Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

This just shows the mentality of some people.

It s murder and they will feel and see the wrath of God s vengeance Michael Brown s family react angrily to leak of Darren Wilson s testimony Daily Mail Online

I suppose we should just let thugs go around committing strong arm robberies, attacking cops, etc etc....blah blah. Boohoo for the poor blacks who just dont get it. BRING IT ON.....we're ready!
Really fucking tired of all the BS
Terrible attempt at explaining the enigma I placed before you.
Lets use a little intelligence here.

Brown was shot only once in the hand which makes sense.

Brown jerked and stopped after he ran which accounts for the wound not facing Wilson


Okay Mr chief Coroner and medical examiner.
Just give it up. Even CBS is trying to break it to you softly...just go with it before you make yourself look even du......just go with it.

CBS is not trying to break anything to me. Once the Fergusen PD closed ranks and with held information I knew what would be the result. That doesnt mean I have to be a sheep like you and actually help them by claiming a shot in the hand during the struggle in the car is proof he was not surrendering when Wilson gunned him down. Only a idiot or a racist would fall for that logic. BTW no I will not give it up. I will continue to stress you out by pointing out your flaws in logic and the interpretation of the evidence.

Yep....you have tunnel vision
That's what I would say if I could not dispute the post too. Please explain how being shot in the hand at the car supports that Brown was not surrendering after running away, then stopping and turning around with his hands up as all the eyewitnesses testify to. This should be interesting.

Some eyewitnesses said he was shot in the back. We know that wasn't true. Witnesses lie or sometimes gets things wrong.

In an interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the eyewitness recalled four key details:
• After an initial scuffle in the car, the officer did not fire until Brown turned back toward him.
• Brown put his arms out to his sides but never raised his hands high.
• Brown staggered toward Wilson despite commands to stop.
• The two were about 20 to 25 feet apart when the last shots were fired.

New Claims Made by Grand Jury Witness Who Says He Saw Shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson From Start to Finish TheBlaze.com
Thanks for finding a link I could get to.

So you are claiming that a witness that believes Wislon murdered Brown is your source?

After going over the entire incident in his head, the witness said he believes that Wilson is guilty of murder.
I think he should not be charged, but I believe he will be charged. Simply because of fear and intimidation from the thugs in Ferguson.
I think he should not be charged, but I believe he will be charged. Simply because of fear and intimidation from the thugs in Ferguson.
He wont be charged by his friends. If there is a federal investigation he may be charged.
This is pretty interesting. Wilson was fired from a corrupt racist police department about 3 years prior to this incident.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

The small city of Jennings, Mo., had a police department so troubled, and with so much tension between white officers and black residents, that the city council finally decided to disband it. Everyone in the Jennings police department was fired. New officers were brought in to create a credible department from scratch.

That was three years ago. One of the officers who worked in that department, and lost his job along with everyone else, was a young man named Darren Wilson.

Why are you trying to change the subject?

If saint michael of brown would have kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot (that day, anyway)
Because I want to. You cant do shit about it so why are you asking me? I think this provides a whole new twist to the issue as well. Shows prior issues with racism.
No it doesn't the man had nothing to do with the problems in that department as provided proof by the article.
Where in the article does it say he had nothing to do with the problems? He got fired. You dont get fired for nothing.
Retard alert the force got disbanded the entire force Wilson was not cited nor part of the reason for that. Unless of course we now can state Obama is to blame for Fast and Furious cause after all it was his ATF that ran the operation? But of course that is different right? Right?
Lets use a little intelligence here.

Brown was shot only once in the hand which makes sense.

Brown jerked and stopped after he ran which accounts for the wound not facing Wilson


Okay Mr chief Coroner and medical examiner.
Just give it up. Even CBS is trying to break it to you softly...just go with it before you make yourself look even du......just go with it.

CBS is not trying to break anything to me. Once the Fergusen PD closed ranks and with held information I knew what would be the result. That doesnt mean I have to be a sheep like you and actually help them by claiming a shot in the hand during the struggle in the car is proof he was not surrendering when Wilson gunned him down. Only a idiot or a racist would fall for that logic. BTW no I will not give it up. I will continue to stress you out by pointing out your flaws in logic and the interpretation of the evidence.

Yep....you have tunnel vision
That's what I would say if I could not dispute the post too. Please explain how being shot in the hand at the car supports that Brown was not surrendering after running away, then stopping and turning around with his hands up as all the eyewitnesses testify to. This should be interesting.

Some eyewitnesses said he was shot in the back. We know that wasn't true. Witnesses lie or sometimes gets things wrong.

