Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

I'm already grown. I am speaking to his mind set and possible motives. I have seen the rage some white guys have when they discover their wives, girlfriends and mothers have sex with Black men. I can only imagine what would happen if this was witnessed as a child by a loose mother.

You're obsessed with this shit aren't you?
How would you know if I was obsessed?
Please! Obsession and inferiority are your calling cards.
That didnt answer my question. How would you know?
You must be having an extra-stupid day!

Unfortunately with him thats everyday.
You're obsessed with this shit aren't you?
How would you know if I was obsessed?
Please! Obsession and inferiority are your calling cards.
That didnt answer my question. How would you know?
You must be having an extra-stupid day!
I think you meant extra fun day. I have about 4 of you white boys in a tizzy.

Laughing at you flailing around because your boy got shot dead and the cop didn't commit a crime doing so and you can't stand that fact, is not being in a tizzy
How disgusting. Would you want someone talking about your mom that way? Grow up.
I'm already grown. I am speaking to his mind set and possible motives. I have seen the rage some white guys have when they discover their wives, girlfriends and mothers have sex with Black men. I can only imagine what would happen if this was witnessed as a child by a loose mother.

You're obsessed with this shit aren't you?
How would you know if I was obsessed?

Sign.......they're always the last to know......
How would you know someone was obsessed unless you were obsessed with them?

Well in your case it would be by unanimous vote....
It's a fact no matter what anyone says. Unlike you, evidence don't lie.
Your arguing a point that everyone agrees on. Wilson shot Brown while struggling with him at the car. Everyone agrees on that point retard. That doesnt make Wilsons outrageous story anymore believeable

Ok you retarded fuck then explain why you made the lame as remarks about me "pretending" when I pointed out the fact a struggle occurred at the car.

Me: "The fact that there was a struggle going on at the car supports Wilson."

You: "Only if you pretend that's not exactly what everyone else already said on both sides of the issue."

What is so outrageous with Wilson's account?

That an unarmed black thug would attack a police officer?
I understand how reading comprehension is hard for you but what confused you about my post? You said the struggle supported Wilsons side of the story. No it doesn't. It supports both sides. Wilson expects people to believe that Brown just attacked an officer with a gun, got shot, ran, then turned around and came back to get shot again. Yeah that makes a lot of sense. :bsflag:

If it supports both sides. Then it does support Wilson's side you moron!

If you knew that you would have said it supported both sides. Why did you only claim it supported Wilsons story?

Because the topic is about Wilson and his account of events.
How would you know if I was obsessed?
Please! Obsession and inferiority are your calling cards.

You forgot perpetual victim....
You guys are so upset you are way off topic. Way to let me know I own you. :lol:

One of us has a family member who has been owned in the past, hint it isn't the white guy
Your family member were slaves too. Thats where the word slave came from. The white boy continent.

and yet blacks are the only ones running around blaming slavery for all their woes.
How would you know if I was obsessed?
Please! Obsession and inferiority are your calling cards.
That didnt answer my question. How would you know?
You must be having an extra-stupid day!
I think you meant extra fun day. I have about 4 of you white boys in a tizzy.

Laughing at you flailing around because your boy got shot dead and the cop didn't commit a crime doing so and you can't stand that fact, is not being in a tizzy
I dont see you laughing. All I see is you upset because you are pissed off that I pointed out the evidence does nothing to bolster Wilsons side of the story.
Your arguing a point that everyone agrees on. Wilson shot Brown while struggling with him at the car. Everyone agrees on that point retard. That doesnt make Wilsons outrageous story anymore believeable

Ok you retarded fuck then explain why you made the lame as remarks about me "pretending" when I pointed out the fact a struggle occurred at the car.

Me: "The fact that there was a struggle going on at the car supports Wilson."

You: "Only if you pretend that's not exactly what everyone else already said on both sides of the issue."

What is so outrageous with Wilson's account?

That an unarmed black thug would attack a police officer?
I understand how reading comprehension is hard for you but what confused you about my post? You said the struggle supported Wilsons side of the story. No it doesn't. It supports both sides. Wilson expects people to believe that Brown just attacked an officer with a gun, got shot, ran, then turned around and came back to get shot again. Yeah that makes a lot of sense. :bsflag:

If it supports both sides. Then it does support Wilson's side you moron!

If you knew that you would have said it supported both sides. Why did you only claim it supported Wilsons story?

Because the topic is about Wilson and his account of events.
Thats a dumb reason to only say it supported Wilson's account when it didnt.
only in Asclepias's racist world does the fact that forensics confirms that Brown committed two felonies support the theory that Brown was a good kid who got murdered for doing no wrong
Something missing in this case. Can't put my finger on it.

Oh, yeah.

Evidence of a criminal act by the suspect!!!

That's what's missing!!!

Those idiots want a trial regardless of the lack of evidence. Sort of a lynching of a white guy by blacks.

What's the difference between Ferguson protesters and the kkk?

The difference is obvious.

They don't need any evidence. They just need a reason to loot.
Please! Obsession and inferiority are your calling cards.

