Police commish calls Obama the n-word. Refuses to apologize.

Address the issue. Why do think it's ok for blacks to use this word but not whites? Doesn't that make you a racist?

That's not the issue, faggot.

The issue is whether Johnson is a backwards old bigot. Like you. The answer is yes.

If blacks can call each other ****** without reprisal, then whites should also be allowed to call them ****** without reprisal. If blacks TRULY didn't like the word, THEN NONE OF THEM WOULD USE IT EITHER.

Grow a fucking brain, bubble head.

Your logic is retarded and ass backwards. I think you meant if Blacks called whites honky or cracker then whites can use the N word. What kind of dumbfuck are you to think you should be able to call someone a racist name and you are not the same race?
Address the issue. Why do think it's ok for blacks to use this word but not whites? Doesn't that make you a racist?

That's not the issue, faggot.

The issue is whether Johnson is a backwards old bigot. Like you. The answer is yes.

If blacks can call each other ****** without reprisal, then whites should also be allowed to call them ****** without reprisal. If blacks TRULY didn't like the word, THEN NONE OF THEM WOULD USE IT EITHER.

Grow a fucking brain, bubble head.
there are many reasons I was pleased that Mr Obama was elected Potus (twice), one is that it must have inflicted so much pain on people of your ilk the first time around:badgrin: but twice, I can almost see your eyes bulging.

ps how will you handle a two term Hilary Lickspittle?
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I hope this cop has the sense to point out that blacks use this word all the time and it's racist to say whites aren't allowed to.

Town upset police official used N-word for Obama

May 15, 2014

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Some residents of a predominantly white New Hampshire town are upset with racist remarks a police commissioner made about President Barack Obama.

Resident Jane O'Toole said she overheard Wolfeboro Police Commissioner Robert Copeland use a racial slur in describing Obama. And in an email to her, Copeland, who is white, acknowledged using the N-word in referring to the president and said he will not apologize.

"I believe I did use the 'N' word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse," Copeland said in an excerpt from an email he sent to his fellow police commissioners acknowledging his remark and then forwarded to O'Toole. "For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such."

Copeland is one of three members of the police commission, which hires, fires and disciplines officers and sets their salaries. Copeland, 82, ran unopposed for re-election to the commission and secured another three-year term on March 11.

Wolfeboro Town Manager David Owen said Thursday that while he finds Copeland's comment "reprehensible," he and the board of selectmen have no authority to remove an elected official. Owen said he expects a large number of residents will call for Copeland's resignation at a police commission meeting, adding "more power to them."

It is not the word itself, but how it is used.
The cop was right for not apologizing. Obama and his racist friends have not apologized to America for their racism, have they?
I hope this cop has the sense to point out that blacks use this word all the time and it's racist to say whites aren't allowed to.

Town upset police official used N-word for Obama

May 15, 2014

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Some residents of a predominantly white New Hampshire town are upset with racist remarks a police commissioner made about President Barack Obama.

Resident Jane O'Toole said she overheard Wolfeboro Police Commissioner Robert Copeland use a racial slur in describing Obama. And in an email to her, Copeland, who is white, acknowledged using the N-word in referring to the president and said he will not apologize.

"I believe I did use the 'N' word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse," Copeland said in an excerpt from an email he sent to his fellow police commissioners acknowledging his remark and then forwarded to O'Toole. "For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such."

Copeland is one of three members of the police commission, which hires, fires and disciplines officers and sets their salaries. Copeland, 82, ran unopposed for re-election to the commission and secured another three-year term on March 11.

Wolfeboro Town Manager David Owen said Thursday that while he finds Copeland's comment "reprehensible," he and the board of selectmen have no authority to remove an elected official. Owen said he expects a large number of residents will call for Copeland's resignation at a police commission meeting, adding "more power to them."

So what? This is nothing but old news that happens everyday all over America. He will probably get a "high five" and gain a huge following, and you and some others here must have been so giddy when you read this that you pissed in your skivvies.
So a bitter old bigot talks like a bitter old bigot. And the usual crowd makes excuses for him.

