police arrest,assault family for refusing to open home for stakeout.

Liberals are destroying the Bill of Rights. Did you think the 3rd Amendment was off the table?

What does this have to do with liberals? Henderson is a fairly Republican city. I know; I live here.

Although few Republicans are Statist pigs like dimocraps are....

Many of them would be happy to administer a socialist state, even if they are not socialists themselves.

Cops are an arm of government. They are the arm of government that has a gun in it and they will use it to enforce their Statist laws.

I am VERY Conservative. Very. In fact, I'd say I'm very, very, very Conservative.

But I'm no friend of Cops. There's a reason they're called 'Pigs'.

And they've earned it over the years.

I've known very few Cops in the last twenty years that weren't bullies and punks.

Before then -- Twenty-five, thirty years and more ago? A lot of them really did want to "Protect and Serve" and the bullies and punks were shunned and/or run off.

Anymore? No way.

You can't get good, decent men to do what's being asked of Cops to do these days. So the only way politicians can done what they want done is to hire bullies and punks.

Some of the good men that want to serve but who can't stand being "Tax Collectors With Guns", PC police and enforcing bullshit laws try to go into Federal Service. But since the piece of fucking shit in the white house now got there and Eric Himmler is at DoJ, they're changing too. For the worse, of course.

There's a few good Cops around. But they're in the minority.

These punks, if what is being alleged is even half true, need to go to prison for a long, long time. And if the Police Department management was involved, the Department needs to be decertified and absorbed into the Sheriff's department or a bigger Police Department and every single employee who worked there needs to be layed off and re-apply for their old job back.

Like that will ever happen. :cuckoo:

Hold your breath :doubt:

Ya, they are just all tools of the state. They are swine. Until you call them. Then thay are your heroes . Sick of thees wannabe anarchist and Paultards.
What does this have to do with liberals? Henderson is a fairly Republican city. I know; I live here.

Although few Republicans are Statist pigs like dimocraps are....

Many of them would be happy to administer a socialist state, even if they are not socialists themselves.

Cops are an arm of government. They are the arm of government that has a gun in it and they will use it to enforce their Statist laws.

I am VERY Conservative. Very. In fact, I'd say I'm very, very, very Conservative.

But I'm no friend of Cops. There's a reason they're called 'Pigs'.

And they've earned it over the years.

I've known very few Cops in the last twenty years that weren't bullies and punks.

Before then -- Twenty-five, thirty years and more ago? A lot of them really did want to "Protect and Serve" and the bullies and punks were shunned and/or run off.

Anymore? No way.

You can't get good, decent men to do what's being asked of Cops to do these days. So the only way politicians can done what they want done is to hire bullies and punks.

Some of the good men that want to serve but who can't stand being "Tax Collectors With Guns", PC police and enforcing bullshit laws try to go into Federal Service. But since the piece of fucking shit in the white house now got there and Eric Himmler is at DoJ, they're changing too. For the worse, of course.

There's a few good Cops around. But they're in the minority.

These punks, if what is being alleged is even half true, need to go to prison for a long, long time. And if the Police Department management was involved, the Department needs to be decertified and absorbed into the Sheriff's department or a bigger Police Department and every single employee who worked there needs to be layed off and re-apply for their old job back.

Like that will ever happen. :cuckoo:

Hold your breath :doubt:

Ya, they are just all tools of the state. They are swine. Until you call them. Then thay are your heroes . Sick of thees wannabe anarchist and Paultards.

If you're referring to me as a Paulbot, you couldn't be more wrong. But I suspect you're used to that.

I don't call the Police to protect me from bad guys. I call the Cops to protect the bad guys from me.

Protect yourself and see what happens.

Defend your wife, protect your neighbors property, defend your own person from an aggressor and see what happens to you.

Ever heard of George Zimmerman.

I'm not afraid of bad guys. I can handle myself.

I'm afraid of what the State will do to me if I defend myself or my property.

The Cops and the entire fucking Court System is much more interested in protecting the rights of criminals than they are in protecting yours or mine.

Me a Paulbot? That's a laugher. libertarians are just collectivists who got lost in the woods. Anarchists. And loons.

Time you woke up and looked around.... The State is not your friend. And Cops are THE enforcement arm of the State.

