Police identify man suspected of killing CEO, his wife and their son in DC mansion - after finding h

However, Blacks, despite being only 13% of the population, commit more than 50% of the murders, and are 8 times more likely to murder than a white person.

And they kill other black folks almost exclusively. As you well know. Whereas whites disproportionately kill white folks. ANd here's where your fantasy breaks:

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

You were telling us of black folks coming into white homes to rape, torture and murder....knowing full well that blacks almost exclusively kill black folks. And that white are nearly 5 times more likely to be killed by whites than a black person.

Do the 'rich whites' live in the black areas? Or did you just abandon your batshit yet again?

You fear mongers are so easy.
So what? You are beating a dead horse. We agree, whites are more likely to be killed by whites cause whites live mostly in white areas. Blacks are more likely to be killed by blacks because blacks live in black areas. We also agree blacks are more likely to murder overall. And blacks are more likely to murder whites than whites are to murder blacks.

Are you saying Whites are safer in black areas than white areas?

Answer the question

Yeah, try that bullshit after you factually establish a causative relationship between integration and crime.
Oh, that is easy. There is a correlative relationship between the percentage of the black population and the robbery, homicide, and overall violent crime rates of about .7 to .8 depending on the study, a very strong relationship.
Race and Crime in America Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

It is a significantly stronger indicator than median income, which ranges from a correlation of about .5
RobberyRatesCities500kx Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

Um, dipshit....that's a WordPress blog by a theoretical physicist. And a famously conservative one. Why would I give a fiddler's fuck what a theoretical physicists has to say on race and crime?
You wouldn't, because disproportionate black crime really doesn't concern you.

Do you have proof the FBI and US Census numbers he cites are wrong?

I'm not questioning the FBI or the US Census. I'm questioning the supposed 'correlative relationship' posted on your WordPress blog. You know....what you actually cited from them. Your source has no clue what he's talking about, with all of his training in theoretical physics.

Yeah, try that bullshit after you factually establish a causative relationship between integration and crime.
Oh, that is easy. There is a correlative relationship between the percentage of the black population and the robbery, homicide, and overall violent crime rates of about .7 to .8 depending on the study, a very strong relationship.
Race and Crime in America Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

It is a significantly stronger indicator than median income, which ranges from a correlation of about .5
RobberyRatesCities500kx Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

Um, dipshit....that's a WordPress blog by a theoretical physicist. And a famously conservative one. Why would I give a fiddler's fuck what a theoretical physicists has to say on race and crime?
You wouldn't, because disproportionate black crime really doesn't concern you.

Do you have proof the FBI and US Census numbers he cites are wrong?

I'm not questioning the FBI or the US Census. I'm questioning the supposed 'correlative relationship' posted on your WordPress blog. You know....what you actually cited from them. Your source has no clue what he's talking about, with all of his training in theoretical physics.
What is he wrong about, specifically?
I never lied, I clarified my statements and you keep beating a non-point.

So you didn't say this?

No one ever said it was one factor, once again, you make up things in your mind because you are some demented middle aged white catlady.


Because that was a bald faced lie. You did exactly that;

The only reason it is down in the last 30 years, not the last 50-60 years, is because of ever increasing incarceration rates, which you shitlibs would want to cut down on because of "muh racism" and "white privilege".


So not only did I run you off your claim, I ran you off so hard you had to lie about it.

And you're still lying. Um, its not like we can't just read your lies, read your backpedalling, read your changing story. You're pointlessly burning credibility in exchange for nothing.

I never said could be a significant factor, I said it is a significant causal factor, established by experts you have yet to debunk.

You said it was the only reason. I disabused you of that ignorance, forcing you to abandon your position and lie about it as you ran.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have had to do either.

You even conceded at one point it was a causal factor.

Nope. I said that *at best*, using the most sympathetic sources you could find......your claims were cut by 3/4.

And then I shreded even that with a quarter century of increasing incarceration rates....and increasing crime.

There's simply no part of this you got right.
What is the 400% increase you spoke of before? Incarceration by your graph didn't "skyrocket" until the mid 80s, even your graph shows this.

Incarceration rates began increasing in the last 60s and early 70s. They increased from less than 100 in 100,000 in 1970 to almost 400 in 100,000 in 1994....the first year we saw a decrease in crime.

