Police identify man suspected of killing CEO, his wife and their son in DC mansion - after finding h

Race wars? Really?
I would say that when white people are targeted randomly for violent attacks that war is being waged against them, yeah. And you saying "Really" doesn't diminish it.

Random acts of violence by individuals. Not a 'race'. That's where your entire argument breaks. Most crimes against white people are by white people. Cast in the bizarre racial framework you've imagined, its a 'race civil war'.

When in reality, its just criminals preying on victims.
Yeah, black criminals. Ever hear of the knockout game, asshole?

Yeah, but these are individuals. Not a 'race'. You're arguing that any attack by a member of a race is an attack from the race. And that's nonsensical. Worse, if you applied that logic consistently, whites are in a civil war. As no matter what the offense is, you attribute it to race. So any crime by any white person against another white person must mean a race civil war.

Your entire argument is hapless bullshit. There is no race war. And a crime committed by a white criminal is no more an attack by the 'white race' as one commited by a black is an attack from the 'black race'.
No, I'm not, but when every single case is a black violently attacking a white person, they yeah, it's probably racially motivated, idiot.

When every single case of *what* is a black person violently attacking a white person? White people kill far more white people than blacks do. So your 'every single' is just you ignore any instance of any race but black folks killing someone.

And no, not every attack of a black person on a white person is racially motivated. And no, an attack by an individual, even if its racially motivated, is not an attack from that 'race'.

Your entire 'race war' argument is just hapless dipshitery.
You're cherry picking a handful of cases spread out across nearly 10 years. Duke LaCrosse was in 2006. And no one was convicted. No one died. No one was even physically injured. All charges were dropped, and Mike Nifong (a white guy, for the record) was charged with ethics violations and disbarred.

Um, that's not war. That's not anything that even remotely resembles war. That's hyperbole stretched the point of panty shitting hysterics.

Especially in a discussion about a family being held captive, tortured and murdered.
Then Vietnam wasn't a war either.

Vietnam involved actual soldiers, bullets, and thousands of deaths. The Duke LaCross scandal didn't. Your hyperbole is stretched to absurdity.
Yet you Leftists tried saying it wasn't a war but a police action or a conflict. The point is, nobody's waiting to call something a war until Leftwats agree that it is.

The Duke LaCross case isn't like the Vietnam war. Again, you overplayed your hand. You pushed your hyperbole into absurdity. And directly equated a war that killed more than 50,000 americans and injured a hundred thousand more...

.....with charges 10 years ago that were dropped without a single physical injury or death. With the prosecutor who brought the charges disbarred.

That's simple nonsense.
Apparently you've never heard of the concept of scale. The size of a war doesn't change the fact that it's a war. You're refusal to call it a war likewise has no bearing on it.
Your ignorance of what a war is, speaks volumes....
You're cherry picking a handful of cases spread out across nearly 10 years. Duke LaCrosse was in 2006. And no one was convicted. No one died. No one was even physically injured. All charges were dropped, and Mike Nifong (a white guy, for the record) was charged with ethics violations and disbarred.

Um, that's not war. That's not anything that even remotely resembles war. That's hyperbole stretched the point of panty shitting hysterics.

Especially in a discussion about a family being held captive, tortured and murdered.
Then Vietnam wasn't a war either.

Vietnam involved actual soldiers, bullets, and thousands of deaths. The Duke LaCross scandal didn't. Your hyperbole is stretched to absurdity.
Yet you Leftists tried saying it wasn't a war but a police action or a conflict. The point is, nobody's waiting to call something a war until Leftwats agree that it is.

The Duke LaCross case isn't like the Vietnam war. Again, you overplayed your hand. You pushed your hyperbole into absurdity. And directly equated a war that killed more than 50,000 americans and injured a hundred thousand more...

.....with charges 10 years ago that were dropped without a single physical injury or death. With the prosecutor who brought the charges disbarred.

That's simple nonsense.
Apparently you've never heard of the concept of scale. The size of a war doesn't change the fact that it's a war. You're refusal to call it a war likewise has no bearing on it.

Scale, consequence, harm, lives lost, length, pick your feature. Your direct comparison was absurd. Your hyperbole was absurd. You over played your hand.

No, Mikey....no matter how many times you try to polish that turd, the Duke La Cross case was not like the Vietnam war.
Then Vietnam wasn't a war either.

