police arrest,assault family for refusing to open home for stakeout.

Guy, everytime you get on here with the crazy talk, I think you need to be protected from yourself.

Or at the very least, the rest of us need to be protected from you.

The same JoeB fear of shadows. You really are quite the pussy, ain't ya?

No, I have a reasonable concern about people who spend all their lives fantasizing about shooting people.

I spent 11 years in the Armed forces, and didn't spend as much time fantasizing about firing a gun in anger at another person than you do in a given week.

I dont even own a gun, I just want the right to own one if I so choose. I also dont deny other law abiding citizens thier ability to defend themselves as they see fit. I am not afraid of someone who meets the qualifications to own a gun legally, unlike yourself, who is possibly the biggest pussy I have seen on a message board.

Did I mention you are a fucking pussy?
Mitchell is far from an innocent bystander protecting his property rights. He was actively involved in interfering with a police action and putting their lives at risk. I see why he waited two years to file this frivolous case

Mitchell did absolutely no such thing whatsoever, which you would know if you were familiar with the case, but I'm not the least bit surprised that you take the position you do. People with your political views have historically used the government to abuse people.
-Henderson police officers arrested members of the Mitchell family they believed were communicating the position of a SWAT team to a barricaded armed suspect.

Because those police believed Mitchell was communicating with his neighbor they forcibly invade his home and assault him? They later searched phone records and learned what they'd believed was in fact not true.

Because I regard you as one of the more sensible and intelligent participants in this forum your position in this situation surprises me.

And that is your error.
Since I live in Henderson I submitted a complaint to the city over this incident. Just thought everyone would be interested to read the response I received.

Dear Mr McCreigh:

Thank you for taking the time to contact the City of Henderson regarding your concerns. Due to the pending litigation we cannot comment on the lawsuit filed against the city. However the city did receive a public records request for the police reports from this incident. While we cannot comment on the reports, they are a public record and are available for you to view in the Newsroom at: Newsroom - Public Information Office.

The City of Henderson takes public safety very seriously. By way of information, this incident occurred in 2011. Since that time the city has hired a new city manager and a new police chief. The first action undertaken by the new administration was to conduct a top-to-bottom review of the police department. The city brought in an independent, national firm to audit the police department, its training, policies and procedures.

The results of that audit were reported to the Mayor and Council and made available to the public. As a result, a number of positive recommendations were implemented and the department has since become a national model for training and is used as an example for best practices by the national ICMA organization. The city has also been named as the second safest city by Forbes Magazine since that time.


Office of the Mayor and Council
Since I live in Henderson I submitted a complaint to the city over this incident. Just thought everyone would be interested to read the response I received.

Dear Mr McCreigh:

Thank you for taking the time to contact the City of Henderson regarding your concerns. Due to the pending litigation we cannot comment on the lawsuit filed against the city. However the city did receive a public records request for the police reports from this incident. While we cannot comment on the reports, they are a public record and are available for you to view in the Newsroom at: Newsroom - Public Information Office.

The City of Henderson takes public safety very seriously. By way of information, this incident occurred in 2011. Since that time the city has hired a new city manager and a new police chief. The first action undertaken by the new administration was to conduct a top-to-bottom review of the police department. The city brought in an independent, national firm to audit the police department, its training, policies and procedures.

The results of that audit were reported to the Mayor and Council and made available to the public. As a result, a number of positive recommendations were implemented and the department has since become a national model for training and is used as an example for best practices by the national ICMA organization. The city has also been named as the second safest city by Forbes Magazine since that time.


Office of the Mayor and Council
I'm pleased that we have access to someone who lives in Henderson, NV. Especially one who is sufficiently concerned about this incident to have made an inquiry. I am especially pleased to find the police chief and city manager have been replaced. That very fact implies the Mitchells will be adequately compensated for the mistreatment inflicted on them by those de facto Gestapo goons.

Although Henderson, NV, is quite a distance from New Jersey the fact that appropriate action has already been taken, and more is pending (lawsuit), I am relieved to know the Fourth Amendment and the Common Law remain in effect all across the Country. The fact that those cops had the audacity to behave the way they did suggested erosion had already reached the critical level in one jurisdiction and would soon be spreading.

So, thanks. Your effort is appreciated.
I've just finished reading the official incident and arrest reports made available via URL link in Taz Me Bro's message. While parts of these reports come across like scenes from a Keystone Cops episode, the reality of it all is anything but funny.

Briefly stated; there was a domestic violence incident which police felt was serious enough to mount a full-scale lights-flashing and sirens-blasting SWAT operation on a typically quiet suburban street. The initial provocation for the police anger was Michael Mitchell coming out of his nearby house and shouting to the police to turn off the sirens. It escalated from there.

