Police offices involved in G. Floyd's death were suspended the next day--aftermorethan a month we still do not know who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt

Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

The person in question was killed in the process of completing a treasonous act of insurrection. The officer in question was doing. Nothing more than his duty.

This is not a similar situation.
You keep claiming that the lady was killed in the process of committing a treasonous act of insurrection, yet no trial has been conducted, and no verdicts have been rendered in such a trial that would either clear the officer's name, and therefore finalize the verdict of guilty or innocent in regards to the victims intention's or motives in the case. It's amazing how the trials by social media just take legs and walk like they do now. How evil is that ?

Everyone including the innocent should have their day in court, but for some reason the system isn't working anymore, so we get these internet wanta be lawyers convicting people, and condemning them without any conclusive evidence to go on (i.e. a trial that renders the innocent as innocent, and the perps as perps).
When police officers are clearly doing their duty there is rarely a trial. A short internal investigation and back to duty.
And you think shooting down unarmed non-threatening innocent women was his duty? You need to be locked up yourself.
Violent insurrectionists. I'm shocked only one was shot. If I'd been in charge it would have been different.
Oh so you are a hypocrite ??? Did you feel the same way about the proxy war that was being conducted against this United States of America, via all the various groups who declared war on the U.S. government, and on the police over the summer ???
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

The person in question was killed in the process of completing a treasonous act of insurrection. The officer in question was doing. Nothing more than his duty.

This is not a similar situation.
You keep claiming that the lady was killed in the process of committing a treasonous act of insurrection, yet no trial has been conducted, and no verdicts have been rendered in such a trial that would either clear the officer's name, and therefore finalize the verdict of guilty or innocent in regards to the victims intention's or motives in the case. It's amazing how the trials by social media just take legs and walk like they do now. How evil is that ?

Everyone including the innocent should have their day in court, but for some reason the system isn't working anymore, so we get these internet wanta be lawyers convicting people, and condemning them without any conclusive evidence to go on (i.e. a trial that renders the innocent as innocent, and the perps as perps).
When police officers are clearly doing their duty there is rarely a trial. A short internal investigation and back to duty.
And you think shooting down unarmed non-threatening innocent women was his duty? You need to be locked up yourself.
Violent insurrectionists. I'm shocked only one was shot. If I'd been in charge it would have been different.
Bullspit. If you'd been in charge you'd have outrun the other pussies getting home to hide behind your Momma's skirts.
She was not violent. You are simply defending an execution of an unarmed woman.
ANYONE attempting to breach a secured area in order to gain access to the individuals contained within, after they are already unlawfully on the property AND after having gained access to the property by breaching external barriers, closed and/or locked windows/doors should expect nothing less.

The fact that she was the only fatality on the mob's side speaks volumns.

She was not "executed", she suffered a fatal gunshot would while she was in the commission of a federal crime.
Without a trial, all your assertion's are meaningless.
There won't be a trial. There's no reason for one.
Is that justice in your opinion ?? Otherwise leave the door open for all the political hacks to condemn, make up stories, and lie on the citizen's in this country over very important issue's that actually resulted in the death of a human being or human beings ??? Is there a cover up taking place ??
She was not violent. You are simply defending an execution of an unarmed woman.
ANYONE attempting to breach a secured area in order to gain access to the individuals contained within, after they are already unlawfully on the property AND after having gained access to the property by breaching external barriers, closed and/or locked windows/doors should expect nothing less.

The fact that she was the only fatality on the mob's side speaks volumns.

She was not "executed", she suffered a fatal gunshot would while she was in the commission of a federal crime.
Without a trial, all your assertion's are meaningless.
Of course you're wrong but that is nothing new.

When your job is to protect a particular person or group of individuals from imminent threats (meaning the threat is happening RIGHT NOW), the only place a trial has in the scenario is determining whether or not your response was justified under the law, including the use of lethal force in defense of one's self or others, IF a trial is deemed warranted. AFTER THE FACT.

You should brush up on your knowledge of criminal law or how our legal system works, including how it's supposed to work.
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

You dont need to know who shot the crazy bitch. Just accept it on faith she was indeed shot.
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

The person in question was killed in the process of completing a treasonous act of insurrection. The officer in question was doing. Nothing more than his duty.