Vietnam involved actual soldiers, bullets, and thousands of deaths. The Duke LaCross scandal didn't. Your hyperbole is stretched to absurdity.
Yet you Leftists tried saying it wasn't a war but a police action or a conflict. The point is, nobody's waiting to call something a war until Leftwats agree that it is.

The Duke LaCross case isn't like the Vietnam war. Again, you overplayed your hand. You pushed your hyperbole into absurdity. And directly equated a war that killed more than 50,000 americans and injured a hundred thousand more...

.....with charges 10 years ago that were dropped without a single physical injury or death. With the prosecutor who brought the charges disbarred.

That's simple nonsense.
Apparently you've never heard of the concept of scale. The size of a war doesn't change the fact that it's a war. You're refusal to call it a war likewise has no bearing on it.
Your ignorance of what a war is, speaks volumes....

Its a consequences on no one in the right wing echo chamber ever questioning or calling them on their claims. No matter how doused in batshit or wildly absurd.
Wake up, white people. War has been declared on you. They just haven't declared it openly (YET).

Race wars? Really?
I would say that when white people are targeted randomly for violent attacks that war is being waged against them, yeah. And you saying "Really" doesn't diminish it.

Random acts of violence by individuals. Not a 'race'. That's where your entire argument breaks. Most crimes against white people are by white people. Cast in the bizarre racial framework you've imagined, its a 'race civil war'.

When in reality, its just criminals preying on victims.
Most crimes against white people are committed by other whites? Where did you get that?

Do you disagree? If you do, we'll get into the nitty gritty. If not, I'm not inclined to dig up my sources for an issue we agree on.
I think you pulled that out of your ass. On just homicides alone, black offenses are 8 times higher than white. Hispanics triple their demographic representation in criminal incarceration. Try getting an education. Start here.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Then Vietnam wasn't a war either.

Vietnam involved actual soldiers, bullets, and thousands of deaths. The Duke LaCross scandal didn't. Your hyperbole is stretched to absurdity.
Yet you Leftists tried saying it wasn't a war but a police action or a conflict. The point is, nobody's waiting to call something a war until Leftwats agree that it is.

The Duke LaCross case isn't like the Vietnam war. Again, you overplayed your hand. You pushed your hyperbole into absurdity. And directly equated a war that killed more than 50,000 americans and injured a hundred thousand more...

.....with charges 10 years ago that were dropped without a single physical injury or death. With the prosecutor who brought the charges disbarred.

That's simple nonsense.
Apparently you've never heard of the concept of scale. The size of a war doesn't change the fact that it's a war. You're refusal to call it a war likewise has no bearing on it.

Scale, consequence, harm, lives lost, length, pick your feature. Your direct comparison was absurd. Your hyperbole was absurd. You over played your hand.

No, Mikey....no matter how many times you try to polish that turd, the Duke La Cross case was not like the Vietnam war.
I said they are both wars, jackass, not that they inflicted the same damage.
Race wars? Really?
I would say that when white people are targeted randomly for violent attacks that war is being waged against them, yeah. And you saying "Really" doesn't diminish it.

Random acts of violence by individuals. Not a 'race'. That's where your entire argument breaks. Most crimes against white people are by white people. Cast in the bizarre racial framework you've imagined, its a 'race civil war'.

When in reality, its just criminals preying on victims.
Most crimes against white people are committed by other whites? Where did you get that?

Do you disagree? If you do, we'll get into the nitty gritty. If not, I'm not inclined to dig up my sources for an issue we agree on.
I think you pulled that out of your ass. On just homicides alone, black offenses are 8 times higher than white. Hispanics triple their demographic representation in criminal incarceration. Try getting an education. Start here.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So you aren't only ignorant of what constitutes a war...you are also ignorant of the fact that over 80% of white homicides are committed by whites.

Please, gracefully pack your intellectually empty bags and exit the play ground.
Vietnam involved actual soldiers, bullets, and thousands of deaths. The Duke LaCross scandal didn't. Your hyperbole is stretched to absurdity.
Yet you Leftists tried saying it wasn't a war but a police action or a conflict. The point is, nobody's waiting to call something a war until Leftwats agree that it is.

The Duke LaCross case isn't like the Vietnam war. Again, you overplayed your hand. You pushed your hyperbole into absurdity. And directly equated a war that killed more than 50,000 americans and injured a hundred thousand more...

.....with charges 10 years ago that were dropped without a single physical injury or death. With the prosecutor who brought the charges disbarred.

That's simple nonsense.
Apparently you've never heard of the concept of scale. The size of a war doesn't change the fact that it's a war. You're refusal to call it a war likewise has no bearing on it.
Your ignorance of what a war is, speaks volumes....