Address the issue. Why do think it's ok for blacks to use this word but not whites? Doesn't that make you a racist?

That's not the issue, faggot.

The issue is whether Johnson is a backwards old bigot. Like you. The answer is yes.

Speedtard is not old. He's a young immature bigot. Probably using his parents/owners computer.
CaféAuLait;9103387 said:
I hope this cop has the sense to point out that blacks use this word all the time and it's racist to say whites aren't allowed to.

Town upset police official used N-word for Obama

May 15, 2014

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Some residents of a predominantly white New Hampshire town are upset with racist remarks a police commissioner made about President Barack Obama.

Resident Jane O'Toole said she overheard Wolfeboro Police Commissioner Robert Copeland use a racial slur in describing Obama. And in an email to her, Copeland, who is white, acknowledged using the N-word in referring to the president and said he will not apologize.

"I believe I did use the 'N' word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse," Copeland said in an excerpt from an email he sent to his fellow police commissioners acknowledging his remark and then forwarded to O'Toole. "For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such."

Copeland is one of three members of the police commission, which hires, fires and disciplines officers and sets their salaries. Copeland, 82, ran unopposed for re-election to the commission and secured another three-year term on March 11.

Wolfeboro Town Manager David Owen said Thursday that while he finds Copeland's comment "reprehensible," he and the board of selectmen have no authority to remove an elected official. Owen said he expects a large number of residents will call for Copeland's resignation at a police commission meeting, adding "more power to them."

I disagree with the word being used by Blacks, adding an 'a' onto the end does not change the words meaning, just as it does not to add an 'a' to the word Gangsta. It still means Gangster and N*****.

However, the way the man used the word above was completely racist and awful. He needs to be fired or removed from office.

Blacks are allowed to use the N word, whites are not

Chris Rock explained it best.....

Two fat girls are allowed to joke about how fat they are, if a skinny girl does it....its just plain mean
Two poor people are allowed to joke about how poor they are, if a rich person does it....its just plain mean

Same goes with the "N" word

If blacks can call each other ****** without reprisal, then whites should also be allowed to call them ****** without reprisal. If blacks TRULY didn't like the word, THEN NONE OF THEM WOULD USE IT EITHER.

Grow a fucking brain, bubble head.

So wrong supports wrong?

For some of these inbred, it's not about right or wrong. They simply wish for the days when they could walk around calling Black people "*******" with no reprisals.

I would venture to say that less than 20% of Black people run around using that word, but racists want rational people to believe that's a common word that's used in our conversations.

We all know that blacks have a chip on their shoulder and waits for any opportunity to be offended by whites. You have never learned the little "sticks and stones" saying and you obviously have no control over your actions. It's sad that blacks first resort is violence.

I wouldn't use the word ****** in a black community for the same reason I wouldn't use it in a white community, it's never been part of my vocabulary unlike many of the blacks today who can't conjure up a sentence without it.
So wrong supports wrong?

For some of these inbred, it's not about right or wrong. They simply wish for the days when they could walk around calling Black people "*******" with no reprisals.

I would venture to say that less than 20% of Black people run around using that word, but racists want rational people to believe that's a common word that's used in our conversations.

We all know that blacks have a chip on their shoulder and waits for any opportunity to be offended by whites. You have never learned the little "sticks and stones" saying and you obviously have no control over your actions. It's sad that blacks first resort is violence.

I wouldn't use the word ****** in a black community for the same reason I wouldn't use it in a white community, it's never been part of my vocabulary unlike many of the blacks today who can't conjure up a sentence without it.

We all know crying White men who are failures in life and blame it all on Black people, hence starting threads from racist web sites.

I'm aware that "sticks and stones" can break many bones, so I don't go around attempting to incite folk to violence.
For some of these inbred, it's not about right or wrong. They simply wish for the days when they could walk around calling Black people "*******" with no reprisals.