If higher incarceration rates result in lower crime rates.....why didn't they? We had 25 years of increasing incarceration rates.....and yet crime rates kept going up. Exactly opposite of what you insist should have happened.

Was it your conveniently nebulous 'other factors', which you can neither name, describe, nor factually support? AKA: your imagination.

Yeah, try that bullshit after you factually establish a causative relationship between integration and crime.
Oh, that is easy. There is a correlative relationship between the percentage of the black population and the robbery, homicide, and overall violent crime rates of about .7 to .8 depending on the study, a very strong relationship.
Race and Crime in America Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

It is a significantly stronger indicator than median income, which ranges from a correlation of about .5
RobberyRatesCities500kx Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

Um, dipshit....that's a WordPress blog by a theoretical physicist. And a famously conservative one. Why would I give a fiddler's fuck what a theoretical physicists has to say on race and crime?
You wouldn't, because disproportionate black crime really doesn't concern you.

Do you have proof the FBI and US Census numbers he cites are wrong?

I'm not questioning the FBI or the US Census. I'm questioning the supposed 'correlative relationship' posted on your WordPress blog. You know....what you actually cited from them. Your source has no clue what he's talking about, with all of his training in theoretical physics.
What is he wrong about, specifically?

I reject your source as having any relevant experience to offer us 'correlative relationships' of race and crime. As he has no training in it. He's dropped out of school for theoretical physics.

Its not my obligation to disprove your WordPress blog. Its your obligation to prove him right. And you can't even establish relevant qualifications. What's next....a chemist? Perhaps a baker?
However, Blacks, despite being only 13% of the population, commit more than 50% of the murders, and are 8 times more likely to murder than a white person.

And they kill other black folks almost exclusively. As you well know. Whereas whites disproportionately kill white folks. ANd here's where your fantasy breaks:

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

You were telling us of black folks coming into white homes to rape, torture and murder....knowing full well that blacks almost exclusively kill black folks. And that white are nearly 5 times more likely to be killed by whites than a black person.

Do the 'rich whites' live in the black areas? Or did you just abandon your batshit yet again?

You fear mongers are so easy.
So what? You are beating a dead horse. We agree, whites are more likely to be killed by whites cause whites live mostly in white areas.

And in comes your home invasion fantasy>

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

So are the 'rich whites' in black areas? Its a simple question that demonstrates the absurdity of your fear mongering.

Do try and answer it.
Oh, that is easy. There is a correlative relationship between the percentage of the black population and the robbery, homicide, and overall violent crime rates of about .7 to .8 depending on the study, a very strong relationship.
Race and Crime in America Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

It is a significantly stronger indicator than median income, which ranges from a correlation of about .5
RobberyRatesCities500kx Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

Um, dipshit....that's a WordPress blog by a theoretical physicist. And a famously conservative one. Why would I give a fiddler's fuck what a theoretical physicists has to say on race and crime?
You wouldn't, because disproportionate black crime really doesn't concern you.

Do you have proof the FBI and US Census numbers he cites are wrong?

I'm not questioning the FBI or the US Census. I'm questioning the supposed 'correlative relationship' posted on your WordPress blog. You know....what you actually cited from them. Your source has no clue what he's talking about, with all of his training in theoretical physics.
What is he wrong about, specifically?

I reject your source as having any relevant experience to offer us 'correlative relationships' of race and crime. As he has no training in it. He's dropped out of school for theoretical physics.

Its not my obligation to disprove your WordPress blog. Its your obligation to prove him right. And you can't even establish relevant qualifications. What's next....a chemist? Perhaps a baker?
Sorry that isn't going to cut it. Your argument is just a logical fallacy, an appeal to authority. Just because he doesn't have your desired credential, which you haven't even specified, doesn't make him wrong.

What is incorrect about his methodology.

You won't get off that easily.
However, Blacks, despite being only 13% of the population, commit more than 50% of the murders, and are 8 times more likely to murder than a white person.

And they kill other black folks almost exclusively. As you well know. Whereas whites disproportionately kill white folks. ANd here's where your fantasy breaks:

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

You were telling us of black folks coming into white homes to rape, torture and murder....knowing full well that blacks almost exclusively kill black folks. And that white are nearly 5 times more likely to be killed by whites than a black person.

