police arrest,assault family for refusing to open home for stakeout.


For all I know you are the sugar plum fairy. Nice line of logic there JoeBust

And in other countries other rates are higher because the bad guys know they have an unarmed population and X amount of time to fuck people up until the cops show up.

You seem to like the concept of bigger stronger people beating up weaker people.

First, dumbass, no industrialized country in the world has our crime rate. Countries have to publish pamphlets on how to NOT get killed in America. Like that poor Japanese kid who went to the wrong address and a concerned homeowner plugged him because Japanese teenagers are so intimidating.

The guns are the problem, because most you have no idea what the fuck you are doing with them.
Look up every nation that murdered its citizens. Nazi Germany,Khmer Rouge,Communist China,Stalins USSR...one thing they had in common was the disarmed the public. Guns aren't for hunting idiot they are for protecting us against tyranny.

Nazi germany actually ARMED its public. Hitler loosened the gun ownership rules compared to where they were under the Weimar Republic. The guy who took all the guns away from average Germans was Dwight D. Eisenhower after the war.

those other three countries were populations where there were too many guns, they had LOOONG civil wars that ended with the winners killing the shit out of the losers. So guns probably made those situations worse, too.

The problem is, with "I Needs a Gun to protect me from the government" is usually if you are the type that thinks that, when the government does take you out, your neighbors will be cheering because you were scaring their children.

We used to enjoy freedom like no other country too but that is slipping away at an ever increasing rate as well.

Whenever a conservatard talks about "Freedom", he usually means the ability of the wealthy to abuse the rest of us.
Reading more about case, I have to wonder what was really going on.

Most of the accounts say that the cops wanted to use the home of the jerk who is filing this case as a command post to deal with a neighbor who was involved in Domestic Battery. Now that sounds like a bit much, like there was something else going on. Because at one point, the person who was being investigated refused to answer his phone when the cops called him during the incident.

This makes it sound like it was almost a hostage situation.

There's part of this story we aren't hearing.
Look up every nation that murdered its citizens. Nazi Germany,Khmer Rouge,Communist China,Stalins USSR...one thing they had in common was the disarmed the public. Guns aren't for hunting idiot they are for protecting us against tyranny.

Nazi germany actually ARMED its public. Hitler loosened the gun ownership rules compared to where they were under the Weimar Republic. The guy who took all the guns away from average Germans was Dwight D. Eisenhower after the war.

those other three countries were populations where there were too many guns, they had LOOONG civil wars that ended with the winners killing the shit out of the losers. So guns probably made those situations worse, too.

The problem is, with "I Needs a Gun to protect me from the government" is usually if you are the type that thinks that, when the government does take you out, your neighbors will be cheering because you were scaring their children.

Wow...got an excuse for everything eh?

By 1938, the Communists threat was essentially eliminated. However, preparing for his invasion of Poland, Hitler needed to draw up illusion of an imminent threat to justify the actual initiation of a war. Hitler and the Nazi's decided to draw up a gun law that would only apply to the new qualified "citizen". In 1935, Jewish residents were no longer considered citizens, and thus gave the precedent for new laws to prevent any resistance. The gun control provisions under the 1938 German Weapons Act, which superseded the 1928 law. As under the 1928 law, ONLY citizens were required to have a permit to carry a firearm and a separate permit to acquire a firearm. Furthermore, the law restricted ownership of firearms to "...persons whose trustworthiness is not in question and who can show a need for a (gun) permit." Under the new law,
Gun restriction laws applied to all guns and ammunition. The 1938 revisions introduced restrictions specifically reiterating the prohibition for Jews to hold firearms, but made it easier for one party nazi regime to gain acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as was the possession of ammunition."[4]
The legal age at which guns could be purchased was lowered from 20 to 18.[5]
Permits were valid for three years, rather than one year.[5]
The groups of people who were exempt from the acquisition permit requirement expanded. Holders of annual hunting permits, government workers, and NSDAP members were no longer subject to gun ownership restrictions. Prior to the 1938 law, only officials of the central government, the states, and employees of the German Reichsbahn Railways were exempted.[4]
Jews were forbidden from the manufacturing or dealing of firearms and ammunition.[4]
Under both the 1928 and 1938 acts, gun manufacturers and dealers were required to maintain records with information about who purchased guns and the guns' serial numbers. These records were to be delivered to a police authority for inspection at the end of each year.
On November 11, 1938, the Minister of the Interior, Wilhelm Frick, promulgated Regulations Against Jews' Possession of Weapons. This regulation effectively deprived all Jews living in those locations of the right to possess firearms or other weapons.[6][7]

Jews were not allowed to own,make or use weapons.
Look up every nation that murdered its citizens. Nazi Germany,Khmer Rouge,Communist China,Stalins USSR...one thing they had in common was the disarmed the public. Guns aren't for hunting idiot they are for protecting us against tyranny.

