Police identify man suspected of killing CEO, his wife and their son in DC mansion - after finding h

I'm refuting the nonsense 'race war' idiocy. And your 'the US is becoming south africa' batshit. You've wisely abandoned both.

And that's my argument. I won.
More examples of the, it all happened, in your mind. I never advocated or argued for a race war, I said if one happened, Whites would win. That is all I said, and you have yet to refute that, or refute the point that Crime rates are significantly higher than they were in 1960, when we were whiter and not forcefully integrated. We are more like South Africa today than we were then and episodes like this horrific murder underscore this.[/QUOTE]
Overall Crime has on average been on the decline since the 1980s, following a sharp rise in incarceration rates.

Except that it didn't, dipshit. Rapes increased since the 80s until the early 90s. Murders increased. Property Crime increased. Aggravated assault increased.Robbery increased. Theft increased.

United States Crime Rates1960 - 2013

The only thing that went down was car theft. And that was a product of technology. Not incarceration.

Try again.

Saying correlation doesn't equal causation, and just ignoring the positive correlation between high incarceration rates and lower crime rates is just lazy.

See above above about how murder, rape, property crime, theft, aggravated assault and robbery all increased from the early 80s to the early 90s. This despite an increase in incarceration in the early 80s, by your own admission.

And of course, the increase in prison rates didn't begin in the early 80s. But the late 60s and early 70s.


And yet crime rates didn't start coming down until 1994. A full quarter century after the incarceration rates began to climb. So much for your 'causation'. Incarceration rates increased and crime increased for a quarter century.

But incarceration rates cause lower crime rates? That quarter century of contradiction kicks the shit out of your assumptions.

Try again, dipshit.

Because scholars across the aisle on the issue agree that high incarceration is responsible for at least a 25% reduction in the overall crime rate since the 1990s.
Why Crime Keeps Falling - WSJ

Laughing.....Let the backpedalling begin! So it went from 'incarceration is why the crime rate went down' to 'incarceration is about 25% of why the crime rate went down'. The very best support you managed to find for your claim cut your assertions by 3/4s.

And your *own sources* cites 4 different reasons for crime reduction: imprisonment, policing, environmental changes and less cocaine abuse. With imprisonment barely 1/4 of it. And yet you ignore your own source to cling to your argument. And have jack shit to back your claims that 'integration caused the rise in crime'.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
It is when you start offering us panty shitting hysterics about security guards to protect you from all the scary black people.

Its white folks you should be concerned with if you're white. If you're white, you're almost 5 times more likely to be killed by another white person than you are a black one.
At the moment I don't need security guards, though I could afford them if necessary. The Cops at this point do their job, and protect the taxpayers who pay their salaries, for this I am thankful and hope they keep up the good work. They are the line between us and savagery as Baltimore and Ferguson show.

No one ever disputed Whites kill more white people. The issue here is Whites overall commit a disproportionately low amount of murders, whereas blacks commit over 50% of murders. They are 8 times more likely to commit a murder than a white person. So the black person I walk by is 8 times more likely to be a murderer, this idea I am less safe around white people is absurd.
You've already conceded every point I wanted. Or abandoned every halfwit argument you've offered about 'South Africa'.

I am sure you think so, in your mind

Check the thread again. I was railing against race war batshit. You've completely abandoned it.

I win.

And you've completely moved your goal posts on your south africa claim. Literally flipping it 180 degrees.

I win again.

Keep running.
Huh. I don't notice a thing about 'than we were in the 60s' anywhere in your little rhetorical turd. Instead you said we're 'heading that way'. With your silly 'your dumb' blunder, its obvious that you're not a native speaker of English. So I'm going to let you in on a little secret. 'Heading that way' refers to the future.
We clearly are headed that way if we are closer to post Apartheid South Africa's murder rate now than we were in the 60s.
It wasn't until the late 90s that crime rates began to drop.
No, it reached its peak in the 80s and began to decline in the early 90s and incarceration began to steeply increase.


Give thanks to the penal system on locking up the Dindus in large numbers and thus lowering the crime rates.
No one ever disputed Whites kill more white people.

Yet it wasn't white people that you were insisted you needed protection from in this little piece of hysteric batshit:

The US might not be as bad as South Africa but it is heading that way, where the rich will have to hire private security to avoid instances like this. 90% of interracial violent crime is black on white, but the liberal anti-white media cherry pick white on black so called "police brutality" stories that are later thoroughly debunked.


Yet in another fit of irrational fear mongering, you insist that we're 'heading that way' in becoming like South Africa, and lament about all the private security we'll need to protect ourselves from the scary black people!

Um, dipshit...its not blackfolks you should be concerned with if you're white. Its white folks. If you already knew that more than 80% of murders of white people were committed by other white people.....then what was with your babble about 'private security guards' to protect you from black people?

