Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985

You funny GI, Zimmerman was watching what he considered a suspicious person in his neighborhood, in the performance of his neighborhood watch duties. You can't be charged for stalking by keeping an eye on a criminal.
I can't, but you are so wrong on everything else.

1. Martin was not engaged in suspicious activity other than in the mind of Zimmerman
2. Zimmerman was alleged to not have been on neighborhood watch duty that evening and was acting as a private
3. Martin was not a criminal

4. Zimmerman was WRONG in his assessment, therefore his actions were based on his erroneous perceptions​
You funny GI, Zimmerman was watching what he considered a suspicious person in his neighborhood, in the performance of his neighborhood watch duties. You can't be charged for stalking by keeping an eye on a criminal.
I can't, but you are so wrong on everything else.

1. Martin was not engaged in suspicious activity other than in the mind of Zimmerman
2. Zimmerman was alleged to not have been on neighborhood watch duty that evening and was acting as a private
3. Martin was not a criminal

4. Zimmerman was WRONG in his assessment, therefore his actions were based on his erroneous perceptions​

You can pretend Zimmerman was wrong, but you can't deny Martin was a criminal. It was proven he had illegal drugs in his system, that's a crime. But Martin wasn't walking on the street, he was walking among the homes, I would consider that suspicious. Also no one in a neighborhood watch is off duty if they see something they consider off, they make a call.

Also no one in a neighborhood watch is off duty if they see something they consider off, they make a call.
I think you have neighborhood watch volunteers confused with law enforcement officers whom the state has granted the lawful authority to do all of the things that you all keep trying to insist that Zimmerman had the right to do.

You do raise the point though that the NWV are authorized to call and report when they see something that they consider suspicious, but then again every one of us has this same right.

You can pretend Zimmerman was wrong, but you can't deny Martin was a criminal. It was proven he had illegal drugs in his system, that's a crime.
Zimmerman WAS wrong, I'm not pretending anything. I have the same damn license to carry a concealed weapon in the state of Florida that he has and can tell you that nowhere in any of the myriad of training courses I've been required to attend can you stalk someone, antagonize them into an unruly response and then shoot them and claim self-defense, not according to the letter or even the spirit of the law.
You can pretend Zimmerman was wrong, but you can't deny Martin was a criminal. It was proven he had illegal drugs in his system, that's a crime.
Wrong again, being "high" is not a crime. According to the published findings of the autopsy report the trace amounts of the active ingredient in marijuana (THC) that were found in Martin's blood were so minute that they indicated that Martin was not "high" or under the influence at the time of the confrontation with Zimmerman.

More importantly however, Zimmerman is not a police officer with arrest powers. Matter of fact, he didn't hold a license that would allow him to detain or arrest anyone so why was he running around playing cop and pretending he had the authority to engage in certain behaviors that he didn't (such as a bailbondsman, security officer, or even a private investigator in some states)? The only lawful course of action he had was to call the police and report his erroenous suspicions and then to allow the REAL police to come in and handle the situation but Martin was already dead by the time they arrived. If you follow someone without lawful authority with the intention to intimidate or frighten them and they are in fact alarmed, intimidated or frightened, one or more times no matter how short a time span, that constitutes stalking. It is also stalking even if the stalker's intent was not to frighten the victim as long as their actions did in fact frighten, intimidate, alarm, etc. the victim, at least in my jurisdiction, Florida's may be slightly different.

You all are confusing "priviledge" with actual lawful authority. One is real, the other is imaginary but you all have been getting away with this crap for centuries so I guess it stands to reason that so many of you actually believe it's real.
You can pretend Zimmerman was wrong, but you can't deny Martin was a criminal. It was proven he had illegal drugs in his system, that's a crime.
Wrong again, being "high" is not a crime. According to the published findings of the autopsy report the trace amounts of the active ingredient in marijuana (THC) that were found in Martin's blood were so minute that they indicated that Martin was not "high" or under the influence at the time of the confrontation with Zimmerman.

More importantly however, Zimmerman is not a police officer with arrest powers. Matter of fact, he didn't hold a license that would allow him to detain or arrest anyone so why was he running around playing cop and pretending he had the authority to engage in certain behaviors that he didn't (such as a bailbondsman, security officer, or even a private investigator in some states)? The only lawful course of action he had was to call the police and report his erroenous suspicions and then to allow the REAL police to come in and handle the situation but Martin was already dead by the time they arrived. If you follow someone without lawful authority with the intention to intimidate or frighten them and they are in fact alarmed, intimidated or frightened, one or more times no matter how short a time span, that constitutes stalking. It is also stalking even if the stalker's intent was not to frighten the victim as long as their actions did in fact frighten, intimidate, alarm, etc. the victim, at least in my jurisdiction, Florida's may be slightly different.

You all are confusing "priviledge" with actual lawful authority. One is real, the other is imaginary but you all have been getting away with this crap for centuries so I guess it stands to reason that so many of you actually believe it's real.
Had Trayvon not physically attacked Zimmerman, he would be alive today.

