Police departments are crashing in cops

For all the time off and benefits, teachers are very well compensated.

Correct. At least in my parts, there are a lot of teachers that can't find jobs. It's such an in demand profession that we have way more teachers than we need.

One of my former tenants was a teacher for our city schools. When the school levy didn't pass, he lost his job. It took him a couple years of applying everywhere and with the union keeping him filled in on openings before he got another teaching job in a public school district.
Your logic is flawed and as we all know that isnt how shit works in the real world.

You failed to demonstrate how my logic is flawed. If you have a point, then say it already.

It looks like you're just trying to play vague word games.
You are proclaiming that the people who leave are the bad cops. Its a prepostorous statement that you have yet to support with any evidence.

Prove that the people leaving are good cops then. Oh right, you can't.
I'll be watching you Ray, to catch you complaining about something that has gone wrong with your country.
I suspect your first slip up will be on proclaiming that more Americans are being shot dead with guns every day.
And you may qualify that with a mention of the skin colour of the Americans in question.

Fwiw Ray, your avatar is a statement of your frustration and anger. It also hints at a solution! Would you care to speak about that?

I chose my avatar to demonstrate my support of our 2nd Amendment.

Things go wrong in every country, that is unless you can name one that's perfect. Unlike some places, we are allowed to discuss our problems openly and without fear hopefully suggesting solutions.
Your logic is flawed and as we all know that isnt how shit works in the real world.

You failed to demonstrate how my logic is flawed. If you have a point, then say it already.

It looks like you're just trying to play vague word games.
You are proclaiming that the people who leave are the bad cops. Its a prepostorous statement that you have yet to support with any evidence.

Prove that the people leaving are good cops then. Oh right, you can't.

Some of the cops who are leaving are good cops, some are bad, probably most are average, just interested in keeping their noses clean and avoiding trouble.

No police officer, good or bad, really wants to deal with the current era of thugs who will sue you or send you to prison if they think you are dissing them.
Some of the cops who are leaving are good cops, some are bad, probably most are average, just interested in keeping their noses clean and avoiding trouble.

No police officer, good or bad, really wants to deal with the current era of thugs who will sue you or send you to prison if they think you are dissing them.

I'm fine with losing the ones who don't want to deal with the expectations that come with the badge.

I don't think most people are cut out to be a police officer. Fine with me if they weed themselves out. They'll be replaced by people who are up to the challenge.
I'm fine with losing the ones who don't want to deal with the expectations that come with the badge.

I don't think most people are cut out to be a police officer. Fine with me if they weed themselves out.

They'll just go to cities where the citizens are less of a problem.

My suburb is looking for officers and can't find them. It's 90% black here and we all know it's blacks who create problems with police. I'm sure they will eventually find the officers but it won't be easy and we sure as hell won't get the best of the best.

The job pays 70K a year plus bonuses, great healthcare, retirement plans, everything.
I'll be watching you Ray, to catch you complaining about something that has gone wrong with your country.
I suspect your first slip up will be on proclaiming that more Americans are being shot dead with guns every day.
And you may qualify that with a mention of the skin colour of the Americans in question.

Fwiw Ray, your avatar is a statement of your frustration and anger. It also hints at a solution! Would you care to speak about that?

I chose my avatar to demonstrate my support of our 2nd Amendment.

Things go wrong in every country, that is unless you can name one that's perfect. Unlike some places, we are allowed to discuss our problems openly and without fear hopefully suggesting solutions.
Sure Ray, so here's something to discuss.
America has fallen to 15th. on quality of life under the Trump regime.

Discuss with me how it won't improve until Trump gets another kick at the cat!

Ray, your country is a fkng mess but you're brave to be able to talk about it!

Your avatar is still a statement of your anger and so it relates to anger somehow associated with your 2nd. amendment. What more do you want, machine guns and hand grenades? You've already got slaughter of children to a level that's unrivalled in the rest of the modern world.

We can make that a part of the honest discussion on America too, if you find it to be somewhat undesirable.

My link relates it to 'safety'.
They'll just go to cities where the citizens are less of a problem.

My suburb is looking for officers and can't find them. It's 90% black here and we all know it's blacks who create problems with police. I'm sure they will eventually find the officers but it won't be easy and we sure as hell won't get the best of the best.

The job pays 70K a year plus bonuses, great healthcare, retirement plans, everything.

You make shit up as you go. You have no idea what you're talking about.

I noticed that you abandoned your ridiculous C.O.P.S. argument about how Chauvin's conduct was normal.

Smart of you to dodge that one. Don't think I didn't notice that.
I'm fine with losing the ones who don't want to deal with the expectations that come with the badge.

I don't think most people are cut out to be a police officer. Fine with me if they weed themselves out.

They'll just go to cities where the citizens are less of a problem.

My suburb is looking for officers and can't find them. It's 90% black here and we all know it's blacks who create problems with police. I'm sure they will eventually find the officers but it won't be easy and we sure as hell won't get the best of the best.

The job pays 70K a year plus bonuses, great healthcare, retirement plans, everything.
There ya go Ray! Proclaiming that America is all fkd up with an inability to get the best police officers.
And you even included the skin colour qualification. You're too easy Ray, you need to sit back and allow your brain to get a little less full.
There ya go Ray! Proclaiming that America is all fkd up with an inability to get the best police officers.
And you even included the skin colour qualification. You're too easy Ray, you need to sit back and allow your brain to get a little less full.