The primary complaint by police against Mitchell is the allegation that he was communicating via cell-phone with his neighbor, the subject of this extremely dramatic lights-and-sirens SWAT operation, informing him about what the police were doing. What I find most ironic in these reports is the police focus on preventing Mitchell from communicating with his neighbor, the subject of the SWAT activity, but not the vaguest suggestion of asking Mitchell to help pacify his neighbor and avoid the need for aggressive SWAT action.

The final scene in this psychodrama was the police breaking into Mitchell's home and arresting him -- essentially for defying them and refusing to submit to their orders while commandeering the neighborhood.
The same JoeB fear of shadows. You really are quite the pussy, ain't ya?

No, I have a reasonable concern about people who spend all their lives fantasizing about shooting people.

I spent 11 years in the Armed forces, and didn't spend as much time fantasizing about firing a gun in anger at another person than you do in a given week.

I dont even own a gun, I just want the right to own one if I so choose. I also dont deny other law abiding citizens thier ability to defend themselves as they see fit. I am not afraid of someone who meets the qualifications to own a gun legally, unlike yourself, who is possibly the biggest pussy I have seen on a message board.

Did I mention you are a fucking pussy?

Did I mention you are a paranoid loon?

Gun ownership should not be a "right". It should be a privilage that should be earned after you've proven you are responsible enough to do it.
Guy, everytime you get on here with the crazy talk, I think you need to be protected from yourself.

Or at the very least, the rest of us need to be protected from you.

The same JoeB fear of shadows. You really are quite the pussy, ain't ya?

No, I have a reasonable concern about people who spend all their lives fantasizing about shooting people.

I spent 11 years in the Armed forces, and didn't spend as much time fantasizing about firing a gun in anger at another person than you do in a given week.

You fucking liar, you don't have concern about jack shit. It is just more rhetorical bullshit being shot out of you pie hole.

Fuck you and eat shit.
No, I have a reasonable concern about people who spend all their lives fantasizing about shooting people.

I spent 11 years in the Armed forces, and didn't spend as much time fantasizing about firing a gun in anger at another person than you do in a given week.

I dont even own a gun, I just want the right to own one if I so choose. I also dont deny other law abiding citizens thier ability to defend themselves as they see fit. I am not afraid of someone who meets the qualifications to own a gun legally, unlike yourself, who is possibly the biggest pussy I have seen on a message board.

Did I mention you are a fucking pussy?

Did I mention you are a paranoid loon?

Gun ownership should not be a "right". It should be a privilage that should be earned after you've proven you are responsible enough to do it.

Nothing you say carries any weight because you are a liar, a fraud and an idiot.
Wonder why they waited two years ?

They didn't.
They were stonewalled for 2 years by the proper authorities.
Private lawsuits cost money, that's what police depend on in these cases, the victims being unable or unwilling to pay for justice.

Private lawsuits cost nothing. You can always find some ambulance chaser to work on contingency
Mitchell is far from an innocent bystander protecting his property rights. He was actively involved in interfering with a police action and putting their lives at risk. I see why he waited two years to file this frivolous case

Mitchell did absolutely no such thing whatsoever, which you would know if you were familiar with the case, but I'm not the least bit surprised that you take the position you do. People with your political views have historically used the government to abuse people.

All I know is what I read on the interweb
I dont even own a gun, I just want the right to own one if I so choose. I also dont deny other law abiding citizens thier ability to defend themselves as they see fit. I am not afraid of someone who meets the qualifications to own a gun legally, unlike yourself, who is possibly the biggest pussy I have seen on a message board.

Did I mention you are a fucking pussy?

Did I mention you are a paranoid loon?

Gun ownership should not be a "right". It should be a privilage that should be earned after you've proven you are responsible enough to do it.

Nothing you say carries any weight because you are a liar, a fraud and an idiot.

You left out that he is also a raving lunatic with delusions of adequacy.
Wonder why they waited two years ?

They didn't.
They were stonewalled for 2 years by the proper authorities.
Private lawsuits cost money, that's what police depend on in these cases, the victims being unable or unwilling to pay for justice.

Private lawsuits cost nothing. You can always find some ambulance chaser to work on contingency

So he shouldn't have looked for the best lawyer he could afford but instead take any schmoe?
As I said before if the statute for filing was still in effect there is no issue with the filing date.
Well it is, so get over it you whiny little bitch.

NO, actually, it isn't.

In fact, there are no rights.

Something can't be a right if it can be taken away.

Any fool who thinks he has rights should look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942."

These ramblings, however pragmatic, really shine a light on your true self.

You mean I recognize reality.

Here's reality. When gangsters were mowing down bystanders with Tommy Guns in the 1920's, they didn't say, "Wow, what a bunch of scamps, excercising their 2nd Amendment Rights." They cracked down with some common sense gun laws. Many of which the NRA have been working to undermine since.

Only a matter of time before people get fed up with that shit today.

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