And that's why you see so many disillusioned Cops either getting out or just going through the motions. It's why their divorce rate is so high. It's why their suicide rate is so high.

Nobody respects them anymore. And you know what?

They brought it on themselves. Trust me. I know my share. And most of them are bullies and punks.

Not all. Not all, but way too many. The majority.

Know why? Because that's how 'upper management' (politicians) want it. It's not an accident
...My entire contention is that putting the state or local police under the third has no possible connection to this act because they are STATE personnel not covered rather than the FEDERAL personnel that are covered.

Hello?! It's precisely BECAUSE of the Act's exclusion of state military forces that increased federal influence over newly defined non-federal "soldiers" (forces that are already deployed in the guise of state and local police departments all over the country) amounts to a clear circumvention of what certain power brokers might deem the problem of Posse Comitatus.
In Engblom v. Carey, the Court of Appeals for the 2nd District held:

Engblom v. Carey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rendered on May 3, 1982, the decision, written for the court by Judge Walter R. Mansfield, established that the National Guardsmen legally qualify as soldiers under the Third Amendment, that the amendment applies to state as well as federal authorities

There is some controversy on whether or not the Amendment has been incorporated. This may be an opportunity for the SCOTUS to complete that process.

I think it is, but what do I know? If I were an Attorney, I'd be out stealing peoples' money instead of in here wasting my time
Although few Republicans are Statist pigs like dimocraps are....

Many of them would be happy to administer a socialist state, even if they are not socialists themselves.

Cops are an arm of government. They are the arm of government that has a gun in it and they will use it to enforce their Statist laws.

I am VERY Conservative. Very. In fact, I'd say I'm very, very, very Conservative.

But I'm no friend of Cops. There's a reason they're called 'Pigs'.

And they've earned it over the years.

I've known very few Cops in the last twenty years that weren't bullies and punks.

Before then -- Twenty-five, thirty years and more ago? A lot of them really did want to "Protect and Serve" and the bullies and punks were shunned and/or run off.

Anymore? No way.

You can't get good, decent men to do what's being asked of Cops to do these days. So the only way politicians can done what they want done is to hire bullies and punks.

Some of the good men that want to serve but who can't stand being "Tax Collectors With Guns", PC police and enforcing bullshit laws try to go into Federal Service. But since the piece of fucking shit in the white house now got there and Eric Himmler is at DoJ, they're changing too. For the worse, of course.

There's a few good Cops around. But they're in the minority.

These punks, if what is being alleged is even half true, need to go to prison for a long, long time. And if the Police Department management was involved, the Department needs to be decertified and absorbed into the Sheriff's department or a bigger Police Department and every single employee who worked there needs to be layed off and re-apply for their old job back.

Like that will ever happen. :cuckoo:

Hold your breath :doubt:

Ya, they are just all tools of the state. They are swine. Until you call them. Then thay are your heroes . Sick of thees wannabe anarchist and Paultards.

If you're referring to me as a Paulbot, you couldn't be more wrong. But I suspect you're used to that.

I don't call the Police to protect me from bad guys. I call the Cops to protect the bad guys from me.

Protect yourself and see what happens.

Defend your wife, protect your neighbors property, defend your own person from an aggressor and see what happens to you.

Ever heard of George Zimmerman.

I'm not afraid of bad guys. I can handle myself.

I'm afraid of what the State will do to me if I defend myself or my property.

The Cops and the entire fucking Court System is much more interested in protecting the rights of criminals than they are in protecting yours or mine.

Me a Paulbot? That's a laugher. libertarians are just collectivists who got lost in the woods. Anarchists. And loons.

Time you woke up and looked around.... The State is not your friend. And Cops are THE enforcement arm of the State.

And that's why you see so many disillusioned Cops either getting out or just going through the motions. It's why their divorce rate is so high. It's why their suicide rate is so high.

Nobody respects them anymore. And you know what?

They brought it on themselves. Trust me. I know my share. And most of them are bullies and punks.

Not all. Not all, but way too many. The majority.