This is not a similar situation.
You keep claiming that the lady was killed in the process of committing a treasonous act of insurrection, yet no trial has been conducted, and no verdicts have been rendered in such a trial that would either clear the officer's name, and therefore finalize the verdict of guilty or innocent in regards to the victims intention's or motives in the case. It's amazing how the trials by social media just take legs and walk like they do now. How evil is that ?

Everyone including the innocent should have their day in court, but for some reason the system isn't working anymore, so we get these internet wanta be lawyers convicting people, and condemning them without any conclusive evidence to go on (i.e. a trial that renders the innocent as innocent, and the perps as perps).
When police officers are clearly doing their duty there is rarely a trial. A short internal investigation and back to duty.
Oh really ??? So why does that not work the same when it's Drug cartels, street robbers, looters, anarchist, gangs, rioters, domestic terrorist, and other such groups identifying with the left or leftist culture's when apprehended ??
Just how fuckin' stupid are you? Drug cartels, domestic terrorists, street robbers, identifying with the left?

Get lost, moron.
Oh so now you are against the FBI looking into the profiles of suspect's, otherwise by learning their political affiliations, back grounds, and habits after a politically motivated crime occurs ??? This is now illegal in your mind ??? Do you feel the same way when they (dem justice system), does it to conservatives or other individuals that might be involved in alledged crimes in which also includes a political profile when searching for clues or motivation of the deadly crime if one was committed ???
She was not violent. You are simply defending an execution of an unarmed woman.
ANYONE attempting to breach a secured area in order to gain access to the individuals contained within, after they are already unlawfully on the property AND after having gained access to the property by breaching external barriers, closed and/or locked windows/doors should expect nothing less.

The fact that she was the only fatality on the mob's side speaks volumns.

She was not "executed", she suffered a fatal gunshot would while she was in the commission of a federal crime.
Without a trial, all your assertion's are meaningless.
Of course you're wrong but that is nothing new.

When your job is to protect a particular person or group of individuals from imminent threats (meaning the threat is happening RIGHT NOW), the only place a trial has in the scenario is determining whether or not your response was justified under the law, including the use of lethal force in defense of one's self or others, IF a trial is deemed warranted. AFTER THE FACT.

You should brush up on your knowledge of criminal law or how our legal system works, including how it's supposed to work.
So in your words a trial is warranted to determine guilt or innocence, yet no trial is scheduled ??
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

You dont need to know who shot the crazy bitch. Just accept it on faith she was indeed shot.
And what if we talked like that against anyone you think didn't deserve that kind of instant justice ??? Your flipping head would explode. Fact.
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

The person in question was killed in the process of completing a treasonous act of insurrection. The officer in question was doing. Nothing more than his duty.

This is not a similar situation.
You keep claiming that the lady was killed in the process of committing a treasonous act of insurrection, yet no trial has been conducted, and no verdicts have been rendered in such a trial that would either clear the officer's name, and therefore finalize the verdict of guilty or innocent in regards to the victims intention's or motives in the case. It's amazing how the trials by social media just take legs and walk like they do now. How evil is that ?

Everyone including the innocent should have their day in court, but for some reason the system isn't working anymore, so we get these internet wanta be lawyers convicting people, and condemning them without any conclusive evidence to go on (i.e. a trial that renders the innocent as innocent, and the perps as perps).
When police officers are clearly doing their duty there is rarely a trial. A short internal investigation and back to duty.
And you think shooting down unarmed non-threatening innocent women was his duty? You need to be locked up yourself.
Violent insurrectionists. I'm shocked only one was shot. If I'd been in charge it would have been different.
Oh so you are a hypocrite ??? Did you feel the same way about the proxy war that was being conducted against this United States of America, via all the various groups who declared war on the U.S. government, and on the police over the summer ???
That's all in the collective tRumpling imagination. We're dealing with realities here, not fantasies.
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

The person in question was killed in the process of completing a treasonous act of insurrection. The officer in question was doing. Nothing more than his duty.

This is not a similar situation.
You keep claiming that the lady was killed in the process of committing a treasonous act of insurrection, yet no trial has been conducted, and no verdicts have been rendered in such a trial that would either clear the officer's name, and therefore finalize the verdict of guilty or innocent in regards to the victims intention's or motives in the case. It's amazing how the trials by social media just take legs and walk like they do now. How evil is that ?