Its a consequences on no one in the right wing echo chamber ever questioning or calling them on their claims. No matter how doused in batshit or wildly absurd.
Coming from the asshat claiming most crimes against whites are committed by other whites never dreaming anyone would challenge that.
Yet you Leftists tried saying it wasn't a war but a police action or a conflict. The point is, nobody's waiting to call something a war until Leftwats agree that it is.

The Duke LaCross case isn't like the Vietnam war. Again, you overplayed your hand. You pushed your hyperbole into absurdity. And directly equated a war that killed more than 50,000 americans and injured a hundred thousand more...

.....with charges 10 years ago that were dropped without a single physical injury or death. With the prosecutor who brought the charges disbarred.

That's simple nonsense.
Apparently you've never heard of the concept of scale. The size of a war doesn't change the fact that it's a war. You're refusal to call it a war likewise has no bearing on it.
Your ignorance of what a war is, speaks volumes....

Its a consequences on no one in the right wing echo chamber ever questioning or calling them on their claims. No matter how doused in batshit or wildly absurd.
Coming from the asshat claiming most crimes against whites are committed by other whites never dreaming anyone would challenge that.
So you choose to jump from ignorant to outright stupid...how surprising.
Yet you Leftists tried saying it wasn't a war but a police action or a conflict. The point is, nobody's waiting to call something a war until Leftwats agree that it is.

The Duke LaCross case isn't like the Vietnam war. Again, you overplayed your hand. You pushed your hyperbole into absurdity. And directly equated a war that killed more than 50,000 americans and injured a hundred thousand more...

.....with charges 10 years ago that were dropped without a single physical injury or death. With the prosecutor who brought the charges disbarred.

That's simple nonsense.
Apparently you've never heard of the concept of scale. The size of a war doesn't change the fact that it's a war. You're refusal to call it a war likewise has no bearing on it.
Your ignorance of what a war is, speaks volumes....

Its a consequences on no one in the right wing echo chamber ever questioning or calling them on their claims. No matter how doused in batshit or wildly absurd.
Coming from the asshat claiming most crimes against whites are committed by other whites never dreaming anyone would challenge that.
Once again, do you even disagree with me on the claim that most crimes against white people are by white people?

You can't get butt hurt until you disagree.
Vietnam involved actual soldiers, bullets, and thousands of deaths. The Duke LaCross scandal didn't. Your hyperbole is stretched to absurdity.
Yet you Leftists tried saying it wasn't a war but a police action or a conflict. The point is, nobody's waiting to call something a war until Leftwats agree that it is.

The Duke LaCross case isn't like the Vietnam war. Again, you overplayed your hand. You pushed your hyperbole into absurdity. And directly equated a war that killed more than 50,000 americans and injured a hundred thousand more...

.....with charges 10 years ago that were dropped without a single physical injury or death. With the prosecutor who brought the charges disbarred.

That's simple nonsense.
Apparently you've never heard of the concept of scale. The size of a war doesn't change the fact that it's a war. You're refusal to call it a war likewise has no bearing on it.

Scale, consequence, harm, lives lost, length, pick your feature. Your direct comparison was absurd. Your hyperbole was absurd. You over played your hand.

No, Mikey....no matter how many times you try to polish that turd, the Duke La Cross case was not like the Vietnam war.
I said they are both wars, jackass, not that they inflicted the same damage.

And you're laughably, comically, absurdly wrong. The Duke LaCross case isn't the Vietnam war. Or even remotely similar to it. That you keep trying to directly equate them demonstrates that you don't have the slighest clue what you're talking about.

I know you're not used to being called on an absurdly stretched hyperbole. But you've overplayed your hand on this one.
Yet you Leftists tried saying it wasn't a war but a police action or a conflict. The point is, nobody's waiting to call something a war until Leftwats agree that it is.

The Duke LaCross case isn't like the Vietnam war. Again, you overplayed your hand. You pushed your hyperbole into absurdity. And directly equated a war that killed more than 50,000 americans and injured a hundred thousand more...

.....with charges 10 years ago that were dropped without a single physical injury or death. With the prosecutor who brought the charges disbarred.

That's simple nonsense.
Apparently you've never heard of the concept of scale. The size of a war doesn't change the fact that it's a war. You're refusal to call it a war likewise has no bearing on it.

Scale, consequence, harm, lives lost, length, pick your feature. Your direct comparison was absurd. Your hyperbole was absurd. You over played your hand.

