Police departments are crashing in cops

Lots of Americans like to cut corners. The dollar comes first.. Trump has encouraged those kinds of values. Look at the Yahoos on this board.. Lots of them think an airplane pilot and a cab driver and a doctor have the same licensing requirements.
The extremists who post on this board can't possibly be representative of Americans in general.

Most of them can be understood as seeking attention by exaggerating the extent of America's problems, out of frustration.

And then there are the extreme crazies who are here in a competition with other extremist to see who can get the most attention.
It's wishful thinking because it would indicate defeat of police officers who have immediately proclaimed that they will not reform.

It would be the Klan identifying themselves as infiltrators of police forces throughout America.

Just too good to be true as long as Trump breathes and walks the earth.
..no need to reform the police ..we've been over this many times...there is no problem with the police--the problem is blacks committing crime at high rates and graduating at low rates
If there`s nothing wrong with the police why did your people beat up 134 of them at the Capitol?
Now we throw in getting rid of qualified immunity, and nobody in their right mind will want the job. Why would anybody want a job where they can get personally sued if their actions were right or wrong? Who wants to take the chance of working the next five or ten years for free over a successful lawsuit?

Well if nobody in their right mind would accept a job like that, it means the only people that will are those not in their right mind. Good luck with that one.

Actually, it really doesn't matter if the lawsuit is successful or not, the process is the punishment. If you are sued, lawyers would have to be hired and paid to defend yourself, no matter how the lawsuit would turn out.

The only way that police departments would be able to recruit officers is to offer employer-paid liability insurance to cover the men against this kind of event.
Actually, it really doesn't matter if the lawsuit is successful or not, the process is the punishment. If you are sued, lawyers would have to be hired and paid to defend yourself, no matter how the lawsuit would turn out.

The only way that police departments would be able to recruit officers is to offer employer-paid liability insurance to cover the men against this kind of event.

Or tell police officers they have to provide their own malpractice insurance like doctors do. I mean, one of the reasons our healthcare costs are so high is because of doctors being afraid of lawsuits. Unlike years ago, today your family doctor is just a referral service. To get a medical problem solved you have to see two, three or more specialists because they are all trying to pass the buck, also known as defensive medicine.

So police now have to buy insurance. Like doctors, they are going to be afraid of lawsuits. So police will only handle calls they get. They won't be proactive. They see two people doing a dope deal on the corner of your street, look the other way. Recognize a wanted felon walking down the street, pretend you didn't see him. The car in front of the officer has no muffler, pretend you didn't hear it.

We don't need to do that with our police.
What are those pictures supposed to say? The only one that makes sense is the one of Chauvin committing murder.

Let me explain it to you Moon Bat:.

The filthy ass Left gets all upset when a cop stops a worthless drugged out Negro thug that was resisting arrest but don't give a shit when an appointed member of Joe Dufus administration was bragging about being involved in the murder of children at Waco.

The meme ridicules typical Left hypocrisy.

Got it now?
What are those pictures supposed to say? The only one that makes sense is the one of Chauvin committing murder.

Let me explain it to you Moon Bat:.

The filthy ass Left gets all upset when a cop stops a worthless drugged out Negro thug that was resisting arrest but don't give a shit when an appointed member of Joe Dufus administration was bragging about being involved in the murder of children at Waco.

The meme ridicules typical Left hypocrisy.

Got it now?
No, I don't get it, I'm a stupid commie Canadian and so I can only guess at three of the pictures.

Two are of a black man (Floyd?) smoking a bong pipe?
The other is a white guy (Chauvin) dressed up in military costume or pseudo-military costume.
If you don't want to answer my question, just forget it.
I have this odd suspicion that the democrats want to federalize all police. That way they can get loyality from the police when they pass legislation to ban and confiscate all semi-automatic firearms including pistols. Currently many cops would not be willing to disarm honest citizens.

Honest citizens will be allowed to have one single shot rifle and one single shot shotgun or a double barrel shotgun. Since criminals don’t obey laws they will own semi-automatic firearms.

A federalized nation wide police force would also work well in targeting conservatives while ignoring liberals much like the FBI does today.
Bingo. Federalized police not answerable to the municipalities they work in.

I’ll bet the democrats could find some real thugs to work for their Federalized police department. Plus I bet at least half of these new Federales would be corrupt and on the take.
I have this odd suspicion that the democrats want to federalize all police. That way they can get loyality from the police when they pass legislation to ban and confiscate all semi-automatic firearms including pistols. Currently many cops would not be willing to disarm honest citizens.

Citizens will be allowed to have one single shot rifle and one single shot shotgun or a double barrel shotgun.

A federalized nation wide police force would also work well in targeting conservatives while ignoring liberals much like the FBI does today.
That 'is' odd!
But the premise is setting the bar on the quality of talking points coming out of the extremist right in the land of the gun.

If you don’t own a firearm I suggest you buy one and learn how to use it safely and proficiently. Of course you can always dial 911 and wait hours for the few cops left on the force to show up. If you chose that course you better have a safe room in your house.

Your analysis of America's policing problem is very gloomy. Is it really that bad already?

