Police Officer Physical Size and Strenght Requirements


Apr 22, 2007
Here is a twist Michael Brown story, I have no doubt that Darren Wilson is a smallest weak officer. He was probably tossed around like a rag doll by Michael Brown. Brown probably could have easily killed Wilson with his bare hands. Therefore shooting Brown when he charged at him might have been Wilson's only means to protect himself.

So the question then remains, why isn't there a physical size, strength and fitness requirement for cops? I see way too many tiny and weak cops. They could do very little in a fight when that is a requirement of their job. There are too many out of shape, fat cops that could pursue a perp if they tried. Then, and I apologize to sexist, there are no many female cops. Females for the most part are weaker and incapable to physically take on normal sized men.

Imagine if Wilson was able to hold his own. Imagine if hand to hand fight was an option for him, then the story might have ended differently. However, like too many cops they are the size of victims and hence end up getting treated as victims!

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Here is a twist Michael Brown story, I have no doubt that Darren Wilson is a smallest weak officer. He was probably tossed around like a rag doll by Michael Brown. Brown probably could have easily killed Wilson with his bare hands. Therefore shooting Brown when he charged at him might have been Wilson's only means to protect himself.

So the question then remains, why isn't there a physical size, strength and fitness requirement for cops? I see way too many tiny and weak cops. They could do very little in a fight when that is a requirement of their job. There are too many out of shape, fat cops that could pursue a perp if they tried. Then, and I apologize to sexist, there are no many female cops. Females for the most part are weaker and incapable to physically take on normal sized men.

Imagine if Wilson was able to hold his own. Imagine if hand to hand fight was an option for him, then the story might have ended differently. However, like too many cops they are the size of victims and hence end up getting treated as victims!


Yeah...Police departments start hiring people who look like football players and the
ACLU starts screaming that they are hiring goons...
Dude...Michael Brown was HUGE. He was NFL-lineman huge. (In perspective, he was BIGGER than Vince Wilfork!) On top of that, from the way witnesses report him acting, he may have been on drugs. No thanks, I'm not tangling with that hand to hand, not on a bet!
this is the 21st century , criminals should take the 21st century wussy thinking into account when dealing with authorities / lady cops that try to cuff'em . Yeah , I think that Ketchup kerry thinks similar !!
Female cops, statistic-wise, de-escalate volatile situations better.

Frankly, size does not matter. You either respect authority or you don't. If you are going to attack an officer then it isn't going to matter because the consequences remain the same.
I don't think that's true Disir . Big cop is more of a deterrent than a wispy little cop but I have nothing to show as proof . Heck , all the kings , czars , tyrants had forces made up of the biggest and strongest Knights , enforcers is my ' Guess ' .

The evaluation demonstrated that gender is not a valid reason to exclude women from police patrol work.
  • Both female and male patrol officers responded to similar kinds of calls for service and encountered the same number of dangerous, angry, upset, drunk, or violent citizens. Although both groups obtained similar results when handling angry or violent citizens, the study noted that women patrol officers tended to be more effective than their male counterparts in avoiding violence and defusing potentially violent situations.
  • The study found that women as a group made fewer arrests and gave fewer traffic citations. But the difference in arrest levels did not affect the women’s performance ratings.
  • Researchers discovered that women were less likely than men to engage in serious unbecoming conduct.
  • Women were also more likely to be assigned to light duty as a result of injuries. But these injuries did not cause them to be absent from work more often than men.
  • Citizens involved in incidents with police officers had the same level of respect for and favorable attitudes toward patrol officers of both sexes. Female and male officers did not differ in terms of their respect for and attitudes toward citizens with whom they came into contact.
    Policewomen on Patrol | Police Foundation

The evaluation demonstrated that gender is not a valid reason to exclude women from police patrol work.
  • Both female and male patrol officers responded to similar kinds of calls for service and encountered the same number of dangerous, angry, upset, drunk, or violent citizens. Although both groups obtained similar results when handling angry or violent citizens, the study noted that women patrol officers tended to be more effective than their male counterparts in avoiding violence and defusing potentially violent situations.
  • The study found that women as a group made fewer arrests and gave fewer traffic citations. But the difference in arrest levels did not affect the women’s performance ratings.
  • Researchers discovered that women were less likely than men to engage in serious unbecoming conduct.
  • Women were also more likely to be assigned to light duty as a result of injuries. But these injuries did not cause them to be absent from work more often than men.
  • Citizens involved in incidents with police officers had the same level of respect for and favorable attitudes toward patrol officers of both sexes. Female and male officers did not differ in terms of their respect for and attitudes toward citizens with whom they came into contact.
    Policewomen on Patrol | Police Foundation
It depends on the person, I have worked with women police officers that got in the way when making an arrest, and I have been assisted by women police officers who out performed even me.
Meh. I have no reason to suspect that you have been impacted at all.

