Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985

Two things the right hates:

Morality and Justice.
That's hilarious. The left doesn't care about morality and justice. The left USES morality and justice for their political opponents to adhere to while they're allowed to do whatever they deem necessary to accomplish their goals. You're not fooling anyone with your phony self-righteous act.
'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

It adds up doesn't it? The portrait we now have of Kav (much of which comes from his old drinking pals) is that of a stumbling - blackout - drunk - womanizing - groping - belligerent - butthole.
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Keep crying, this is the last post I'm going to make on this topic because it's not the topic of the thread.

It boils down to two points, Martin shouldn't have started a gun fight with his fist and Zimmerman was acquitted by a jury of his peers. So get the fuck over it already.

Trayvon didn't start a fight with the murderer George Zimmerman.

He was stalked by, and subsequently gunned down in cold blood by him.

Lie. Trayvon attacked Zimmerman and was on top of Zimmerman pounding his head into the ground, according to a witness. You're a liar. The jury found Zimmerman innocent, self defense. Liar.
You funny GI, Zimmerman was watching what he considered a suspicious person in his neighborhood, in the performance of his neighborhood watch duties. You can't be charged for stalking by keeping an eye on a criminal.
I can't, but you are so wrong on everything else.

1. Martin was not engaged in suspicious activity other than in the mind of Zimmerman
2. Zimmerman was alleged to not have been on neighborhood watch duty that evening and was acting as a private
3. Martin was not a criminal

4. Zimmerman was WRONG in his assessment, therefore his actions were based on his erroneous perceptions​
Martin got exactly what his thug ass needed! He's DEAD!
'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

It adds up doesn't it? The portrait we now have of Kav (much of which comes from his old drinking pals) is that of a stumbling - blackout drunk - womanizing - belligerent - butthole.
That's MISTER U.S. Supreme Court JUSTICE stumbling - blackout drunk - womanizing - belligerent - butthole, to you, sir.

Mind your manners.

'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

It adds up doesn't it? The portrait we now have of Kav (much of which comes from his old drinking pals) is that of a stumbling - blackout drunk - womanizing - belligerent - butthole.
Typical college kid. No different than Ted Kennedy, and he is immortalized as the "Lion of the Senate". One difference is Kavanaugh grew up, Ted Kennedy left a woman to die and never did grow up, but remained a stumbling drunken womanizing belligerent butthole. The only thing that matters is Kavanaugh is a conservative, and that's his only true fault, isn't it.
'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

It adds up doesn't it? The portrait we now have of Kav (much of which comes from his old drinking pals) is that of a stumbling - blackout drunk - womanizing - belligerent - butthole.
That's MISTER U.S. Supreme Court JUSTICE stumbling - blackout drunk - womanizing - belligerent - butthole, to you, sir.

Mind your manners.

Oh I have no doubt that Bitch McTurtle will ram his ass through even though 2 out of 3 Americans consider him to be unfit.
It will be a momentary victory that will haunt Rs when Ds take the house and the subpoenas start flying.
'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

It adds up doesn't it? The portrait we now have of Kav (much of which comes from his old drinking pals) is that of a stumbling - blackout drunk - womanizing - belligerent - butthole.
That's MISTER U.S. Supreme Court JUSTICE stumbling - blackout drunk - womanizing - belligerent - butthole, to you, sir.

Mind your manners.


All that fart mouth and not one shred of evidence.

Oh I have no doubt that Bitch McTurtle will ram his ass through even though 2 out of 3 Americans consider him to be unfit.
It will be a momentary victory that will haunt Rs when Ds take the house and the subpoenas start flying.
Why should the Rs give the motherfucking Ds ANYTHING. The Ds have no integrity. They don't play fair. They try to get their way regardless of the consequences of elections.

I say fuck the dems in the ass by any means necessary. Fight fire with fire. Murder is not off the table. War is war.
'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

Seems like a normal, average guy...that is just a brilliant scholar when it\
comes to the law and the constitution.

"Number198...Number 198...Next complaint, Please!"
Obviously the police were lying . Kavanaugh only studied and worked out . Only to occasionally sip beer. When not on his way to church .

Which is how he painted the picture of his past self .
'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.
Were any charges brought? Was Mr. Kavanaugh convicted of any crime?
Is it a crime to be questioned by police? This is nothing more than inuendo used to destroy a mans reputation. Those who use such tactics are beneath contempt.
Keep crying, this is the last post I'm going to make on this topic because it's not the topic of the thread.

It boils down to two points, Martin shouldn't have started a gun fight with his fist and Zimmerman was acquitted by a jury of his peers. So get the fuck over it already.
Not a chance but everytime you all trot out this same erroneous bullshit about how Zimmerman was perfectly within his rights acting the way he did, it will be refuted. I'm not required to get over a damn thing..
'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

It backs specifics of reports from classmates that Kavanaugh was a heavy drinker who was belligerant and agressive when he drank.

If he was aggressive he would have been the one throwing the glass, not his friend Chris Dudley.

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