Nazi germany actually ARMED its public. Hitler loosened the gun ownership rules compared to where they were under the Weimar Republic. The guy who took all the guns away from average Germans was Dwight D. Eisenhower after the war.

Wow...got an excuse for everything eh?

By 1938, the Communists threat was essentially eliminated. However, preparing for his invasion of Poland, Hitler needed to draw up illusion of an imminent threat to justify the actual initiation of a war. Hitler and the Nazi's decided to draw up a gun law that would only apply to the new qualified "citizen". In 1935, Jewish residents were no longer considered citizens, ....

I have to stop you before you pile on the steaming loads of horseshit too deep here.

Germany's Jewish Population pre-war was only about 500,000. Germany was never really a fun place to be if you were Jewish. Laws that deprived Germany's Jews of their gun owning (and most other) "rights" weren't that big of a deal. In fact, most of Germany's Jews left the country before the war started.

It wasn't that they could have made a showing of it if they had guns. There were still 80 million Christian Germans after the Anchluss and Annexation of the Sudetenland, and most of them kept their guns and they were just fine with what was going on.

Most of the victims of the Holocaust were in countries Germany defeated and conquered, and usually in those countries, they found people were were more than happy to turn in their Jewish Neighbors. Again, guns - and there were still plenty of them lying around after the WWI debacle - didn't make much of a difference against tanks and bombers.
Nazi germany actually ARMED its public. Hitler loosened the gun ownership rules compared to where they were under the Weimar Republic. The guy who took all the guns away from average Germans was Dwight D. Eisenhower after the war.

Wow...got an excuse for everything eh?

By 1938, the Communists threat was essentially eliminated. However, preparing for his invasion of Poland, Hitler needed to draw up illusion of an imminent threat to justify the actual initiation of a war. Hitler and the Nazi's decided to draw up a gun law that would only apply to the new qualified "citizen". In 1935, Jewish residents were no longer considered citizens, ....

I have to stop you before you pile on the steaming loads of horseshit too deep here.

Germany's Jewish Population pre-war was only about 500,000. Germany was never really a fun place to be if you were Jewish. Laws that deprived Germany's Jews of their gun owning (and most other) "rights" weren't that big of a deal. In fact, most of Germany's Jews left the country before the war started.

It wasn't that they could have made a showing of it if they had guns. There were still 80 million Christian Germans after the Anchluss and Annexation of the Sudetenland, and most of them kept their guns and they were just fine with what was going on.

Most of the victims of the Holocaust were in countries Germany defeated and conquered, and usually in those countries, they found people were were more than happy to turn in their Jewish Neighbors. Again, guns - and there were still plenty of them lying around after the WWI debacle - didn't make much of a difference against tanks and bombers.
WOW! Rights were no big deal eh? Holy shit.....just wow.....you can keep trying to shovel your way out of it if you want to but you are just digging a bigger hole.
Wow...got an excuse for everything eh?

By 1938, the Communists threat was essentially eliminated. However, preparing for his invasion of Poland, Hitler needed to draw up illusion of an imminent threat to justify the actual initiation of a war. Hitler and the Nazi's decided to draw up a gun law that would only apply to the new qualified "citizen". In 1935, Jewish residents were no longer considered citizens, ....

I have to stop you before you pile on the steaming loads of horseshit too deep here.

Germany's Jewish Population pre-war was only about 500,000. Germany was never really a fun place to be if you were Jewish. Laws that deprived Germany's Jews of their gun owning (and most other) "rights" weren't that big of a deal. In fact, most of Germany's Jews left the country before the war started.

It wasn't that they could have made a showing of it if they had guns. There were still 80 million Christian Germans after the Anchluss and Annexation of the Sudetenland, and most of them kept their guns and they were just fine with what was going on.

Most of the victims of the Holocaust were in countries Germany defeated and conquered, and usually in those countries, they found people were were more than happy to turn in their Jewish Neighbors. Again, guns - and there were still plenty of them lying around after the WWI debacle - didn't make much of a difference against tanks and bombers.
WOW! Rights were no big deal eh? Holy shit.....just wow.....you can keep trying to shovel your way out of it if you want to but you are just digging a bigger hole.

Did you need simpler words to explain the concept to you?

Okay, it's this.

When the SS was driving the Jews out of Germany, most CHRISTIAN GERMANS who had guns didn't give a fuck. Most of them were joining in on the fun. There were not a bunch of them that ran out into the street on Kristalnacht and defended their Jewish neighbors.

the fact is, guns wouldn't have saved them. The only thing that saved them was 1) A lot of them were able to get out of the country before things really got nasty and 2) the Allies won.
Shit, I'll go one further. Ever hear of a guy named Horst Wessel? He was shot by, well, someone.

Geobbels miked that for proganda purposes.

Frankly, the fastest way to make you gun nuts out to be a threat would be for you to do something... threatening.

That's why I have to laugh when you clowns say you are going to "fight the government".

