Police Raid Man’s Home WITHOUT A WARRANT After He Criticized Them On Facebook

So, wait...They raided his house and said that he came out with his hands up and the police said THAT was a SUSPICIOUS behavior. They also said they dont need a warrant because a child there gave them permission. AND they were there about a 911 call but they WILL NOT RELEASE THE 911 CALL.

Now seriously, who can defend violating someones 4th amendment right based on an unconfirmed and unwilling to confirm story from cops who already acted seemingly unlawfully?

4th Amendment doesn't apply if the police believe someone is in danger .

or if they make up a 911 call that doesnt exist.

For instance , you can't be beating on your wife and when the cops show up, tell them to get a warrant and slam the door in their face.

Now, let me explain how the law works here for you.

They claim they had exigent circumstances (a 911 caller says they had a woman crying for assistance) when they show up at your door and tell you that, you don't have a 4th Amendment to stand on. Regardless of whether they found said woman or not, because they acted in good faith.

I know but that wasnt the case here...We are talking about this case arent we?

Now , here is where it gets tricky, if they enter your home under such exigent circumstances, it doesn't matter if you have a kilo of a coke out on your living room table, they can not arrest you for that ( unless they could view it from plain site outside your home, but let's stick with basics.

The ONLY thing the police are entitled to look for is a woman in distress.

So why in the fuck would you argue with them? Let them in and be done with it.

He didnt argue, again...Are we talking about this case or not?

ALso, my guess is this guy was a known entity to police. They don't just generally go around cuffing people.

But they did just cuff him and said that him coming out the door with his hands up was suspicious. Now a universal sign of surrender is characterized as suspicious. Thats a deep dark slope you're about to go down

So, the correct action is you ask them why they want entry, then you let them enter, they have a right to expediently enter if someone might be in danger, they don't even have to ask, let alone convince you they have a valid reason.

He opened the door and they cuffed him, again are we talking about this case or not?

Then AFTER the incident is over you ask them to show why they felt someone was in danger in your home.

They left afterwards and didnt say anything. This case bro or some other case?

Do you get that the police put a person's health and life ahead of your fourth amendment rights, and the courts have ruled that that is just?

Yes but do you get they made up a reason to harrass this guy and used the phoney 911 call as cover?

yes, in this case it turns out there was no one in danger, but the police didn't know that.

So that means they can just come stomping into anyones house as long as they say they believe someone was in danger. All they have to do is say the magic words that absolve them from wrong doing...."I believe!"

Now , after the incident is over if the police lied about a 911 call to gain entry, that's another matter entirely. As is if someone called 911 and lied about such.

They are refusing to release the tape so you tell me if they are lying. Its pretty easy to prove they arent btu they hold the keys to the evidence.
So, wait...They raided his house and said that he came out with his hands up and the police said THAT was a SUSPICIOUS behavior. They also said they dont need a warrant because a child there gave them permission. AND they were there about a 911 call but they WILL NOT RELEASE THE 911 CALL.

Now seriously, who can defend violating someones 4th amendment right based on an unconfirmed and unwilling to confirm story from cops who already acted seemingly unlawfully?

4th Amendment doesn't apply if the police believe someone is in danger .

or if they make up a 911 call that doesnt exist.

For instance , you can't be beating on your wife and when the cops show up, tell them to get a warrant and slam the door in their face.

Now, let me explain how the law works here for you.

They claim they had exigent circumstances (a 911 caller says they had a woman crying for assistance) when they show up at your door and tell you that, you don't have a 4th Amendment to stand on. Regardless of whether they found said woman or not, because they acted in good faith.

I know but that wasnt the case here...We are talking about this case arent we?

Now , here is where it gets tricky, if they enter your home under such exigent circumstances, it doesn't matter if you have a kilo of a coke out on your living room table, they can not arrest you for that ( unless they could view it from plain site outside your home, but let's stick with basics.

The ONLY thing the police are entitled to look for is a woman in distress.

So why in the fuck would you argue with them? Let them in and be done with it.

He didnt argue, again...Are we talking about this case or not?

ALso, my guess is this guy was a known entity to police. They don't just generally go around cuffing people.

But they did just cuff him and said that him coming out the door with his hands up was suspicious. Now a universal sign of surrender is characterized as suspicious. Thats a deep dark slope you're about to go down

So, the correct action is you ask them why they want entry, then you let them enter, they have a right to expediently enter if someone might be in danger, they don't even have to ask, let alone convince you they have a valid reason.

He opened the door and they cuffed him, again are we talking about this case or not?

Then AFTER the incident is over you ask them to show why they felt someone was in danger in your home.

They left afterwards and didnt say anything. This case bro or some other case?

Do you get that the police put a person's health and life ahead of your fourth amendment rights, and the courts have ruled that that is just?

