police arrest,assault family for refusing to open home for stakeout.

If the local sheriff asked to set up in my house, I would have no problem with it.
But for those guys to do what they did...and it especially pissed me off about the dog...they ALL need to be fired and never be cops again. Talk about abuse of power.

There was a time that I would agree with you. Not anymore.
The police have over stepped their authority one to many times.

Same here, I'm fighting the urge to have less and less respect for them all the time.

I know what you mean. At first I tried to justify their actions. But after awhile,you just cant.
It really sucks to no longer trust the police. It just doesnt feel right.
There was a time that I would agree with you. Not anymore.
The police have over stepped their authority one to many times.

Same here, I'm fighting the urge to have less and less respect for them all the time.

I know what you mean. At first I tried to justify their actions. But after awhile,you just cant.
It really sucks to no longer trust the police. It just doesnt feel right.

Be at ease. You should never trust those that exercise power over you. That is the only thing that keeps that power in check.

It should feel right not trusting them. Just because you don’t trust them does not mean you don’t want them to exist. Nor does not trusting the police mean that you do not see the very vital and important function that they serve. Above all, not trusting the police does not detract from the thanks I give for the selfless and thankless service that individual police give every day of their lives.

It is no different than the military. I do not trust the military one iota but it does not diminish the same points above for them either. These institutions derive their power from the people and the people have oversight over them. A healthy mistrust for these institutions is exactly how we exercise that oversight. Who is going to stop the corruption if we simply trust without addressing the hard questions or the hard realities.
You referred to an ‘end run around Posse Comitatus.’ Upholding this man’s claims with the third amendment cannot change this act in any way shape of form. The act itself refers directly to FEDERAL agents and NOT state ones. This even includes military itself, in the form of the guard.

The same guard that's largely been hijacked via federalization orders to play a major role on foreign soil over the past decade in particular?

In essence, the claim that Posse Comitatus might be run around is erroneous, this can have zero impact on that legislation. Is there something else that will justify your fear that a third amendment application for agents of the state including police will somehow bring ‘federal’ oversight issues? I, for one don’t see where you are making such a connection.

The impact of paving the way to the application of statutes specifically designed for regulating state and federal military personnel to local and state Police Departments might not be readily visible in some of the early baby steps, but mark my words: the dangers will one day be apparent in hindsight, IF the backdoor effort to federalize all law enforcement is allowed to develop a full-fledged slippery slope.

BTW, this is not ‘added drama.’ I am for anything that more clearly defines the government’s powers against our rights and pretty much anything that expands those rights. Far from added drama, this would be a fantastic ruling in enforcing and defining our rights. That is ALWAYS a good thing.

Defining our rights is one thing; defining Andy Taylor and Barney Fife as "soldiers" is another. :)
Liberals are destroying the Bill of Rights. Did you think the 3rd Amendment was off the table?
You referred to an ‘end run around Posse Comitatus.’ Upholding this man’s claims with the third amendment cannot change this act in any way shape of form. The act itself refers directly to FEDERAL agents and NOT state ones. This even includes military itself, in the form of the guard.

The same guard that's largely been hijacked via federalization orders to play a major role on foreign soil over the past decade in particular?

In essence, the claim that Posse Comitatus might be run around is erroneous, this can have zero impact on that legislation. Is there something else that will justify your fear that a third amendment application for agents of the state including police will somehow bring ‘federal’ oversight issues? I, for one don’t see where you are making such a connection.

The impact of paving the way to the application of statutes specifically designed for regulating state and federal military personnel to local and state Police Departments might not be readily visible in some of the early baby steps, but mark my words: the dangers will one day be apparent in hindsight, IF the backdoor effort to federalize all law enforcement is allowed to develop a full-fledged slippery slope.

BTW, this is not ‘added drama.’ I am for anything that more clearly defines the government’s powers against our rights and pretty much anything that expands those rights. Far from added drama, this would be a fantastic ruling in enforcing and defining our rights. That is ALWAYS a good thing.

Defining our rights is one thing; defining Andy Taylor and Barney Fife as "soldiers" is another. :)

Are we talking about the same law here?

Posse Comitatus means that the federal government CANNOT use federal forces to enforce STATE law.

Your post makes no sense.
If the local sheriff asked to set up in my house, I would have no problem with it.
But for those guys to do what they did...and it especially pissed me off about the dog...they ALL need to be fired and never be cops again. Talk about abuse of power.