In an interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the eyewitness recalled four key details:
• After an initial scuffle in the car, the officer did not fire until Brown turned back toward him.
• Brown put his arms out to his sides but never raised his hands high.
• Brown staggered toward Wilson despite commands to stop.
• The two were about 20 to 25 feet apart when the last shots were fired.

New Claims Made by Grand Jury Witness Who Says He Saw Shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson From Start to Finish TheBlaze.com

He might have been shot at while he was running. Apparently, several of Wilson's shots missed. Also, what gives a policeman the right to blast away at an unarmed man -- who has already been hit -- in a neighborhood endangering bystanders. Fact is, if Wilson had shot Brown at the car, I'd probably say it was an unfortunate incident. But shooting
Lets use a little intelligence here.

Brown was shot only once in the hand which makes sense.

Brown jerked and stopped after he ran which accounts for the wound not facing Wilson


Okay Mr chief Coroner and medical examiner.
Just give it up. Even CBS is trying to break it to you softly...just go with it before you make yourself look even du......just go with it.

CBS is not trying to break anything to me. Once the Fergusen PD closed ranks and with held information I knew what would be the result. That doesnt mean I have to be a sheep like you and actually help them by claiming a shot in the hand during the struggle in the car is proof he was not surrendering when Wilson gunned him down. Only a idiot or a racist would fall for that logic. BTW no I will not give it up. I will continue to stress you out by pointing out your flaws in logic and the interpretation of the evidence.

Yep....you have tunnel vision
That's what I would say if I could not dispute the post too. Please explain how being shot in the hand at the car supports that Brown was not surrendering after running away, then stopping and turning around with his hands up as all the eyewitnesses testify to. This should be interesting.

Some eyewitnesses said he was shot in the back. We know that wasn't true. Witnesses lie or sometimes gets things wrong.

In an interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the eyewitness recalled four key details:
• After an initial scuffle in the car, the officer did not fire until Brown turned back toward him.
• Brown put his arms out to his sides but never raised his hands high.
• Brown staggered toward Wilson despite commands to stop.
• The two were about 20 to 25 feet apart when the last shots were fired.

New Claims Made by Grand Jury Witness Who Says He Saw Shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson From Start to Finish TheBlaze.com

If some unarmed man were "staggering toward" me after being shot and is 25 feet away (almost 10 yards, assuming witness is correct), and I had a gun, I hope I could move aside and let him fall. If he didn't fall, I think Wilson could have taken him pretty easy even if he had to use a baton. Instead, Wilson shot him in the head. Sorry, that is wrong.
Bullshit. Bullies, whether or not they are sanctioned by the State, DO NOT get to just tell you what to do, and then shoot you dead with deadly force if you do not comply. Officer Wilson WAS NOT under any serious threat of life and limb. That is the simple truth. This teenager was already injured. This is well established.

Son, I seen a 5'3" woman get shot 4 times and run 40 feet and stab a man with a knife.

Put away your histrionics and try to listen to someone for a change, will you. When the body is injured, as when someone is shot, it produces massive amounts of endorphins to try to cope with the injury. This is similar to the body creating adrenaline which allow scared mothers to sometimes do things like lift the front end of a car off a child, or something of that nature.

This condition of course can't last long because the body just can't handle it, but it's basic science that it does happen and at least momentarily a person is almost super human. There have been MANY instances of a person who has been shot getting a hold of and harming the shooter.

Not to mention that isnt as if Wilson shot him once or twice, and then waited around then shot him some more. It was bang bang bang six shots in 5 or 6 seconds. That can happen to a person who isn't accustomed to shooting at human targets. The adrenaline kicks in and boom an entire magazine is emptied. I bet when asked Wilson didn't have any idea how many shots he fired.

I was an MP for 26 years, like it or not my opinion on this topic is more valid than yours. I actually find it sad that you don't think that is so.

Sorry about your fallacious reasoning kiddo.

The fallacy you have just engaged in is called, Argument from authority
Argument from authority - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Fallacious examples of using the appeal include any appeal to authority used in the context of logical reasoning, and appealing to the position of an authority or authorities to dismiss evidence,[2][3][4][5] as, while authorities can be correct in judgments related to their area of expertise more often than laypersons,[citation needed] they can still come to the wrong judgments through error, bias, dishonesty, or falling prey to groupthink. Thus, the appeal to authority is not a generally reliable argument for establishing facts.[6]
While I agree with you on the adrenaline issue, the fact of the matter is that Brown was IN RETREAT. Likewise, as has been established by the majority of witnesses, he HAD SURRENDERED, he had his hands up. So your hypothesis of an adrenal attack falls on it's face by prima facia reasoning.

