanding to know how on earth they're related to me. LOL yeah probably.

Yes I do! Asian Russian? :) Make your mind up!
That doesn't make sense!
Why? It was a big talking point on Topix. :)
Why don't you write to them? Not probably. :)
In your next message or your previous one?

Maybe not. We'll find out in January.

Haha he can't send me anywhere!

The next message.

What's happening in January?

You wanna bet? :)
Oh ok.

The sanctions were extended another 6 months in June so it will be January before they vote again.

Sure! He can't because I'm an American citizen :)

To extend them by another 6 months. ;)

Try telling that to those African Americans he wants to deport.
What African Americans?! You're making things up or you're confused. A lot of Haitians came here and got asylum after an earthquake but they're still here! They aren't American so....?

You didn't see on the news those 4 African American women who criticised Trump? Trump said they should be sent home even though 3 of them were born in the US. LOL!
They're asylum seekers, they've got special status! What's your excuse? :)

LOL, So, when the EU wants to get rid of Refugees, it's the EU is right, but when 4 colored women hate Israel, and Kosher people, then it's Deport them.

Wow, when did the Mohel snip & suck your Weiner?
Oh ok.

The sanctions were extended another 6 months in June so it will be January before they vote again.

Sure! He can't because I'm an American citizen :)

To extend them by another 6 months. ;)

Try telling that to those African Americans he wants to deport.
What African Americans?! You're making things up or you're confused. A lot of Haitians came here and got asylum after an earthquake but they're still here! They aren't American so....?

You didn't see on the news those 4 African American women who criticised Trump? Trump said they should be sent home even though 3 of them were born in the US. LOL!
They're asylum seekers, they've got special status! What's your excuse? :)
LOL! What four African Americans? Do you assume any 'person of color' is black?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (aka Occasional-Cortex) is Puerto Rican, Rashida Taib is a US born Palestinian (immigrant parents), Ayanna Pressley is black & born here, Ilhan Omar is from Somalia. 2 blacks.

Those asylum seekers need to go back to their country. It's been 9 years, if it hasn't been rebuilt by now, maybe the folks back home could use a hand.

I didn't check their nationalities! The point is Trump wanted to send home 3 women who were born in the US!

Blame Trump for not sending them back!
Their nationalities are American! All 4 of them! They're all Congresswomen! LOL He mostly meant Omar though and apparently she married her brother to get into the US? Taib is anti Jewish I think.

He's trying to send those Haitians home!
Almost everybody there was Jewish, you'd have to be clueless, not to know it.

You'd have to be clueless to think it. To you anybody who doesn't attack Jews must be a Jew..
If you think I'm Jewish, you're wrong about that and you're wrong about everyone else.

These are the religions of some of the posters on there.

Me - Ukrainian GC
Alexey - Russian Orthodox
Uther Pendragon - Serbian Orthodox
Pesky Army - Roman Catholic
Kubek - Roman Catholic
Lukashenko is Dr Phil - Finnish reindeer worshipers
Iron Dictator - Serbian Orthodox
Real Magyar - Roman Catholic
Cassandra - Russian Orthodox
Abe - Roman Catholic/Jewish
You - Hassidic Jew :)

Lol, you are delusional.

Some of them may be wrong, but none of them are Jewish apart from you and Abe. :)

LOL, Abe was the 2nd most anti-Kosher, and I was the 1st most anti-Kosher on that forum.

How could anybody think we were Kosher, and not them, is beyond me.

Pesky, Uther, and Cassandra, were rabidly pro-Kosher, and promoted the Kosher agenda, I.E blaming everybody for the Holocaust, crying about Anti-Semitism, promoting Kosher people.

Wow, I don't know how anybody wouldn't know those 3 were Kosher.
You are just qwazy!

Abe the guy who always insisted he was a Polish Jew?! You're right about you though :)

uther & Pesky picked on Abe and his "funny cap" and that's not all.

I was not "pro Kosher" until you got on there! No one talked about Jews until you got there, no one picked on Jews and no one defended Jews until you got on there.

No we did not blame everyone for the Holocaust, we only blamed the Polaks! No one even blamed the Nazis lol.

That's BS, first of all Uther & Pesky were blaming Poland for the Holocaust, for years before I arrived on that Sub-Human forum.

