Police Raid Man’s Home WITHOUT A WARRANT After He Criticized Them On Facebook

You just quoted yourself saying "people like this moron wants to fight the police".

which is NOT the same as saying in that particular case he was fighting with police.

Not my fault you can't read.

I know what it's not...im wondering why you brought up fighting at all when that wasn't the case. Like I said you keep saying things that don't apply to this situation and using it as an excuse. I didn't bring it up, you did. If it doesn't apply then don't throw into the discussion. That's all.
So, wait...They raided his house and said that he came out with his hands up and the police said THAT was a SUSPICIOUS behavior. They also said they dont need a warrant because a child there gave them permission. AND they were there about a 911 call but they WILL NOT RELEASE THE 911 CALL.

Now seriously, who can defend violating someones 4th amendment right based on an unconfirmed and unwilling to confirm story from cops who already acted seemingly unlawfully?

4th Amendment doesn't apply if the police believe someone is in danger .

or if they make up a 911 call that doesnt exist.

For instance , you can't be beating on your wife and when the cops show up, tell them to get a warrant and slam the door in their face.

Now, let me explain how the law works here for you.

They claim they had exigent circumstances (a 911 caller says they had a woman crying for assistance) when they show up at your door and tell you that, you don't have a 4th Amendment to stand on. Regardless of whether they found said woman or not, because they acted in good faith.

I know but that wasnt the case here...We are talking about this case arent we?

Now , here is where it gets tricky, if they enter your home under such exigent circumstances, it doesn't matter if you have a kilo of a coke out on your living room table, they can not arrest you for that ( unless they could view it from plain site outside your home, but let's stick with basics.

The ONLY thing the police are entitled to look for is a woman in distress.

So why in the fuck would you argue with them? Let them in and be done with it.

He didnt argue, again...Are we talking about this case or not?

ALso, my guess is this guy was a known entity to police. They don't just generally go around cuffing people.

But they did just cuff him and said that him coming out the door with his hands up was suspicious. Now a universal sign of surrender is characterized as suspicious. Thats a deep dark slope you're about to go down

So, the correct action is you ask them why they want entry, then you let them enter, they have a right to expediently enter if someone might be in danger, they don't even have to ask, let alone convince you they have a valid reason.

He opened the door and they cuffed him, again are we talking about this case or not?

Then AFTER the incident is over you ask them to show why they felt someone was in danger in your home.

They left afterwards and didnt say anything. This case bro or some other case?

Do you get that the police put a person's health and life ahead of your fourth amendment rights, and the courts have ruled that that is just?

Yes but do you get they made up a reason to harrass this guy and used the phoney 911 call as cover?

yes, in this case it turns out there was no one in danger, but the police didn't know that.

So that means they can just come stomping into anyones house as long as they say they believe someone was in danger. All they have to do is say the magic words that absolve them from wrong doing...."I believe!"

Now , after the incident is over if the police lied about a 911 call to gain entry, that's another matter entirely. As is if someone called 911 and lied about such.

They are refusing to release the tape so you tell me if they are lying. Its pretty easy to prove they arent btu they hold the keys to the evidence.

Yes in fact, they CAN "stomp" into anyone's house if they believe someone is in danger.

The key is it has to be a credible belief, or it IS a fourth amendment violation.

IF in this instance it turns out there is no 911 tape justifying their entry, THEN these cops violated the man's 4th amendment rights.

As for the man putting his hands up.

listen carefully, I was a military cop for 24 years, I didn't want suspects (and this guy WAS a suspect at that point) making ANY moves until I told them to. None. I didn't want them pulling their hands out of their pocket, I didn't want them jumping out of their car to see what they did wrong, I didn't want them digging for the knife they had in their waistband. NOTHING. just stand still until I tell you to move.

How hard is that to understand and comply with?

In other words: you wanted them to read your mind, so that when they didn't, you could kill them if you felt like it.

No wonder you defend bad cops...you were one.
Anytime guano posts something I'm skeptical of it's value, and with sources that are as credible as the daily kos I'm sure it's loaded with bullshit.

If the story is exactly as written, the cops will certainly be liable for a lawsuit. Something tells me there is a lot more to the story though.

View attachment 49004

Yes and usually all it takes is a little bit of digging to find his posts are completely bogus. After just now doing a search, I can find absolutely no links to this incident.

Apparently nothing came of it. Odds are you are correct.
I'm going to predict right here and now that nothing comes of this. I'm basing it solely on the fact that Guno posted it and he's almost totally wrong almost all of the time.

Can't wait to see what happens.
No wonder you defend bad cops...you were one.

Read my mind? No stupid, I gave them lawful orders. "don't move" doesn't require mind reading.

And besides that anyone with even a lick of common sense knows not to reach into their pockets or make sudden moves when dealing with a LEO.

Kiss my ass with your bullshit, I've never defended a bad cop.
I'm going to predict right here and now that nothing comes of this. I'm basing it solely on the fact that Guno posted it and he's almost totally wrong almost all of the time.

Can't wait to see what happens.

