Poland saved Europe many times.

Yes I do! Asian Russian? :) Make your mind up!
That doesn't make sense!
Why? It was a big talking point on Topix. :)
Why don't you write to them? Not probably. :)
Show us your credentials then! Or just tell us what they are! :)
LOL Asian and sub Saharan African are about the only ethnicities we don't have.... yet! Make my mind up about what?? I'm sure a lot of things don't make any sense to you :)
It was your talking point and you were as wrong then as you are now!
Why should I? I have no idea how we're related since those records are long gone or inaccessible. Limpy is probably his first cousin :)

No! LOL! Only those?
Make your mind up whether you're a Jew or not! You change your mind every time you post! They don't where you're concerned. :)
All of our side talked about your weight and your fat ass. :)
So how are you going to know for sure?
They're probably brothers. :)
Yes! I demand to see them! You have more?
I already explained that! I make sense all the time!
LOL no you did not
I won't and it isn't important. I would like to know the names of my ancestors though.
LOL! :)

I'm not going to show you. :) I was talking about your ethnicities!
Your explanation didn't make sense!
Yes we did, everybody on our side called you ***andra. Even Luky called you that. :auiqs.jpg:
If you write to them you might find out their names!
Of course you won't because you have no credentials!

What are you saying about my ethnicities?! Are you being racist against the Jews, Syrians, North Africans, Italians, French, Poles, Native Americans, Finns, Irish, English, or (omg) the Norwegians?! NOT THE NORWEGIANS YOU SICK BASTARD! WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU ANYWAY?!
I always make sense! You're always confused!
No one called me anything with *** in it! Liar!
Who should I write to first? Do you think should start with my great-great-great-grandmother on my father's side or my great-great-great grandmother on my mother's side?

Yes I do!
You said there were only 2 ethnicities you haven't got. That's a long list, but there are far more than 2 ethnicities you haven't got such as Iranians, Indians, Chinese, Pacific Islanders, Black African... :) You have Norwegian ethnicity! Limpy's hero Anders Brevik was Norwegian!

You've got that the wrong way round!
I blanked out the first 3 letters,
so that other people wouldn't see it, but if you're not nice about Ukraine and Ukrainians I will call you that name without blanking out those letters. :)

You decide, but don't be surprised if you don't get a reply. :)
No I didn't, I never implied it! Why should I be happy with your lies? They're always sub standard, you must try harder, not what I'd expect from someone who trained at the KGB school of propaganda. :)
Nothing, the UK has always been a friend of Ukraine. :) They're not as retarded as you. :)
Oh! I see you're getting better at lying! Yes you did call them retarded! Retarded Brits!
I'm not retarded! I don't have British genes! :)

I've never said that. That's not what you told me. You're a retarded Russian. :)
:ack-1: I didn't call you a retarded Ukrainian! That would be closer to the truth though since I'm not Russian but you really are Ukrainian!

There's no difference, you are Russian. :)
Liar! I'm going to start calling you a Polak if you keep calling me Russian! :blowup:

OK I won't call you a Russian, there are lots of other things I can call you. :)
Oh! I see you're getting better at lying! Yes you did call them retarded! Retarded Brits!
I'm not retarded! I don't have British genes! :)

I've never said that. That's not what you told me. You're a retarded Russian. :)
:ack-1: I didn't call you a retarded Ukrainian! That would be closer to the truth though since I'm not Russian but you really are Ukrainian!

There's no difference, you are Russian. :)
Liar! I'm going to start calling you a Polak if you keep calling me Russian! :blowup:

OK I won't call you a Russian, there are lots of other things I can call you. :)

Lol,, as if Russians adore Pesky who also attacked Russians.

Abe & yourself were always delusional, about everybody.
It was you who said he worships Hitler!

Yes you are! I couldn't remember if he did. What are you talking about? You, Pesky and Uther were already on the Poland forum long before Limpy arrived! STA hardly ever mentioned Hitler, but it is Limpy's other religion. :)

How could he know next to nothing about Jews when he had a Jewish mother?

Yes. That doesn't mean it's the case in all Catholic-Jewish marriages! Because that's the religion his father wanted him to be raised! I've never thought it was an ethnicity.

I agree with you about that. :)
No, I meant I'm telling him you said worshipping Hitler isn't an official religion! He'll gas you for that!

I am not! I don't know what you're talking about either so we're even :) No we were not! LFOD went there first to troll Limpy and the rest of us followed him over. STA didn't have to say it!

I guess because he wasn't Jewish? LOL And neither was his mother. His first posts there were as "Tony" and I told you that. He was probably Italian or back then he was pretending to be one at least.