Do the 'rich whites' live in the black areas? Or did you just abandon your batshit yet again?

You fear mongers are so easy.
So what? You are beating a dead horse. We agree, whites are more likely to be killed by whites cause whites live mostly in white areas.

And in comes your home invasion fantasy>

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

So are the 'rich whites' in black areas? Its a simple question that demonstrates the absurdity of your fear mongering.

Do try and answer it.
The rich whites here were killed by Blacks, don't know if this is your best example to prove whites are safer around blacks than whites.

You have yet to answer my question. Are whites safer in white areas or black areas?
You have
Um, dipshit....that's a WordPress blog by a theoretical physicist. And a famously conservative one. Why would I give a fiddler's fuck what a theoretical physicists has to say on race and crime?
You wouldn't, because disproportionate black crime really doesn't concern you.

Do you have proof the FBI and US Census numbers he cites are wrong?

I'm not questioning the FBI or the US Census. I'm questioning the supposed 'correlative relationship' posted on your WordPress blog. You know....what you actually cited from them. Your source has no clue what he's talking about, with all of his training in theoretical physics.
What is he wrong about, specifically?

I reject your source as having any relevant experience to offer us 'correlative relationships' of race and crime. As he has no training in it. He's dropped out of school for theoretical physics.

Its not my obligation to disprove your WordPress blog. Its your obligation to prove him right. And you can't even establish relevant qualifications. What's next....a chemist? Perhaps a baker?
Sorry that isn't going to cut it. Your argument is just a logical fallacy, an appeal to authority.

And what 'authority' am I appealing to? Your authority is your wordpress blog. I reject it, as your source has no relevant training.

Just because he doesn't have your desired credential, which you haven't even specified, doesn't make him wrong.

Its not my obligation to prove him wrong. Its your obligation to prove him right. Feel free to do so. But lacking any relevant training, your source isn't an authority on the topic he's discussing. So you'll have a pretty high bar proving your Wordpress blog correct.

You may begin your attempt to do so. I suspect we'll get nothing but excuses from you on why you can't.
However, Blacks, despite being only 13% of the population, commit more than 50% of the murders, and are 8 times more likely to murder than a white person.

And they kill other black folks almost exclusively. As you well know. Whereas whites disproportionately kill white folks. ANd here's where your fantasy breaks:

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

You were telling us of black folks coming into white homes to rape, torture and murder....knowing full well that blacks almost exclusively kill black folks. And that white are nearly 5 times more likely to be killed by whites than a black person.

Do the 'rich whites' live in the black areas? Or did you just abandon your batshit yet again?

You fear mongers are so easy.
So what? You are beating a dead horse. We agree, whites are more likely to be killed by whites cause whites live mostly in white areas.

And in comes your home invasion fantasy>

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

So are the 'rich whites' in black areas? Its a simple question that demonstrates the absurdity of your fear mongering.

Do try and answer it.
The rich whites here were killed by Blacks, don't know if this is your best example to prove whites are safer around blacks than whites.

And rich whites are killed by rich whites. You've already admitted that in a white community that greatest threat to white people is white people.

And yet your 'south africa' fearmongering fantasy, its blacks you need protection from in a white community. Despite the fact that you've already admitted its white people that kill white people in a white community.

You're contradicting yourself.

I never lied, I clarified my statements and you keep beating a non-point.

So you didn't say this?

No one ever said it was one factor, once again, you make up things in your mind because you are some demented middle aged white catlady.


Because that was a bald faced lie. You did exactly that;

The only reason it is down in the last 30 years, not the last 50-60 years, is because of ever increasing incarceration rates, which you shitlibs would want to cut down on because of "muh racism" and "white privilege".


So not only did I run you off your claim, I ran you off so hard you had to lie about it.

And you're still lying. Um, its not like we can't just read your lies, read your backpedalling, read your changing story. You're pointlessly burning credibility in exchange for nothing.

I never said could be a significant factor, I said it is a significant causal factor, established by experts you have yet to debunk.

You said it was the only reason. I disabused you of that ignorance, forcing you to abandon your position and lie about it as you ran.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have had to do either.

You even conceded at one point it was a causal factor.

Nope. I said that *at best*, using the most sympathetic sources you could find......your claims were cut by 3/4.