I would venture to say that less than 20% of Black people run around using that word, but racists want rational people to believe that's a common word that's used in our conversations.

We all know that blacks have a chip on their shoulder and waits for any opportunity to be offended by whites. You have never learned the little "sticks and stones" saying and you obviously have no control over your actions. It's sad that blacks first resort is violence.

I wouldn't use the word ****** in a black community for the same reason I wouldn't use it in a white community, it's never been part of my vocabulary unlike many of the blacks today who can't conjure up a sentence without it.

We all know crying White men who are failures in life and blame it all on Black people, hence starting threads from racist web sites.

I'm aware that "sticks and stones" can break many bones, so I don't go around attempting to incite folk to violence.

I've never blamed anything on black people. Blacks are the ones that for decades have been whining about white folks. They don't know or are unwilling to recognize that they bring all their grief on themselves.

It's not white man's fault that they have a high rate of incarceration, it's not white mans fault that have a greater chance of going to prison than college, it's not white mans fault that they don't get an education, it's not white mans fault they choose to deal drugs than get an honest job, it's not white mans fault they've become wards of the state depending on the government for handouts... i.e. food stamps, housing etc... The list goes on and on about the way blacks in general are falling behind the rest of society but it's by their own choice not by design.
So a bitter old bigot talks like a bitter old bigot. And the usual crowd makes excuses for him.

Address the issue. Why do think it's ok for blacks to use this word but not whites? Doesn't that make you a racist?


It's a rotten thing to say whoever you are. But there is a line of intellectual weakness that boarders on bigotry to be not black and choose that term to trash someone who is. It closes the door for rational discussion.
So a bitter old bigot talks like a bitter old bigot. And the usual crowd makes excuses for him.

Address the issue. Why do think it's ok for blacks to use this word but not whites? Doesn't that make you a racist?

But that's not the issue. It is the propriety of an American sheriff referring to our president as such.
So a bitter old bigot talks like a bitter old bigot. And the usual crowd makes excuses for him.

Address the issue. Why do think it's ok for blacks to use this word but not whites? Doesn't that make you a racist?

But that's not the issue. It is the propriety of an American sheriff referring to our president as such.

free speech is the issue; it is up to the local people to decide what to do about him
So a bitter old bigot talks like a bitter old bigot. And the usual crowd makes excuses for him.

Address the issue. Why do think it's ok for blacks to use this word but not whites? Doesn't that make you a racist?


It's a rotten thing to say whoever you are. But there is a line of intellectual weakness that boarders on bigotry to be not black and choose that term to trash someone who is. It closes the door for rational discussion.

It's just a word that has no power unless you give it power.

As a white man terms like cracker, redneck, hillbilly, peckerwood, white trash etc....doesn't offend me. They are just words spoken by ignorant people.

If words offend you, then you chose to be offended. I choose not to be offended by other people's ignorance.
Address the issue. Why do think it's ok for blacks to use this word but not whites? Doesn't that make you a racist?


It's a rotten thing to say whoever you are. But there is a line of intellectual weakness that boarders on bigotry to be not black and choose that term to trash someone who is. It closes the door for rational discussion.

It's just a word that has no power unless you give it power.

As a white man terms like cracker, redneck, hillbilly, peckerwood, white trash etc....doesn't offend me. They are just words spoken by ignorant people.

If words offend you, then you chose to be offended. I choose not to be offended by other people's ignorance.

I agree with you.
Address the issue. Why do think it's ok for blacks to use this word but not whites? Doesn't that make you a racist?

But that's not the issue. It is the propriety of an American sheriff referring to our president as such.

free speech is the issue; it is up to the local people to decide what to do about him

I certainly hope his constituency lets him know how they feel about it but indeed it is up to them.
As a matter of legality it is a matter of free speech and no one here has said the guy violated any laws by being a stupid bigot. That said, everyone has that 1st Amendment right and we are exercising it right here to trash him. Got a prob with that? :D

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