Know why? Because that's how 'upper management' (politicians) want it. It's not an accident

First, George Zimmerman is the case those who instruct CCW point go as a demonstration of how you do it wrong. If ever a case is made against the castle doctrine, or stand your ground, his case will be and is used as proof that it shouldn't be. Fuck Zimmerman, he is a moron.

Protecting my self ? I am a two time CCW holder, and the Wife has hers. As far as protecting our selves, we covered.

Paulbots ? No, I said, and I meant Paultard. You know, what the people in his district call him. You may not consider your self one, but you tow the same line.

As far as cops go, I have known one since Jr. High. He went to HPD at 18 back in 92. The job, and things he has seen have taken a toll. He has done, and is doing a job you Paultards never could, or would . Not even if the parents or gubment $$ stopped coming in.
Ya, they are just all tools of the state. They are swine. Until you call them. Then thay are your heroes . Sick of thees wannabe anarchist and Paultards.

If you're referring to me as a Paulbot, you couldn't be more wrong. But I suspect you're used to that.

I don't call the Police to protect me from bad guys. I call the Cops to protect the bad guys from me.

Protect yourself and see what happens.

Defend your wife, protect your neighbors property, defend your own person from an aggressor and see what happens to you.

Ever heard of George Zimmerman.

I'm not afraid of bad guys. I can handle myself.

I'm afraid of what the State will do to me if I defend myself or my property.

The Cops and the entire fucking Court System is much more interested in protecting the rights of criminals than they are in protecting yours or mine.

Me a Paulbot? That's a laugher. libertarians are just collectivists who got lost in the woods. Anarchists. And loons.

Time you woke up and looked around.... The State is not your friend. And Cops are THE enforcement arm of the State.

And that's why you see so many disillusioned Cops either getting out or just going through the motions. It's why their divorce rate is so high. It's why their suicide rate is so high.

Nobody respects them anymore. And you know what?

They brought it on themselves. Trust me. I know my share. And most of them are bullies and punks.

Not all. Not all, but way too many. The majority.

Know why? Because that's how 'upper management' (politicians) want it. It's not an accident

First, George Zimmerman is the case those who instruct CCW point go as a demonstration of how you do it wrong. If ever a case is made against the castle doctrine, or stand your ground, his case will be and is used as proof that it shouldn't be. Fuck Zimmerman, he is a moron.

Protecting my self ? I am a two time CCW holder, and the Wife has hers. As far as protecting our selves, we covered.

Paulbots ? No, I said, and I meant Paultard. You know, what the people in his district call him. You may not consider your self one, but you tow the same line.

As far as cops go, I have known one since Jr. High. He went to HPD at 18 back in 92. The job, and things he has seen have taken a toll. He has done, and is doing a job you Paultards never could, or would . Not even if the parents or gubment $$ stopped coming in.

You're just another Statist. You may be a right wing Statist, but you're a Statist nonetheless.
...My entire contention is that putting the state or local police under the third has no possible connection to this act because they are STATE personnel not covered rather than the FEDERAL personnel that are covered.

Hello?! It's precisely BECAUSE of the Act's exclusion of state military forces that increased federal influence over newly defined non-federal "soldiers" (forces that are already deployed in the guise of state and local police departments all over the country) amounts to a clear circumvention of what certain power brokers might deem the problem of Posse Comitatus.

I am confused as to how you think that the act would apply in any way or allow in any way federal intrusion. You have stated that it can but are lacking the how. I fail to understand how a law that specifically does not include state agencies is somehow going to affect state agencies.
Ya, they are just all tools of the state. They are swine. Until you call them. Then thay are your heroes . Sick of thees wannabe anarchist and Paultards.

Not really. You don’t call the cops to be your hero, you will be disappointed 100 percent of the time. You call the cops to clean up the mess afterward.

I have had my rights violated by police far more times than ordinary citizens. They have badgered me, tied to frame me and stolen from me. I tolerate and respect the police not because I might need them, that is not going to happen, or because they are ‘good’ but because they do a thankless and shit job that must be done. We NEED police or we lose the rule of law but they are certainly not ‘heroes’ and they are certainly not to be trusted (as I pointed out earlier) even if they are to be respected for the bullshit that they must endure.
Here's your Cops for you.....

Decorated Wounded Marine Treated “Shamefully” By TSA


Obviously, his medals made him a high security risk.

