Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985

Wow he threw ice at someone was it crushed or cubed?

It backs portions of an account of one of his classmates that contradicts Kavanaugh's testimony before congress:

On one of the last occasions I purposely socialized with Brett, I witnessed him respond to a semi-hostile remark, not by defusing the situation, but by throwing his beer in the man’s face and starting a fight that ended with one of our mutual friends in jail.

Chad Ludington’s Statement on Kavanaugh’s Drinking and Senate Testimony

There's a reason that Kavanaugh wouldn't back an FBI investigation. He doesn't want his past looked into.

Where did he say that he didn't back any investigation?

Why do you libtards always default to a lie?
Wow he threw ice at someone was it crushed or cubed?

It backs portions of an account of one of his classmates that contradicts Kavanaugh's testimony before congress:

On one of the last occasions I purposely socialized with Brett, I witnessed him respond to a semi-hostile remark, not by defusing the situation, but by throwing his beer in the man’s face and starting a fight that ended with one of our mutual friends in jail.

Chad Ludington’s Statement on Kavanaugh’s Drinking and Senate Testimony

There's a reason that Kavanaugh wouldn't back an FBI investigation. He doesn't want his past looked into.
Prove your lies.

Prove I'm lying.

That's no longer required, the new regressive standard in you must prove your innocence, until then, wear the banner of a liar. Unless you can get the FBI to say different.


Laughing......prove it, liar.

Hey that's the standards you commiecrats have set for Kavanaugh, you set the rules, you play by them. So it's on you to prove your innocence, liar. Of course the commiecrats released their investigation of Keith Ellison, they said you can't just accept a womans word, there has to be corroborating evidence. Hypocrisy much? Of course the law firm doing the investigation disregarded police reports and medical reports.

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'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

Oh my god, he threw ice on an obnoxious loser, hang that mother fucker. :rolleyes:
Call the FBI!
It backs portions of an account of one of his classmates that contradicts Kavanaugh's testimony before congress:

There's a reason that Kavanaugh wouldn't back an FBI investigation. He doesn't want his past looked into.
Prove your lies.

Prove I'm lying.

That's no longer required, the new regressive standard in you must prove your innocence, until then, wear the banner of a liar. Unless you can get the FBI to say different.


Laughing......prove it, liar.

Hey that's the standards you commiecrats have set for Kavanaugh, you sit the rules, you play by them. So it's on you to prove your innocence, liar. Of course the commiecrats released their investigation of Keith Ellison, they said you can't just accept a womans word, there has to be corroborating evidence. Hypocrisy much? Of course the law firm doing the investigation disregarded police reports and medical reports.

Even without the video, there's far more evidence to convict Ellison than there is to convict Kavanaugh.
I am not at all a fan of Lindsey Graham… But on this I agree with him. This fucking bitch has no proof whatsoever and has been paid to lie... No two ways about

Laughing.....paid to lie by who? Her CIA 'grandfather' Nicholas Deak?

What about the conservative mentality makes them so damn susceptible to batshit conspniracy theories?

So who gets the $500k go fund me account, probably more by now. Her lawyers paid for polygraph and are working for free, no need to pay them.

If you lie under oath, that's a deal breaker. You shouldn't be any kind of judge if that's the case.

And Kavanaugh has already been caught lying.
Where?...... my guess is you are lying....

Kavanaugh said under oath that he drank legally in highschool, as the legal age for drinking was 18. He lied. When Kavanaugh was 18, the legal age for drinking was 21.

Kavanaugh also claimed that he didn't drink to excess. Many classmates have contradicted him, saying he was a heavy drinker who often became aggressive and belligerant when drunk.

Kavanaugh also changed his answer regarding blacking out. In his Fox News interview he claimed that he never blacked out. In his testimony, he was evasive and tried to dodge the question, insisting he didn't know.

Honest men don't need two accounts of the same events.

Do you not know the difference in a mistake and a lie? Of course not, because all you ever seem to do is lie. I'll bet you claim you never made a mistake in your life, and that would be a lie, but making a mistake is not a lie.

You want to hear a strange situation? I was 17 when I joined the Navy, and there was no drinking age for sailors on our bases. Then I turned 18, and was stationed in Alabama where the drinking age was 19, so legally I could not drink. I lived part-time in Georgia where the drinking age was 18, and I could drink. I turned 21 in 1981, and never looked back. Most states made their drinking age 21 about the time I turned 23.

Perhaps those changes were why Kavanaugh was confused. He was literally only off by 7 months.

Ford can't even remember when the incident occurred, much less tell you why she was drinking at the ripe old age of 15.
If you lie under oath, that's a deal breaker. You shouldn't be any kind of judge if that's the case.

And Kavanaugh has already been caught lying.
Where?...... my guess is you are lying....

Kavanaugh said under oath that he drank legally in highschool, as the legal age for drinking was 18. He lied. When Kavanaugh was 18, the legal age for drinking was 21.

