Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985

'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

Big fucking deal. My Grandmother was questioned by police... Okay, I don't know if she ever was or not, but I think you get my point...
I was questioned after a shooting in Houston in the early 80's.
'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

Big fucking deal. My Grandmother was questioned by police... Okay, I don't know if she ever was or not, but I think you get my point...
I was questioned after a shooting in Houston in the early 80's.

I was pulled over one morning in Thousand Oaks, California because I matched the description of a robbery suspect...

There was another incident where my girlfriend's roommate called the police because of a prowler outside her window, I answered the door when they arrived and was put up against the wall and held at gun point until they cleared things up... needless to say, I did everything they told me to do... very slowly...
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That's hilarious. The left doesn't care about morality and justice. The left USES morality and justice for their political opponents to adhere to while they're allowed to do whatever they deem necessary to accomplish their goals. You're not fooling anyone with your phony self-righteous act.
Yeah, like I'm gonna take someone online w/an avatar of President Barrack Hussein Obama as an African jungle warrior's advice on morality.


You got it wrong again, no one would mistake the mulatto messiah as a warrior in any costume. He's got his crazy witch doctor get up on, selling his snake oil.

A USSC justice in a bar fight, man that is too cool. I pictured the Yale Valedictorian as the nerds' nerd, or the geeks' geek. I find it refreshing that Kav is a normal guy that likes beer, and I never got too drunk on beer, there's just not enough alcohol content.
Obviously the police were lying . Kavanaugh only studied and worked out . Only to occasionally sip beer. When not on his way to church .

Which is how he painted the picture of his past self .
He was also feeding the homeless and spent countless hours rescuing kittens in their township down from trees.


By the way, “getting into bar fight” was not listed in his calandar. Therefore , it did not happen .
'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

Big fucking deal. My Grandmother was questioned by police... Okay, I don't know if she ever was or not, but I think you get my point...
I was questioned after a shooting in Houston in the early 80's.

I was pulled over one morning in Thousand Oaks, California because I matched the description of a robbery suspect...

There was another incident where my girlfriend's roommate called the police because of a prowler outside her window, I answered the door when they arrived and was put up against the wall and held at gun point until they cleared things up... needless to say, I did everything they told me to do... very slowly...

You didn’t rant and rave after being accused of somthing you didn’t do? Like Kav did in front of the SenAtors ? And the cons cheered that behavior!
Obviously the police were lying . Kavanaugh only studied and worked out . Only to occasionally sip beer. When not on his way to church .

Which is how he painted the picture of his past self .
He was also feeding the homeless and spent countless hours rescuing kittens in their township down from trees.


By the way, “getting into bar fight” was not listed in his calandar. Therefore , it did not happen .

You're right, it was a minor skirmish, not worth mentioning.

'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

Big fucking deal. My Grandmother was questioned by police... Okay, I don't know if she ever was or not, but I think you get my point...
I was questioned after a shooting in Houston in the early 80's.

I was pulled over one morning in Thousand Oaks, California because I matched the description of a robbery suspect...

There was another incident where my girlfriend's roommate called the police because of a prowler outside her window, I answered the door when they arrived and was put up against the wall and held at gun point until they cleared things up... needless to say, I did everything they told me to do... very slowly...

You didn’t rant and rave after being accused of somthing you didn’t do? Like Kav did in front of the SenAtors ? And the cons cheered that behavior!

Not when guns were involved, and pointed at me. It didn't seem prudent. Nice try though, attempting to equate completely different situations...
I am still waiting on the reports of leaked photographs from 1967 showing Kavanaugh nude streaking in public. The guy is completely out of control.
Keep crying, this is the last post I'm going to make on this topic because it's not the topic of the thread.

It boils down to two points, Martin shouldn't have started a gun fight with his fist and Zimmerman was acquitted by a jury of his peers. So get the fuck over it already.

Trayvon didn't start a fight with the murderer George Zimmerman.

He was stalked by, and subsequently gunned down in cold blood by him.

He obviously did start a fight with Zimmerman.
......so if you are at a murder scene and are questioned by the cops, that makes you the murderer ?????
so BK:
did NOT return a library book that was 10 days overdue
was QUESTIONED by the police about ice being thrown!!!!!!!!
drank some alcohol
crushed a bug
just listen you yourselves:
'''BK threw some ice''!!!!!!!!!!!
[actually only questioned about it ]
Why are the Democrats demonizing and attacking Kavanagh for drinking alcohol in high school when Barack Obama admitted did he did pot and cocaine back in high school and college?

According to Democrats, of course, doing pot and cocaine in high school and college automatic makes Barack Obama a gang-bang / 'train' rapist...
Anyone hear Hannity's compilation of Brock Hussaine Obama's comments about his own high school "daze?" Hannity had The Who's Baba O'Riley mixed into the Obama "remix." Hilarious and showed the ridiculous hypocrisy of dems. :p
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I had the cops stop me for--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------walking to work!!!!!!!!!!!
true story
and I'm white!!

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