If we were to argue from authority, my credentials in logical analysis would far out match yours. But I am not going to post them, because as I am well versed in logic, the presenting evidence, analysis, and all of those other matters, and since this is the internet, that's sort of pointless, isn't it kiddo?

First of all sonny, I don't care what you found on the internet, only a fucking fool believes that someone who has you know done this for a living isn't more qualified to speak on the subject than someone who has not.

Second of all junior, you once again show that you don't understand the intricacies of the law.

the fact of the matter is that Brown was IN RETREAT.

First of al the forensic evidence PROVES that Brown was moving TOWARDS Wilson when he was shot.

But just for shits and giggles let's say you were right and Wilson fought with Brown, Brown tried to get Wilson's gun, and was shot, then Brown retreated

Wilson is still permitted to shoot him if he feels that's the only way to prevent the felon from escaping. You really don't seem to get that. The law allows a police officer to use deadly force to prevent a suspected felon from fleeing.

So , even under your made up scenario it's a good shoot.
Blah blah blah.

All of this is from Wilson's account. Of course Brown was moving towards Wilson, which direction would he be moving if he were surrendering?

Brown is not a felon. Why are you making stuff up?

At this point I'm convinced that you actually are an idiot.

YOU said he was retreating. You don't retreat TOWARDS someone, you retreat AWAY from them.

There is ZERO evidence that he was surrendering . NONE.

And indeed I wrote SUSPECTED felon, because if Brown assaulted Wilson, as it appears he did, he's a felon. and if he grabbed his gun,that's another felony. Giving Wilson the right to use deadly force to arrest him.
Shoving the little man around and stealing his cigars by force is a felony too.

Five minutes later, his karma was levelled.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.
Just how old are you?

You sound like a recent public school grad.
This is pretty interesting. Wilson was fired from a corrupt racist police department about 3 years prior to this incident.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

Why are you trying to change the subject?

If saint michael of brown would have kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot (that day, anyway)
Because I want to. You cant do shit about it so why are you asking me? I think this provides a whole new twist to the issue as well. Shows prior issues with racism.
No it doesn't the man had nothing to do with the problems in that department as provided proof by the article.
Where in the article does it say he had nothing to do with the problems? He got fired. You dont get fired for nothing.
Retard alert the force got disbanded the entire force Wilson was not cited nor part of the reason for that. Unless of course we now can state Obama is to blame for Fast and Furious cause after all it was his ATF that ran the operation? But of course that is different right? Right?
Wilson was not cited? Where do you see that? He was fired. It didnt say he was laid off or transferred it says fired. Other officers were reinstated but he wasnt.
Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

False scenario... The kid was shot running towards the officer who had already been beaten by him get it straight race baiter[/QUOT
He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.

He should have been shot in the head when he first attacked the officer

Maybe so, assuming it happened that way. But once that was over, Wilson should not have fired wildly endangering innocent bystanders. My guess is, he was like many posting here -- not going to let a Black person get away with anything as long as he had the gun/power.

Firing multiple rounds is NOT the same thing as firing wildly

Not much difference if a bunch missed. And Wilson was supposed badly beaten, but could see well enough to murder Brown.

the reason he fired multiple rounds is because he couldn't see clearly because of a broken eye socket genius
He fired multiple rounds because it is hard to put down a huge, adrenaline charged MONSTER!
False scenario... The kid was shot running towards the officer who had already been beaten by him get it straight race baiter[/QUOT
He should have been shot in the head when he first attacked the officer

Maybe so, assuming it happened that way. But once that was over, Wilson should not have fired wildly endangering innocent bystanders. My guess is, he was like many posting here -- not going to let a Black person get away with anything as long as he had the gun/power.

Firing multiple rounds is NOT the same thing as firing wildly

Not much difference if a bunch missed. And Wilson was supposed badly beaten, but could see well enough to murder Brown.

the reason he fired multiple rounds is because he couldn't see clearly because of a broken eye socket genius
He fired multiple rounds because it is hard to put down a huge, adrenaline charged MONSTER!
We get it. Black people cause you to stain your panties.
None of these comments re the Mike Brown case matters. Nothing anyone says can change a few simple facts that continue to get overlooked.
One: All MB had to do was follow the officers request and get his ass OUT OF THE STREET!
Two: Sooner or later some cop, whether it was D.Wilson or some other poor cop working that area would have approached MB because he COMMITTED a strong arm robbery. MB had weed in his system as the autopsy report revealed. Its all over the news. Anyone familiar with marijuana sold in North StL knows that it is a very potent kind. I dont know what they do to it but the shit is way stronger than just "marijuana."
MB actions speak for themselves.
Officer Wilson deserves respect and an apology from all the assholes who accused him of murder. He was doing his job and he done nothing more.
As far as the protesters? GO HOME, get a job and become someone before you end up like MB! STOP ruining what is left of a used to be good and proud city.

