Police commish calls Obama the n-word. Refuses to apologize.

CaféAuLait;9103387 said:
I hope this cop has the sense to point out that blacks use this word all the time and it's racist to say whites aren't allowed to.

I disagree with the word being used by Blacks, adding an 'a' onto the end does not change the words meaning, just as it does not to add an 'a' to the word Gangsta. It still means Gangster and N*****.

However, the way the man used the word above was completely racist and awful. He needs to be fired or removed from office.

Blacks are allowed to use the N word, whites are not

Chris Rock explained it best.....

Two fat girls are allowed to joke about how fat they are, if a skinny girl does it....its just plain mean
Two poor people are allowed to joke about how poor they are, if a rich person does it....its just plain mean

Same goes with the "N" word

What if they are poor, fat ass gangsta niggas?
But that's not the issue. It is the propriety of an American sheriff referring to our president as such.

free speech is the issue; it is up to the local people to decide what to do about him

I certainly hope his constituency lets him know how they feel about it but indeed it is up to them.
As a matter of legality it is a matter of free speech and no one here has said the guy violated any laws by being a stupid bigot. That said, everyone has that 1st Amendment right and we are exercising it right here to trash him. Got a prob with that? :D

Why does his opinion or choice of words bother you so much?
Best you can come up with....typical.

Please venture into my community and start calling Black people *******, then claim we all do it anyway.

Really? Why? What's your point there, hero? What the fuck you gonna do, tough guy?

What don't you try that social experiment sometimes, come back with a report.

Oh c'mon BIG MAN... you sound like you're trying to tell me something... you a fucking PUSSY or what? Say it!

Take your VEILED THREATS and shove 'em up your ass, mother fucker.

Go report that to yo mama.
Address the issue. Why do think it's ok for blacks to use this word but not whites? Doesn't that make you a racist?


It's a rotten thing to say whoever you are. But there is a line of intellectual weakness that boarders on bigotry to be not black and choose that term to trash someone who is. It closes the door for rational discussion.

It's just a word that has no power unless you give it power.

As a white man terms like cracker, redneck, hillbilly, peckerwood, white trash etc....doesn't offend me. They are just words spoken by ignorant people.

If words offend you, then you chose to be offended. I choose not to be offended by other people's ignorance.

Words have power stupid. Thats why they were invented. Only the poorly educated believe otherwise. Words determine how you talk to yourself and the ideas those words convey. Only low bred, inbred morons think years of scientific research showing that words produce chemical reactions in people is fake.
That's not the issue, faggot.

The issue is whether Johnson is a backwards old bigot. Like you. The answer is yes.

If blacks can call each other ****** without reprisal, then whites should also be allowed to call them ****** without reprisal. If blacks TRULY didn't like the word, THEN NONE OF THEM WOULD USE IT EITHER.

Grow a fucking brain, bubble head.

So wrong supports wrong?
If that's the only thing your tiny little brain extrapolated out of what I said, then my guess is you're a fucking high school drop, or a bubble headed leftard, or both.
Really? Why? What's your point there, hero? What the fuck you gonna do, tough guy?

What don't you try that social experiment sometimes, come back with a report.

Oh c'mon BIG MAN... you sound like you're trying to tell me something... you a fucking PUSSY or what? Say it!

Take your VEILED THREATS and shove 'em up your ass, mother fucker.

Go report that to yo mama.

I'll say it. You are a pussy. Now what are you going to do tough guy behind your keyboard?

It's a rotten thing to say whoever you are. But there is a line of intellectual weakness that boarders on bigotry to be not black and choose that term to trash someone who is. It closes the door for rational discussion.

It's just a word that has no power unless you give it power.

As a white man terms like cracker, redneck, hillbilly, peckerwood, white trash etc....doesn't offend me. They are just words spoken by ignorant people.

If words offend you, then you chose to be offended. I choose not to be offended by other people's ignorance.

Words have power stupid. Thats why they were invented. Only the poorly educated believe otherwise. Words determine how you talk to yourself and the ideas those words convey. Only low bred, inbred morons think years of scientific research showing that words produce chemical reactions in people is fake.

