Police identify man suspected of killing CEO, his wife and their son in DC mansion - after finding h

Random acts of violence by individuals. Not a 'race'. That's where your entire argument breaks. Most crimes against white people are by white people. Cast in the bizarre racial framework you've imagined, its a 'race civil war'.

When in reality, its just criminals preying on victims.
Yeah, black criminals. Ever hear of the knockout game, asshole?

Yeah, but these are individuals. Not a 'race'. You're arguing that any attack by a member of a race is an attack from the race. And that's nonsensical. Worse, if you applied that logic consistently, whites are in a civil war. As no matter what the offense is, you attribute it to race. So any crime by any white person against another white person must mean a race civil war.

Your entire argument is hapless bullshit. There is no race war. And a crime committed by a white criminal is no more an attack by the 'white race' as one commited by a black is an attack from the 'black race'.
If race and crime have no connection, than why don't you walk down MLK or Malcolm X boulevard in your town at 12 at night and judge people as "individuals", fucking idiot.

And who said that race and crime have no connection, dipshit? Blacks commit more crime proportionally. Most of it against other blacks.

Blacks committing more crime proportionally has exactly jack shit to do with this imaginary 'race war' that your ilk have their panties in a bunch over. As a crime committed by an individual isn't an attack by a 'race'. If such were the case, if any white person every commited any violence against any other.......its a 'race civil war'.

Try again. This time thinking before you type.
Crime has everything to do with race. You even said so yourself, blacks commit disproportionately more crime, Eight times more likely to murder.
With the overwhelming majority of it against other blacks. The folks killing white folks....are white folks. With more than 80% of all white folks killed killed by other white people.

Sorry, StormFront......but your ilk's hapless 'race war' bullshit just doesn't float.
Just another one of the many savage black on white crimes never covered by the media.

No, its an example of you not having the slighest clue what you're talking about. As this is all over the news.

Sigh....try again.

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.

Define 'common'. Give us a number. How many black on white home invasions with rape, torture and murder are there?

Or are you really just making this up as as you go along?

The US might not be as bad as South Africa but it is heading that way, where the rich will have to hire private security to avoid instances like this. 90% of interracial violent crime is black on white, but the liberal anti-white media cherry pick white on black so called "police brutality" stories that are later thoroughly debunked.

You do realize that violence of virtually every type is hovering around a 30 year low, right?

Violent crime in the U.S. fell 4.4 percent last year to the lowest level in decades, the FBI announced Monday.

In 2013, there were 1.16 million violent crimes, the lowest amount since the 1978’s 1.09 million violent crimes, Reuters reports.

Crime Rates in U.S. Drop to 1970s levels

And yet you've still got yourself worked up into a hysteric lather, standing a puddle of your own yellow fear over how the US is becoming like south africa with rampant home invasions by scary black people. And demonstrate why the FBI is a way better source on crime than say, StormFront. Or the latest issue of Guns and Ammo.

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You don't know what you're talking about. It really does cut into the effectiveness of your arguments.
Not the racial aspect, most of the mainstream articles didn't cover that until it was forced to light. That is the point, the racial aspect. The only reason it got coverage initially was because it was a rich family, whereas tons of poor white families face a media blackout on their plight, that is a fact.

There over 1.5 million interracial crimes a year, about 90% are black, over 1.25 million crimes. So

Walter Williams

To narrow it down to single offender crimes, about 450,000 black on white crimes. About 55,000 White on black crimes.

Black America s Real Problem Isn t White Racism - Yahoo News

Violent is still significantly higher than it was in 1960, when we were 90% white and before so called "integration"


Public Opinion on the Death Penalty - And Violent Crime Rates - The Volokh Conspiracy

The only reason it is down in the last 30 years, not the last 50-60 years, is because of ever increasing incarceration rates, which you shitlibs would want to cut down on because of "muh racism" and "white privilege".


Your just a dumb liberal bitch that takes what swallows all the equality crap you heard from your teachers and the media whole.
Yeah, black criminals. Ever hear of the knockout game, asshole?