The incredibly stupid democrats hope to allow civilians to sue cops. It is quite possible the democrats will get their way especially if they do away with the filibuster in the Senate. Cops don’t make enough money to pay attorney fees and could be bankrupted by just one lawsuit. So of course a cop with any intelligence will simply quit and find a different job. The ones that remain will avoid confronting any bad guys at all costs. They will just put up crime scene tape and write crime reports. The criminal element will be basically free to rape, pillage and burn. They will be like the hordes of Genesis Khan.

And your predictions for America's future are even worse! I suspect you're exaggerating a bit at least.

In Canada and other modern democracies throughout the world, we still have confidence in our police, but we are vigilant in not allowing any extremism to seep into their policing policies.

Canada's police consider an incident that ends in death to be their failure to accomplish their job in the most desirable manner.

The concept of the federal government taking over local police departments has been discussed in the past. The following article was written back in 2011 and even back then this idea was Under consideration.

I see an incremental take over of the 18,000 police forces in our nations beginning with setting standards for training and procedures for all police departments.

It would be very difficult for the federal government to just take over all policimg just as it is nearly impossible to ban and confiscate all civilian owned firearms.

In such situations the democrats prefer to use the incremental approach to move toward their final goal. With guns it is to ban “assault weapons” than all semi-automatic firearms including pistols and then all handguns. Federalization of local police would follow a similar path.

Hopefully neither draconian gun control or federalization of all police departments will occur. However we now live in a batshit crazy world so it is hard to say for sure what can happen.

Cops are leaving and they’re getting little recruits
You think crime is high now ..it’s going to be back to the 70s and 80s numbers soon
Same with schools/teachers. Funny what happens when you don't pay a decent wage for high expectations.
For all the time off and benefits, teachers are very well compensated.
What makes you think that the "ones who cant handle it" are the ones who are bad?

Isn’t that self-explanatory? Almost like a definition.

A pilot who can’t handle the plane is automatically a bad pilot. A pilot who can handle the plane is probably a good pilot. LoL.

I have no idea what you’re arguing or if this is just some weird word game.
The concept of the federal government taking over local police departments has been discussed in the past. The following article was written back in 2011 and even back then this idea was Under consideration.

I see an incremental take over of the 18,000 police forces in our nations beginning with setting standards for training and procedures for all police departments.

It would be very difficult for the federal government to just take over all policimg just as it is nearly impossible to ban and confiscate all civilian owned firearms.

In such situations the democrats prefer to use the incremental approach to move toward their final goal. With guns it is to ban “assault weapons” than all semi-automatic firearms including pistols and then all handguns. Federalization of local police would follow a similar path.

Hopefully neither draconian gun control or federalization of all police departments will occur. However we now live in a batshit crazy world so it is hard to say for sure what can happen.

The resistance against federalization of police is resistance against Canada's recipe for success with our Mounties. Not the best in the world but not far from it.

America is suffering from a fatally flawed union of the states because of the needed compromises with the South. The question of the south's right to keep slaves was never completely resolved and hence it lives on in a racism issue that's quite unsolvable.

The attempt to allow more renegade city or state police forces is the extremist right's answer to the problem, while a higher federal standard would serve to at least address the racism problem and begin to fix the problem.

Of course America is a long way from accepting anything that could end the south's determination to regard black or brown people as equals to whites.

The US south's issue is so important to them that it's destroying America's democracy. Fascism, secession, or other destructive extremes have become the extreme right's battle cry.

And murder by their police is their only answer to solving the problems!
Lots of Americans like to cut corners. The dollar comes first.. Trump has encouraged those kinds of values. Look at the Yahoos on this board.. Lots of them think an airplane pilot and a cab driver and a doctor have the same licensing requirements.

Stop listening to those voices in your head. They're not any smarter than you.
Actually, it really doesn't matter if the lawsuit is successful or not, the process is the punishment. If you are sued, lawyers would have to be hired and paid to defend yourself, no matter how the lawsuit would turn out.

The only way that police departments would be able to recruit officers is to offer employer-paid liability insurance to cover the men against this kind of event.

You mean like literally EVERY OTHER TYPE OF EMPLOYEE?

Cops are leaving and they’re getting little recruits
You think crime is high now ..it’s going to be back to the 70s and 80s numbers soon
Same with schools/teachers. Funny what happens when you don't pay a decent wage for high expectations.
For all the time off and benefits, teachers are very well compensated.
America gets what it's willing to pay for, and teachers are no exception.

America is failing on all fronts and there's no better place to come to hear it than this board.
The extremist right is spilling the beans, but then will return the next day on a different thread topic, to proclaim America as still being the greatest in everything!
Doctors have their MD.. They still have to be licensed by the state. Lawyers still have to be licensed by their state just like hairressers and nurses and truckdrivers..

Okay, but answer the question: What good what it do? After you pass the police academy you get a license. It doesn't change a thing.

Its about standards. A person with a JD still has to pass the state boards and can be censured or disbarred for bad behavior or unethical practices.

A hairdresser can lose her license for failure to practice standards of safety or hygiene..

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