No, Mikey....no matter how many times you try to polish that turd, the Duke La Cross case was not like the Vietnam war.
I said they are both wars, jackass, not that they inflicted the same damage.

And you're laughably, comically, absurdly wrong. The Duke LaCross case isn't the Vietnam war. Or even remotely similar to it. That you keep trying to directly equate them demonstrates that you don't have the slighest clue what you're talking about.

I know you're not used to being called on an absurdly stretched hyperbole. But you've overplayed your hand on this one.
I'm not "directly equating" them. You're a liar. This conversation is over.
The Duke LaCross case isn't like the Vietnam war. Again, you overplayed your hand. You pushed your hyperbole into absurdity. And directly equated a war that killed more than 50,000 americans and injured a hundred thousand more...

.....with charges 10 years ago that were dropped without a single physical injury or death. With the prosecutor who brought the charges disbarred.

That's simple nonsense.
Apparently you've never heard of the concept of scale. The size of a war doesn't change the fact that it's a war. You're refusal to call it a war likewise has no bearing on it.

Scale, consequence, harm, lives lost, length, pick your feature. Your direct comparison was absurd. Your hyperbole was absurd. You over played your hand.

No, Mikey....no matter how many times you try to polish that turd, the Duke La Cross case was not like the Vietnam war.
I said they are both wars, jackass, not that they inflicted the same damage.

And you're laughably, comically, absurdly wrong. The Duke LaCross case isn't the Vietnam war. Or even remotely similar to it. That you keep trying to directly equate them demonstrates that you don't have the slighest clue what you're talking about.

I know you're not used to being called on an absurdly stretched hyperbole. But you've overplayed your hand on this one.
I'm not "directly equating" them. You're a liar. This conversation is over.

Not anymore you're not. Run along.
Just another one of the many savage black on white crimes never covered by the media. Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population. The US might not be as bad as South Africa but it is heading that way, where the rich will have to hire private security to avoid instances like this. 90% of interracial violent crime is black on white, but the liberal anti-white media cherry pick white on black so called "police brutality" stories that are later thoroughly debunked.
Wake up, white people. War has been declared on you. They just haven't declared it openly (YET).

Race wars? Really?
I would say that when white people are targeted randomly for violent attacks that war is being waged against them, yeah. And you saying "Really" doesn't diminish it.

Random acts of violence by individuals. Not a 'race'. That's where your entire argument breaks. Most crimes against white people are by white people. Cast in the bizarre racial framework you've imagined, its a 'race civil war'.

When in reality, its just criminals preying on victims.
Yeah, black criminals. Ever hear of the knockout game, asshole?

Yeah, but these are individuals. Not a 'race'. You're arguing that any attack by a member of a race is an attack from the race. And that's nonsensical. Worse, if you applied that logic consistently, whites are in a civil war. As no matter what the offense is, you attribute it to race. So any crime by any white person against another white person must mean a race civil war.

Your entire argument is hapless bullshit. There is no race war. And a crime committed by a white criminal is no more an attack by the 'white race' as one commited by a black is an attack from the 'black race'.
If race and crime have no connection, than why don't you walk down MLK or Malcolm X boulevard in your town at 12 at night and judge people as "individuals", fucking idiot.
Race wars? Really?
I would say that when white people are targeted randomly for violent attacks that war is being waged against them, yeah. And you saying "Really" doesn't diminish it.

Random acts of violence by individuals. Not a 'race'. That's where your entire argument breaks. Most crimes against white people are by white people. Cast in the bizarre racial framework you've imagined, its a 'race civil war'.

When in reality, its just criminals preying on victims.
Yeah, black criminals. Ever hear of the knockout game, asshole?

Yeah, but these are individuals. Not a 'race'. You're arguing that any attack by a member of a race is an attack from the race. And that's nonsensical. Worse, if you applied that logic consistently, whites are in a civil war. As no matter what the offense is, you attribute it to race. So any crime by any white person against another white person must mean a race civil war.

Your entire argument is hapless bullshit. There is no race war. And a crime committed by a white criminal is no more an attack by the 'white race' as one commited by a black is an attack from the 'black race'.
If race and crime have no connection, than why don't you walk down MLK or Malcolm X boulevard in your town at 12 at night and judge people as "individuals", fucking idiot.

And who said that race and crime have no connection, dipshit? Blacks commit more crime proportionally. Most of it against other blacks.