You lose here.

The words you choose show you are the one lacking. Not the target you are trying to bully.
That's not the issue, faggot.

The issue is whether Johnson is a backwards old bigot. Like you. The answer is yes.

If blacks can call each other ****** without reprisal, then whites should also be allowed to call them ****** without reprisal. If blacks TRULY didn't like the word, THEN NONE OF THEM WOULD USE IT EITHER.

Grow a fucking brain, bubble head.

Your logic is retarded and ass backwards. I think you meant if Blacks called whites honky or cracker then whites can use the N word. What kind of dumbfuck are you to think you should be able to call someone a racist name and you are not the same race?


Got it, now move along, shit for brains. You're two faced, hypocritical, double standard and stupidity has been duly noted, and your moronic, pop eyed libtard input is no longer needed in this debate.
We are such babies in this country. So there are assholes in this world, always was, always will be. Grow up people.

We shouldn't make them Sherriff

We didn't. They did.

And that Sherriff has to deal with black deputies and employees. He also has to deal with blacks who are accused of crimes as well as black victims of crime

His ability to be impartial is questionable. He needs to resign

It's a rotten thing to say whoever you are. But there is a line of intellectual weakness that boarders on bigotry to be not black and choose that term to trash someone who is. It closes the door for rational discussion.

It's just a word that has no power unless you give it power.

As a white man terms like cracker, redneck, hillbilly, peckerwood, white trash etc....doesn't offend me. They are just words spoken by ignorant people.

If words offend you, then you chose to be offended. I choose not to be offended by other people's ignorance.

Words have power stupid. Thats why they were invented. Only the poorly educated believe otherwise. Words determine how you talk to yourself and the ideas those words convey. Only low bred, inbred morons think years of scientific research showing that words produce chemical reactions in people is fake.

Only if you give them power.

You hear a word, you have a choice how to react to said word. There is no automatic behavior associated with a word. If you were told to go jump in a lake are you compelled to go jump in a lake?
What don't you try that social experiment sometimes, come back with a report.

Oh c'mon BIG MAN... you sound like you're trying to tell me something... you a fucking PUSSY or what? Say it!

Take your VEILED THREATS and shove 'em up your ass, mother fucker.

Go report that to yo mama.

I'll say it. You are a pussy. Now what are you going to do tough guy behind your keyboard?

Get a life, moron. You and your dumbfuck butt buddy started talking that trash, and now you're looking like an absolute fucking MORON.

Go paddle your own ass like the insolent little child you are, and sit in the fucking corner with your DUNCE hat on, stupid mother fucker.

If blacks can call each other ****** without reprisal, then whites should also be allowed to call them ****** without reprisal. If blacks TRULY didn't like the word, THEN NONE OF THEM WOULD USE IT EITHER.

Grow a fucking brain, bubble head.

Your logic is retarded and ass backwards. I think you meant if Blacks called whites honky or cracker then whites can use the N word. What kind of dumbfuck are you to think you should be able to call someone a racist name and you are not the same race?


Got it, now move along, shit for brains. You're two faced, hypocritical, double standard and stupidity has been duly noted, and your moronic, pop eyed libtard input is no longer needed in this debate.

Sorry stupid. A double standard would be calling you a honky then getting upset if you called me the n word. I dont care if white people call each other cracker. i wouldnt do it because I am Black. How does that logic escape you?
We shouldn't make them Sherriff

We didn't. They did.

And that Sherriff has to deal with black deputies and employees. He also has to deal with blacks who are accused of crimes as well as black victims of crime

His ability to be impartial is questionable. He needs to resign

Only because the black deputies and employees choose to let a word offend them. It says more about their low self esteem than it does about the Sheriff.

To be fair, I'd have to hear what he said and in what context before I would say he needed to resign. But you liberal pukes simply apply guilt without knowing all the specifics. It's in your DNA, that along with dishonesty.
It's just a word that has no power unless you give it power.