And then I shreded even that with a quarter century of increasing incarceration rates....and increasing crime.

There's simply no part of this you got right.
What is the 400% increase you spoke of before? Incarceration by your graph didn't "skyrocket" until the mid 80s, even your graph shows this.

Incarceration rates began increasing in the last 60s and early 70s. They increased from less than 100 in 100,000 in 1970 to almost 400 in 100,000 in 1994....the first year we saw a decrease in crime.

If higher incarceration rates result in lower crime rates.....why didn't they? We had 25 years of increasing incarceration rates.....and yet crime rates kept going up. Exactly opposite of what you insist should have happened.

Was it your conveniently nebulous 'other factors', which you can neither name, describe, nor factually support? AKA: your imagination.
No lie, I clarified my position, and you continued on after the fact, and still haven't let go, because you are mentally unstable for some reason. You can't let things go and have a one track mind.

You didn't shred anything from John Wilson or the other authorities on incarceration, from both sides of the aisle. You aren't accounting for other potential factors. Maybe incarceration(though it was rising at a lower rate) had downward pressure on crime and kept it from going higher than it already was. You really have no idea and are in no position factually to debunk the 25% figure 1990.

Crime went down from 1990 on, but it was at its peak in 1980.


According to these statistics, the prison population about doubled from 1960 to 1980, form 300,000 to about 600,000, about a 100% increase, it doubled more or less. Whereas from 1980 to today it has increased about 380%, close to 400%. This skyrocketing you talk about began in the 80s and resulted in a consistent decline in the crime rate since 1990 onward, though it reached its peak in the 80s.

You have
You wouldn't, because disproportionate black crime really doesn't concern you.

Do you have proof the FBI and US Census numbers he cites are wrong?

I'm not questioning the FBI or the US Census. I'm questioning the supposed 'correlative relationship' posted on your WordPress blog. You know....what you actually cited from them. Your source has no clue what he's talking about, with all of his training in theoretical physics.
What is he wrong about, specifically?

I reject your source as having any relevant experience to offer us 'correlative relationships' of race and crime. As he has no training in it. He's dropped out of school for theoretical physics.

Its not my obligation to disprove your WordPress blog. Its your obligation to prove him right. And you can't even establish relevant qualifications. What's next....a chemist? Perhaps a baker?
Sorry that isn't going to cut it. Your argument is just a logical fallacy, an appeal to authority.

And what 'authority' am I appealing to? Your authority is your wordpress blog. I reject it, as your source has no relevant training.

Just because he doesn't have your desired credential, which you haven't even specified, doesn't make him wrong.

Its not my obligation to prove him wrong. Its your obligation to prove him right. Feel free to do so. But lacking any relevant training, your source isn't an authority on the topic he's discussing. So you'll have a pretty high bar proving your Wordpress blog correct.

You may begin your attempt to do so. I suspect we'll get nothing but excuses from you on why you can't.
I am citing US Census and FBI data, not making an appeal to authority based on the credentials of ron unz. You are the one who claims Ron Unz's is incorrect because he doesn't have proper credential in your mind. As said, this credentialism is a form of the logical fallacy of the appeal to authority. You can't debunk his methodology or numbers, so you attack his credentials. Arguably, it is an ad hominem personal attack as well. You attack the person as opposed to his study.

You made the claim his study is false, it is on you to prove that claim.
However, Blacks, despite being only 13% of the population, commit more than 50% of the murders, and are 8 times more likely to murder than a white person.

And they kill other black folks almost exclusively. As you well know. Whereas whites disproportionately kill white folks. ANd here's where your fantasy breaks:

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

You were telling us of black folks coming into white homes to rape, torture and murder....knowing full well that blacks almost exclusively kill black folks. And that white are nearly 5 times more likely to be killed by whites than a black person.

Do the 'rich whites' live in the black areas? Or did you just abandon your batshit yet again?

You fear mongers are so easy.
So what? You are beating a dead horse. We agree, whites are more likely to be killed by whites cause whites live mostly in white areas.

And in comes your home invasion fantasy>

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

So are the 'rich whites' in black areas? Its a simple question that demonstrates the absurdity of your fear mongering.

Do try and answer it.
The rich whites here were killed by Blacks, don't know if this is your best example to prove whites are safer around blacks than whites.