Blacks committing more crime proportionally has exactly jack shit to do with this imaginary 'race war' that your ilk have their panties in a bunch over. As a crime committed by an individual isn't an attack by a 'race'. If such were the case, if any white person every commited any violence against any other.......its a 'race civil war'.

Try again. This time thinking before you type.
I'm sure the FBI just made up these numbers to further Obama's war on white people but, anyway...in 2013 there were 3,005 white murder victims and 2,509 of them were killed by white people.
Now..."3,005 plussed with 47, carry the 3, stick out your tongue and pull your nose..."...that comes to 83% whites that are murdered are killed by another white person.

It's a war on white people alright!
FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
Just another one of the many savage black on white crimes never covered by the media.

No, its an example of you not having the slighest clue what you're talking about. As this is all over the news.

Sigh....try again.

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

Define 'common'. Give us a number. How many black on white home invasions with rape, torture and murder are there?

Or are you really just making this up as as you go along?

The US might not be as bad as South Africa but it is heading that way, where the rich will have to hire private security to avoid instances like this. 90% of interracial violent crime is black on white, but the liberal anti-white media cherry pick white on black so called "police brutality" stories that are later thoroughly debunked.

You do realize that violence of virtually every type is hovering around a 30 year low, right?

Violent crime in the U.S. fell 4.4 percent last year to the lowest level in decades, the FBI announced Monday.

In 2013, there were 1.16 million violent crimes, the lowest amount since the 1978’s 1.09 million violent crimes, Reuters reports.

Crime Rates in U.S. Drop to 1970s levels

And yet you've still got yourself worked up into a hysteric lather, standing a puddle of your own yellow fear over how the US is becoming like south africa with rampant home invasions by scary black people. And demonstrate why the FBI is a way better source on crime than say, StormFront. Or the latest issue of Guns and Ammo.

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You don't know what you're talking about. It really does cut into the effectiveness of your arguments.
I would say that when white people are targeted randomly for violent attacks that war is being waged against them, yeah. And you saying "Really" doesn't diminish it.

Random acts of violence by individuals. Not a 'race'. That's where your entire argument breaks. Most crimes against white people are by white people. Cast in the bizarre racial framework you've imagined, its a 'race civil war'.

When in reality, its just criminals preying on victims.
Yeah, black criminals. Ever hear of the knockout game, asshole?

Yeah, but these are individuals. Not a 'race'. You're arguing that any attack by a member of a race is an attack from the race. And that's nonsensical. Worse, if you applied that logic consistently, whites are in a civil war. As no matter what the offense is, you attribute it to race. So any crime by any white person against another white person must mean a race civil war.

Your entire argument is hapless bullshit. There is no race war. And a crime committed by a white criminal is no more an attack by the 'white race' as one commited by a black is an attack from the 'black race'.
If race and crime have no connection, than why don't you walk down MLK or Malcolm X boulevard in your town at 12 at night and judge people as "individuals", fucking idiot.

And who said that race and crime have no connection, dipshit? Blacks commit more crime proportionally. Most of it against other blacks.

Blacks committing more crime proportionally has exactly jack shit to do with this imaginary 'race war' that your ilk have their panties in a bunch over. As a crime committed by an individual isn't an attack by a 'race'. If such were the case, if any white person every commited any violence against any other.......its a 'race civil war'.

Try again. This time thinking before you type.
Crime has everything to do with race. You even said so yourself, blacks commit disproportionately more crime, Eight times more likely to murder. If you look at interracial rape statistics, statistically speaking there are 0-10 white on black rapes a year whereas in 2005 over 35,000 whites were raped by blacks.

FrontPage Magazine - The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States

I don't have my panties in a bunch over a race war. Only blacks seem to be talking about it, but given gun ownership rates in the US, the war would be over in less than a week.
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I'm sure the FBI just made up these numbers to further Obama's war on white people but, anyway...in 2013 there were 3,005 white murder victims and 2,509 of them were killed by white people.
Now..."3,005 plussed with 47, carry the 3, stick out your tongue and pull your nose..."...that comes to 83% whites that are murdered are killed by another white person.

It's a war on white people alright!
FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Sigh.......you know it. I know it. The FBI knows it.

But these gibbering idiots close their eyes and stop up their ears, rocking back and forth in hapless fear of all the scary black people.

Here's a hint for all you race based fear mongers: criminals are generally a lazy bunch. They tend to commit crimes against the people easiest for them to get to: the folks they live near. And for better or worse, we're still largely a self segregated society. Which means that most victims of crime tend to be victimized by folks that look like they do.

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