Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

They are telling blacks they are eternal victims and whites they are eternal racists...you doofus......the democrat party is the party of racism....in everything they do.....

The democrat party is the home of racists of all skin colors, who seek massive government to push their racism......the Congressional Black Caucus and obama hosted louis farakhan, black racist.......obama had al sharpton, black racist to the White House dozens of times, and obama went to the black racist church of jeremiah wright for 20 years and had the black racist, jeremiah wright marry him and michelle and baptiized his daughters...

The democrat party is the home of all racists in this country.
Blah blah blah. Let me know when you figure out the reality that Democrats don’t support white supremacists, don’t want to get rid of black people, and aren’t concerned about white genocide.

Your desperation is pathetic.
I think you are pulling a lot of quotes out of this to justify your disowning this nut.

Also from his nutty manifesto.

Mass immigration will disenfranchise us, subvert
our nations, destroy our communities, destroy our ethnic ties, destroy our cultures, destroy our
peoples. Long before low fertility levels ever could. Thus, before we deal with the fertility rates,
we must deal with both the invaders within our lands and the invaders that seek to enter our
We must crush immigration and deport those invaders already living on our soil. It is not
just a matter of our prosperity, but the very survival of our people.

The truth is my personal life and experiences are of no value. I am simply a White man
seeking to protect and serve my community, my people, my culture, and my race.

Are you a facsist?
Yes, fascism is one of the only political ideologies that will unite Whites against the
replacers. Since that is what I seek, calling me a facsist would be accurate.
Are you a white supremacist?
Yes, I would call myself a white supremacist, afterall, which race is responsible for the
world we live in today? I believe the White race is superior in the brain to all other races.
Are you racist?
Yes I am racist because I believe in differences of capabilities between races.

When it served their purposes the democrats also oppose immigration.....

The United States is largely, though not entirely, a nation of immigrants. President Bill Clinton turned his back on this basic truth of American identity in the 1990s. When violent crime was at a historic high, he made the radical move of turning immigrants and immigration into problems to be solved through crime control.
They expanded the grounds of deportation to include not only serious crimes, but nearly any crime (including misdemeanors); stripped judges of the ability to consider life circumstances in order to grant pardons on a case-by-case basis; required that many of the immigrants facing exile for a crime be imprisoned indefinitely, beyond the period of their sentence, until that exile could take place (even though deportation is a civil, not criminal, proceeding); and subjected newcomers to fast-track deportations in which officers could expel immigrants without any hearing from a judge.

In other words, the 1996 laws took the harshest elements of the criminal-justice system—mass incarceration, discriminatory policing, zero tolerance—and injected them into the immigration system.

The 1996 laws greatly expanded the use of secret evidence in deportation. Legal residents accused of “terrorism” were deported without hearing the testimony against them, or who had offered it. Just about every case known to the public was against Arabs or Muslims.

Clinton’s bills, by building a robust pipeline for mass deportation, created the legal architecture for present-day human-rights abuses at the border. Since their passage, the budget for deportation has exploded: from $1.9 billion in 1997 ($3 billion adjusted for inflation) to $21.1 billion by 2018.

Democrats are the ones destroying black lives in the cities they control, you doofus.... they sent blm and antifa brown shirts into black neighborhoods for 7 months where they burned and looted black businesses and killed blacks and others......they are trying to segregate blacks out of mainstream society with seperate classes in schools, separate graduations, and other tactics that they used after the republicans freed the slaves......that they allow racists who are black into the party doesn't hide their racism...the black racists in the democrat party want massive government too...
MAGA is not a very good debater....so you are gone.
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Progressives are under-evolved, but most humans have a natural ability to make and use weapons.

It's actually a key feature of our species, for those of us who are fully-evolved at least.
You aren't fully evolved. Hunting animals with weapons is not the topic here.
Did you always hold these views?
When I was 12 I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old highschool and ask about me and you will hear that. From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right.

From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right.
On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist

Oh, so he's Donald Trump. Not sure you've done yourself any favors here
Are you a conservative?
No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.

Are you a socialist?
Depending on the definition. Worker ownership of the means of production? It depends on who those workers are, their intentions, who currently owns the means of production, their intentions and who currently owns the state, and their intentions.