Yes but do you get they made up a reason to harrass this guy and used the phoney 911 call as cover?

yes, in this case it turns out there was no one in danger, but the police didn't know that.

So that means they can just come stomping into anyones house as long as they say they believe someone was in danger. All they have to do is say the magic words that absolve them from wrong doing...."I believe!"

Now , after the incident is over if the police lied about a 911 call to gain entry, that's another matter entirely. As is if someone called 911 and lied about such.

They are refusing to release the tape so you tell me if they are lying. Its pretty easy to prove they arent btu they hold the keys to the evidence.

Yes in fact, they CAN "stomp" into anyone's house if they believe someone is in danger.

The key is it has to be a credible belief, or it IS a fourth amendment violation.

IF in this instance it turns out there is no 911 tape justifying their entry, THEN these cops violated the man's 4th amendment rights.

As for the man putting his hands up.

listen carefully, I was a military cop for 24 years, I didn't want suspects (and this guy WAS a suspect at that point) making ANY moves until I told them to. None. I didn't want them pulling their hands out of their pocket, I didn't want them jumping out of their car to see what they did wrong, I didn't want them digging for the knife they had in their waistband. NOTHING. just stand still until I tell you to move.

How hard is that to understand and comply with?
Well that destroys the entire premise of the 4th amendment then.

Also if putting your hands up is now suspicious then they can come into your house and just say they believed something. Arrest you for being suspicious by putting your hands in the air. AND allowed to keep any evidence that may show they did wrong to themselves.

Thats a dangerous dangerous road you're going down bro. Basically, whatever a cop says goes....Laws dont matter at least unless a cop says "Yes I entered the house and did NOT believe anyone to be in danger". Chances of that happening is 0
Well that destroys the entire premise of the 4th amendment then.

Also if putting your hands up is now suspicious then they can come into your house and just say they believed something. Arrest you for being suspicious by putting your hands in the air. AND allowed to keep any evidence that may show they did wrong to themselves.

Thats a dangerous dangerous road you're going down bro. Basically, whatever a cop says goes....Laws dont matter at least unless a cop says "Yes I entered the house and did NOT believe anyone to be in danger". Chances of that happening is 0
Maybe our police need to be taught "jive" talk in order to be understood.
Well that destroys the entire premise of the 4th amendment then.

Also if putting your hands up is now suspicious then they can come into your house and just say they believed something. Arrest you for being suspicious by putting your hands in the air. AND allowed to keep any evidence that may show they did wrong to themselves.

Thats a dangerous dangerous road you're going down bro. Basically, whatever a cop says goes....Laws dont matter at least unless a cop says "Yes I entered the house and did NOT believe anyone to be in danger". Chances of that happening is 0

Bro, you're not listening.

Cops have to be able to back their shit up. If this police department can't produce the 911 evidence that led them to believe a woman was in danger in that house, they are fucked.

Now , in the military things are slightly different so not everything directly translates, but let me tell you a story.

Was on duty once, got a domestic disturbance call, reports of shouting and a woman crying for danger. We show up and knock on the door and the guy answers the door, he looks calm we don't hear any disturbances or see anything that leads us to believe anything is amiss. we ask him where is wife is, he says she's out of town, anyone else home? no. well there's only one vehicle in the driveway so sounds plausible, Everything looks okay. We leave.

Two days later we're back , the guy had killed his wife.

You don't fucking take chances when you have a report of someone in danger.

The slippery slope is you imagining that police everywhere are abusing this authority, they are not. Even if in this one case they did, it is not an epidemic.
So, wait...They raided his house and said that he came out with his hands up and the police said THAT was a SUSPICIOUS behavior. They also said they dont need a warrant because a child there gave them permission. AND they were there about a 911 call but they WILL NOT RELEASE THE 911 CALL.

Now seriously, who can defend violating someones 4th amendment right based on an unconfirmed and unwilling to confirm story from cops who already acted seemingly unlawfully?

4th Amendment doesn't apply if the police believe someone is in danger .

or if they make up a 911 call that doesnt exist.

For instance , you can't be beating on your wife and when the cops show up, tell them to get a warrant and slam the door in their face.

Now, let me explain how the law works here for you.

They claim they had exigent circumstances (a 911 caller says they had a woman crying for assistance) when they show up at your door and tell you that, you don't have a 4th Amendment to stand on. Regardless of whether they found said woman or not, because they acted in good faith.

I know but that wasnt the case here...We are talking about this case arent we?

Now , here is where it gets tricky, if they enter your home under such exigent circumstances, it doesn't matter if you have a kilo of a coke out on your living room table, they can not arrest you for that ( unless they could view it from plain site outside your home, but let's stick with basics.

The ONLY thing the police are entitled to look for is a woman in distress.

So why in the fuck would you argue with them? Let them in and be done with it.

He didnt argue, again...Are we talking about this case or not?