I didn't say it was all the time but it's true most of the time. How do you know what his father wanted?! It is though. '

OMG we've been arguing for almost 10 years and we've agreed 8 times now! We're getting along great!

Where does he get his Zyklon B from, Limpy? :)

No I'm not! You never know what you're talking about. :) Yes you were! Uther and Pesky were certainly on there and you were on there when Jules arrived, which was before Limpy. You're wrong as always.

That's probably because he was afraid to reveal his Polish Jewish ancestry at first.

How do you know? It wouldn't have been his mother who wanted if would it? They have the same etnicity as other Middle Eastern people, they're all semites.

Don't expect it to last. :)
Haha probably.

You are! Yes I do! I was not! Jules was on the Russia forum too. I don't know when she went to the Poland forum or if she went there first. No I'm not.
LOL bullshit
OMG look at Trump's daughter. Married a Jewish guy and converted. Kids are being raised Jewish. I have never heard of anyone marrying a Jewish person and not converting, not unless both are atheists or religion isn't part of their lives or whatever. That's true but dna companies apparently know the difference between Jewish and "middle eastern".
I don't :)

I'd say definitely. :)

Yes you are! Yes I do! I think she was on the Poland forum first. You were definitely on the Poland forum in 2011. Yes you are!

Or the truth.

So, that's one example. Type Jews converting to Catholicism into Google and see how many results you get.
How do they know the difference?

Good. :)

No I'm not! No you don't! I think you're right but I didn't see her until she came to the Russia forum. I don't know what year! Who cares?! No I'm not!

Nope. Bullshit.

You type it in! Add "as the result of marriage" since that's what I said.

I have no idea but the guy who owns the company is Jewish so I assume he wouldn't screw that up ;)

Yes, good! :lastword: :spinner:

Yes you are! Yes I do! I am right! Just admit you were on there! Yes you are!

The truth!

I have typed it, that's how I know there are lots of results. What other reason would there be to convert?!

No you haven't! :)
You'd have to be clueless to think it. To you anybody who doesn't attack Jews must be a Jew..
If you think I'm Jewish, you're wrong about that and you're wrong about everyone else.

These are the religions of some of the posters on there.

Me - Ukrainian GC
Alexey - Russian Orthodox
Uther Pendragon - Serbian Orthodox
Pesky Army - Roman Catholic
Kubek - Roman Catholic
Lukashenko is Dr Phil - Finnish reindeer worshipers
Iron Dictator - Serbian Orthodox
Real Magyar - Roman Catholic
Cassandra - Russian Orthodox
Abe - Roman Catholic/Jewish
You - Hassidic Jew :)

Which one does Cassandra, Uther, and Pesky sound more like?

Exhibit A.)


Jews sympathize with Muslims after Warsaw Mosque attack.

Why support Israel?


Exhibit B.)

The numerous Kosher people on USMB foaming at the mouth, hating Poles, and, or blaming Poland for the Holocaust?

Self admitted Kosher person, calls Poles filthy, uneducated, criminals, pigs, alcoholics, child molesters, and blames them for the Inquisition & the Holocaust.

Jewish accomplishments over-rated.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Polish PM also Jewish, and Polish perpetrators of the Nazis.

Jewish org says Polish Holocaust, calls for cutting off American ties with Poland.

Self admitted Kosher person, tells dumb Polak jokes, calls Polaks garbage, and blames Poland for the Holocaust.

Netanyahu: Golan will forever remain Israel

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

How dumb is Israel?

Self admitted Kosher person telling dumb Polak jokes, hating Catholic priests as Pedos, and blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

Why support Israel?

Why support Israel?

Why support Israel?

Self admitted Kosher person blaming Poland for the Holocaust & calls for Poles to pay Kosher people compensations.

Jewish settlers stay put says Jewish leaders, and Israeli ambassador David Friedman.

The only rogue state with nukes I see in the Mid-East is Israel.

Self admitted Kosher person blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

WW2 began 79 years ago, Poland first to fight the Nazis.

Self admitted partial Kosher person blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

WW2 began 79 years ago, Poland first to fight the Nazis.

Self admitted Kosher person saying Poland owes them.

Why support Israel?

Kosher person blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

Why many Jews hate Polish people?

Israeli Holocaust survivors storm Polish embassy in Israel.

Kosher person blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

Israel's travel ban on the BDS movement.

Jews sympathize with Muslims after Warsaw Mosque attack.

Kosher person blaming Poland for the Holocaust & says Polaks are the worst Nazis.

