police arrest,assault family for refusing to open home for stakeout.

Did I mention you are a paranoid loon?

Gun ownership should not be a "right". It should be a privilage that should be earned after you've proven you are responsible enough to do it.

Nothing you say carries any weight because you are a liar, a fraud and an idiot.

You left out that he is also a raving lunatic with delusions of adequacy.

Yeah, your right, but there is only so much time in the day and so I have to hit the high points on a lot of things.
NO, actually, it isn't.

In fact, there are no rights.

Something can't be a right if it can be taken away.

Any fool who thinks he has rights should look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942."

These ramblings, however pragmatic, really shine a light on your true self.

You mean I recognize reality.

Here's reality. When gangsters were mowing down bystanders with Tommy Guns in the 1920's, they didn't say, "Wow, what a bunch of scamps, excercising their 2nd Amendment Rights." They cracked down with some common sense gun laws. Many of which the NRA have been working to undermine since.

Only a matter of time before people get fed up with that shit today.

Yeah, because so many people today are walking around mowing lots of people down with Tommy Guns and DOING IT LEGALLY.

Did you get my point there, dumbass? IT IS ALREADY AGAINST THE LAW, so there is no new law to make the prohibitions work if the criminal justice system is not enforcing CURRENT LAWS.

And for the lurkers out there, since you are too stupid to grasp the meaning, the NRA is NOT trying to make it legal to carry Tommy Guns. They are trying to make it legal for you to DEFEND YOURSELF if some ass hole shows up with a Tommy Gun to kill lots of people like you reminisce so much about.

BTW, I will never forget or lose sight of the fact that you are a fraud and a liar. You will never ever be convinced you are wrong about anything because you have no respect for yourself and what you believe. What you claim to believe is just a tool for you to get approval from liars and frauds just like you are. And no matter how much you kiss their ass, when the time comes that they see it to their benefit to throw you overboard, they will still do it without hesitation. You mean nothing to them since they see you for the worthless piece of shyte that you are.

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