Polar vortex fragmentation


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
It sucks. The expended forecast here in south central kansas has our highest temperature for the next ten days at 24°, and don't even get me started on the night time lows. And of course it's snowing as well. Usually a snowfall here in Kansas is followed by a warm up the next day or so, so snow stays on the ground for 1-2 days. Not this one.

Anywho, anyone else getting the same kinda crap?
It was 0 here, wind chill in the negatives.


Posted this vid. from Chicago elsewhere on the forum, that's about 200 miles south of us. . . .

. . . I have the thermostat in my apt. set to full blast, but it doesn't seem to be able to get over 63, I will call the management on Monday, but I don't think they will be able to do anything, I think it is just a function of the walls and the windows and limitations of the building and amount of heat the building can pump out at this point.

SO, I am currently wrapped in blankets. I think I might go buy a space heater if there is no break in the next few days. I don't think I should have to wear so many layers of clothes indoors. But then, that the north for ya.
Come on man....thats not even cold
It is here, lol. We may be a bit spoiled where winter temperatures are concentrate. We often have cold, even sub zero days here in the winter but only days, not weeks.
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
We will experience a temperature drop starting Tuesday. I think I am going to be back to mowing the yard by the end of February though. Plus side: Crime drops.
. . . I have the thermostat in my apt. set to full blast, but it doesn't seem to be able to get over 63, I will call the management on Monday, but I don't think they will be able to do anything, I think it is just a function of the walls and the windows and limitations of the building and amount of heat the building can pump out at this point.

SO, I am currently wrapped in blankets. I think I might go buy a space heater if there is no break in the next few days. I don't think I should have to wear so many layers of clothes indoors. But then, that the north for ya.
Just think of the glory of the good old days when you have wood heat in one room for the whole house.
It's relatively warm here, high 20s, low 30s, suppose to get 6 inches of snow, during the super bowl.
. . . I have the thermostat in my apt. set to full blast, but it doesn't seem to be able to get over 63, I will call the management on Monday, but I don't think they will be able to do anything, I think it is just a function of the walls and the windows and limitations of the building and amount of heat the building can pump out at this point.

SO, I am currently wrapped in blankets. I think I might go buy a space heater if there is no break in the next few days. I don't think I should have to wear so many layers of clothes indoors. But then, that the north for ya.
Just think of the glory of the good old days when you have wood heat in one room for the whole house.
They fully intend to return you to those thrilling days of yesteryear
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
I'd rather make fun of you.
. . . I have the thermostat in my apt. set to full blast, but it doesn't seem to be able to get over 63, I will call the management on Monday, but I don't think they will be able to do anything, I think it is just a function of the walls and the windows and limitations of the building and amount of heat the building can pump out at this point.

SO, I am currently wrapped in blankets. I think I might go buy a space heater if there is no break in the next few days. I don't think I should have to wear so many layers of clothes indoors. But then, that the north for ya.
Just think of the glory of the good old days when you have wood heat in one room for the whole house.
They fully intend to return you to those thrilling days of yesteryear
"They" who?
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
I'd rather make fun of you.
That's what I figured. You tRump types think education is for sissies.
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
You're a fucking brainwashed idiot.
Same question I asked the other guy: you wanna learn or you wanna remain ignorant and make fun?

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