Israel's travel ban on the BDS movement.

Netanyahu: Golan will forever remain Israel

Netanyahu condemns Polish president on Jewish Nazi collaborators.

Kosher person blaming Poland for the Holocaust & saying Poland owes Kosher people money.

Germany 13X more anti-Semitic incidences than Poland

Germany 13X more anti-Semitic incidences than Poland

Kosher person calling Poles dumb & blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

Netanyahu: Golan will forever remain Israel

Polish museum to Polish victims provokes Israel?

Kosher person telling Polish jokes.

Jewish accomplishments over-rated.

Limpy, your obsession with Jews isn't normal. It can only be, because you're a Jew yourself.

So, why do Cassandra, Pesky & Uther sound just like the Kosher people on this forum?

They didn't until you arrived on Topix. Pesky and Uther made fun of Abe and his funny cap. I don't think Cassandra mentioned Jews before you arrived.
You thought the second most nazi person to post on Topix, Lukashenko is Dr Phil was a Jew! LOL! (You were the most nazi)
Luky called Jews "kykes" and made lots of other anti semitic comments, yet you thought he was a Jew. :auiqs.jpg:That means you can't be taken seriously when you accuse other people of being Jews. :)

They all blamed Poland for the Holocaust years before I arrived on the forum.

They merely reacted to my anti-Kosher comments like a Kosher person would.

Same as this forum.

You thought Pesky was a Russian at times.
Even though he attacked Russians.

You also attacked a German Nazi who hated Russians as a Russian.

So, you clearly don't know who these people are.

No they didn't.

They reacted because you were so far over the top, so they started posting pro Jewish things to wind you up!

I never really thought he was Russian.

Who was that?

I know who they are better than you do.
This idea tht a Slovak, a Serb, a Russian & a Finn joined together to blame Poland for tge Holicaust is absurd.

Only one of those ethnic groups is even anti-Polish.
Being Russians.

Cassandra who you call a Russian adored anti-Russian Pesky.

Slovaks are usually very-Polish friendly & pretty anti-Kosher.

Finns hate Russians & Swedes mostl.

Slovaks mostly hate Gypsies, and KOSHER people.

Serbs are mostly anti-Albanian, anti-Bosnian, anti- Gypsie & anti-Turk.

None of these people fit with their alleged ethnic groups.
Last edited:
I've never said that. That's not what you told me. You're a retarded Russian. :)
:ack-1: I didn't call you a retarded Ukrainian! That would be closer to the truth though since I'm not Russian but you really are Ukrainian!

There's no difference, you are Russian. :)
Liar! I'm going to start calling you a Polak if you keep calling me Russian! :blowup:

OK I won't call you a Russian, there are lots of other things I can call you. :)

Lol,, as if Russians adore Pesky who also attacked Russians.

Abe & yourself were always delusional, about everybody.

No one is more delusional than you. :)
:ack-1: I didn't call you a retarded Ukrainian! That would be closer to the truth though since I'm not Russian but you really are Ukrainian!

There's no difference, you are Russian. :)
Liar! I'm going to start calling you a Polak if you keep calling me Russian! :blowup:

OK I won't call you a Russian, there are lots of other things I can call you. :)

Lol,, as if Russians adore Pesky who also attacked Russians.

Abe & yourself were always delusional, about everybody.

No one is more delusional than you. :)

Before Topix & since Topix about 95% of people blaming Poland for the Holocaust habe been self admitted Kosher people.

Less than 1% have been Eastern Europeans.
Just being a couple of Russians.

You wouldn't know a Kosher person if it bites ypu on the @$$.
This idea tht a Slovak, a Serb, a Russian & a Finn joined together to blame Poland for tge Holicaust is absurd.

Only one of those ethnic groups is even anti-Polish.
Being Russians.

Cassandra who you call a Russian adored anti-Russian Pesky.

Slovaks are usually very-Polish & pretty anti-Kosher.

Finns hate Russians & Swedes mostl.

Slovaks mostly hate Gypsies, and KOSHER people.

Serbs are mostly anti-Albanian, anti-Bosnian, anti- Gypsie & anti-Turk.

None of these people fit with their alleged ethnic groups.

You don't fit with yours, Polak and pro Russian.
There's no difference, you are Russian. :)
Liar! I'm going to start calling you a Polak if you keep calling me Russian! :blowup:

OK I won't call you a Russian, there are lots of other things I can call you. :)

Lol,, as if Russians adore Pesky who also attacked Russians.

Abe & yourself were always delusional, about everybody.