ALso, my guess is this guy was a known entity to police. They don't just generally go around cuffing people.

But they did just cuff him and said that him coming out the door with his hands up was suspicious. Now a universal sign of surrender is characterized as suspicious. Thats a deep dark slope you're about to go down

So, the correct action is you ask them why they want entry, then you let them enter, they have a right to expediently enter if someone might be in danger, they don't even have to ask, let alone convince you they have a valid reason.

He opened the door and they cuffed him, again are we talking about this case or not?

Then AFTER the incident is over you ask them to show why they felt someone was in danger in your home.

They left afterwards and didnt say anything. This case bro or some other case?

Do you get that the police put a person's health and life ahead of your fourth amendment rights, and the courts have ruled that that is just?

Yes but do you get they made up a reason to harrass this guy and used the phoney 911 call as cover?

yes, in this case it turns out there was no one in danger, but the police didn't know that.

So that means they can just come stomping into anyones house as long as they say they believe someone was in danger. All they have to do is say the magic words that absolve them from wrong doing...."I believe!"

Now , after the incident is over if the police lied about a 911 call to gain entry, that's another matter entirely. As is if someone called 911 and lied about such.

They are refusing to release the tape so you tell me if they are lying. Its pretty easy to prove they arent btu they hold the keys to the evidence.

Yes in fact, they CAN "stomp" into anyone's house if they believe someone is in danger.

The key is it has to be a credible belief, or it IS a fourth amendment violation.

IF in this instance it turns out there is no 911 tape justifying their entry, THEN these cops violated the man's 4th amendment rights.

As for the man putting his hands up.

listen carefully, I was a military cop for 24 years, I didn't want suspects (and this guy WAS a suspect at that point) making ANY moves until I told them to. None. I didn't want them pulling their hands out of their pocket, I didn't want them jumping out of their car to see what they did wrong, I didn't want them digging for the knife they had in their waistband. NOTHING. just stand still until I tell you to move.

How hard is that to understand and comply with?


Well that destroys the entire premise of the 4th amendment then.

Also if putting your hands up is now suspicious then they can come into your house and just say they believed something. Arrest you for being suspicious by putting your hands in the air. AND allowed to keep any evidence that may show they did wrong to themselves.

Thats a dangerous dangerous road you're going down bro. Basically, whatever a cop says goes....Laws dont matter at least unless a cop says "Yes I entered the house and did NOT believe anyone to be in danger". Chances of that happening is 0
Maybe our police need to be taught "jive" talk in order to be understood.

White people dont speak jive. Oh you thought this was a black guy this happened too? lmao...sorry bro, the police are getting more bold and taking their act to suburbia
Well that destroys the entire premise of the 4th amendment then.

Also if putting your hands up is now suspicious then they can come into your house and just say they believed something. Arrest you for being suspicious by putting your hands in the air. AND allowed to keep any evidence that may show they did wrong to themselves.

Thats a dangerous dangerous road you're going down bro. Basically, whatever a cop says goes....Laws dont matter at least unless a cop says "Yes I entered the house and did NOT believe anyone to be in danger". Chances of that happening is 0
Maybe our police need to be taught "jive" talk in order to be understood.

White people dont speak jive. Oh you thought this was a black guy this happened too? lmao...sorry bro, the police are getting more bold and taking their act to suburbia

Of course there are white people who speak jive, why so racist?
Well that destroys the entire premise of the 4th amendment then.

Also if putting your hands up is now suspicious then they can come into your house and just say they believed something. Arrest you for being suspicious by putting your hands in the air. AND allowed to keep any evidence that may show they did wrong to themselves.

Thats a dangerous dangerous road you're going down bro. Basically, whatever a cop says goes....Laws dont matter at least unless a cop says "Yes I entered the house and did NOT believe anyone to be in danger". Chances of that happening is 0

Bro, you're not listening.

Cops have to be able to back their shit up. If this police department can't produce the 911 evidence that led them to believe a woman was in danger in that house, they are fucked.

Not according to the chief who basically gave everyone who asked for it the finger.

Now , in the military things are slightly different so not everything directly translates, but let me tell you a story.

Was on duty once, got a domestic disturbance call, reports of shouting and a woman crying for danger. We show up and knock on the door and the guy answers the door, he looks calm we don't hear any disturbances or see anything that leads us to believe anything is amiss. we ask him where is wife is, he says she's out of town, anyone else home? no. well there's only one vehicle in the driveway so sounds plausible, Everything looks okay. We leave.

Two days later we're back , the guy had killed his wife.

You don't fucking take chances when you have a report of someone in danger.

The slippery slope is you imagining that police everywhere are abusing this authority, they are not. Even if in this one case they did, it is not an epidemic.

It doesnt matter if they are one place abusing their authority if its allowed to continue in one area it creates a precedent for others to do the same and the only thing stopping them is their own moral compass.