Thank you Officer Wilson, may you and your family move forward, stay safe and be proud!

So police on the streets should be given the power of apprehension, arrest, arraignment, deciding charges, bail, then judge and jury.

Not getting out of the street does not give a cop the right to do any of the above except the first two.

Shooting an unarmed kid who is trying to run away does not give a police officer the right to do anything except, again the first two.
Do you have tunnel vision or something?

Answer the question.
None of these comments re the Mike Brown case matters. Nothing anyone says can change a few simple facts that continue to get overlooked.
One: All MB had to do was follow the officers request and get his ass OUT OF THE STREET!
Two: Sooner or later some cop, whether it was D.Wilson or some other poor cop working that area would have approached MB because he COMMITTED a strong arm robbery. MB had weed in his system as the autopsy report revealed. Its all over the news. Anyone familiar with marijuana sold in North StL knows that it is a very potent kind. I dont know what they do to it but the shit is way stronger than just "marijuana."
MB actions speak for themselves.
Officer Wilson deserves respect and an apology from all the assholes who accused him of murder. He was doing his job and he done nothing more.
As far as the protesters? GO HOME, get a job and become someone before you end up like MB! STOP ruining what is left of a used to be good and proud city.

Thank you Officer Wilson, may you and your family move forward, stay safe and be proud!

So police on the streets should be given the power of apprehension, arrest, arraignment, deciding charges, bail, then judge and jury.

Not getting out of the street does not give a cop the right to do any of the above except the first two.

Shooting an unarmed kid who is trying to run away does not give a police officer the right to do anything except, again the first two.
Do you have tunnel vision or something?

Answer the question.
Good luck I'm still waiting on my explanation.
This is pretty interesting. Wilson was fired from a corrupt racist police department about 3 years prior to this incident.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

The small city of Jennings, Mo., had a police department so troubled, and with so much tension between white officers and black residents, that the city council finally decided to disband it. Everyone in the Jennings police department was fired. New officers were brought in to create a credible department from scratch.

That was three years ago. One of the officers who worked in that department, and lost his job along with everyone else, was a young man named Darren Wilson.

Why are you trying to change the subject?

If saint michael of brown would have kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot (that day, anyway)

And if Ferguson PD didn't recruit racist policemen, the results would likely have been different.
If the 89% of sorry ass Ferguson citizens who did not vote in the last local election had voted in people to represent them, instead of sitting out local elections, perhaps the FPD would be more reflective of and supported by the same locals that bitch that the 11% that did bother to vote voted wrong.
I think he should not be charged, but I believe he will be charged. Simply because of fear and intimidation from the thugs in Ferguson.
He wont be charged by his friends. If there is a federal investigation he may be charged.

How do you know that the jury is made up of his friends?
From what I hear the jury is predominantly white.

You think we are all friends with each other do you hater?
It seems, like this story will never end. People are still coming forward and we are still waiting for the investigation to be completed. What's going on?

What's going on is everyone and their brother knows that it was a good shoot, but those in charge are scared to death of more riots so they are leaking information a bit at a time trying to break the news gently so that the blacks can get used to the idea that there will be no charges filed.

that doesnt matter

they have shown themselves to be savages

one of their community leaders was on the tube last night

they are not interested in justice but rather interested in drawing more blood
One of their community leaders(a Missouri Senator) was arrested with a gun and spare ammo, and refused a breath test while reeking of booze.

Says a lot....!
Why are you trying to change the subject?

If saint michael of brown would have kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot (that day, anyway)
Because I want to. You cant do shit about it so why are you asking me? I think this provides a whole new twist to the issue as well. Shows prior issues with racism.
No it doesn't the man had nothing to do with the problems in that department as provided proof by the article.
Where in the article does it say he had nothing to do with the problems? He got fired. You dont get fired for nothing.
Retard alert the force got disbanded the entire force Wilson was not cited nor part of the reason for that. Unless of course we now can state Obama is to blame for Fast and Furious cause after all it was his ATF that ran the operation? But of course that is different right? Right?
Wilson was not cited? Where do you see that? He was fired. It didnt say he was laid off or transferred it says fired. Other officers were reinstated but he wasnt.
The force was disbanded no one got reinstated you dumb ass.
I think he should not be charged, but I believe he will be charged. Simply because of fear and intimidation from the thugs in Ferguson.
He wont be charged by his friends. If there is a federal investigation he may be charged.

How do you know that the jury is made up of his friends?
From what I hear the jury is predominantly white.

You think we are all friends with each other do you hater?
Just when it comes to protecting white racists.

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