No one is more delusional than you. :)

Before Topix & since Topix about 95% of people blaming Poland for the Holocaust habe been self admitted Kosher people.

Less than 1% have been Eastern Europeans.
Just being a couple of Russians.

You wouldn't know a Kosher person if it bites ypu on the @$$.

That's not the case on Topix which had a lot of trolls, including Uther and Pesky.

Yes I would, I recognised you were Jewish almost immediately. :)
This idea tht a Slovak, a Serb, a Russian & a Finn joined together to blame Poland for tge Holicaust is absurd.

Only one of those ethnic groups is even anti-Polish.
Being Russians.

Cassandra who you call a Russian adored anti-Russian Pesky.

Slovaks are usually very-Polish & pretty anti-Kosher.

Finns hate Russians & Swedes mostl.

Slovaks mostly hate Gypsies, and KOSHER people.

Serbs are mostly anti-Albanian, anti-Bosnian, anti- Gypsie & anti-Turk.

None of these people fit with their alleged ethnic groups.

You don't fit with yours, Polak and pro Russian.

I've never been pro-Russian.

Many of Poland's Western / Kosher allies have turned on Poland.

Kind of validated my opinions on the West.
Liar! I'm going to start calling you a Polak if you keep calling me Russian! :blowup:

OK I won't call you a Russian, there are lots of other things I can call you. :)

Lol,, as if Russians adore Pesky who also attacked Russians.

Abe & yourself were always delusional, about everybody.

No one is more delusional than you. :)

Before Topix & since Topix about 95% of people blaming Poland for the Holocaust habe been self admitted Kosher people.

Less than 1% have been Eastern Europeans.
Just being a couple of Russians.

You wouldn't know a Kosher person if it bites ypu on the @$$.

That's not the case on Topix which had a lot of trolls, including Uther and Pesky.

Yes I would, I recognised you were Jewish almost immediately. :)

You say I was so pro- Russian.
Why did they hate me?

I was very pro-Slovak.
Why did they hate me?

I was pro-Serb.
Why did they hate me?

Duh, dude.
They're Kosher.
This idea tht a Slovak, a Serb, a Russian & a Finn joined together to blame Poland for tge Holicaust is absurd.

Only one of those ethnic groups is even anti-Polish.
Being Russians.

Cassandra who you call a Russian adored anti-Russian Pesky.

Slovaks are usually very-Polish & pretty anti-Kosher.

Finns hate Russians & Swedes mostl.

Slovaks mostly hate Gypsies, and KOSHER people.

Serbs are mostly anti-Albanian, anti-Bosnian, anti- Gypsie & anti-Turk.

None of these people fit with their alleged ethnic groups.

You don't fit with yours, Polak and pro Russian.

I've never been pro-Russian.

Many of Poland's Western / Kosher allies have turned on Poland.

Kind of validated my opinions on the West.

You always were on Topix, confirmed on here by you supporting Russia's annexation of Crimea. The Polish government supports Ukraine regarding Crimea.
This idea tht a Slovak, a Serb, a Russian & a Finn joined together to blame Poland for tge Holicaust is absurd.

Only one of those ethnic groups is even anti-Polish.
Being Russians.

Cassandra who you call a Russian adored anti-Russian Pesky.

Slovaks are usually very-Polish & pretty anti-Kosher.

Finns hate Russians & Swedes mostl.

Slovaks mostly hate Gypsies, and KOSHER people.

Serbs are mostly anti-Albanian, anti-Bosnian, anti- Gypsie & anti-Turk.

None of these people fit with their alleged ethnic groups.

You don't fit with yours, Polak and pro Russian.

I've never been pro-Russian.

Many of Poland's Western / Kosher allies have turned on Poland.

Kind of validated my opinions on the West.

You always were on Topix, confirmed on here by you supporting Russia's annexation of Crimea. The Polish government supports Ukraine regarding Crimea.

Cassandra hated me.
Loved anti-Russian Pesky.

Duh dude.

They're a bunch of Kosher people.
OK I won't call you a Russian, there are lots of other things I can call you. :)

Lol,, as if Russians adore Pesky who also attacked Russians.

Abe & yourself were always delusional, about everybody.

No one is more delusional than you. :)

Before Topix & since Topix about 95% of people blaming Poland for the Holocaust habe been self admitted Kosher people.

Less than 1% have been Eastern Europeans.
Just being a couple of Russians.

You wouldn't know a Kosher person if it bites ypu on the @$$.

That's not the case on Topix which had a lot of trolls, including Uther and Pesky.