The country isn't why we have problems getting police officers, it's the left who cater to the blacks when they run into problems with police because they refuse to obey orders and cause them nothing but grief. Very rarely do you see any whites having problems with police officers. In fact I can't think of one case. Even if one does, it's local and not national causing protests and riots.

Our country is still the greatest country in the world, but we must fight to keep it that way as the commies here are trying to change it.
It's wishful thinking because it would indicate defeat of police officers who have immediately proclaimed that they will not reform.

It would be the Klan identifying themselves as infiltrators of police forces throughout America.

Just too good to be true as long as Trump breathes and walks the earth.
..no need to reform the police ..we've been over this many times...there is no problem with the police--the problem is blacks committing crime at high rates and graduating at low rates
If there`s nothing wrong with the police why did your people beat up 134 of them at the Capitol?
???? that doesn't make sense--you're babbling shit
..I've put out threads and posts with the stats/etc --there is no problem with the police .....you can say that all day--doesn't make it true--same with racism = myth
We have the same definition. As the standards are lowered, the more Chauvins and Potters you're going to have.

Looks to me like the standards are being raised.

Applicants and current officers are finding out that Chauvin’s behavior isn’t going to be tolerated.

Think of it like supply and demand: the more applicants, the higher the standards can be. Fewer applicants and the standards will be lower.

A lower standard will me a lower quality officer on the street.
They will be replaced.

If these cops can’t handle what they’re expected of, then they can go to the unemployment line.

Yes they can. But for the most part, police departments pick the best applicants for the job. What we are going to see is less qualified people applying to be a police officer which means slim pickings for those police department meaning they will have to choose from whatever is left.

Now we throw in getting rid of qualified immunity, and nobody in their right mind will want the job. Why would anybody want a job where they can get personally sued if their actions were right or wrong? Who wants to take the chance of working the next five or ten years for free over a successful lawsuit?

Well if nobody in their right mind would accept a job like that, it means the only people that will are those not in their right mind. Good luck with that one.

Exactly right. The Liberals are morons for not recognizing what they're creating.

You want to do away with state medical boards, nursing boards? Hairdressers and chiropractors have to be licensed. They all have standards re: training, ethics and highest and best practice.

You want cops to have to meet the same standard as a hairdresser?...lol

Man, you are stupid.

Would you like to answer the question?
Think of it like supply and demand: the more applicants, the higher the standards can be. Fewer applicants and the standards will be lower.

A lower standard will me a lower quality officer on the street.

Or you can think of it like the number of applicants applying to be Navy seals. Or the number of applicants applying to be a senior manager for a large company.

They don't have a lot of applicants. The ones who are there are serious about it. The ones who don't think they can handle it aren't bothering to apply.
You make shit up as you go. You have no idea what you're talking about.

I noticed that you abandoned your ridiculous C.O.P.S. argument about how Chauvin's conduct was normal.

Smart of you to dodge that one. Don't think I didn't notice that.

I don't know what I'm talking about? I don't know my suburb is trying to find cops? Then why are representatives from my city posting an ad on Facebook?

Take note of where the police officers knee is before he gets the cuffs on.

I don't know what I'm talking about? I don't know my suburb is trying to find cops? Then why are representatives from my city posting an ad on Facebook?

Take note of where the police officers knee is before he gets the cuffs on.

Correct. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Interesting, I watched the video and I didn't see the officer kneel on the suspect for several minutes as he expressed that he couldn't breathe and I didn't see the officer continue to kneel on the suspects' neck several minutes after he passed out. You know, EXACTLY like I said the first time.

"You never saw someone kneel on a suspect's neck while he claimed he couldn't breathe until he passed out and kept kneeling on his neck.

You're 100% full of shit."

What the hell is wrong with you? How can I make this any more clear for you? Is English your second language or something?
Think of it like supply and demand: the more applicants, the higher the standards can be. Fewer applicants and the standards will be lower.

A lower standard will me a lower quality officer on the street.

Or you can think of it like the number of applicants applying to be Navy seals. Or the number of applicants applying to be a senior manager for a large company.

They don't have a lot of applicants. The ones who are there are serious about it. The ones who don't think they can handle it aren't bothering to apply.

The SEALS always have more applicants than they have available slots, ergo the high standard and enormous wash out rate.

Currently, police departments have beginning to have more available slots than applicants.

The SEALS always have more applicants than they have available slots, ergo the high standard and enormous wash out rate.

Currently, police departments have beginning to have more available slots than applicants.


Where are you getting that they have more slots than applicants?

Just looks like they need to plan things out as people leave/retire and new officers get trained through the academy.
The SEALS always have more applicants than they have available slots, ergo the high standard and enormous wash out rate.

Currently, police departments have beginning to have more available slots than applicants.


Doesn't look like they have more slots than applicants. Just looks like they need to plan things out as people leave/retire and new officers get trained through the academy.

Recruiting is at an all time low, retention is also at an all time low so yes, they have more slots than applicants.

I hope you're proud of employing the law of unintended concequences.

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