Yeah, but these are individuals. Not a 'race'. You're arguing that any attack by a member of a race is an attack from the race. And that's nonsensical. Worse, if you applied that logic consistently, whites are in a civil war. As no matter what the offense is, you attribute it to race. So any crime by any white person against another white person must mean a race civil war.

Your entire argument is hapless bullshit. There is no race war. And a crime committed by a white criminal is no more an attack by the 'white race' as one commited by a black is an attack from the 'black race'.
If race and crime have no connection, than why don't you walk down MLK or Malcolm X boulevard in your town at 12 at night and judge people as "individuals", fucking idiot.

And who said that race and crime have no connection, dipshit? Blacks commit more crime proportionally. Most of it against other blacks.

Blacks committing more crime proportionally has exactly jack shit to do with this imaginary 'race war' that your ilk have their panties in a bunch over. As a crime committed by an individual isn't an attack by a 'race'. If such were the case, if any white person every commited any violence against any other.......its a 'race civil war'.

Try again. This time thinking before you type.
Crime has everything to do with race. You even said so yourself, blacks commit disproportionately more crime, Eight times more likely to murder.
With the overwhelming majority of it against other blacks. The folks killing white folks....are white folks. With more than 80% of all white folks killed killed by other white people.

Sorry, StormFront......but your ilk's hapless 'race war' bullshit just doesn't float.
You stupid fucking autist, I never talked about a race war, I am talking about black criminality upon whites and in general.
I'm sure the FBI just made up these numbers to further Obama's war on white people but, anyway...in 2013 there were 3,005 white murder victims and 2,509 of them were killed by white people.
Now..."3,005 plussed with 47, carry the 3, stick out your tongue and pull your nose..."...that comes to 83% whites that are murdered are killed by another white person.

It's a war on white people alright!
FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Sigh.......you know it. I know it. The FBI knows it.

But these gibbering idiots close their eyes and stop up their ears, rocking back and forth in hapless fear of all the scary black people.

Here's a hint for all you race based fear mongers: criminals are generally a lazy bunch. They tend to commit crimes against the people easiest for them to get to: the folks they live near. And for better or worse, we're still largely a self segregated society. Which means that most victims of crime tend to be victimized by folks that look like they do.
Now your making straw men, of course blacks mostly kill each other, that is the whole point of our argument. The greatest threat to black men is not white men or the police, but themselves.
Not the racial aspect, most of the mainstream articles didn't cover that until it was forced to light.

So that picture of a big black guy with dreds....that's not on the news? Or are you again just hopelessly clueless?

That is the point, the racial aspect. The only reason it got coverage initially was because it was a rich family, whereas tons of poor white families face a media blackout on their plight, that is a fact.

Uh-huh. And how many of those 'home invasions with rape, torture and murder' are there a year? You said its becoming more common.....that we're becoming like South Africa...

....before tucking your tail between you rlegs and abandoning the claim when I asked you what 'common' was and how many you were talking about.

I'll give you one more chance to back your claims with actual evidence. But we both know you've got jackshit.

Violent is still significantly higher than it was in 1960, when we were 90% white and before so called "integration"

That trendline continued far beyond 2005......down to 367 as of our most current numbers. And despite violent crime rates at a 30 year low, we get panty shitting hysterics like this from you:

Now rich whites are experiencing what working/middle class whites have had to experience for half a century with "integration". Expect these home invasions with rape, torture and murder to become more common as the US becomes a country with a larger third world population.


You do realize that your *perception* of violent crime is inversely proportion to the *rates* of violent crime, yes? That the lower the violent crime rates go, the most you dribble down your leg in terror? You are most definitely who gallup was describing in this poll:


A startling disconnect from reality.

Oh, and I'm still waiting on your 'home invasions with rape, torture and murder' stats. I mean, if you're gonna go full batshit with a direct South Africa comparison, the least you can do is know how many home invasions with rape, torture and murder' you're talking about.

You don't have a clue, do you?

