Police departments are crashing in cops

This country is turning into a shithole with the Democrats stealing the election from the American people and all the filthy Negro and queer asskissing by the woke dimwits. America is gone now.

I’m glad someone like you doesn’t like the way the country is going.

Would you like a tissue?
They'll be replaced with substandard personell and the incident we see will become more frequent because as substandard personell are introduced into the ranks, the training standards will be lowered.

We probably have a different opinion of “substandard”.

I would consider Chauvin substandard. I’d say we need to weed out the assholes who can’t act professionally. Looks like they might be doing that themselves.
They will be replaced.

If these cops can’t handle what they’re expected of, then they can go to the unemployment line.

Yes they can. But for the most part, police departments pick the best applicants for the job. What we are going to see is less qualified people applying to be a police officer which means slim pickings for those police department meaning they will have to choose from whatever is left.

Now we throw in getting rid of qualified immunity, and nobody in their right mind will want the job. Why would anybody want a job where they can get personally sued if their actions were right or wrong? Who wants to take the chance of working the next five or ten years for free over a successful lawsuit?

Well if nobody in their right mind would accept a job like that, it means the only people that will are those not in their right mind. Good luck with that one.

Exactly right. The Liberals are morons for not recognizing what they're creating.

You want to do away with state medical boards, nursing boards? Hairdressers and chiropractors have to be licensed. They all have standards re: training, ethics and highest and best practice.

You want cops to have to meet the same standard as a hairdresser?...lol
They'll be replaced with substandard personell and the incident we see will become more frequent because as substandard personell are introduced into the ranks, the training standards will be lowered.

We probably have a different opinion of “substandard”.

I would consider Chauvin substandard. I’d say we need to weed out the assholes who can’t act professionally. Looks like they might be doing that themselves.

We have the same definition. As the standards are lowered, the more Chauvins and Potters you're going to have.
murder rates are skyrocketing and I don’t care
I feel sorry for the decent black people who live in obamaville

they have to put bars on their windows and frequently burn to death during fires while the black criminals are safe watching the fire from the street

but if the black criminals later kill each other gangland style thats no skin off my nose
I don't support jackshit anymore. This country is turning into a shithole with the Democrats stealing the election from the American people and all the filthy Negro and queer asskissing by the woke dimwits. America is gone now.

There is a role for police and anybody that doesn't think so so is a moron. However, when the police are prevented from dealing with real crime by stupid minority asskissing Libtards then they become worthless.

If commie leaders want to ruin their cities, that's fine by me. Let the stupid people keep voting for the same stupid leaders. But when you destroy your area, don't come into our neighborhoods. You made your bed, you sleep in it.

It's like the flight from commie states to real American states. Citizens and businesses are leaving California and New York in droves. They are headed to Republican states like Florida and Texas. That wouldn't be bad except the dopes move there and vote for the same people that Fd up their last state, that's the problem.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results each time.
True or not, it shows great promise for the rest of the world that the dam might be breaking. Unfortunately, for the extremists and racists, they're going to lose the police officers who found it impossible to accept that black people are Americans too.

There's no way to interpret it other than it's defeat of the ideals of white supremacy!
I guess that's why 80+ percent of black Americans polled wanted MORE COPS? Enjoy the ride down, ace...
You want to do away with state medical boards, nursing boards? Hairdressers and chiropractors have to be licensed. They all have standards re: training, ethics and highest and best practice.

Most state licensing is a protection racket and a cartel, no more and no less.
They will be replaced.

If these cops can’t handle what they’re expected of, then they can go to the unemployment line.

Yes they can. But for the most part, police departments pick the best applicants for the job. What we are going to see is less qualified people applying to be a police officer which means slim pickings for those police department meaning they will have to choose from whatever is left.

Now we throw in getting rid of qualified immunity, and nobody in their right mind will want the job. Why would anybody want a job where they can get personally sued if their actions were right or wrong? Who wants to take the chance of working the next five or ten years for free over a successful lawsuit?

Well if nobody in their right mind would accept a job like that, it means the only people that will are those not in their right mind. Good luck with that one.

Exactly right. The Liberals are morons for not recognizing what they're creating.

You want to do away with state medical boards, nursing boards? Hairdressers and chiropractors have to be licensed. They all have standards re: training, ethics and highest and best practice.

You want cops to have to meet the same standard as a hairdresser?...lol

Man, you are stupid.
I have this odd suspicion that the democrats want to federalize all police. That way they can get loyality from the police when they pass legislation to ban and confiscate all semi-automatic firearms including pistols. Currently many cops would not be willing to disarm honest citizens.

Honest citizens will be allowed to have one single shot rifle and one single shot shotgun or a double barrel shotgun. Since criminals don’t obey laws they will own semi-automatic firearms.

A federalized nation wide police force would also work well in targeting conservatives while ignoring liberals much like the FBI does today.
Bingo. Federalized police not answerable to the municipalities they work in.

