Police Raid Man’s Home WITHOUT A WARRANT After He Criticized Them On Facebook

Um...yes. You put 1,000,000 people together...a few will not follow the rules.
But when those few violate the rules millions of times it becomes every bit as serious a problem as the full million doing it a few times. And when all wear the same uniform the inevitable result is what we are witnessing today.
Dear God you are fucking mentally ill! So now you are claiming a few 'bad apple cops' violate the rules "millions of times".
You have fucking zero clue about what is demanded of any PO. Fucking Zero.
You wouldn't make it past the intake screening process. They'd stamp a big 'CANMS' on your application.
Do you know what 'CANMS' means???????????
No shit pal. It means 'Candidate Appears Not Mentally Stable'.
I have stamped lots of applications which meet your description.

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