Your just a dumb liberal bitch that takes what swallows all the equality crap you heard from your teachers and the media whole.

Says the poor, hapless soul standing in a lukewarm puddle of yellow fear who laments about all the scary black people killing white folks.....

....while ignoring the fact that more than 80% of the killers of white folks.....are white folks.

Oh, and dipshit....that's "you're", not "your". If you're going to awkwardly try and insult my intellect, it is probably best if you know how English works while you do it.
I'm sure the FBI just made up these numbers to further Obama's war on white people but, anyway...in 2013 there were 3,005 white murder victims and 2,509 of them were killed by white people.
Now..."3,005 plussed with 47, carry the 3, stick out your tongue and pull your nose..."...that comes to 83% whites that are murdered are killed by another white person.

It's a war on white people alright!
FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Sigh.......you know it. I know it. The FBI knows it.

But these gibbering idiots close their eyes and stop up their ears, rocking back and forth in hapless fear of all the scary black people.

Here's a hint for all you race based fear mongers: criminals are generally a lazy bunch. They tend to commit crimes against the people easiest for them to get to: the folks they live near. And for better or worse, we're still largely a self segregated society. Which means that most victims of crime tend to be victimized by folks that look like they do.
Now your making straw men, of course blacks mostly kill each other, that is the whole point of our argument. The greatest threat to black men is not white men or the police, but themselves.

And whites mostly kill whites. Not by a little. But by vast margins. More than 80% of white folks killed a year are killed by other whites.

But tell us again about how we're becoming like South Africa.....and all the scary black people.
Police identify man suspected of killing CEO, his wife and their son in DC mansion - after finding his DNA on a pizza crust | Daily Mail Online
Police identify man suspected of killing CEO, his wife and their son in DC mansion - after finding his DNA on a pizza crust.

Daron Dylon Wint, 34, of Maryland, is the suspect, he is at large
Savvas Savopoulos, his wife Amy, their son Philip and their housekeeper were found murdered last week.

It has now emerged that a Domino's employee took pizza to the home as the family were being held captive

Savopoulos' assistant also went to the house to drop of $40,000

Another housekeeper for the family said Savopoulos was expecting the cash delivery for one of his business ventures

Investigators believe the family was held and tortured overnight

Released footage showed man in hoodie who may have taken family's Porsche found set ablaze Thursday in Prince George's County, Maryland

Savage murdered these people...Guess what, twice as many whites are slaughtered by blacks every year...You don't ever hear the msn bitching about it...And yes, this redirects to the daily mail..I am copying this story directly off another site.

I don't think this had anything to do with race. From what I have read, this Wint was a former employee of Savopoulos' company. They have captured this maggot.
I'm sure the FBI just made up these numbers to further Obama's war on white people but, anyway...in 2013 there were 3,005 white murder victims and 2,509 of them were killed by white people.
Now..."3,005 plussed with 47, carry the 3, stick out your tongue and pull your nose..."...that comes to 83% whites that are murdered are killed by another white person.

It's a war on white people alright!
FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Sigh.......you know it. I know it. The FBI knows it.

But these gibbering idiots close their eyes and stop up their ears, rocking back and forth in hapless fear of all the scary black people.

Here's a hint for all you race based fear mongers: criminals are generally a lazy bunch. They tend to commit crimes against the people easiest for them to get to: the folks they live near. And for better or worse, we're still largely a self segregated society. Which means that most victims of crime tend to be victimized by folks that look like they do.
Now your making straw men, of course blacks mostly kill each other, that is the whole point of our argument. The greatest threat to black men is not white men or the police, but themselves.

And whites mostly kill whites. Not by a little. But by vast margins. More than 80% of white folks killed a year are killed by other whites.

But tell us again about how we're becoming like South Africa.....and all the scary black people.

Of course whites mostly kill other whites. No one disputes it. but Blacks commit more than 50% of the murders overall. The issue he is a disproportionate violent criminality.