Just good advice. Don’t physically attack others.

This doesn’t alleviate Zimmerman of wrong doing. Had he not approached the thug Trayvon, his life would different today.
they questioned him???!!!!!???
wow--so much ''more information''--thank you SO much
I want to know the important stuff:
how he ties his shoes
which pant's leg he starts with
how he brushes his teeth
A.does he wipe his a$$ with his left or right hand [ very important ]
---a. which way his toilet paper comes out of the roll
does he sit or stand while urinating
does he chew his food on his left, right, or both sides
'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

It backs specifics of reports from classmates that Kavanaugh was a heavy drinker who was belligerant and agressive when he drank.
it does??????
throwing ice IDs you as a heavy drinker....................???
YOU are Columbo!! that's some of the most brilliant logic I've ever heard

If you lie under oath, that's a deal breaker. You shouldn't be any kind of judge if that's the case.

And Kavanaugh has already been caught lying.
Where?...... my guess is you are lying....

Kavanaugh said under oath that he drank legally in highschool, as the legal age for drinking was 18. He lied. When Kavanaugh was 18, the legal age for drinking was 21..

He actually didn't say that, dumbfuck. Read what he said carefully. Nowhere did he claim he as of legal age when he drank.

Kavanaugh also claimed that he didn't drink to excess. Many classmates have contradicted him, saying he was a heavy drinker who often became aggressive and belligerant when drunk.

He also did say that. The left is deliberately misconstruing what he said about drinking because they know the attempted rape narrative is swirling down the toilet.

Kavanaugh also changed his answer regarding blacking out. In his Fox News interview he claimed that he never blacked out. In his testimony, he was evasive and tried to dodge the question, insisting he didn't know.

Honest men don't need two accounts of the same events.

I don't recall his testimony on that issue/ However, even the person who made the claim admits he can't be sure of it. The term "black out" is a slang term, not a medical term, and therefore any claims about it are nebulous, at best.

Bottom line: You're a lying douchebag.
'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.
leftist are such a bunch of fucking hypocrits

if you did 10% the vetting of your people, you'd have no one able to run.
If you lie under oath, that's a deal breaker. You shouldn't be any kind of judge if that's the case.

And Kavanaugh has already been caught lying.
Where?...... my guess is you are lying....

Kavanaugh said under oath that he drank legally in highschool, as the legal age for drinking was 18. He lied. When Kavanaugh was 18, the legal age for drinking was 21..

He actually didn't say that, dumbfuck. Read what he said carefully. Nowhere did he claim he as of legal age when he drank.

Yes, he did.

As a Teen, Kavanaugh Was Never a Legal Drinker in Maryland

Kavanaugh also claimed that he didn't drink to excess. Many classmates have contradicted him, saying he was a heavy drinker who often became aggressive and belligerant when drunk.

He also did say that. The left is deliberately misconstruing what he said about drinking because they know the attempted rape narrative is swirling down the toilet.

No, they are proving he is a lying liar that doesn't have the temperament to be a supreme court judge.

Kavanaugh also changed his answer regarding blacking out. In his Fox News interview he claimed that he never blacked out. In his testimony, he was evasive and tried to dodge the question, insisting he didn't know.

Honest men don't need two accounts of the same events.

I don't recall his testimony on that issue/ However, even the person who made the claim admits he can't be sure of it. The term "black out" is a slang term, not a medical term, and therefore any claims about it are nebulous, at best.

Bottom line: You're a lying douchebag.

No Kavanagh is the lying drunk douche bag full of beer.
Also no one in a neighborhood watch is off duty if they see something they consider off, they make a call.
I think you have neighborhood watch volunteers confused with law enforcement officers whom the state has granted the lawful authority to do all of the things that you all keep trying to insist that Zimmerman had the right to do.

You do raise the point though that the NWV are authorized to call and report when they see something that they consider suspicious, but then again every one of us has this same right.

You can pretend Zimmerman was wrong, but you can't deny Martin was a criminal. It was proven he had illegal drugs in his system, that's a crime.
Zimmerman WAS wrong, I'm not pretending anything. I have the same damn license to carry a concealed weapon in the state of Florida that he has and can tell you that nowhere in any of the myriad of training courses I've been required to attend can you stalk someone, antagonize them into an unruly response and then shoot them and claim self-defense, not according to the letter or even the spirit of the law.

Keep crying, this is the last post I'm going to make on this topic because it's not the topic of the thread.

It boils down to two points, Martin shouldn't have started a gun fight with his fist and Zimmerman was acquitted by a jury of his peers. So get the fuck over it already.

Keep crying, this is the last post I'm going to make on this topic because it's not the topic of the thread.

It boils down to two points, Martin shouldn't have started a gun fight with his fist and Zimmerman was acquitted by a jury of his peers. So get the fuck over it already.

Trayvon didn't start a fight with the murderer George Zimmerman.

He was stalked by, and subsequently gunned down in cold blood by him.


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