What are your views?
I would prefer to call myself a populist. But you can call me an ethno-nationalist eco-fascist national socialist if you want, I wouldn’t disagree with you.

So....taz......tell me I'm lying....
Yes, you are lying. He says conservatism is corporatism in disguise. He rejects conservatism on the basis of what he considers to be corporatist roots, however, he fully embraces white replacement theory and supremacy, which is an extremist right wing position. He also doesn't fully embrace the left either; he embraces populism, which is an economic ideology embraced by Trump and the Trumpeteers. It appears he carries a broad spectrum of ideas here, both right and left. You lied because you tried to conclusively paint him as a far left winger, which your own quoted passages prove he isn't. The bigger question is, why did right or left matter to you anyway?
Blah blah blah. Let me know when you figure out the reality that Democrats don’t support white supremacists.

Oh yeah?

Selective Moral Outrage | National Review

Of course, the man Clinton was praising, who he called his “mentor,” who supposedly embraced utopian values and made the world a better place for everyone, was also a rabid segregationist.

In 1956, Fulbright was one of 19 senators who issued a statement entitled the “Southern Manifesto.” This document condemned the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Its signers stated, among other things, that “We commend the motives of those States which have declared the intention to resist forced integration by any lawful means.” They stated further, “We pledge ourselves to use all lawful means to bring about reversal of this decision which is contrary to the Constitution and to prevent the use of force in its implementation.”

Of course, in 1957, the first serious challenge to Brown occurred in Fulbright’s backyard. Fulbright’s Democrat colleague,
Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus (another early Clinton backer) ordered the National Guard to surround Central High School in Little Rock to prevent nine black students from attending the school. President Dwight Eisenhower dispatched the 101st Airborne Division to protect these teenagers and enforce the Supreme Court’s decision.

Fulbright later voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act. And he did so because he believed in separating the races — in schools and other public places. He was a segregationist, heart and soul.

Now, given the turmoil surrounding Trent Lo


Orval Faubus​

Bill Clinton with Orval Faubus, 1991.[10]
In June 1974, a few months before Clinton would narrowly lose his congressional bid, he sat down for an interview with an oral history project.[11]Reaching out to the notorious segregationist was just good politics, he told the interviewers.

“When did you build this friendship with Faubus?” one asked.

“When I got ready to run for Congress,” Clinton answered.

“But wouldn’t he be the last guy to go see, represented the old time machine?” the interviewer pressed.

“No, no. See, that’s why I got elected. Because I don’t do things — I don’t think in terms of that,” Clinton said.

“But wouldn’t the liberal mind, whatever it is in this district, think that way?”

“Well, the liberal mind might, but I don’t have a liberal mind, I guess, if that’s the way they think. It’s a matter of politics and how you get votes,” Clinton said of doing his dance with white supremacists. “Faubus has a fine mind and a lot of influence in these hills, these people, and knows things that are worth knowing. The reason that they will vote for me, if they do, the people, even if they think that I’m liberal, whatever that is, is that I’ll sit down with all these people and talk to them.”


Recognize those names...you dumb ass...they were good friends with actual racist, segregationists.........orval faubus...are you kidding me you ignorant moron......
From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right.

Oh, so he's Donald Trump. Not sure you've done yourself any favors here

Yes, you are lying. He says conservatism is corporatism in disguise. He rejects conservatism on the basis of what he considers to be corporatist roots, however, he fully embraces white replacement theory and supremacy, which is an extremist right wing position. He also doesn't fully embrace the left either; he embraces populism, which is an economic ideology embraced by Trump and the Trumpeteers. It appears he carries a broad spectrum of ideas here, both right and left. You lied because you tried to conclusively paint him as a far left winger, which your own quoted passages prove he isn't. The bigger question is, why did right or left matter to you anyway?

You lying asshole......I stated exactly what he wrote...that he is a leftist authoritarian/populist and eco-fascist...that is exactly what i posted........you called me a liar, now you are covering up your bullshit......
Whites invented groupthink and built a system on it. The current right wing who call themselves conservatives are racists. They control conservatism and have mainstreamed that racism.
They want us to remember slavery as a time when the "happy negroes" willingly gave over their children to be sold on the slave market. They don't want white children to know the truth about the nation's racist past. They will ban books that speak about it and even deny that the Civil War was fought over slavery. desantis and his like are trying to white wash history....no pun intended.
Oh yeah?