Of course nothing will come this because the cops will investigate themselves and determine they did nothing wrong.
A guy standing in his own driveway filming cops is illegal? You are a real fuking moron
The virtual worship of police authority has become a serious problem in America in that it reflects an increasing authoritarian/submissive disposition on the part of the public.
I'm going to predict right here and now that nothing comes of this. I'm basing it solely on the fact that Guno posted it and he's almost totally wrong almost all of the time.

Can't wait to see what happens.

Of course nothing will come this because the cops will investigate themselves and determine they did nothing wrong.

Already practicing your excuse I see.
I'm going to predict right here and now that nothing comes of this. I'm basing it solely on the fact that Guno posted it and he's almost totally wrong almost all of the time.

Can't wait to see what happens.

Of course nothing will come this because the cops will investigate themselves and determine they did nothing wrong.

Already practicing your excuse I see.

You can call recognizing patterns as an excuse if you want. But we both know you can't say it doesn't happen....unless you're willing to say stupid shit.
I'm going to predict right here and now that nothing comes of this. I'm basing it solely on the fact that Guno posted it and he's almost totally wrong almost all of the time.

Can't wait to see what happens.

Of course nothing will come this because the cops will investigate themselves and determine they did nothing wrong.

Already practicing your excuse I see.

You can call recognizing patterns as an excuse if you want. But we both know you can't say it doesn't happen....unless you're willing to say stupid shit.

It doesn't happen anywhere near the frequency you asshats claim it does
I'm going to predict right here and now that nothing comes of this. I'm basing it solely on the fact that Guno posted it and he's almost totally wrong almost all of the time.

Can't wait to see what happens.

Of course nothing will come this because the cops will investigate themselves and determine they did nothing wrong.

Already practicing your excuse I see.

You can call recognizing patterns as an excuse if you want. But we both know you can't say it doesn't happen....unless you're willing to say stupid shit.

It doesn't happen anywhere near the frequency you asshats claim it does

Ah, so it does happen! You're not as stupid as I thought.
I'm going to predict right here and now that nothing comes of this. I'm basing it solely on the fact that Guno posted it and he's almost totally wrong almost all of the time.

Can't wait to see what happens.

Of course nothing will come this because the cops will investigate themselves and determine they did nothing wrong.

Already practicing your excuse I see.

You can call recognizing patterns as an excuse if you want. But we both know you can't say it doesn't happen....unless you're willing to say stupid shit.

It doesn't happen anywhere near the frequency you asshats claim it does

Ah, so it does happen! You're not as stupid as I thought.

Bull shit, you don't think, you never have.
I'm going to predict right here and now that nothing comes of this. I'm basing it solely on the fact that Guno posted it and he's almost totally wrong almost all of the time.

Can't wait to see what happens.

Of course nothing will come this because the cops will investigate themselves and determine they did nothing wrong.

Already practicing your excuse I see.

You can call recognizing patterns as an excuse if you want. But we both know you can't say it doesn't happen....unless you're willing to say stupid shit.

It doesn't happen anywhere near the frequency you asshats claim it does

Ah, so it does happen! You're not as stupid as I thought.

Um...yes. You put 1,000,000 people together...a few will not follow the rules.

Wow. ClosedCaption you really broke some news there.
A guy standing in his own driveway filming cops is illegal? You are a real fuking moron
The virtual worship of police authority has become a serious problem in America in that it reflects an increasing authoritarian/submissive disposition on the part of the public.
Ya and you're the first pansy asshole to go whining to the cops when you feel threatened.
You're the reason the cops are trained to never take any chances when detaining anyone ever.
As you have shown the country is full of sub-human scum who were raised by LIB parents not to have any respect for anyone in authority.
Like teachers/cops/the legal system.
The scumbag who was standing in his driveway attempting to incite the cops has a mile long history of petty criminal incidents and a history of spousal abuse.
The 911 operator alerted the cop's dispatcher who then sent the cops to the scumbag's house b/c she received a 911 call from a hysterical woman claiming she heard a woman screaming for help coming from the house.
Does anyone in their right mind honestly think the 911 operator and or the cops would 'make up' the distress call?
If so you need to see a physiatrist.
Of course nothing will come this because the cops will investigate themselves and determine they did nothing wrong.

Already practicing your excuse I see.

You can call recognizing patterns as an excuse if you want. But we both know you can't say it doesn't happen....unless you're willing to say stupid shit.

It doesn't happen anywhere near the frequency you asshats claim it does

Ah, so it does happen! You're not as stupid as I thought.

Bull shit, you don't think, you never have.

Well, you agreed with me so what does that say? Lol
Of course nothing will come this because the cops will investigate themselves and determine they did nothing wrong.

Already practicing your excuse I see.

You can call recognizing patterns as an excuse if you want. But we both know you can't say it doesn't happen....unless you're willing to say stupid shit.

It doesn't happen anywhere near the frequency you asshats claim it does

Ah, so it does happen! You're not as stupid as I thought.

Um...yes. You put 1,000,000 people together...a few will not follow the rules.

Wow. ClosedCaption you really broke some news there.

I said they break the rules AND get off. But nice try tho!
Um...yes. You put 1,000,000 people together...a few will not follow the rules.
But when those few violate the rules millions of times it becomes every bit as serious a problem as the full million doing it a few times. And when all wear the same uniform the inevitable result is what we are witnessing today.

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