Police: Driver admitted to intentionally killing teen at North Dakota street dance after political dispute

He WAS the President of the United States. Why do you keep ignoring his INCOMPETENCE!! :)
why do you keep lying about him??
as for incompetence,,, have you seen biden lately with the economy and the border just for starters???

youre complaining about someone thats not POTUS and ignoring the one that is,,

The person who killed this kid was paid by the Democrats to do it.....the Democrats want to kill all Republicans...

So it is only fair to kill all Democrats first........for you will be blessed by God for vanquishing evil....
Ya mean like the white supremecist that killed the girl in Charlottesville?

They’re both fucking deranged
I would like to refer to exhibit A.

Oh, give us a break! That target malarkey was debunked that same day the far-left tried to use it against Republicans.

Are you that desperate? Foolish question, obviously you are incredibly desperate.
In summary, a drunk middle-aged man hit and killed an 18 year-old kid with his car because the kid was a Republican. You need to get those "white supremacists" while they are still young, I guess.

In seriousness, this is the result of all of the inflammatory rhetoric that has been coming from both sides for a while now.

According to Pedo Peter, extreme MAGA is the enemy.

Enemies deserves no mercy.

Oh you mean before it all collapsed when Trump was confronted by a crisis? It was flooding unsustainable amounts of fake money at record speed into the economy during periods of record fiscal deficits.

Because introducing UV light into the body "in some other way", and injecting disinfectants into the body is totally normal.
God, it must suck to think that this turd is your savior. :auiqs.jpg:
You do understand that your belief system is dead...right??? :)

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You know what's sad, Jack? You think making an ill advised comment is the same thing as making ill advised POLICY decisions! Everything Joe Biden touches turns to shit because he's an idiot when it comes to POLICIES! What Trump did worked because he understood Economics and had good POLICIES!

We need to send you progressive buffoons packing before you totally destroy America! The amount of damage you've managed to do in less than two years is mind boggling! It needs to stop.
He WAS the President of the United States. Why do you keep ignoring his INCOMPETENCE!! :)
Did you really just accuse Trump of incompetence, Jack? Wow! Compared to Biden...Trump is the most competent President we've ever had! Before Covid he gave us historically good economic numbers. What has Joe given us since he took office? One disaster after another. Is there anything that Biden does well? Seriously...what would make you support someone THAT utterly awful?
Did you really just accuse Trump of incompetence, Jack? Wow! Compared to Biden...Trump is the most competent President we've ever had! Before Covid he gave us historically good economic numbers. What has Joe given us since he took office? One disaster after another. Is there anything that Biden does well? Seriously...what would make you support someone THAT utterly awful?
LOL. One disaster after another..given to him by your savior..seriously, wipe the cheeto dust off your mouth. :auiqs.jpg:

Donald John Trump will be remembered by history as the WORST President this country has ever elected.
He has one policy accomplishment in his four years. He (against the worst advice of Kushner and Sessions) got the First Step Act passed.
Other than that...he's an abject failure.
LOL. One disaster after another..given to him by your savior..seriously, wipe the cheeto dust off your mouth. :auiqs.jpg:

Donald John Trump will be remembered by history as the WORST President this country has ever elected.
He has one policy accomplishment in his four years. He (against the worst advice of Kushner and Sessions) got the First Step Act passed.
Other than that...he's an abject failure.
With every passing day, Joe Biden is cementing his place in US history as our worst President ever, Jack! Trump gave us some of the best economic numbers we've seen in decades before Covid. Wages were up. Unemployment was down. US manufacturing was growing. The border, if not secure, was at least headed in the right direction. We even had peace accords being signed in the Middle East between several Arab countries and Israel. That's not even mentioning that Trump fast tracked the vaccines for us.

Comparing Biden to Trump is like comparing a Yugo to a Porsche!

I did not read this whole thread….not sure if it was mentioned…

“A breathalyzer test later showed that Brandt’s blood-alcohol level was above the legal limit of 0.08.”

DUI vehicular manslaughter? Ouch.

Suge Night got 28 years for intentionally killiingg someone with a car.

This piece of shit in ND should get life.

BTW, it's Suge Knight.

He got 6 years of that 28 for being a "three strikes you're out" convicted felon.
I don't give a shit if they put this guy away for life. I don't even care to know his name. You'll not see people collecting money for him or national politicians going to bat for him. Thanks to Kyle we all know exactly how the right actually feels about politically motivated violence.
Why would you equate the two situations? They are nothing alike!
In summary, a drunk middle-aged man hit and killed an 18 year-old kid with his car because the kid was a Republican. You need to get those "white supremacists" while they are still young, I guess.

In seriousness, this is the result of all of the inflammatory rhetoric that has been coming from both sides for a while now.

The asshole was shocked that he was even in jail. I hope they file more proper charges. He committed 1st degree murder.
No. That's a stupid supposition. Biden encourages citizens to vote out MAGAs not run them over to death.
Um no….Biden used language in that speech that was a dog whistle to his unhinged supporters that Trump supporters were a threat. Now some douche kills a kid he doesn’t agree with, and you make excuses….pathetic.
I don't give a shit if they put this guy away for life. I don't even care to know his name. You'll not see people collecting money for him or national politicians going to bat for him. Thanks to Kyle we all know exactly how the right actually feels about politically motivated violence.

You are a fucking retard. Kyle was defending himself from YOUR assholes.

Get used to it. We ain't putting up with your violence any longer.

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