I will tell you again, because it is true, you can ignore the data all you want and everything I posted but the fact remains. This country was significantly less crime ridden when it was whiter and more segregated in the 1960s, that is a fact. All your autistic trope about crime being down in the last 30 years proves is that stiff prison sentences work. Absent a strong prison system, and a militarized police force with a strong presence in shall we say, "underprivileged" communities, the beast will go from the cage and spawn violence as it has here. If the Left has their way, and the police are forced to pull back, and the prison population is reduced, these home invasions will become more and more common place. That is the trend at the moment. Look at St. Louis and Baltimore(and now the surrounding Baltimore DC area with this gruesome attack), violent crime is up as police pull back due to hostile action from local and federal government alike.

St. Louis crime especially violence up significantly in 2015 News

Arrests Fall Murder Booms in Baltimore s Worst Area - The Daily Beast

Baltimore arrests tumble after Freddie Gray death violent crime spikes - Americas - World - The Independent
Not the racial aspect, most of the mainstream articles didn't cover that until it was forced to light.

So that picture of a big black guy with dreds....that's not on the news? Or are you again just hopelessly clueless?
Depends which news source you read. Some were forced to covering the racial aspect, because he was on the run. Most black on white crimes go unreported in the media because the victims aren't nearly as high-profile. And almost never is the race mentioned.
Police identify man suspected of killing CEO, his wife and their son in DC mansion - after finding his DNA on a pizza crust | Daily Mail Online
Police identify man suspected of killing CEO, his wife and their son in DC mansion - after finding his DNA on a pizza crust.

Daron Dylon Wint, 34, of Maryland, is the suspect, he is at large
Savvas Savopoulos, his wife Amy, their son Philip and their housekeeper were found murdered last week.

It has now emerged that a Domino's employee took pizza to the home as the family were being held captive

Savopoulos' assistant also went to the house to drop of $40,000

Another housekeeper for the family said Savopoulos was expecting the cash delivery for one of his business ventures

Investigators believe the family was held and tortured overnight

Released footage showed man in hoodie who may have taken family's Porsche found set ablaze Thursday in Prince George's County, Maryland

Savage murdered these people...Guess what, twice as many whites are slaughtered by blacks every year...You don't ever hear the msn bitching about it...And yes, this redirects to the daily mail..I am copying this story directly off another site.
blacks kill nearly 10 times the number of whites as whites kill blacks. 2000 whites are killed by blacks every yr while around only 200 blacks are killed by whites.
Not the racial aspect, most of the mainstream articles didn't cover that until it was forced to light.

Uh-huh. And how many of those 'home invasions with rape, torture and murder' are there a year? You said its becoming more common.....that we're becoming like South Africa...

....before tucking your tail between you rlegs and abandoning the claim when I asked you what 'common' was and how many you were talking about.

I'll give you one more chance to back your claims with actual evidence. But we both know you've got jackshit.

I already told you the 90% black on white interracial crime rate. The difference is, you think over a 1.25 million black on white crimes a year is common place, and well we take it for granted to get the "benefits of diversity".

There is no statistic for "home invasions with rape, robbery and murder", you know this, so stop playing dumb. What I am clearly saying is more of these will come and come at a higher rate as we become more non-white of a society. I can't give you statistics for my future forecast. But I can definitively say at this point, we are more like South Africa today in terms of violent crime than we were before the so called Civil Rights era as my data showed.

That trendline continued far beyond 2005......down to 367 as of our most current numbers. And despite violent crime rates at a 30 year low, we get panty shitting hysterics like this from you:


A startling disconnect from reality.

Says the poor, hapless soul standing in a lukewarm puddle of yellow fear who laments about all the scary black people killing white folks.....

....while ignoring the fact that more than 80% of the killers of white folks.....are white folks.

Oh, and dipshit....that's "you're", not "your". If you're going to awkwardly try and insult my intellect, it is probably best if you know how English works while you do it.
Just another one of the downsides of diversity.