Yes I would, I recognised you were Jewish almost immediately. :)

You say I was so pro- Russian.
Why did they hate me?

I was very pro-Slovak.
Why did they hate me?

I was pro-Serb.
Why did they hate me?

Duh, dude.
They're Kosher.

Maybe it was because they don't like nazis and far right extremists.
This idea tht a Slovak, a Serb, a Russian & a Finn joined together to blame Poland for tge Holicaust is absurd.

Only one of those ethnic groups is even anti-Polish.
Being Russians.

Cassandra who you call a Russian adored anti-Russian Pesky.

Slovaks are usually very-Polish & pretty anti-Kosher.

Finns hate Russians & Swedes mostl.

Slovaks mostly hate Gypsies, and KOSHER people.

Serbs are mostly anti-Albanian, anti-Bosnian, anti- Gypsie & anti-Turk.

None of these people fit with their alleged ethnic groups.

You don't fit with yours, Polak and pro Russian.

I've never been pro-Russian.

Many of Poland's Western / Kosher allies have turned on Poland.

Kind of validated my opinions on the West.

You always were on Topix, confirmed on here by you supporting Russia's annexation of Crimea. The Polish government supports Ukraine regarding Crimea.

Cassandra hated me.
Loved anti-Russian Pesky.

Duh dude.

They're a bunch of Kosher people.

She loved Pesky for his attacks on Ukrainians and Polaks. He was on the pro Russian side on Topix.

No they're not.
Lol,, as if Russians adore Pesky who also attacked Russians.

Abe & yourself were always delusional, about everybody.

No one is more delusional than you. :)

Before Topix & since Topix about 95% of people blaming Poland for the Holocaust habe been self admitted Kosher people.

Less than 1% have been Eastern Europeans.
Just being a couple of Russians.

You wouldn't know a Kosher person if it bites ypu on the @$$.

That's not the case on Topix which had a lot of trolls, including Uther and Pesky.

Yes I would, I recognised you were Jewish almost immediately. :)

You say I was so pro- Russian.
Why did they hate me?

I was very pro-Slovak.
Why did they hate me?

I was pro-Serb.
Why did they hate me?

Duh, dude.
They're Kosher.

Maybe it was because they don't like nazis and far right extremists.

You mean like Kosher people?

Because a lot of real Eastern Europeans are very Right Wing.
This idea tht a Slovak, a Serb, a Russian & a Finn joined together to blame Poland for tge Holicaust is absurd.

Only one of those ethnic groups is even anti-Polish.
Being Russians.

Cassandra who you call a Russian adored anti-Russian Pesky.

Slovaks are usually very-Polish & pretty anti-Kosher.

Finns hate Russians & Swedes mostl.

Slovaks mostly hate Gypsies, and KOSHER people.

Serbs are mostly anti-Albanian, anti-Bosnian, anti- Gypsie & anti-Turk.

None of these people fit with their alleged ethnic groups.

You don't fit with yours, Polak and pro Russian.

I've never been pro-Russian.

Many of Poland's Western / Kosher allies have turned on Poland.

Kind of validated my opinions on the West.

You always were on Topix, confirmed on here by you supporting Russia's annexation of Crimea. The Polish government supports Ukraine regarding Crimea.

Cassandra hated me.
Loved anti-Russian Pesky.

Duh dude.

They're a bunch of Kosher people.

She loved Pesky for his attacks on Ukrainians and Polaks. He was on the pro Russian side on Topix.

No they're not.

Alexey a person actually from Russia was very anti- Pesky.

No real Russian would like Pesky.

A Kosher person would because he blamed Poland for the Holocaust 1,000 times.

As if a Slovak would go nuts calling Catholic priests Pedos & blaming Poland for the Holocaust?

Wow dude, really?
No one is more delusional than you. :)

Before Topix & since Topix about 95% of people blaming Poland for the Holocaust habe been self admitted Kosher people.

Less than 1% have been Eastern Europeans.
Just being a couple of Russians.

You wouldn't know a Kosher person if it bites ypu on the @$$.

That's not the case on Topix which had a lot of trolls, including Uther and Pesky.

Yes I would, I recognised you were Jewish almost immediately. :)

You say I was so pro- Russian.
Why did they hate me?

I was very pro-Slovak.
Why did they hate me?

I was pro-Serb.
Why did they hate me?

Duh, dude.
They're Kosher.

Maybe it was because they don't like nazis and far right extremists.

You mean like Kosher people?

Because a lot of real Eastern Europeans are very Right Wing.

A lot of them aren't and a lot of them hate nazis.

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