Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

Because I want to. You cant do shit about it so why are you asking me? I think this provides a whole new twist to the issue as well. Shows prior issues with racism.
No it doesn't the man had nothing to do with the problems in that department as provided proof by the article.
Where in the article does it say he had nothing to do with the problems? He got fired. You dont get fired for nothing.
Retard alert the force got disbanded the entire force Wilson was not cited nor part of the reason for that. Unless of course we now can state Obama is to blame for Fast and Furious cause after all it was his ATF that ran the operation? But of course that is different right? Right?
Wilson was not cited? Where do you see that? He was fired. It didnt say he was laid off or transferred it says fired. Other officers were reinstated but he wasnt.
The force was disbanded no one got reinstated you dumb ass.
Sorry. They reapplied for their jobs. Wilson took off for the next racist PD.
Something missing in this case. Can't put my finger on it.

Oh, yeah.

Evidence of a criminal act by the suspect!!!

That's what's missing!!!

Those idiots want a trial regardless of the lack of evidence. Sort of a lynching of a white guy by blacks.

What's the difference between Ferguson protesters and the kkk?

The difference is obvious.
What do you expect from people who have no idea what a grand jury does?
I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.
Just how old are you?

You sound like a recent public school grad.

A lot older than you. You sound like the typical right/white winger I grew up with.

Do you believe this new witness all the right wingers are quoting above?

If so, why don't you guys also believe that witness when he says the following in the article:

"The witness said Wilson didn’t have to kill Brown. “It went from zero to 100 like that, in the blink of an eye. ... What transpired to us, in my eyesight, was murder. Down outright murder.”"
You're obsessed with this shit aren't you?
How would you know if I was obsessed?
Please! Obsession and inferiority are your calling cards.
That didnt answer my question. How would you know?
You must be having an extra-stupid day!
I think you meant extra fun day. I have about 4 of you white boys in a tizzy.
You're a legend in your own mind.
How would you know if I was obsessed?
Please! Obsession and inferiority are your calling cards.
That didnt answer my question. How would you know?
You must be having an extra-stupid day!
I think you meant extra fun day. I have about 4 of you white boys in a tizzy.
You're a legend in your own mind.
Obviously in your mind as well. You cant stop replying to me.
No it doesn't the man had nothing to do with the problems in that department as provided proof by the article.
Where in the article does it say he had nothing to do with the problems? He got fired. You dont get fired for nothing.
Retard alert the force got disbanded the entire force Wilson was not cited nor part of the reason for that. Unless of course we now can state Obama is to blame for Fast and Furious cause after all it was his ATF that ran the operation? But of course that is different right? Right?
Wilson was not cited? Where do you see that? He was fired. It didnt say he was laid off or transferred it says fired. Other officers were reinstated but he wasnt.
The force was disbanded no one got reinstated you dumb ass.
Sorry. They reapplied for their jobs. Wilson took off for the next racist PD.
This is pointless. Wilson walks and the thug is dead. I hope the folks in Ferguson burn their shit hole down. That's all that's left of this story.
Where in the article does it say he had nothing to do with the problems? He got fired. You dont get fired for nothing.
Retard alert the force got disbanded the entire force Wilson was not cited nor part of the reason for that. Unless of course we now can state Obama is to blame for Fast and Furious cause after all it was his ATF that ran the operation? But of course that is different right? Right?
Wilson was not cited? Where do you see that? He was fired. It didnt say he was laid off or transferred it says fired. Other officers were reinstated but he wasnt.
The force was disbanded no one got reinstated you dumb ass.
Sorry. They reapplied for their jobs. Wilson took off for the next racist PD.
Dont be so hard on yourself. I prefer to say you neglected to read the article.
This is pointless. Wilson walks and the thug is dead. I hope the folks in Ferguson burn their shit hole down. That's all that's left of this story.
You keep saying that but its less convincing every time you claim this the end and you keep posting.
Something missing in this case. Can't put my finger on it.

Oh, yeah.

Evidence of a criminal act by the suspect!!!

That's what's missing!!!

Those idiots want a trial regardless of the lack of evidence. Sort of a lynching of a white guy by blacks.

What's the difference between Ferguson protesters and the kkk?

The difference is obvious.
What do you expect from people who have no idea what a grand jury does?

Same lawyer that reprented the family of Trayvon Martin is trying to bring this case to trial. He said we need a trial and forget the Grand Jury.

I wonder where he got his degree from, Mexico?
Retard alert the force got disbanded the entire force Wilson was not cited nor part of the reason for that. Unless of course we now can state Obama is to blame for Fast and Furious cause after all it was his ATF that ran the operation? But of course that is different right? Right?
Wilson was not cited? Where do you see that? He was fired. It didnt say he was laid off or transferred it says fired. Other officers were reinstated but he wasnt.
The force was disbanded no one got reinstated you dumb ass.
Sorry. They reapplied for their jobs. Wilson took off for the next racist PD.
Dont be so hard on yourself. I prefer to say you neglected to read the article.
The one that failed to read is you it clearly states Wilson was not involved in the problems as I quoted for you.
Wilson was not cited? Where do you see that? He was fired. It didnt say he was laid off or transferred it says fired. Other officers were reinstated but he wasnt.
The force was disbanded no one got reinstated you dumb ass.
Sorry. They reapplied for their jobs. Wilson took off for the next racist PD.
Dont be so hard on yourself. I prefer to say you neglected to read the article.
The one that failed to read is you it clearly states Wilson was not involved in the problems as I quoted for you.
Where does it say that? Please quote it.
Are these the officials from the corrupt PD? That probably means he was the star Black person head cracker. If they were corrupt and racist I would suspect he would be their poster boy and free of any disciplinary action. The fact he left for another racist PD instead of getting his job back speaks volumes.
My prediction is he will be charged and convicted. I also believe he is innocent.
Something missing in this case. Can't put my finger on it.