Via Military Times:

Wearing the uniform of the Few and Proud doesn’t rate preferential treatment from the Transportation Security Administration or California capitol security officers, retired Marine Cpl. Nathan Kemnitz recently found.

Kemnitz, severely injured in 2004 in a roadside bomb attack in Fallujah, has limited use of his right arm and cannot lift it above his head. So when security guards at the state capitol building in Sacramento, Calif., asked him to remove his dress blue blouse “because he was wearing too much metal,” and TSA asked him to raise his arms above his head for the full-body scanner at Sacramento International Airport, he could not comply.

“My right arm doesn’t work. It’s a lot of hassle for me to do that,” Kemntiz said.

At the state capitol, the Marine’s refusal to remove his uniform top grew into a heated exchange between Kemnitz, a friend who was accompanying him and security officers.

At the airport, bystanders stared as the TSA security screener looked under Kemnitz’s medals, ran his hands under the Marine’s waistband and swabbed his shoes for explosives.

“What does a uniform and heroism represent if our own citizens — in this case employees of the TSA and security personnel — have no regard for them?” wrote Kemnitz’s escort, Patricia Martin, to Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki following the incidents.

Martin took photos and disseminated them to family, friends and members of the media.
- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Cops are Pigs, Military Men like this are Heroes.

Never, ever confuse the two.

It just amazes me. When I was a kid you were taught to trust the police. How in the hell can you do that when shit like this happens?
I guess the brain washing didnt take. Because I dont trust em for shit.

The main issue is the militarization of the police forces in this country, coupled by the belief among most urban politicans that only the police as government agents should have the right to be armed.

We are re-creating a new upper class of knights, who posses the right of force, and feel the right to lord over the "lower classes"

Note this is not really occuring in rural areas that follow a more traditional sherriff system. Note that 2nd amendment support from smaller law enforcement organizations is near universal.

Well, if the gun companies insist on selling military grade weapons to civilians, including crazy people and criminals, the police would kind of need to be militarized, wouldn't they?

And then JoeB comes into the tread, misses the point entirely, and lowers the overall IQ of the thread by 1/2.

The amount of times rifles and "military grade weapons" are used in crimes is a statistical blip. Also, how many of said attackers have been taken out by the police vs. the ones that off themselves after doing what they do, because no one around is armed?

The gun free zone fallacy at work.

Well, if the gun companies insist on selling military grade weapons to civilians, including crazy people and criminals, the police would kind of need to be militarized, wouldn't they?

And then JoeB comes into the tread, misses the point entirely, and lowers the overall IQ of the thread by 1/2.

The amount of times rifles and "military grade weapons" are used in crimes is a statistical blip. Also, how many of said attackers have been taken out by the police vs. the ones that off themselves after doing what they do, because no one around is armed?

The gun free zone fallacy at work.

Tell you what. Let's put you in a room full of people related to folks killed by Lanza or Joker Holmes, and you can explain to them how their loved ones are a "Statistical blip".

Best argument for gun control is to let the gun nutters talk.

Well, if the gun companies insist on selling military grade weapons to civilians, including crazy people and criminals, the police would kind of need to be militarized, wouldn't they?

And then JoeB comes into the tread, misses the point entirely, and lowers the overall IQ of the thread by 1/2.

The amount of times rifles and "military grade weapons" are used in crimes is a statistical blip. Also, how many of said attackers have been taken out by the police vs. the ones that off themselves after doing what they do, because no one around is armed?

The gun free zone fallacy at work.

Tell you what. Let's put you in a room full of people related to folks killed by Lanza or Joker Holmes, and you can explain to them how their loved ones are a "Statistical blip".

Best argument for gun control is to let the gun nutters talk.

Again, how would denying ME my right to own a firearm have stopped Lanza and Holmes?
You are a statist asshole who desires to be lorded over by your armed/governmental betters, nothing more.

Must have something to do with your probabe mascochistic tendencies.
I think the 3rd Amendment charge isn't going to fly, but it sounds like his civil rights were violated.

Again, how would denying ME my right to own a firearm have stopped Lanza and Holmes?
You are a statist asshole who desires to be lorded over by your armed/governmental betters, nothing more.