You forgot perpetual victim....
You guys are so upset you are way off topic. Way to let me know I own you. :lol:

One of us has a family member who has been owned in the past, hint it isn't the white guy
Your family member were slaves too. Thats where the word slave came from. The white boy continent.

and yet blacks are the only ones running around blaming slavery for all their woes.
Blacks were the only ones that went through chattel slavery here in the US. Why would whites run around blaming slavery if it was not a factor here in the US?
Moonglow...Likely the date they announce no charges against the policeman who killed the thug gentle giant thief who attacked him.
only in Asclepias's racist world does the fact that forensics confirms that Brown committed two felonies support the theory that Brown was a good kid who got murdered for doing no wrong
Only in a racists mind would they think the forensics only support the theory of Brown committing 2 felonies. The forensics show there was an altercation at the car and that Wilson shot him when he was surrendering.
only in Asclepias's racist world does the fact that forensics confirms that Brown committed two felonies support the theory that Brown was a good kid who got murdered for doing no wrong

It gets pretty old. He just keeps bringing up the same ole tired shit after it's been shot full of holes.
And then he'll throw in some non sequiturs just to keep things stupid.
Ok you retarded fuck then explain why you made the lame as remarks about me "pretending" when I pointed out the fact a struggle occurred at the car.

Me: "The fact that there was a struggle going on at the car supports Wilson."

You: "Only if you pretend that's not exactly what everyone else already said on both sides of the issue."

What is so outrageous with Wilson's account?

That an unarmed black thug would attack a police officer?
I understand how reading comprehension is hard for you but what confused you about my post? You said the struggle supported Wilsons side of the story. No it doesn't. It supports both sides. Wilson expects people to believe that Brown just attacked an officer with a gun, got shot, ran, then turned around and came back to get shot again. Yeah that makes a lot of sense. :bsflag:

If it supports both sides. Then it does support Wilson's side you moron!

If you knew that you would have said it supported both sides. Why did you only claim it supported Wilsons story?

Because the topic is about Wilson and his account of events.
Thats a dumb reason to only say it supported Wilson's account when it didnt.

Did I say "only"? No I didn't . You couldn't be honest if your life depended on it.

And yes it does support Wilson, why else would they say he will not likely be charged if the evidence didn't support him?
only in Asclepias's racist world does the fact that forensics confirms that Brown committed two felonies support the theory that Brown was a good kid who got murdered for doing no wrong

It gets pretty old. He just keeps bringing up the same ole tired shit after it's been shot full of holes.
And then he'll throw in some non sequiturs just to keep things stupid.
You sound obsessed. If my posts cause you stress you should stop reading them.
This show is over. Now it's just a matter of the critics destroying the shit hole they live in. That'll be the real show!
I understand how reading comprehension is hard for you but what confused you about my post? You said the struggle supported Wilsons side of the story. No it doesn't. It supports both sides. Wilson expects people to believe that Brown just attacked an officer with a gun, got shot, ran, then turned around and came back to get shot again. Yeah that makes a lot of sense. :bsflag:

If it supports both sides. Then it does support Wilson's side you moron!

If you knew that you would have said it supported both sides. Why did you only claim it supported Wilsons story?

Because the topic is about Wilson and his account of events.
Thats a dumb reason to only say it supported Wilson's account when it didnt.

Did I say "only"? No I didn't . You couldn't be honest if your life depended on it.

And yes it does support Wilson, why else would they say he will not likely be charged if the evidence didn't support him?

Your omission that it also supports the other side speaks volumes. Glad I was able to point that out to you.

There could be a number of reasons why they say it. They dont want to get sued. They dont want Wilson to go to trial to name 2 off the top of my head. Both very strong reasons.
None of these comments re the Mike Brown case matters. Nothing anyone says can change a few simple facts that continue to get overlooked.
One: All MB had to do was follow the officers request and get his ass OUT OF THE STREET!
Two: Sooner or later some cop, whether it was D.Wilson or some other poor cop working that area would have approached MB because he COMMITTED a strong arm robbery. MB had weed in his system as the autopsy report revealed. Its all over the news. Anyone familiar with marijuana sold in North StL knows that it is a very potent kind. I dont know what they do to it but the shit is way stronger than just "marijuana."
MB actions speak for themselves.
Officer Wilson deserves respect and an apology from all the assholes who accused him of murder. He was doing his job and he done nothing more.
As far as the protesters? GO HOME, get a job and become someone before you end up like MB! STOP ruining what is left of a used to be good and proud city.

Thank you Officer Wilson, may you and your family move forward, stay safe and be proud!
What is most compelling about this latest Brown video is that the two men reacting to what they are seeing are not aware they are being video-taped.

Therefore not acting or being interviewed. They simply confirm what the first witnesses stated right after the shooting.

But since many of you rednecks refuse to watch it, how would you know that?
I've seen the video, but I think most likely what happened is once Brown turned around and began to walk back, the officer after being attacked once was concerned the suspect was not going to stop, so he started firing.

What it really comes down to is that Brown should have never pushed the officer back into the squad car. He showed the officer right there that he was willing to assault an officer of the law.
Once that occurs, you have no defense, and you've opened yourself up to having lethal force being used against you.

Link, please.

Witnesses say he turned around and put his hands up in the air. The video clearly shows eyewitnesses, being filmed without their knowledge, mimicking Brown's gesture of putting his hands up and asking Wilson why he shot Brown.

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