And rich whites are killed by rich whites. You've already admitted that in a white community that greatest threat to white people is white people.

And yet your 'south africa' fearmongering fantasy, its blacks you need protection from in a white community. Despite the fact that you've already admitted its white people that kill white people in a white community.

You're contradicting yourself.

No I am not. Murder rates are lower in White communities than Black communities. Whites are safer in white communities than in black communities or mixed race communities. Whites in White communities are also safer than blacks in black communities, and blacks are also safer in white or mixed race communities than they are in black ones. This is because blacks are more likely to murder overall.

Are you willing to admit whites are safer in white communities than black ones?

Stop trolling and answer question.
I never lied, I clarified my statements and you keep beating a non-point.

So you didn't say this?

No one ever said it was one factor, once again, you make up things in your mind because you are some demented middle aged white catlady.


Because that was a bald faced lie. You did exactly that;

The only reason it is down in the last 30 years, not the last 50-60 years, is because of ever increasing incarceration rates, which you shitlibs would want to cut down on because of "muh racism" and "white privilege".


So not only did I run you off your claim, I ran you off so hard you had to lie about it.

And you're still lying. Um, its not like we can't just read your lies, read your backpedalling, read your changing story. You're pointlessly burning credibility in exchange for nothing.

I never said could be a significant factor, I said it is a significant causal factor, established by experts you have yet to debunk.

You said it was the only reason. I disabused you of that ignorance, forcing you to abandon your position and lie about it as you ran.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have had to do either.

You even conceded at one point it was a causal factor.

Nope. I said that *at best*, using the most sympathetic sources you could find......your claims were cut by 3/4.

And then I shreded even that with a quarter century of increasing incarceration rates....and increasing crime.

There's simply no part of this you got right.
What is the 400% increase you spoke of before? Incarceration by your graph didn't "skyrocket" until the mid 80s, even your graph shows this.

Incarceration rates began increasing in the last 60s and early 70s. They increased from less than 100 in 100,000 in 1970 to almost 400 in 100,000 in 1994....the first year we saw a decrease in crime.

If higher incarceration rates result in lower crime rates.....why didn't they? We had 25 years of increasing incarceration rates.....and yet crime rates kept going up. Exactly opposite of what you insist should have happened.

Was it your conveniently nebulous 'other factors', which you can neither name, describe, nor factually support? AKA: your imagination.
No lie, I clarified my position, and you continued on after the fact, and still haven't let go, because you are mentally unstable for some reason. You can't let things go and have a one track mind.

Nope. You lied.

No one ever said it was one factor, once again, you make up things in your mind because you are some demented middle aged white catlady.


Because that was a bald faced lie. You did exactly that;

The only reason it is down in the last 30 years, not the last 50-60 years, is because of ever increasing incarceration rates, which you shitlibs would want to cut down on because of "muh racism" and "white privilege".


Deny it all you like. All I have to do is quote you and you lose.

You didn't shred anything from John Wilson or the other authorities on incarceration, from both sides of the aisle.

Then explain why incarceration rates increased for 25 years, increasing 4 fold.......and yet crime kept increasing for the same 25 years. Exactly opposite of what you insist should happen.

And I'm still waiting for you to back your bullshit that integration caused a rise in crime. You won't even address that steaming rhetorical pile now, let alone back it up. Can I assume its been tossed on the midden heap alongside 'incarceration is the only reason crime dropped over the last 30 years'?

If you're going to treat your claims like the garbage they are....surely you can understand when I treat them the same way.

You aren't accounting for other potential factors. Maybe incarceration(though it was rising at a lower rate) had downward pressure on crime and kept it from going higher than it already was. You really have no idea and are in no position factually to debunk the 25% figure 1990.

And what 'potential factors are those'? You can't describe them. You can't name them. You can't factually back them.

That's just your imagination. And your imagination v. 25 years of history contradiction of your claims has the same winner every time:


Crime went down from 1990 on, but it was at its peak in 1980.

Not murder, not aggravated assault, not theft, violent crime, not property damage, not forcible rape, not any of the crimes you cited in your 'South Africa' fantasy.

United States Crime Rates1960 - 2013

All increased from the 80s to the 90s. Despite rising incarceration rates. I don't think 'causation' means what you think it means.