Kavanaugh also claimed that he didn't drink to excess. Many classmates have contradicted him, saying he was a heavy drinker who often became aggressive and belligerant when drunk.

Kavanaugh also changed his answer regarding blacking out. In his Fox News interview he claimed that he never blacked out. In his testimony, he was evasive and tried to dodge the question, insisting he didn't know.

Honest men don't need two accounts of the same events.

If you blacked out, would you even remember blacking out, because you blacked out?
I guess if you were a teenager you now are not eligible for the Supreme Court....

If you lie under oath, that's a deal breaker. You shouldn't be any kind of judge if that's the case.

And Kavanaugh has already been caught lying.


it's gone from she said/he said, to she lied/he lied?

Kavanaugh said under oath that he drank legally in highschool, as the legal age for drinking was 18. He lied. When Kavanaugh was 18, the legal age for drinking was 21.

Kavanaugh also claimed that he didn't drink to excess. Many classmates have contradicted him, saying he was a heavy drinker who often became aggressive and belligerant when drunk.

Kavanaugh also changed his answer regarding blacking out. In his Fox News interview he claimed that he never blacked out. In his testimony, he was evasive and tried to dodge the question, insisting he didn't know.

Honest men don't need two accounts of the same events.

Kavanaugh's credibility is in tatters regardless of what you think about Chrsitine Blasey Ford.

You got a transcript on that or a link? I don't recall hearing what you claim.


For you, liar? Nope. Liars don't get links.

Nice to see you admitting you're a liar by not getting links. You're not very smart are ya?

If you lie under oath, that's a deal breaker. You shouldn't be any kind of judge if that's the case.

And Kavanaugh has already been caught lying.
Where?...... my guess is you are lying....

Kavanaugh said under oath that he drank legally in highschool, as the legal age for drinking was 18. He lied. When Kavanaugh was 18, the legal age for drinking was 21.

Kavanaugh also claimed that he didn't drink to excess. Many classmates have contradicted him, saying he was a heavy drinker who often became aggressive and belligerant when drunk.

Kavanaugh also changed his answer regarding blacking out. In his Fox News interview he claimed that he never blacked out. In his testimony, he was evasive and tried to dodge the question, insisting he didn't know.

Honest men don't need two accounts of the same events.

If you blacked out, would you even remember blacking out, because you blacked out?
You can black out but not fall down and just keep rocking and remember zero next day
Oh please, he was a little shit who got tough after Zimmerman broke off his stalking. Had he gone home, he'd be alive today.
Is that a fact?
Well this is enlightening. All of the Zimmerman worshippers I've seen on these boards swore up & down that what Zimmerman was doing didn't constitute stalking under any set of circumstances but most certainly not under Florida law.

You funny GI, Zimmerman was watching what he considered a suspicious person in his neighborhood, in the performance of his neighborhood watch duties. You can't be charged for stalking by keeping an eye on a criminal.

'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.

Oh my god, he threw ice on an obnoxious loser, hang that mother fucker. :rolleyes:
No, the obnoxious loser threw ice on a patron and possibly the glass as well.

The obnoxious loser? Why did you do it and they blamed someone else?
If you lie under oath, that's a deal breaker. You shouldn't be any kind of judge if that's the case.

And Kavanaugh has already been caught lying.
Where?...... my guess is you are lying....

Kavanaugh said under oath that he drank legally in highschool, as the legal age for drinking was 18. He lied. When Kavanaugh was 18, the legal age for drinking was 21.

Kavanaugh also claimed that he didn't drink to excess. Many classmates have contradicted him, saying he was a heavy drinker who often became aggressive and belligerant when drunk.

Kavanaugh also changed his answer regarding blacking out. In his Fox News interview he claimed that he never blacked out. In his testimony, he was evasive and tried to dodge the question, insisting he didn't know.

Honest men don't need two accounts of the same events.

If you blacked out, would you even remember blacking out, because you blacked out?
You can black out but not fall down and just keep rocking and remember zero next day

I have days like that and I don;t drink! :D

My comment was sarcasm, BTW!
Brett Kavanaugh shows every indicstion of being a normal male. He has been an exemplary jurist for three decades. Confirm the man.
Oh yea, another great choice in a long line of great choices.

Who the fuck is John Fugelsang, and why should anyone care?
'Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of starting an altercation while he was a student at Yale, according to a 1985 police report obtained by CNN, after police responded "in regards to an assault."

In the New Haven, Connecticut, police department report, a man named Dom Cozzolino said Kavanaugh had thrown ice on him and Kavanaugh's friend Chris Dudley had thrown a glass that hit him in the ear.
"The argument between the two started when Mr. Cozzolino stated that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice at him for some unknown reason and he then got hit in the ear with a glass," the report says.
Dudley denied the allegations, according to the report, "and Mr. Kavanaugh didn't (want) to say if he threw the ice or not. "'

Police questioned Kavanaugh after bar fight in 1985 - CNNPolitics

Not saying it's a big deal...but it's more information about Kavanaugh's past.
Not convicted, dammit.