Selective Moral Outrage | National Review

Of course, the man Clinton was praising, who he called his “mentor,” who supposedly embraced utopian values and made the world a better place for everyone, was also a rabid segregationist.

In 1956, Fulbright was one of 19 senators who issued a statement entitled the “Southern Manifesto.” This document condemned the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Its signers stated, among other things, that “We commend the motives of those States which have declared the intention to resist forced integration by any lawful means.” They stated further, “We pledge ourselves to use all lawful means to bring about reversal of this decision which is contrary to the Constitution and to prevent the use of force in its implementation.”

Of course, in 1957, the first serious challenge to Brown occurred in Fulbright’s backyard. Fulbright’s Democrat colleague,
Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus (another early Clinton backer) ordered the National Guard to surround Central High School in Little Rock to prevent nine black students from attending the school. President Dwight Eisenhower dispatched the 101st Airborne Division to protect these teenagers and enforce the Supreme Court’s decision.

Fulbright later voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act. And he did so because he believed in separating the races — in schools and other public places. He was a segregationist, heart and soul.

Now, given the turmoil surrounding Trent Lo


Orval Faubus​

Bill Clinton with Orval Faubus, 1991.[10]
In June 1974, a few months before Clinton would narrowly lose his congressional bid, he sat down for an interview with an oral history project.[11]Reaching out to the notorious segregationist was just good politics, he told the interviewers.

“When did you build this friendship with Faubus?” one asked.

“When I got ready to run for Congress,” Clinton answered.

“But wouldn’t he be the last guy to go see, represented the old time machine?” the interviewer pressed.

“No, no. See, that’s why I got elected. Because I don’t do things — I don’t think in terms of that,” Clinton said.

“But wouldn’t the liberal mind, whatever it is in this district, think that way?”

“Well, the liberal mind might, but I don’t have a liberal mind, I guess, if that’s the way they think. It’s a matter of politics and how you get votes,” Clinton said of doing his dance with white supremacists. “Faubus has a fine mind and a lot of influence in these hills, these people, and knows things that are worth knowing. The reason that they will vote for me, if they do, the people, even if they think that I’m liberal, whatever that is, is that I’ll sit down with all these people and talk to them.”


Recognize those names...you dumb ass...they were good friends with actual racist, segregationists.........orval faubus...are you kidding me you ignorant moron......
Does your big block of blue text explain that Democrats support white supremacists and want to get rid of black people? Lmao.

Your desperation is noted.
There is no xiden and racism like this has been around from the start.
xiden is the president of the united states and leader of the free world…he’s racial jungle thoughts apparently are what’s driving the ship now
From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right.

Oh, so he's Donald Trump. Not sure you've done yourself any favors here

Yes, you are lying. He says conservatism is corporatism in disguise. He rejects conservatism on the basis of what he considers to be corporatist roots, however, he fully embraces white replacement theory and supremacy, which is an extremist right wing position. He also doesn't fully embrace the left either; he embraces populism, which is an economic ideology embraced by Trump and the Trumpeteers. It appears he carries a broad spectrum of ideas here, both right and left. You lied because you tried to conclusively paint him as a far left winger, which your own quoted passages prove he isn't. The bigger question is, why did right or left matter to you anyway?

You guys need to quit quibbling over his ideology and recognize that he is an 18 year old white racist and there are more where he came from. It's time to stop denying what we have been saying.
Does your big block of blue text explain that Democrats support white supremacists and want to get rid of black people? Lmao.

Your desperation is noted.

Moron....they are segregating blacks from whites....in everything they do..........they are telling blacks they are eternal victims....you moron.
three quarters of killers in mass shootings obtain their guns LEGALLY. we need stricter gun regulations, my friends

Why did you choose firearms?
"Because they work, there are very few weapons that are easier to use and more effective at killing than firearms, especially the Bushmaster XM-15 I will be using. The effect it would have on social discourse, the extra media coverage they would provide, and the changes to gun laws that will be pushed will all help my case."


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