I proved that multiple times, they were completely fixated on hating Polish people from the Kosher perspective, like promoting Kosher beauties, Kosher inventors, Kosher scientists, blaming Poland & others for the Holocaust, or as anti-Semitic.

I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious, that they were Kosher.
The fact of the matter is Limpy, apart from Abe you were the only Jew on there. :)

Almost everybody there was Jewish, you'd have to be clueless, not to know it.

You'd have to be clueless to think it. To you anybody who doesn't attack Jews must be a Jew..
If you think I'm Jewish, you're wrong about that and you're wrong about everyone else.

These are the religions of some of the posters on there.

Me - Ukrainian GC
Alexey - Russian Orthodox
Uther Pendragon - Serbian Orthodox
Pesky Army - Roman Catholic
Kubek - Roman Catholic
Lukashenko is Dr Phil - Finnish reindeer worshipers
Iron Dictator - Serbian Orthodox
Real Magyar - Roman Catholic
Cassandra - Russian Orthodox
Abe - Roman Catholic/Jewish
You - Hassidic Jew :)

Lol, you are delusional.

Some of them may be wrong, but none of them are Jewish apart from you and Abe. :)

LOL, Pesky, Uther, and Cassandra constantly blamed Poland for the Holocaust.

Why don't you look around on USMB, to tell me who does that here, and it's almost exclusively Kosher people.

Every forum post & just about every celebrity blaming Poland for the Holocaust, is Kosher.

Take a hint.

LOL, Pesky, Uther, and Cassandra constantly blamed Poland for the Holocaust.
Gosh, why would we do that? ;)

Maybe it could possibly be because some Polish guy hates Jews? Maybe?

I'm not Kosher and neither were uther & Pesky! Dumbass!
Almost everybody there was Jewish, you'd have to be clueless, not to know it.

You'd have to be clueless to think it. To you anybody who doesn't attack Jews must be a Jew..
If you think I'm Jewish, you're wrong about that and you're wrong about everyone else.

These are the religions of some of the posters on there.

Me - Ukrainian GC
Alexey - Russian Orthodox
Uther Pendragon - Serbian Orthodox
Pesky Army - Roman Catholic
Kubek - Roman Catholic
Lukashenko is Dr Phil - Finnish reindeer worshipers
Iron Dictator - Serbian Orthodox
Real Magyar - Roman Catholic
Cassandra - Russian Orthodox
Abe - Roman Catholic/Jewish
You - Hassidic Jew :)

Lol, you are delusional.

Some of them may be wrong, but none of them are Jewish apart from you and Abe. :)

LOL, Pesky, Uther, and Cassandra constantly blamed Poland for the Holocaust.

Why don't you look around on USMB, to tell me who does that here, and it's almost exclusively Kosher people.

Every forum post & just about every celebrity blaming Poland for the Holocaust, is Kosher.

Take a hint.

LOL, Pesky, Uther, and Cassandra constantly blamed Poland for the Holocaust.
Gosh, why would we do that? ;)

Maybe it could possibly be because some Polish guy hates Jews? Maybe?

I'm not Kosher and neither were uther & Pesky! Dumbass!

Look at this forum, almost every poster blaming Poland for the Holocaust, has been Kosher.

It's been that way every other forum I've been on.
Yes I am :) So?!
"Thanks for the info but I'm not on a gluten free diet!" "I'm not hungry!"
I didn't know if it was appropriate to say Shalom if you aren't Jewish! I mean religiously Jewish of course.

You're not! So why do you want to use it?
That's unusual for you, you must have just eaten a few pizzas and cakes. :)
Why didn't you ask Limpy he'll know! :)
Show me your genetics credentials! Yes I am ethnically Jewish! I didn't want to, I just couldn't think of a better way to say hi back! What's wrong with saying Aloha??
LOL I don't eat that much!
I should have! I'm sure I talked about my Israeli cousin on Topix.
Yes I am :) So?!
"Thanks for the info but I'm not on a gluten free diet!" "I'm not hungry!"
I didn't know if it was appropriate to say Shalom if you aren't Jewish! I mean religiously Jewish of course.