Either you *didn't* know until I told you.....or you did know and offered us one of the most brain dead, panty shitting arguments in recent memory. As you *knew* that white people are almost 5 times more likely to be killed by other white folks...than by black folks.

Ignorant, or braindead and dishonest.

Its one or the other. Pick which.

The issue here is Whites overall commit a disproportionately low amount of murders, whereas blacks commit over 50% of murders.

With almost all the murders committed by blacks....being of other blacks. Remember, blacks are also disproportionate victims of crime as well. White folks overwhelmingly kill white folks. Black folks overwhelmingly kill black folks.

Logically, if you're white..... have your security guard protect you from other white folks. But in your panty shitting hysterics, you're afraid of the scary black people. Despite the fact that almost all of their murders are of black folks.
Huh. I don't notice a thing about 'than we were in the 60s' anywhere in your little rhetorical turd. Instead you said we're 'heading that way'. With your silly 'your dumb' blunder, its obvious that you're not a native speaker of English. So I'm going to let you in on a little secret. 'Heading that way' refers to the future.
We clearly are headed that way if we are closer to post Apartheid South Africa's murder rate now than we were in the 60s.

Um, dipshit....our murder rates have been in trending downward since 1993. We're now at a 30 year low.

But the lower our crime rates go, the MORE afraid you get?

Holy shit, you're an idiot.
And your *own sources* cites 4 different reasons for crime reduction: imprisonment, policing, environmental changes and less cocaine abuse. With imprisonment barely 1/4 of it. And yet you ignore your own source to cling to your argument. And have jack shit to back your claims that 'integration caused the rise in crime'.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
Even if we accept the 1/4th number of the more liberal lesser incarceration camp, that is significant, and one of if not the most significant individual factor in the overall crime drop.

No one ever said it was one factor, once again, you make up things in your mind because you are some demented middle aged white catlady.
Huh. I don't notice a thing about 'than we were in the 60s' anywhere in your little rhetorical turd. Instead you said we're 'heading that way'. With your silly 'your dumb' blunder, its obvious that you're not a native speaker of English. So I'm going to let you in on a little secret. 'Heading that way' refers to the future.
We clearly are headed that way if we are closer to post Apartheid South Africa's murder rate now than we were in the 60s.

Um, dipshit....our murder rates have been in trending downward since 1993. We're now at a 30 year low.

But the lower our crime rates go, the MORE afraid you get?

Holy shit, you're an idiot.
But we are higher than we were 60 years ago, when we were a white and less criminal country without forced integration.

Have some historical perspective.
Your graph proves my point. The steep climb in incarceration rates occurred in the Mid to late 80s, and in the early 90s, the decline in overall crime rates began.

Obvious nonsense. My graph proves my point. As the increases in incarceration began 25 YEARS before the crime rate began to drop. If higher incarceration rates mean lower crime.....then why did we see incarceration rates increase for a quarter century AND crime rates increase at the same time?

Clearly 'causation' doesn't mean what you think it means.

Even your BEST sources, those MOST supportive of your argument.......claim that incarceration accounts for about 25% of the crime reduction. And give you a litany of other reasons why crime has gone down: policing, environmental changes and less cocaine abuse.

But you ignore your own sources....and cling to your little turd of an argument. And have exactly jack shit to establish a causative relationship between integration and national crime.
Huh. I don't notice a thing about 'than we were in the 60s' anywhere in your little rhetorical turd. Instead you said we're 'heading that way'. With your silly 'your dumb' blunder, its obvious that you're not a native speaker of English. So I'm going to let you in on a little secret. 'Heading that way' refers to the future.
We clearly are headed that way if we are closer to post Apartheid South Africa's murder rate now than we were in the 60s.

Um, dipshit....our murder rates have been in trending downward since 1993. We're now at a 30 year low.

But the lower our crime rates go, the MORE afraid you get?

Holy shit, you're an idiot.
But we are higher than we were 60 years ago, when we were a white and less criminal country without forced integration.

Have some historical perspective.

And we're trending downward. Yet despite crime rates plummeting.....we're 'heading toward' being like South Africa, where you'll need security guards to protect you from all the scary black people?

How can we be 'heading toward' being like South Africa.......when our crime rate is plummeting? And of course, why would we need security guards to protect whites from the black folks.......when most violence and murders suffered by white is inflicted by whites?

Sorry, idiot....but your argument is a joke. And watching you polish that turd only makes me smile.
No one ever disputed Whites kill more white people.

With almost all the murders committed by blacks....being of other blacks. Remember, blacks are also disproportionate victims of crime as well. White folks overwhelmingly kill white folks. Black folks overwhelmingly kill black folks.

Logically, if you're white..... have your security guard protect you from other white folks. But in your panty shitting hysterics, you're afraid of the scary black people. Despite the fact that almost all of their murders are of black folks.
That's right, White people, as far as crime goes, need to be far more worried of blacks than Whites, as the Black they meet is 8 times more likely to be a murderer than the white they meet.