Must have something to do with your probabe mascochistic tendencies.

For all I know, you are the next Lanza or Holmes. Frankly, listening to you gun nuts talk about all the people you want to kill, like "criminals" with Skittles and government agents, tells me you are ticking time bombs waiting to go off.

No one has guns... no problem. Every other industrialized nation has figured this one out except us.

Again, how would denying ME my right to own a firearm have stopped Lanza and Holmes?
You are a statist asshole who desires to be lorded over by your armed/governmental betters, nothing more.

Must have something to do with your probabe mascochistic tendencies.

For all I know, you are the next Lanza or Holmes. Frankly, listening to you gun nuts talk about all the people you want to kill, like "criminals" with Skittles and government agents, tells me you are ticking time bombs waiting to go off.

No one has guns... no problem. Every other industrialized nation has figured this one out except us.

For all I know you are the sugar plum fairy. Nice line of logic there JoeBust

And in other countries other rates are higher because the bad guys know they have an unarmed population and X amount of time to fuck people up until the cops show up.

You seem to like the concept of bigger stronger people beating up weaker people.

Again, how would denying ME my right to own a firearm have stopped Lanza and Holmes?
You are a statist asshole who desires to be lorded over by your armed/governmental betters, nothing more.

Must have something to do with your probabe mascochistic tendencies.

For all I know, you are the next Lanza or Holmes. Frankly, listening to you gun nuts talk about all the people you want to kill, like "criminals" with Skittles and government agents, tells me you are ticking time bombs waiting to go off.

No one has guns... no problem. Every other industrialized nation has figured this one out except us.

That's a lie.

Here is a list that shows the Countries that shows the laws of every Country regarding guns.

Gun politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Note that the stricter the Laws, the more uncivilized the Country.

Here is one Harvard Study putting the lie to your juvenile statement --

Harvard Study Shows No Effect Of Firearm Laws On Gun Deaths | Firearms Policy CoalitionFirearms Policy Coalition

Here is another study showing you to be either stupid or a liar....


Which is it? Are you stupid or lying?

Or both. Because I know you've been shown these before.

Now what you'll do is deny the validity of the source (Harvard? Good luck) attack me personally or just simply ignore the facts and wait a few days until you feel safe to lie about it again.

I'm voting for the latter option

Again, how would denying ME my right to own a firearm have stopped Lanza and Holmes?
You are a statist asshole who desires to be lorded over by your armed/governmental betters, nothing more.

Must have something to do with your probabe mascochistic tendencies.

For all I know, you are the next Lanza or Holmes. Frankly, listening to you gun nuts talk about all the people you want to kill, like "criminals" with Skittles and government agents, tells me you are ticking time bombs waiting to go off.

No one has guns... no problem. Every other industrialized nation has figured this one out except us.

We used to enjoy freedom like no other country too but that is slipping away at an ever increasing rate as well.

Again, how would denying ME my right to own a firearm have stopped Lanza and Holmes?
You are a statist asshole who desires to be lorded over by your armed/governmental betters, nothing more.

Must have something to do with your probabe mascochistic tendencies.

For all I know, you are the next Lanza or Holmes. Frankly, listening to you gun nuts talk about all the people you want to kill, like "criminals" with Skittles and government agents, tells me you are ticking time bombs waiting to go off.

No one has guns... no problem. Every other industrialized nation has figured this one out except us.
Look up every nation that murdered its citizens. Nazi Germany,Khmer Rouge,Communist China,Stalins USSR...one thing they had in common was the disarmed the public. Guns aren't for hunting idiot they are for protecting us against tyranny.
It just amazes me. When I was a kid you were taught to trust the police. How in the hell can you do that when shit like this happens?
I guess the brain washing didnt take. Because I dont trust em for shit.

The main issue is the militarization of the police forces in this country, coupled by the belief among most urban politicans that only the police as government agents should have the right to be armed.

We are re-creating a new upper class of knights, who posses the right of force, and feel the right to lord over the "lower classes"

Note this is not really occuring in rural areas that follow a more traditional sherriff system. Note that 2nd amendment support from smaller law enforcement organizations is near universal.

I was right there with you until you went into fantasy-land with that "Not occurring in rural areas" nonsense, Marty.

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