You're not! So why do you want to use it?
That's unusual for you, you must have just eaten a few pizzas and cakes. :)
Why didn't you ask Limpy he'll know! :)
Show me your genetics credentials! Yes I am ethnically Jewish! I didn't want to, I just couldn't think of a better way to say hi back! What's wrong with saying Aloha??
LOL I don't eat that much!
I should have! I'm sure I talked about my Israeli cousin on Topix.

I'm not showing you my credentials! :)
0.00000001% maybe! Why didn't you just say hello? Nothing if you're Hawaiian!
Are you on a diet?
Your Israeli fifth cousin! Limpy's probably more related to him than you. :)
You don't have any! Haha I'm only 89% European' but the other 11% isn't only Jewish. Why?! I'm not Jewish and he said Shalom, he's not Hawaiian so I said Aloha!
Why would I be on a diet?! Stop talking about my weight!
He could be a fourth cousin! I have Jewish 3rd cousins too but they haven't written to me demanding to know how on earth they're related to me. LOL yeah probably.

Yes I do! Asian Russian? :) Make your mind up!
That doesn't make sense!
Why? It was a big talking point on Topix. :)
Why don't you write to them? Not probably. :)
Show us your credentials then! Or just tell us what they are! :)
LOL Asian and sub Saharan African are about the only ethnicities we don't have.... yet! Make my mind up about what?? I'm sure a lot of things don't make any sense to you :)
It was your talking point and you were as wrong then as you are now!
Why should I? I have no idea how we're related since those records are long gone or inaccessible. Limpy is probably his first cousin :)
The fact of the matter is Limpy, apart from Abe you were the only Jew on there. :)

Almost everybody there was Jewish, you'd have to be clueless, not to know it.

You'd have to be clueless to think it. To you anybody who doesn't attack Jews must be a Jew..
If you think I'm Jewish, you're wrong about that and you're wrong about everyone else.

These are the religions of some of the posters on there.

Me - Ukrainian GC
Alexey - Russian Orthodox
Uther Pendragon - Serbian Orthodox
Pesky Army - Roman Catholic
Kubek - Roman Catholic
Lukashenko is Dr Phil - Finnish reindeer worshipers
Iron Dictator - Serbian Orthodox
Real Magyar - Roman Catholic
Cassandra - Russian Orthodox
Abe - Roman Catholic/Jewish
You - Hassidic Jew :)
2 more lies!

Luka worshipped Hitler! I'm not Russian Orthodox! hmmmm was Russian Orthodox, how could you forget him?!

LOL @ Abe. Roman Catholic all the way

That's true, but that's not an official religion. :) Yes you are! I didn't forget hmmm. I only included people who posted on the Poland forum. I can't remember if Limpy posted on the Russia forum. I did forget STA, but I'm not sure what his religion is. :)

He may have been a practicing Roman Catholic, but he was 50% Jewish. That's 50% less Jewish than Limpy. :)
LOL If I ever see Luka again, I'm telling him you said that :)
No I am not! Oh ok, that makes sense. yeah I think hmmmm left shortly after Limpy came there. Yes Limpy trolled the Russia forum, we only followed him to the Poland forum after LFOD started posting there.
STA's religion was the same as Luka's :)

Abe knew next to nothing about Jews or the Jewish faith. He was raised Catholic so I'm glad you admit that - finally! He never did.

LOL where do you get that he was 50% Jewish?? Because he claims his mother was Jewish? In most Catholic-Jewish marriages, the children adopt the Jewish faith. In many marriages, the children adopt the mother's faith. So why was he raised Catholic? I asked Abe this before btw :) Anyway most Jews aren't 100% or even 50% Jewish. My Israeli cousin is genetically only 3% Jewish which is half of my brother and way less than half of me. That's why they say "Jewish isn't an ethnicity, it's a religion" But it is an ethic group as well.

Limpy is 100% Jewish both in ethnicity and in faith :)

It was you who said he worships Hitler!

Yes you are! I couldn't remember if he did. What are you talking about? You, Pesky and Uther were already on the Poland forum long before Limpy arrived! STA hardly ever mentioned Hitler, but it is Limpy's other religion. :)

How could he know next to nothing about Jews when he had a Jewish mother?

Yes. That doesn't mean it's the case in all Catholic-Jewish marriages! Because that's the religion his father wanted him to be raised! I've never thought it was an ethnicity.

I agree with you about that. :)

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