They need to be in jail.
If the local sheriff asked to set up in my house, I would have no problem with it.
But for those guys to do what they did...and it especially pissed me off about the dog...they ALL need to be fired and never be cops again. Talk about abuse of power.

They need to be in jail.

They need to be in the GROUND! Though, jail (maximum security's general population) would accomplish that nicely.
Just wait 'til Obamessiah gets his civilian police force installed. There will be no sanctuary they cannot enter without warrant.
Are we talking about the same law here? ...


Posse Comitatus means that the federal government CANNOT use federal forces to enforce STATE law. ...

And one way to circumvent that problem would be to increase federal influence over local and state law enforcement agencies by making a series of hitherto inapplicable regulatory statutes applicable ...simply by virtue of redefining cops as "soldiers".
For clarity's sake, FA_Q2, since you made a point to emphasize the word "STATE", Posse Comitatus applies to the use of federal military forces for law enforcement period (including enforcement of Civil and State law), with a few clearly defined exclusions and limitations.
Are we talking about the same law here? ...


Posse Comitatus means that the federal government CANNOT use federal forces to enforce STATE law. ...

And one way to circumvent that problem would be to increase federal influence over local and state law enforcement agencies by making a series of hitherto inapplicable regulatory statutes applicable ...simply by virtue of redefining cops as "soldiers".

yeah, martial law is always a good thing.
Every state needs a law like Indiana has...if you feel threatened by a cop in your home you can shoot him.Here I will find the exact law.The Indiana law that lets citizens shoot cops - The Week

The nra pushed citizens being allowed to shoot cops. Fuck the nra.

Cops shouldn't threaten citizens in their homes or cars...you can go back to suckling the government tit now...seems you enjoy it.
They shouldn't, but it's a fact of life. The Constitution seems to be more and more an anachronism these days. :(

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-WMn_zHCVo]4th of July DUI Checkpoint - Drug Dogs, Searched without Consent, while Innocent - YouTube[/ame]
For clarity's sake, FA_Q2, since you made a point to emphasize the word "STATE", Posse Comitatus applies to the use of federal military forces for law enforcement period (including enforcement of Civil and State law), with a few clearly defined exclusions and limitations.

Yes but my entire point is that the act specifically excludes state forces. Forces that are military such as the guard but are also agents of the individual states and NOT the federal government are not covered. My entire contention is that putting the state or local police under the third has no possible connection to this act because they are STATE personnel not covered rather than the FEDERAL personnel that are covered.

The only problem that I can see would be in dealing with federal police BUT there is no problem with the federal government amending the statute as it sees fit to address that. Essentially, no end run around is possible because the act does not refer to state military forces anyway.
Liberals are destroying the Bill of Rights. Did you think the 3rd Amendment was off the table?

What does this have to do with liberals? Henderson is a fairly Republican city. I know; I live here.

Although few Republicans are Statist pigs like dimocraps are....

Many of them would be happy to administer a socialist state, even if they are not socialists themselves.

Cops are an arm of government. They are the arm of government that has a gun in it and they will use it to enforce their Statist laws.

I am VERY Conservative. Very. In fact, I'd say I'm very, very, very Conservative.

But I'm no friend of Cops. There's a reason they're called 'Pigs'.

And they've earned it over the years.

I've known very few Cops in the last twenty years that weren't bullies and punks.

Before then -- Twenty-five, thirty years and more ago? A lot of them really did want to "Protect and Serve" and the bullies and punks were shunned and/or run off.

Anymore? No way.

You can't get good, decent men to do what's being asked of Cops to do these days. So the only way politicians can done what they want done is to hire bullies and punks.

Some of the good men that want to serve but who can't stand being "Tax Collectors With Guns", PC police and enforcing bullshit laws try to go into Federal Service. But since the piece of fucking shit in the white house now got there and Eric Himmler is at DoJ, they're changing too. For the worse, of course.

There's a few good Cops around. But they're in the minority.

These punks, if what is being alleged is even half true, need to go to prison for a long, long time. And if the Police Department management was involved, the Department needs to be decertified and absorbed into the Sheriff's department or a bigger Police Department and every single employee who worked there needs to be layed off and re-apply for their old job back.

Like that will ever happen. :cuckoo:

Hold your breath :doubt:
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