Everyone including the innocent should have their day in court, but for some reason the system isn't working anymore, so we get these internet wanta be lawyers convicting people, and condemning them without any conclusive evidence to go on (i.e. a trial that renders the innocent as innocent, and the perps as perps).
When police officers are clearly doing their duty there is rarely a trial. A short internal investigation and back to duty.
And you think shooting down unarmed non-threatening innocent women was his duty? You need to be locked up yourself.
Violent insurrectionists. I'm shocked only one was shot. If I'd been in charge it would have been different.
Yeah we know.... It's different when your cult is calling the shot's (literally).
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

The person in question was killed in the process of completing a treasonous act of insurrection. The officer in question was doing. Nothing more than his duty.

This is not a similar situation.
You keep claiming that the lady was killed in the process of committing a treasonous act of insurrection, yet no trial has been conducted, and no verdicts have been rendered in such a trial that would either clear the officer's name, and therefore finalize the verdict of guilty or innocent in regards to the victims intention's or motives in the case. It's amazing how the trials by social media just take legs and walk like they do now. How evil is that ?

Everyone including the innocent should have their day in court, but for some reason the system isn't working anymore, so we get these internet wanta be lawyers convicting people, and condemning them without any conclusive evidence to go on (i.e. a trial that renders the innocent as innocent, and the perps as perps).
When police officers are clearly doing their duty there is rarely a trial. A short internal investigation and back to duty.
And you think shooting down unarmed non-threatening innocent women was his duty? You need to be locked up yourself.
Violent insurrectionists. I'm shocked only one was shot. If I'd been in charge it would have been different.
Oh so you are a hypocrite ??? Did you feel the same way about the proxy war that was being conducted against this United States of America, via all the various groups who declared war on the U.S. government, and on the police over the summer ???
That's all in the collective tRumpling imagination. We're dealing with realities here, not fantasies.
Yeah your fantasies, but the countries realities.
She was not violent. You are simply defending an execution of an unarmed woman.
ANYONE attempting to breach a secured area in order to gain access to the individuals contained within, after they are already unlawfully on the property AND after having gained access to the property by breaching external barriers, closed and/or locked windows/doors should expect nothing less.

The fact that she was the only fatality on the mob's side speaks volumns.

She was not "executed", she suffered a fatal gunshot would while she was in the commission of a federal crime.
Without a trial, all your assertion's are meaningless.
Of course you're wrong but that is nothing new.

When your job is to protect a particular person or group of individuals from imminent threats (meaning the threat is happening RIGHT NOW), the only place a trial has in the scenario is determining whether or not your response was justified under the law, including the use of lethal force in defense of one's self or others, IF a trial is deemed warranted. AFTER THE FACT.

You should brush up on your knowledge of criminal law or how our legal system works, including how it's supposed to work.
"...including the use of lethal force in defense of one's self or others..."
Exactly. Who was this clown defending and how is he going to claim that lethal force was necessary against an unarmed woman? What was she gonna do? Put a run in his hose? Lethal force is never justified if a lesser amount of force is reasonably possible.
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

The person in question was killed in the process of completing a treasonous act of insurrection. The officer in question was doing. Nothing more than his duty.

This is not a similar situation.
You keep claiming that the lady was killed in the process of committing a treasonous act of insurrection, yet no trial has been conducted, and no verdicts have been rendered in such a trial that would either clear the officer's name, and therefore finalize the verdict of guilty or innocent in regards to the victims intention's or motives in the case. It's amazing how the trials by social media just take legs and walk like they do now. How evil is that ?

Everyone including the innocent should have their day in court, but for some reason the system isn't working anymore, so we get these internet wanta be lawyers convicting people, and condemning them without any conclusive evidence to go on (i.e. a trial that renders the innocent as innocent, and the perps as perps).
When police officers are clearly doing their duty there is rarely a trial. A short internal investigation and back to duty.
And you think shooting down unarmed non-threatening innocent women was his duty? You need to be locked up yourself.
Violent insurrectionists. I'm shocked only one was shot. If I'd been in charge it would have been different.
Bullspit. If you'd been in charge you'd have outrun the other pussies getting home to hide behind your Momma's skirts.
Wrong. Had I been in charge I would have called for flash-bangs, riot munitions and CS when they breached the fence as well as started evac for the VIPs and bringing my reserves to a position between them and the most likely route for the oppo. If they continued to press on to the doors I would have released the use of lethal force at local discretion and committed my reserves to the breach closest to the VIP egress route. My best estimate is at this point the sightseers would be vacating the area asap (live ammo and dead bodies do that) and anyone still pressing forward is a legitimate target so this is where you bring up the heavies and put this thing to bed.