One of the downsides of living in an "integrated" or "diverse" society is the low trust and isolation it builds up. Social capital declines and the community erodes. So yes, people will perceive the minority group to be larger than they are, and crime rates to be higher than they are, because they are more isolated and atomized in a now fractured and less homogenous community. You can either have diversity or community, take your pick.

Robert D. Putnam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yep, and when the dumb **** has no more argument, she pulls out the snark and picks out one grammatical error. Fucking classic.
Police identify man suspected of killing CEO, his wife and their son in DC mansion - after finding his DNA on a pizza crust | Daily Mail Online
Police identify man suspected of killing CEO, his wife and their son in DC mansion - after finding his DNA on a pizza crust.

Daron Dylon Wint, 34, of Maryland, is the suspect, he is at large
Savvas Savopoulos, his wife Amy, their son Philip and their housekeeper were found murdered last week.

It has now emerged that a Domino's employee took pizza to the home as the family were being held captive

Savopoulos' assistant also went to the house to drop of $40,000

Another housekeeper for the family said Savopoulos was expecting the cash delivery for one of his business ventures

Investigators believe the family was held and tortured overnight

Released footage showed man in hoodie who may have taken family's Porsche found set ablaze Thursday in Prince George's County, Maryland

Savage murdered these people...Guess what, twice as many whites are slaughtered by blacks every year...You don't ever hear the msn bitching about it...And yes, this redirects to the daily mail..I am copying this story directly off another site.

I don't think this had anything to do with race. From what I have read, this Wint was a former employee of Savopoulos' company. They have captured this maggot.

But...but South Africa. And scary black people. And 'integration'.
I'm sure the FBI just made up these numbers to further Obama's war on white people but, anyway...in 2013 there were 3,005 white murder victims and 2,509 of them were killed by white people.
Now..."3,005 plussed with 47, carry the 3, stick out your tongue and pull your nose..."...that comes to 83% whites that are murdered are killed by another white person.

It's a war on white people alright!
FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Sigh.......you know it. I know it. The FBI knows it.

But these gibbering idiots close their eyes and stop up their ears, rocking back and forth in hapless fear of all the scary black people.

Here's a hint for all you race based fear mongers: criminals are generally a lazy bunch. They tend to commit crimes against the people easiest for them to get to: the folks they live near. And for better or worse, we're still largely a self segregated society. Which means that most victims of crime tend to be victimized by folks that look like they do.
Now your making straw men, of course blacks mostly kill each other, that is the whole point of our argument. The greatest threat to black men is not white men or the police, but themselves.

And whites mostly kill whites. Not by a little. But by vast margins. More than 80% of white folks killed a year are killed by other whites.

But tell us again about how we're becoming like South Africa.....and all the scary black people.

Of course whites mostly kill other whites. No one disputes it.

You may want to read this thread again. As that point is clearly in dispute. And mostly by your ilk.

but Blacks commit more than 50% of the murders overall. The issue he is a disproportionate violent criminality.

Nope. Its not. Not in anything I'm discussing. You've abandoned the 'race war' bullshit. You've conceded that most violence occurs within one's own racial group. And you've starkly abandoned all your bed wetting about how the US is 'becoming like South Africa. And refuting that blithering idiocy is the entirity of my argument.

I've never disputed that blacks commit more crime proportionally.

I will tell you again, because it is true, you can ignore the data all you want and everything I posted but the fact remains. This country was significantly less crime ridden when it was whiter and more segregated in the 1960s, that is a fact.

The US also had less crime when the Beatles were releasing new records. What's your point? Neither of us can factually establish a causative relationship between the two. As all you're describing is co-existent. Where one thing exists and another exists at the same time.

You're oh-so trying to insinuate a causative relationship. But you can't back that shit up. All you can do is repeat it.

All your autistic trope about crime being down in the last 30 years proves is that stiff prison sentences work.

Same as above, dipshit. You can't establish a causative relationship. Logically, your claims make no sense. As our prison population has been increasing steadily since the late 60s. But our crime rate didn't begin to drop drop until the early 90s.