Again, how would denying ME my right to own a firearm have stopped Lanza and Holmes?
You are a statist asshole who desires to be lorded over by your armed/governmental betters, nothing more.

Must have something to do with your probabe mascochistic tendencies.

For all I know, you are the next Lanza or Holmes. Frankly, listening to you gun nuts talk about all the people you want to kill, like "criminals" with Skittles and government agents, tells me you are ticking time bombs waiting to go off.

No one has guns... no problem. Every other industrialized nation has figured this one out except us.

For all I know you are the sugar plum fairy. Nice line of logic there JoeBust

And in other countries other rates are higher because the bad guys know they have an unarmed population and X amount of time to fuck people up until the cops show up.

You seem to like the concept of bigger stronger people beating up weaker people.

Yup. Like making flame throwers out of garden pump sprayers, or using home brewed poison gas.

Again, how would denying ME my right to own a firearm have stopped Lanza and Holmes?
You are a statist asshole who desires to be lorded over by your armed/governmental betters, nothing more.

Must have something to do with your probabe mascochistic tendencies.

For all I know, you are the next Lanza or Holmes. Frankly, listening to you gun nuts talk about all the people you want to kill, like "criminals" with Skittles and government agents, tells me you are ticking time bombs waiting to go off.

No one has guns... no problem. Every other industrialized nation has figured this one out except us.

That's a lie.

Here is a list that shows the Countries that shows the laws of every Country regarding guns.

Gun politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Note that the stricter the Laws, the more uncivilized the Country.

Here is one Harvard Study putting the lie to your juvenile statement --

Harvard Study Shows No Effect Of Firearm Laws On Gun Deaths | Firearms Policy CoalitionFirearms Policy Coalition

Here is another study showing you to be either stupid or a liar....


Which is it? Are you stupid or lying?

Or both. Because I know you've been shown these before.

Now what you'll do is deny the validity of the source (Harvard? Good luck) attack me personally or just simply ignore the facts and wait a few days until you feel safe to lie about it again.

I'm voting for the latter option

Which ever it is, he will call you"guy" first.

Or both. Because I know you've been shown these before.

Now what you'll do is deny the validity of the source (Harvard? Good luck) attack me personally or just simply ignore the facts and wait a few days until you feel safe to lie about it again.

I'm voting for the latter option

Which ever it is, he will call you"guy" first.

Or I just recognize them as Gun Nutter Horseshit and ignore them.

Shit, I'll go one further. Ever hear of a guy named Horst Wessel? He was shot by, well, someone.

Geobbels miked that for proganda purposes.

Frankly, the fastest way to make you gun nuts out to be a threat would be for you to do something... threatening.

That's why I have to laugh when you clowns say you are going to "fight the government".

What in the hell are you babbling about? Horst Wessel was murdered by communists...what's your point? Oh and gun nuts to a liberal means someone who believes in the 2nd amendment...so its a compliment thank you.
Shit, I'll go one further. Ever hear of a guy named Horst Wessel? He was shot by, well, someone.

Geobbels miked that for proganda purposes.

Frankly, the fastest way to make you gun nuts out to be a threat would be for you to do something... threatening.

That's why I have to laugh when you clowns say you are going to "fight the government".

What in the hell are you babbling about? Horst Wessel was murdered by communists...what's your point? Oh and gun nuts to a liberal means someone who believes in the 2nd amendment...so its a compliment thank you.

Yes, because clearly, because a slave-rapist 200 years ago couldn't imagine a clinically insane person buying a military grade weapon and mowing down a kindergarten, we shouldn't ever take contingencies to keep that from happening.

Sorry, man, that's ... nuts.
Shit, I'll go one further. Ever hear of a guy named Horst Wessel? He was shot by, well, someone.

Geobbels miked that for proganda purposes.

Frankly, the fastest way to make you gun nuts out to be a threat would be for you to do something... threatening.

That's why I have to laugh when you clowns say you are going to "fight the government".

What in the hell are you babbling about? Horst Wessel was murdered by communists...what's your point? Oh and gun nuts to a liberal means someone who believes in the 2nd amendment...so its a compliment thank you.

Yes, because clearly, because a slave-rapist 200 years ago couldn't imagine a clinically insane person buying a military grade weapon and mowing down a kindergarten, we shouldn't ever take contingencies to keep that from happening.

Sorry, man, that's ... nuts.
Dude you have showed your true colors...ya know its easy to fix...Australia,Canada,England all ban guns OH and England would love your attitude towards our founding fathers so pick one!
Tell you what. Let's put you in a room full of people related to folks killed by Lanza or Joker Holmes, and you can explain to them how their loved ones are a "Statistical blip".

I have no problem doing that. Their families misfortunes do not give them the rights to take away mine.
For all I know, you are the next Lanza or Holmes.

I'd place bets on that being you before anyone else in this thread. You're the one acting like a nut job.

No one has guns... no problem. Every other industrialized nation has figured this one out except us.

No such nation on planet Earth exists.

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