The evaluation demonstrated that gender is not a valid reason to exclude women from police patrol work.
  • Both female and male patrol officers responded to similar kinds of calls for service and encountered the same number of dangerous, angry, upset, drunk, or violent citizens. Although both groups obtained similar results when handling angry or violent citizens, the study noted that women patrol officers tended to be more effective than their male counterparts in avoiding violence and defusing potentially violent situations.
  • The study found that women as a group made fewer arrests and gave fewer traffic citations. But the difference in arrest levels did not affect the women’s performance ratings.
  • Researchers discovered that women were less likely than men to engage in serious unbecoming conduct.
  • Women were also more likely to be assigned to light duty as a result of injuries. But these injuries did not cause them to be absent from work more often than men.
  • Citizens involved in incidents with police officers had the same level of respect for and favorable attitudes toward patrol officers of both sexes. Female and male officers did not differ in terms of their respect for and attitudes toward citizens with whom they came into contact.
    Policewomen on Patrol | Police Foundation
I'll go tit for tat, because that's what I do for a living.

Point #1: Female officers are more effective at avoiding violence.

Hypothesis: Female officers shift the burden to male colleagues. We see this in the military - males either voluntarily or through necessity pick up the slack for women who can't physically do a job.

Point #2: Women make fewer arrests. This supports point #1. Women skin the cream - they make the easy arrests and hand off the more challenging to male colleagues, thus lowering their rate of arrests and boosting the rate of arrests of male colleagues. This hypothesis can be tested by comparing the rate of arrests of 3 police assignment combinations - two female officers as partners, a male-female partner combination and a two male partner combination all patrolling the same district. We should expect to see equal rates of arrest.

Point #3: If women hand off the more troubling cases to male colleagues, then they have less opportunity to involve themselves in questionable arrests and conduct.

Point #4: When fate hands you lemons, make lemonade. The flip side of this finding is that injured male police officers are LESS likely to be assigned light duty when injured and thus have to go out into the field while injured and operate at less than peak physical fitness, thus putting themselves and their partners at greater risk all so that women can be coddled and affirmed as "equals."
I'll go tit for tat, because that's what I do for a living.

Point #1: Female officers are more effective at avoiding violence.

Hypothesis: Female officers shift the burden to male colleagues. We see this in the military - males either voluntarily or through necessity pick up the slack for women who can't physically do a job.

Point #2: Women make fewer arrests. This supports point #1. Women skin the cream - they make the easy arrests and hand off the more challenging to male colleagues, thus lowering their rate of arrests and boosting the rate of arrests of male colleagues. This hypothesis can be tested by comparing the rate of arrests of 3 police assignment combinations - two female officers as partners, a male-female partner combination and a two male partner combination all patrolling the same district. We should expect to see equal rates of arrest.

Point #3: If women hand off the more troubling cases to male colleagues, then they have less opportunity to involve themselves in questionable arrests and conduct.

Point #4: When fate hands you lemons, make lemonade. The flip side of this finding is that injured male police officers are LESS likely to be assigned light duty when injured and thus have to go out into the field while injured and operate at less than peak physical fitness, thus putting themselves and their partners at greater risk all so that women can be coddled and affirmed as "equals."

I have no reason to believe that you are LEO.
Point #1. Female officers are more effective at deescalation of volatile situations. Therefore, there is a decrease in what is called liability. You are capable of grasping this?

I'll sit here and wait for you to bring data. If you ain't got data, your chatta' don't matta'.
I have no reason to believe that you are LEO.
Point #1. Female officers are more effective at deescalation of volatile situations. Therefore, there is a decrease in what is called liability. You are capable of grasping this?

I'll sit here and wait for you to bring data. If you ain't got data, your chatta' don't matta'.

I never implied I was LEO. I pointed to research analysis - taking apart studies, finding their flaws, bad research methods and methodology, etc.
I never implied I was LEO. I pointed to research analysis - taking apart studies, finding their flaws, bad research methods and methodology, etc.

And I've no reason to suspect that you do that either.

I'll wait.
I have no reason to believe that you are LEO.
Point #1. Female officers are more effective at deescalation of volatile situations. Therefore, there is a decrease in what is called liability. You are capable of grasping this?

I'll sit here and wait for you to bring data. If you ain't got data, your chatta' don't matta'.
Your problem is this, if you don't get data that fits your perspective of the world you sit like a dolt and say you have no reason BLAH BLAH BLAH.
listen up sweet cheeks life is bigger than you and your slightly tainted views. Some people should not be police officers. Some were hired because they had no balls some were hired because of the pigmentation of their skin., that's a fact.
And I've no reason to suspect that you do that either.

I'll wait.

The physical fitness data tells the story. The 2012 Olympic Female 400 meter Gold won the medal with a time of 49.55. Because the Ferguson PD is so in the news lately, I see that at a local Missouri track meet, not even State-wide, just a sectional, the fastest male 400 meter sprinter came in at 47.61 seconds.

When a high school kid can out-run an Olympic Gold medal winner, that tells us quite a bit about female inability to match male athletic performance.

A suspect running away from the police has a far better chance of outrunning some mom-cop than a male police officer, hence the male is going to be face-to-face with more suspects.

The same applies to physical encounters. A female cop will defuse a situation by standing down or letting a criminal escape.

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