Try again. This time without abandoning your own standards.
You have
I'm not questioning the FBI or the US Census. I'm questioning the supposed 'correlative relationship' posted on your WordPress blog. You know....what you actually cited from them. Your source has no clue what he's talking about, with all of his training in theoretical physics.
What is he wrong about, specifically?

I reject your source as having any relevant experience to offer us 'correlative relationships' of race and crime. As he has no training in it. He's dropped out of school for theoretical physics.

Its not my obligation to disprove your WordPress blog. Its your obligation to prove him right. And you can't even establish relevant qualifications. What's next....a chemist? Perhaps a baker?
Sorry that isn't going to cut it. Your argument is just a logical fallacy, an appeal to authority.

And what 'authority' am I appealing to? Your authority is your wordpress blog. I reject it, as your source has no relevant training.

Just because he doesn't have your desired credential, which you haven't even specified, doesn't make him wrong.

Its not my obligation to prove him wrong. Its your obligation to prove him right. Feel free to do so. But lacking any relevant training, your source isn't an authority on the topic he's discussing. So you'll have a pretty high bar proving your Wordpress blog correct.

You may begin your attempt to do so. I suspect we'll get nothing but excuses from you on why you can't.
I am citing US Census and FBI data, not making an appeal to authority based on the credentials of ron unz.

I'm not contesting the FBI and US census numbers. As you already know. I'm rejecting Ron Unz's 'correlative relationships'. As he has no relevant training in anything he's discussing.

I'm not obligated to prove him wrong. You're obligated to prove your WordPress blog right.

And you can't.

See how that works?
Not the racial aspect, most of the mainstream articles didn't cover that until it was forced to light.

Uh-huh. And how many of those 'home invasions with rape, torture and murder' are there a year? You said its becoming more common.....that we're becoming like South Africa...

....before tucking your tail between you rlegs and abandoning the claim when I asked you what 'common' was and how many you were talking about.

I'll give you one more chance to back your claims with actual evidence. But we both know you've got jackshit.

I already told you the 90% black on white interracial crime rate. The difference is, you think over a 1.25 million black on white crimes a year is common place, and well we take it for granted to get the "benefits of diversity".

There is no statistic for "home invasions with rape, robbery and murder", you know this, so stop playing dumb. What I am clearly saying is more of these will come and come at a higher rate as we become more non-white of a society. I can't give you statistics for my future forecast. But I can definitively say at this point, we are more like South Africa today in terms of violent crime than we were before the so called Civil Rights era as my data showed.
Skylar did an excellent job of exposing you as an ignorant liar, however you seem to want to double down on stupid...

He asked you to present evidence of your fanciful claims numerous times and you have yet to present any evidence on point...why aren't I surprised...

Now you want to roll out a 1.25 million a year crime fairy tale...as usual that number has yet to be factual proven.

Your ass should really hurt from pulling this many lies out of it for one thread.
Not murder, not aggravated assault, not theft, violent crime, not property damage, not forcible rape, not any of the crimes you cited in your 'South Africa' fantasy.

United States Crime Rates1960 - 2013

All increased from the 80s to the 90s. Despite rising incarceration rates. I don't think 'causation' means what you think it means.

Try again. This time without abandoning your own standards.
Your link confirms my point. Thank you. Crime was at its height in 1980, declined until the mid 80s, came back up until 1990 than started going downwards through today
Last edited:
And they kill other black folks almost exclusively. As you well know. Whereas whites disproportionately kill white folks. ANd here's where your fantasy breaks:

You were telling us of black folks coming into white homes to rape, torture and murder....knowing full well that blacks almost exclusively kill black folks. And that white are nearly 5 times more likely to be killed by whites than a black person.

Do the 'rich whites' live in the black areas? Or did you just abandon your batshit yet again?

You fear mongers are so easy.
So what? You are beating a dead horse. We agree, whites are more likely to be killed by whites cause whites live mostly in white areas.

And in comes your home invasion fantasy>

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

So are the 'rich whites' in black areas? Its a simple question that demonstrates the absurdity of your fear mongering.

Do try and answer it.
The rich whites here were killed by Blacks, don't know if this is your best example to prove whites are safer around blacks than whites.