The quarter century year gap in 'cause' and 'effect' strongly suggests that your cause isn't. You can't factually establish your claim. All you can do is say it over and over again. Citing yourself.

Which means exactly jack shit.

That trendline continued far beyond 2005......down to 367 as of our most current numbers. And despite violent crime rates at a 30 year low, we get panty shitting hysterics like this from you:


A startling disconnect from reality.

Says the poor, hapless soul standing in a lukewarm puddle of yellow fear who laments about all the scary black people killing white folks.....

....while ignoring the fact that more than 80% of the killers of white folks.....are white folks.

Oh, and dipshit....that's "you're", not "your". If you're going to awkwardly try and insult my intellect, it is probably best if you know how English works while you do it.
Just another one of the downsides of diversity.

Yeah, try that bullshit after you factually establish a causative relationship between integration and crime. As integration was largely a school and job based phenomenon. Whereas crime is overwhelmingly residential.

Not only do you not have the slightest clue what you're talking about, you have nothing but you citing yourself to back your claims up.

And you citing you isn't evidence. Its an excuse for it.

But tell us again how we're becoming more like South Africa, despite crime at 30 year low? The more crime drops, the more terrified you are. Demonstrating an elegant disconnect from reality. With the most lethal threat to white folks...

..being other white folks. But you're gonna hide behind security guards from scary black people, huh? If you're white, its white people you should be concerned with.

Yep, and when the dumb **** has no more argument, she pulls out the snark and picks out one grammatical error. Fucking classic.

Laughing...oh, I've shredded your arguments AND I'm mocking you. They aren't mutually exclusive.

Just a hint, if you're going to tell someone 'your dumb'.......try to figure out the English language first.
You may want to read this thread again. As that point is clearly in dispute. And mostly by your ilk.

Nope. Its not. Not in anything I'm discussing. You've abandoned the 'race war' bullshit. You've conceded that most violence occurs within one's own racial group. And you've starkly abandoned all your bed wetting about how the US is 'becoming like South Africa. And refuting that blithering idiocy is the entirity of my argument.
You may want to stop being such a sniveling little ****. You are arguing with me. I am no here to defend what you claim other people say. I am here to talk about disproportionate black criminal violence, both overall and upon whites.

You can say that isn't the issue here, that is the ONLY issue as far as race and crime are concerned. The fact that whites mostly kill others Whites is not an issue statistically speaking. That is normal, in fact, white murder rates overall are disproportionately low as a percentage of the population. What is abnormal is the disproportionate black crime rate. Specifically the 50% murder rate overall, and the 90% interracial violent black on white crime rate.

I never talked about a race war, I can't abandoned what I never talked about. The only thing I said is that it is mostly blacks who call for a race war, and if it happened, they would lose in less than a week. So you are just pulling shit out of your ass. Just like your whole shitlib ideology is purely based on emotion and the false notion of equality, not on reality. You rely on dishonesty, obfuscation, and myths to prop up your worldview. Mine is based on the data. And the Data shows we are today more like South Africa than we were in 1960s when we were 90% White and didn't have forced integration. And that the only reason we are keeping it at bay at the moment is because of ever increasing, record high, incarceration rates(the highest in the World).





Take your shitlib crap elsewhere and fuck off.
You may want to read this thread again. As that point is clearly in dispute. And mostly by your ilk.

Nope. Its not. Not in anything I'm discussing. You've abandoned the 'race war' bullshit. You've conceded that most violence occurs within one's own racial group. And you've starkly abandoned all your bed wetting about how the US is 'becoming like South Africa. And refuting that blithering idiocy is the entirity of my argument.
You may want to stop being such a sniveling little ****. You are arguing with me. I am no here to defend what you claim other people say. I am here to talk about disproportionate black criminal violence, both overall and upon whites.

Not on the point that blacks commit more crime proportionally, dipshit. I've never contested the point. Making your repeating of it all the more pointless. You've already conceded every point I wanted. Or abandoned every halfwit argument you've offered about 'South Africa'.