Logically, if you are a white, you want to stay as far away from black areas as possible, and in white areas, as white disproportionately commit less murders. Only 45% of murders are committed by Whites(despite being 75% of the population), and this includes Hispanics as White in the stat as well.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yeah, try that bullshit after you factually establish a causative relationship between integration and crime.
Oh, that is easy. There is a correlative relationship between the percentage of the black population and the robbery, homicide, and overall violent crime rates of about .7 to .8 depending on the study, a very strong relationship.
Race and Crime in America Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

It is a significantly stronger indicator than median income, which ranges from a correlation of about .5
RobberyRatesCities500kx Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

Um, dipshit....that's a WordPress blog by a theoretical physicist. And a famously conservative one. Why would I give a fiddler's fuck what a theoretical physicists has to say on race and crime?
Huh. I don't notice a thing about 'than we were in the 60s' anywhere in your little rhetorical turd. Instead you said we're 'heading that way'. With your silly 'your dumb' blunder, its obvious that you're not a native speaker of English. So I'm going to let you in on a little secret. 'Heading that way' refers to the future.
We clearly are headed that way if we are closer to post Apartheid South Africa's murder rate now than we were in the 60s.

Um, dipshit....our murder rates have been in trending downward since 1993. We're now at a 30 year low.

But the lower our crime rates go, the MORE afraid you get?

Holy shit, you're an idiot.
But we are higher than we were 60 years ago, when we were a white and less criminal country without forced integration.

Have some historical perspective.

And we're trending downward. Yet despite crime rates plummeting.....we're 'heading toward' being like South Africa, where you'll need security guards to protect you from all the scary black people?

How can we be 'heading toward' being like South Africa.......when our crime rate is plummeting? And of course, why would we need security guards to protect whites from the black folks.......when most violence and murders suffered by white is inflicted by whites?

Sorry, idiot....but your argument is a joke. And watching you polish that turd only makes me smile.
Assuming downward trends will hold. I don't think they will, hence why I made my prediction that we will head towards being more like South Africa; and how we are more like South Africa now, with higher murder, rape, robbery, and overall crime than we had 60 years ago as a White country. This home invasion is very similar to black home invasions of whites, particularly afrikaner farmers, in South Africa, who are facing genocide like conditions.

Yeah, try that bullshit after you factually establish a causative relationship between integration and crime.
Oh, that is easy. There is a correlative relationship between the percentage of the black population and the robbery, homicide, and overall violent crime rates of about .7 to .8 depending on the study, a very strong relationship.
Race and Crime in America Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

It is a significantly stronger indicator than median income, which ranges from a correlation of about .5
RobberyRatesCities500kx Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

Um, dipshit....that's a WordPress blog by a theoretical physicist. And a famously conservative one. Why would I give a fiddler's fuck what a theoretical physicists has to say on race and crime?
You wouldn't, because disproportionate black crime really doesn't concern you.

Do you have proof the FBI and US Census numbers he cites are wrong?
No one ever disputed Whites kill more white people.

With almost all the murders committed by blacks....being of other blacks. Remember, blacks are also disproportionate victims of crime as well. White folks overwhelmingly kill white folks. Black folks overwhelmingly kill black folks.

Logically, if you're white..... have your security guard protect you from other white folks. But in your panty shitting hysterics, you're afraid of the scary black people. Despite the fact that almost all of their murders are of black folks.
That's right, White people, as far as crime goes, need to be far more worried of blacks than Whites, as the Black they meet is 8 times more likely to be a murderer than the white they meet.

With almost ever person killed by blacks being blacks. If you're white, you're almost 5 times more likely to be killed by another white person than you are a black one.

But its the BLACK folks you're worried about?

Shrugs.....you're an idiot.

Logically, if you are a white, you want to stay as far away from black areas as possible, and in white areas, as white disproportionately commit less murders. Only 45% of murders are committed by Whites(despite being 75% of the population), and this includes Hispanics as White in the stat as well.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're not thinking it through. As you are ignoring who murders who. Whites disproportionately kill other whites. More than any other racial group. And more than 80% of all white murder victims....were killed by white people. While almost all the folks killed by blacks....are black.

If you're white, its white people that are more likely to kill you. Not by a little. But by a factor of almost 5.

But in your little fear mongering fantasy, you need security guards to protect you from the scary back people?

Laughing......math isn't your strong suit, is it dipshit?
Your graph proves my point. The steep climb in incarceration rates occurred in the Mid to late 80s, and in the early 90s, the decline in overall crime rates began.

Obvious nonsense. /QUOTE]
Now you are just repeating yourself.

Your crazy catlady routine wont slow down the clock in your few remaining years in life.

Why would I need to change my tune....when it utterly destroys your entire argument. Incarceration rates increased for 25 years. And crime increased for 25 years.

And your argument goes 'poof'.

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