The thing with the Ford allegation was bullshit that just shows what everyone already knew. The Democratic party is nothing but scum and people with TDS are just plain crazy.

However, It is socially unacceptable for men to cry in public. Men just don't do that. And I think Kav couldn't help himself from crying because he was drunk. We don't need a guy who can't even stay sober, on the most important day of his career, on the supreme court.

So I really hope the FBI does find some legitimate dirt that is serious enough put Kavanaugh out of the running. There are plenty of other good judges that Trump can nominate. And it would be better to have the the confirmation process after the election anyways because the process of draining Flake from the swamp will be over with. The spiteful Flake's shenanigans and desperately grasping for anything as he was being flushed contributed to the Democrat circus.
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The fucking bitch cannot remember what happened where it happened at all and has no proof. She should be treated like a piece of shit she is

Says the hapless soul that gobbled a batshit conspiracy because a picture on the internet told him to.

Sorry, Rustic......but your assessment of credibility is essentially meaningless. You've called for Christine Blasey Ford's execution based on whatever silly batshit you've been told to believe.

No thank you.
The fucking bitch is lying, and getting paid to do so....

Says you, the same gullible rube that gobbled the Nicholas Deak conspiracy theory. Backed by nothing. Just a jpeg that told you what to believe.

Yet based on a single picture on the internet, you called for Christine Blasey Ford's execution.

That you've made up yet another batshit conspiracy theory, backed by nothing, doesn't amount to much.
Dr. Ford has no credibility because she can’t even remember when and what happened, and Has no proof. The fucking bitch is lying and should be treated like a fucking lying kunt.

Dr. Ford's testimony was very credible. With more people believing her account than Kavanaugh's.

Kavanaugh also lied under oath repeatedly. And unlike the absurd batshit conspiracy theories you've gobbled about Nicholas Deak, Kavanaugh's lies are verifiable.

Kavanaugh claimed that he drank legally in highschool, as the legal drinking age was 18. He lied. The legal drinking age when Kavanaugh was 18 was 21.

Kavanaugh claimed that he didn't drink to excess. Yet multiple classmates have contradicted him, saying that Kavanaugh was a heavy drinker that became agressive and belligerant when drunk, sometimes starting fights.

Kavanaugh also changed his story regarding blacking out. On Fox News, Kavanaugh claimed he was never blacked out. Yet when asked the same question under oath, Kavanaugh became evasive and tried to dodge the question, claiming he didn't know.

Honest men don't need two different accounts of the same events.

Sorry, Rustic.....but despite your demands, we're not going to execute Christine Blasey Ford.

You realize that repeating the same posts over and over again is sure sign of alcohol dependency. When are you going to invoke the "it takes one to know one" rule?
I guess if you were a teenager you now are not eligible for the Supreme Court....

If you lie under oath, that's a deal breaker. You shouldn't be any kind of judge if that's the case.

And Kavanaugh has already been caught lying.


it's gone from she said/he said, to she lied/he lied?

Kavanaugh said under oath that he drank legally in highschool, as the legal age for drinking was 18. He lied. When Kavanaugh was 18, the legal age for drinking was 21.

Kavanaugh also claimed that he didn't drink to excess. Many classmates have contradicted him, saying he was a heavy drinker who often became aggressive and belligerant when drunk.

Kavanaugh also changed his answer regarding blacking out. In his Fox News interview he claimed that he never blacked out. In his testimony, he was evasive and tried to dodge the question, insisting he didn't know.

Honest men don't need two accounts of the same events.

Kavanaugh's credibility is in tatters regardless of what you think about Chrsitine Blasey Ford.

You got a transcript on that or a link? I don't recall hearing what you claim.


Of course he doesn't! He lies continuously! If he didn't, they would kick him out the DNC!
I guess if you were a teenager you now are not eligible for the Supreme Court....

If you lie under oath, that's a deal breaker. You shouldn't be any kind of judge if that's the case.

And Kavanaugh has already been caught lying.


it's gone from she said/he said, to she lied/he lied?

Kavanaugh said under oath that he drank legally in highschool, as the legal age for drinking was 18. He lied. When Kavanaugh was 18, the legal age for drinking was 21.

Kavanaugh also claimed that he didn't drink to excess. Many classmates have contradicted him, saying he was a heavy drinker who often became aggressive and belligerant when drunk.

Kavanaugh also changed his answer regarding blacking out. In his Fox News interview he claimed that he never blacked out. In his testimony, he was evasive and tried to dodge the question, insisting he didn't know.

Honest men don't need two accounts of the same events.

Kavanaugh's credibility is in tatters regardless of what you think about Chrsitine Blasey Ford.

You got a transcript on that or a link? I don't recall hearing what you claim.


For you, liar? Nope. Liars don't get links.

It's because you don't have one. Go ahead and post your libtard talking points from your daily email. CNN, MSNBC and all of the rest of the lame stream media cannot be using the exact same words to describe events without them!

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