As a white man terms like cracker, redneck, hillbilly, peckerwood, white trash etc....doesn't offend me. They are just words spoken by ignorant people.

If words offend you, then you chose to be offended. I choose not to be offended by other people's ignorance.

Words have power stupid. Thats why they were invented. Only the poorly educated believe otherwise. Words determine how you talk to yourself and the ideas those words convey. Only low bred, inbred morons think years of scientific research showing that words produce chemical reactions in people is fake.

Only if you give them power.

You hear a word, you have a choice how to react to said word. There is no automatic behavior associated with a word. If you were told to go jump in a lake are you compelled to go jump in a lake?

You dont have a choice but to give them power. if you hear a word it produces a chemical in your brain. You cant control that. You are correct that you can control your reaction but the harm from the chemical is already done.
Your logic is retarded and ass backwards. I think you meant if Blacks called whites honky or cracker then whites can use the N word. What kind of dumbfuck are you to think you should be able to call someone a racist name and you are not the same race?


Got it, now move along, shit for brains. You're two faced, hypocritical, double standard and stupidity has been duly noted, and your moronic, pop eyed libtard input is no longer needed in this debate.

Sorry stupid. A double standard would be calling you a honky then getting upset if you called me the n word. I dont care if white people call each other cracker. i wouldnt do it because I am Black. How does that logic escape you?
There is no LOGIC in what you're saying.

You're ONLY showing that you have a DOUBLE STANDARD, and you can stick that up your racist black ass.
It's just a word that has no power unless you give it power.

As a white man terms like cracker, redneck, hillbilly, peckerwood, white trash etc....doesn't offend me. They are just words spoken by ignorant people.

If words offend you, then you chose to be offended. I choose not to be offended by other people's ignorance.

Words have power stupid. Thats why they were invented. Only the poorly educated believe otherwise. Words determine how you talk to yourself and the ideas those words convey. Only low bred, inbred morons think years of scientific research showing that words produce chemical reactions in people is fake.

You lose here.

The words you choose show you are the one lacking. Not the target you are trying to bully.

I disagree. There is nothing I was attempting to win.


Got it, now move along, shit for brains. You're two faced, hypocritical, double standard and stupidity has been duly noted, and your moronic, pop eyed libtard input is no longer needed in this debate.

Sorry stupid. A double standard would be calling you a honky then getting upset if you called me the n word. I dont care if white people call each other cracker. i wouldnt do it because I am Black. How does that logic escape you?
There is no LOGIC in what you're saying.

You're ONLY showing that you have a DOUBLE STANDARD, and you can stick that up your racist black ass.

I will spell it out for you since you are slow. If i am black I can use the n word if I chose. A white person cannot. Since you are white you can use cracker. A black person cannot.
Words have power stupid. Thats why they were invented. Only the poorly educated believe otherwise. Words determine how you talk to yourself and the ideas those words convey. Only low bred, inbred morons think years of scientific research showing that words produce chemical reactions in people is fake.

Only if you give them power.

You hear a word, you have a choice how to react to said word. There is no automatic behavior associated with a word. If you were told to go jump in a lake are you compelled to go jump in a lake?

You dont have a choice but to give them power. if you hear a word it produces a chemical in your brain. You cant control that. You are correct that you can control your reaction but the harm from the chemical is already done.
This is pathetic bull shit. Now you're trying to make excuses for how violent blacks are.
Sorry stupid. A double standard would be calling you a honky then getting upset if you called me the n word. I dont care if white people call each other cracker. i wouldnt do it because I am Black. How does that logic escape you?
There is no LOGIC in what you're saying.

You're ONLY showing that you have a DOUBLE STANDARD, and you can stick that up your racist black ass.

I will spell it out for you since you are slow. If i am black I can use the n word if I chose. A white person cannot. Since you are white you can use cracker. A black person cannot.
There it is, for everyone to see, the DOUBLE STANDARD described in PERFECT CLARITY, by the MAN HIMSELF.

Thank you.

You're dismissed.

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