Oh, yeah.

Evidence of a criminal act by the suspect!!!

That's what's missing!!!

Those idiots want a trial regardless of the lack of evidence. Sort of a lynching of a white guy by blacks.

What's the difference between Ferguson protesters and the kkk?

The difference is obvious.
What do you expect from people who have no idea what a grand jury does?

Same lawyer that reprented the family of Trayvon Martin is trying to bring this case to trial. He said we need a trial and forget the Grand Jury.

I wonder where he got his degree from, Mexico?
That's Crump. He also says that Brown was shot in the back.
None of these comments re the Mike Brown case matters. Nothing anyone says can change a few simple facts that continue to get overlooked.
One: All MB had to do was follow the officers request and get his ass OUT OF THE STREET!
Two: Sooner or later some cop, whether it was D.Wilson or some other poor cop working that area would have approached MB because he COMMITTED a strong arm robbery. MB had weed in his system as the autopsy report revealed. Its all over the news. Anyone familiar with marijuana sold in North StL knows that it is a very potent kind. I dont know what they do to it but the shit is way stronger than just "marijuana."
MB actions speak for themselves.
Officer Wilson deserves respect and an apology from all the assholes who accused him of murder. He was doing his job and he done nothing more.
As far as the protesters? GO HOME, get a job and become someone before you end up like MB! STOP ruining what is left of a used to be good and proud city.

Thank you Officer Wilson, may you and your family move forward, stay safe and be proud!

So police on the streets should be given the power of apprehension, arrest, arraignment, deciding charges, bail, then judge and jury.

Not getting out of the street does not give a cop the right to do any of the above except the first two.

Shooting an unarmed kid who is trying to run away does not give a police officer the right to do anything except, again the first two.


A cop DOES have the right to shoot an unarmed "kid" who has committed a felony if he believes that is the only was to stop him from hurting someone else.

Be that as it may, this "kid" charged the cop He wasn't fleeing. Forensics proves that. How God damned stupid are you son?
None of these comments re the Mike Brown case matters. Nothing anyone says can change a few simple facts that continue to get overlooked.
One: All MB had to do was follow the officers request and get his ass OUT OF THE STREET!
Two: Sooner or later some cop, whether it was D.Wilson or some other poor cop working that area would have approached MB because he COMMITTED a strong arm robbery. MB had weed in his system as the autopsy report revealed. Its all over the news. Anyone familiar with marijuana sold in North StL knows that it is a very potent kind. I dont know what they do to it but the shit is way stronger than just "marijuana."
MB actions speak for themselves.
Officer Wilson deserves respect and an apology from all the assholes who accused him of murder. He was doing his job and he done nothing more.
As far as the protesters? GO HOME, get a job and become someone before you end up like MB! STOP ruining what is left of a used to be good and proud city.

Thank you Officer Wilson, may you and your family move forward, stay safe and be proud!

So police on the streets should be given the power of apprehension, arrest, arraignment, deciding charges, bail, then judge and jury.

Not getting out of the street does not give a cop the right to do any of the above except the first two.

Shooting an unarmed kid who is trying to run away does not give a police officer the right to do anything except, again the first two.


A cop DOES have the right to shoot an unarmed "kid" who has committed a felony if he believes that is the only was to stop him from hurting someone else.

Be that as it may, this "kid" charged the cop He wasn't fleeing. Forensics proves that. How God damned stupid are you son?
Getting upset only makes you look like more of an idiot than you are. Where did the forensics prove anything? Please explain.
Okay Mr chief Coroner and medical examiner.
Just give it up. Even CBS is trying to break it to you softly...just go with it before you make yourself look even du......just go with it.

CBS is not trying to break anything to me. Once the Fergusen PD closed ranks and with held information I knew what would be the result. That doesnt mean I have to be a sheep like you and actually help them by claiming a shot in the hand during the struggle in the car is proof he was not surrendering when Wilson gunned him down. Only a idiot or a racist would fall for that logic. BTW no I will not give it up. I will continue to stress you out by pointing out your flaws in logic and the interpretation of the evidence.

Yep....you have tunnel vision
That's what I would say if I could not dispute the post too. Please explain how being shot in the hand at the car supports that Brown was not surrendering after running away, then stopping and turning around with his hands up as all the eyewitnesses testify to. This should be interesting.

Some eyewitnesses said he was shot in the back. We know that wasn't true. Witnesses lie or sometimes gets things wrong.

In an interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the eyewitness recalled four key details:
• After an initial scuffle in the car, the officer did not fire until Brown turned back toward him.
• Brown put his arms out to his sides but never raised his hands high.
• Brown staggered toward Wilson despite commands to stop.
• The two were about 20 to 25 feet apart when the last shots were fired.

New Claims Made by Grand Jury Witness Who Says He Saw Shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson From Start to Finish TheBlaze.com
Thanks for finding a link I could get to.

So you are claiming that a witness that believes Wislon murdered Brown is your source?

After going over the entire incident in his head, the witness said he believes that Wilson is guilty of murder.

What the witness believes isn't evidence. The account he told supports Wilson's account.

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