I’ll bet the democrats could find some real thugs to work for their Federalized police department. Plus I bet at least half of these new Federales would be corrupt and on the take.
I have this odd suspicion that the democrats want to federalize all police. That way they can get loyality from the police when they pass legislation to ban and confiscate all semi-automatic firearms including pistols. Currently many cops would not be willing to disarm honest citizens.

Citizens will be allowed to have one single shot rifle and one single shot shotgun or a double barrel shotgun.

A federalized nation wide police force would also work well in targeting conservatives while ignoring liberals much like the FBI does today.
That 'is' odd!
But the premise is setting the bar on the quality of talking points coming out of the extremist right in the land of the gun.

If you don’t own a firearm I suggest you buy one and learn how to use it safely and proficiently. Of course you can always dial 911 and wait hours for the few cops left on the force to show up. If you chose that course you better have a safe room in your house.

Your analysis of America's policing problem is very gloomy. Is it really that bad already?

The incredibly stupid democrats hope to allow civilians to sue cops. It is quite possible the democrats will get their way especially if they do away with the filibuster in the Senate. Cops don’t make enough money to pay attorney fees and could be bankrupted by just one lawsuit. So of course a cop with any intelligence will simply quit and find a different job. The ones that remain will avoid confronting any bad guys at all costs. They will just put up crime scene tape and write crime reports. The criminal element will be basically free to rape, pillage and burn. They will be like the hordes of Genesis Khan.

And your predictions for America's future are even worse! I suspect you're exaggerating a bit at least.

In Canada and other modern democracies throughout the world, we still have confidence in our police, but we are vigilant in not allowing any extremism to seep into their policing policies.

Canada's police consider an incident that ends in death to be their failure to accomplish their job in the most desirable manner.
I have this odd suspicion that the democrats want to federalize all police. That way they can get loyality from the police when they pass legislation to ban and confiscate all semi-automatic firearms including pistols. Currently many cops would not be willing to disarm honest citizens.

Honest citizens will be allowed to have one single shot rifle and one single shot shotgun or a double barrel shotgun. Since criminals don’t obey laws they will own semi-automatic firearms.

A federalized nation wide police force would also work well in targeting conservatives while ignoring liberals much like the FBI does today.
Bingo. Federalized police not answerable to the municipalities they work in.

I’ll bet the democrats could find some real thugs to work for their Federalized police department. Plus I bet at least half of these new Federales would be corrupt and on the take.
I have this odd suspicion that the democrats want to federalize all police. That way they can get loyality from the police when they pass legislation to ban and confiscate all semi-automatic firearms including pistols. Currently many cops would not be willing to disarm honest citizens.

Citizens will be allowed to have one single shot rifle and one single shot shotgun or a double barrel shotgun.

A federalized nation wide police force would also work well in targeting conservatives while ignoring liberals much like the FBI does today.
That 'is' odd!
But the premise is setting the bar on the quality of talking points coming out of the extremist right in the land of the gun.

If you don’t own a firearm I suggest you buy one and learn how to use it safely and proficiently. Of course you can always dial 911 and wait hours for the few cops left on the force to show up. If you chose that course you better have a safe room in your house.

Your analysis of America's policing problem is very gloomy. Is it really that bad already?

The incredibly stupid democrats hope to allow civilians to sue cops. It is quite possible the democrats will get their way especially if they do away with the filibuster in the Senate. Cops don’t make enough money to pay attorney fees and could be bankrupted by just one lawsuit. So of course a cop with any intelligence will simply quit and find a different job. The ones that remain will avoid confronting any bad guys at all costs. They will just put up crime scene tape and write crime reports. The criminal element will be basically free to rape, pillage and burn. They will be like the hordes of Genesis Khan.

And your predictions for America's future are even worse! I suspect you're exaggerating a bit at least.

In Canada and other modern democracies throughout the world, we still have confidence in our police, but we are vigilant in not allowing any extremism to seep into their policing policies.

Canada's police consider an incident that ends in death to be their failure to accomplish their job in the most desirable manner.

Lots of Americans like to cut corners. The dollar comes first.. Trump has encouraged those kinds of values. Look at the Yahoos on this board.. Lots of them think an airplane pilot and a cab driver and a doctor have the same licensing requirements.
Are you licensed to drive a car?

Police don't need to be licensed for anything. They are trained at a police academy and they either pass or they don't. WTF good would licensing do?

Doctors have their MD.. They still have to be licensed by the state. Lawyers still have to be licensed by their state just like hairressers and nurses and truckdrivers..
Doctors have their MD.. They still have to be licensed by the state. Lawyers still have to be licensed by their state just like hairressers and nurses and truckdrivers..

Okay, but answer the question: What good what it do? After you pass the police academy you get a license. It doesn't change a thing.

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