And rich whites are killed by rich whites. You've already admitted that in a white community that greatest threat to white people is white people.

And yet your 'south africa' fearmongering fantasy, its blacks you need protection from in a white community. Despite the fact that you've already admitted its white people that kill white people in a white community.

You're contradicting yourself.

No I am not.

Of course you are. You've already conceded the argument, admitting that whites are the greatest threat to whites in white communities.

Making your fear mongering that BLACKS are who you need protection from in a white community an illogical, self contradictory mess.

As a white person is almost 5 times more likely to be murdered by a white person than he is black.

You lose again.

Murder rates are lower in White communities than Black communities. Whites are safer in white communities than in black communities or mixed race communities. Whites in White communities are also safer than blacks in black communities, and blacks are also safer in white or mixed race communities than they are in black ones. This is because blacks are more likely to murder overall.

And its within a white community you where your 'rich white' fantasy about South Africa is set. Where you've already admitted that Whites are the greatest threat to whites.

Yet in another ridiculous self contradiction, you insist in that white community its blacks you'll need security guards to protect you from.

Your fear mongering is an illogical mess.
Not the racial aspect, most of the mainstream articles didn't cover that until it was forced to light.

Uh-huh. And how many of those 'home invasions with rape, torture and murder' are there a year? You said its becoming more common.....that we're becoming like South Africa...

....before tucking your tail between you rlegs and abandoning the claim when I asked you what 'common' was and how many you were talking about.

I'll give you one more chance to back your claims with actual evidence. But we both know you've got jackshit.

I already told you the 90% black on white interracial crime rate. The difference is, you think over a 1.25 million black on white crimes a year is common place, and well we take it for granted to get the "benefits of diversity".

There is no statistic for "home invasions with rape, robbery and murder", you know this, so stop playing dumb. What I am clearly saying is more of these will come and come at a higher rate as we become more non-white of a society. I can't give you statistics for my future forecast. But I can definitively say at this point, we are more like South Africa today in terms of violent crime than we were before the so called Civil Rights era as my data showed.
Skylar did an excellent job of exposing you as an ignorant liar, however you seem to want to double down on stupid...

He asked you to present evidence of your fanciful claims numerous times and you have yet to present any evidence on point...why aren't I surprised...

Now you want to roll out a 1.25 million a year crime fairy tale...as usual that number has yet to be factual proven.

Your ass should really hurt from pulling this many lies out of it for one thread.
It is from the DOJ Criminal Victim Survey. Easily Verifiable.
So what? You are beating a dead horse. We agree, whites are more likely to be killed by whites cause whites live mostly in white areas.

And in comes your home invasion fantasy>

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

So are the 'rich whites' in black areas? Its a simple question that demonstrates the absurdity of your fear mongering.

Do try and answer it.
The rich whites here were killed by Blacks, don't know if this is your best example to prove whites are safer around blacks than whites.

And rich whites are killed by rich whites. You've already admitted that in a white community that greatest threat to white people is white people.

And yet your 'south africa' fearmongering fantasy, its blacks you need protection from in a white community. Despite the fact that you've already admitted its white people that kill white people in a white community.

You're contradicting yourself.

No I am not.

Of course you are. You've already conceded the argument, admitting that whites are the greatest threat to whites in white communities.

Making your fear mongering that BLACKS are who you need protection from in a white community an illogical, self contradictory mess.

As a white person is almost 5 times more likely to be murdered by a white person than he is black.

You lose again.

Murder rates are lower in White communities than Black communities. Whites are safer in white communities than in black communities or mixed race communities. Whites in White communities are also safer than blacks in black communities, and blacks are also safer in white or mixed race communities than they are in black ones. This is because blacks are more likely to murder overall.

And its within a white community you where your 'rich white' fantasy about South Africa is set. Where you've already admitted that Whites are the greatest threat to whites.

Yet in another ridiculous self contradiction, you insist in that white community its blacks you'll need security guards to protect you from.

Your fear mongering is an illogical mess.
There is nothing illogical. You are more likely to be murdered by those you are around than not around. Lets put it simply though. A white in a white community is less likely to be murdered than a White in a black or mixed race community. This is a fact. A White is safer in Burlington, VT than Baltimore. The less white a community is, the blacker it is, the less safe a white person is, and a black person is for that matter.

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