All over but the cleanup.
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

You dont need to know who shot the crazy bitch. Just accept it on faith she was indeed shot.
And what if we talked like that against anyone you think didn't deserve that kind of instant justice ??? Your flipping head would explode. Fact.
What if a cow had nuts? It would be a bull right? Would that make your head explode? That crazy bitch got shot for attacking congress. Deal with it.
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

The person in question was killed in the process of completing a treasonous act of insurrection. The officer in question was doing. Nothing more than his duty.

This is not a similar situation.
You keep claiming that the lady was killed in the process of committing a treasonous act of insurrection, yet no trial has been conducted, and no verdicts have been rendered in such a trial that would either clear the officer's name, and therefore finalize the verdict of guilty or innocent in regards to the victims intention's or motives in the case. It's amazing how the trials by social media just take legs and walk like they do now. How evil is that ?

Everyone including the innocent should have their day in court, but for some reason the system isn't working anymore, so we get these internet wanta be lawyers convicting people, and condemning them without any conclusive evidence to go on (i.e. a trial that renders the innocent as innocent, and the perps as perps).
When police officers are clearly doing their duty there is rarely a trial. A short internal investigation and back to duty.
Oh really ??? So why does that not work the same when it's Drug cartels, street robbers, looters, anarchist, gangs, rioters, domestic terrorist, and other such groups identifying with the left or leftist culture's when apprehended ??
Just how fuckin' stupid are you? Drug cartels, domestic terrorists, street robbers, identifying with the left?

Get lost, moron.
Oh so now you are against the FBI looking into the profiles of suspect's, otherwise by learning their political affiliations, back grounds, and habits after a politically motivated crime occurs ??? This is now illegal in your mind ??? Do you feel the same way when they (dem justice system), does it to conservatives or other individuals that might be involved in alledged crimes in which also includes a political profile when searching for clues or motivation of the deadly crime if one was committed ???
You're making shit up again.
Bud, if this is the best you've got, you should have stayed on the sidelines. She tried to force her way into a secure corridor and she got shot. She was participating in a violent insurrection.
Being a veteran of 14 years, she should have known the dangers.

She was not violent. You are simply defending an execution of an unarmed woman.

Let's try this: He was a man of the streets from birth. He should have known the risks of a police interaction. How does that sit moron.

Did this man take an oath to defend his country from all enemies both foreign and domestic? If not, it doesn't sit at all. In fact, it isn't relevant.
She was a veteran. She participated in a violent insurrection aimed at overturning the results of a free and fair election. She got what she deserved.
And exactly who are you to decide she "participated in a violent insurrection"? You are just one more pathetic sheltered individual who wouldn't know a protest from an insurrection from a rotten cucumber Mr. JackOff. By law it requires a court to make that decision. But her day in court was stolen from her, wasn't it?

Most telling JONT thinks capital security can tell a vet by looking at them. lol Hypocrite got called on his game and decided to double down. lol
Nothing less than outrageous. The American people deserve better than this.

The democrats preach coming together but they practice nothing more than hatred for their political opponents.

Such hypocrites.

You mean the domestic terrorist breaking thru into the House Chamber? Too bad. Sucked to be her.
The officer who shot her won't be facing charges. Again, she was a 14 year Air Force veteran. She did raise her hand and swear an oath to protect this country from all enemies both foreign and domestic. And then ended up pissing all over that oath by participating in a violent insurrection. She became that domestic enemy. I hate seeing people die like this..but again, she should have known better.
She did raise her hand and swear an oath to protect this country from all enemies both foreign and domestic.
And that's exactly what she died attempting to do, dumpass. Her murderer needs to be held responsible for his actions. Her family and friends deserve to see justice done.
Nope, she spit on her oath and was a willing domestic terrorist. Karma got her.

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