And well you should have. They were hapless batshit.

You can say that isn't the issue here, that is the ONLY issue as far as race and crime are concerned.

I'm refuting the nonsense 'race war' idiocy. And your 'the US is becoming south africa' batshit. You've wisely abandoned both.

And that's my argument. I won.

he fact that whites mostly kill others Whites is not an issue statistically speaking.

It is when you start offering us panty shitting hysterics about security guards to protect you from all the scary black people.

Its white folks you should be concerned with if you're white. If you're white, you're almost 5 times more likely to be killed by another white person than you are a black one.

Just like your whole shitlib ideology is purely based on emotion and the false notion of equality, not on reality. You rely on dishonesty, obfuscation, and myths to prop up your worldview.

Says the poor, hapless soul that's about to move his goal posts in 5.....4....3.....2....and

Mine is based on the data. And the Data shows we are today more like South Africa than we were in 1960s when we were 90% White and didn't have forced integration.

...1. And it moves its goal posts. How did I know that was coming?

Um, dipshit.....you seem to have backpedalled desperately. As your claims NOW look nothing like your claims just a couple of hours ago:

"The US might not be as bad as South Africa but it is heading that way, where the rich will have to hire private security to avoid instances like this. 90% of interracial violent crime is black on white, but the liberal anti-white media cherry pick white on black so called "police brutality" stories that are later thoroughly debunked."


Huh. I don't notice a thing about 'than we were in the 60s' anywhere in your little rhetorical turd. Instead you said we're 'heading that way'. With your silly 'your dumb' blunder, its obvious that you're not a native speaker of English. So I'm going to let you in on a little secret. 'Heading that way' refers to the future.

Not the past, dipshit. And our crime rate is at a 30 year low, trending lower. Yet in another elegant demonstration of an utter detachment from relaity, the lower it goes, the most terrified you become.

Is there any claim I claim I can't run you off of?

And that the only reason we are keeping it at bay at the moment is because of ever increasing, record high, incarceration rates(the highest in the World).

Says you. But you can't establish a causative relationship between incarceration rates and national crime. Our incarceration rate started increasing in the last 60s. Yet our crime rate continued to increase for another quarter century.

It wasn't until the late 90s that crime rates began to drop. If increased incarceration rates result in lower crime rates.....why didn't it for more than 25 years?

Laughing....you've got jack shit, my little turd polisher. Logically, your claims are incoherent gibberish. And factually, you can't establish a causative relationship. All you can do is keep making the same baseless claim over and over. Backed by nothing.

Try again, dipshit. As your argument is DOA without BOTH causative relationships. And you have neither.

The US also had less crime when the Beatles were releasing new records. What's your point? Neither of us can factually establish a causative relationship between the two. As all you're describing is co-existent. Where one thing exists and another exists at the same time.

You're oh-so trying to insinuate a causative relationship. But you can't back that shit up. All you can do is repeat it.

The quarter century year gap in 'cause' and 'effect' strongly suggests that your cause isn't. You can't factually establish your claim. All you can do is say it over and over again. Citing yourself.

Which means exactly jack shit.
Overall Crime has on average been on the decline since the 1980s, following a sharp rise in incarceration rates.

Saying correlation doesn't equal causation, and just ignoring the positive correlation between high incarceration rates and lower crime rates is just lazy. Shows your stupidity to be honest. I doubt you even know how causation is actually established.

Because scholars across the aisle on the issue agree that high incarceration is responsible for at least a 25% reduction in the overall crime rate since the 1990s.
Why Crime Keeps Falling - WSJ

Yeah, try that bullshit after you factually establish a causative relationship between integration and crime.
Oh, that is easy. There is a correlative relationship between the percentage of the black population and the robbery, homicide, and overall violent crime rates of about .7 to .8 depending on the study, a very strong relationship.
Race and Crime in America Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

It is a significantly stronger indicator than median income, which ranges from a correlation of about .5
RobberyRatesCities500kx Ron Unz Writings and Perspectives

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