They did all of those things and refused to prove anything. Now who do you call if the police are abusing their power? The police? Or get lawyered up and hope they cooperate?

You might as well hand out bags of coins and tell people to make a wish
Well that destroys the entire premise of the 4th amendment then.

Also if putting your hands up is now suspicious then they can come into your house and just say they believed something. Arrest you for being suspicious by putting your hands in the air. AND allowed to keep any evidence that may show they did wrong to themselves.

Thats a dangerous dangerous road you're going down bro. Basically, whatever a cop says goes....Laws dont matter at least unless a cop says "Yes I entered the house and did NOT believe anyone to be in danger". Chances of that happening is 0
Maybe our police need to be taught "jive" talk in order to be understood.

White people dont speak jive. Oh you thought this was a black guy this happened too? lmao...sorry bro, the police are getting more bold and taking their act to suburbia

Of course there are white people who speak jive, why so racist?

No they dont jive turkey
Well that destroys the entire premise of the 4th amendment then.

Also if putting your hands up is now suspicious then they can come into your house and just say they believed something. Arrest you for being suspicious by putting your hands in the air. AND allowed to keep any evidence that may show they did wrong to themselves.

Thats a dangerous dangerous road you're going down bro. Basically, whatever a cop says goes....Laws dont matter at least unless a cop says "Yes I entered the house and did NOT believe anyone to be in danger". Chances of that happening is 0

Bro, you're not listening.

Cops have to be able to back their shit up. If this police department can't produce the 911 evidence that led them to believe a woman was in danger in that house, they are fucked.

Not according to the chief who basically gave everyone who asked for it the finger.

Now , in the military things are slightly different so not everything directly translates, but let me tell you a story.

Was on duty once, got a domestic disturbance call, reports of shouting and a woman crying for danger. We show up and knock on the door and the guy answers the door, he looks calm we don't hear any disturbances or see anything that leads us to believe anything is amiss. we ask him where is wife is, he says she's out of town, anyone else home? no. well there's only one vehicle in the driveway so sounds plausible, Everything looks okay. We leave.

Two days later we're back , the guy had killed his wife.

You don't fucking take chances when you have a report of someone in danger.

The slippery slope is you imagining that police everywhere are abusing this authority, they are not. Even if in this one case they did, it is not an epidemic.

It doesnt matter if they are one place abusing their authority if its allowed to continue in one area it creates a precedent for others to do the same and the only thing stopping them is their own moral compass.

They did all of those things and refused to prove anything. Now who do you call if the police are abusing their power? The police? Or get lawyered up and hope they cooperate?

You might as well hand out bags of coins and tell people to make a wish

who do you call? Your lawyer duh. That is the whole point here dude.

These dumb shits all end up getting roughed up and shot over shit that civilized people would say "meh whatever " then contact their attorney over.

People like this moron want to fight the police and then if they don't end up dead then want to sue and guess what, they aren't sympathetic when a defense attorney points out that they fought and argued with the damn police who were there investigating reports of a woman in distress.

The reality is a civil rights violation is only a violation if a jury says it is. You screaming your head off as you refuse to cooperate doesn't mean shit.
So, wait...They raided his house and said that he came out with his hands up and the police said THAT was a SUSPICIOUS behavior. They also said they dont need a warrant because a child there gave them permission. AND they were there about a 911 call but they WILL NOT RELEASE THE 911 CALL.

Now seriously, who can defend violating someones 4th amendment right based on an unconfirmed and unwilling to confirm story from cops who already acted seemingly unlawfully?

They should release the tape.

Other than that...if they have a report of a possible victim screaming...SCOTUS has ruled that is an exigent circumstance and police can enter...without a warrant...to ensure the victims immediate safety.

You should learn the law.

But they should release the tape.
Well that destroys the entire premise of the 4th amendment then.

Also if putting your hands up is now suspicious then they can come into your house and just say they believed something. Arrest you for being suspicious by putting your hands in the air. AND allowed to keep any evidence that may show they did wrong to themselves.

Thats a dangerous dangerous road you're going down bro. Basically, whatever a cop says goes....Laws dont matter at least unless a cop says "Yes I entered the house and did NOT believe anyone to be in danger". Chances of that happening is 0

Bro, you're not listening.

Cops have to be able to back their shit up. If this police department can't produce the 911 evidence that led them to believe a woman was in danger in that house, they are fucked.

Not according to the chief who basically gave everyone who asked for it the finger.

Now , in the military things are slightly different so not everything directly translates, but let me tell you a story.

Was on duty once, got a domestic disturbance call, reports of shouting and a woman crying for danger. We show up and knock on the door and the guy answers the door, he looks calm we don't hear any disturbances or see anything that leads us to believe anything is amiss. we ask him where is wife is, he says she's out of town, anyone else home? no. well there's only one vehicle in the driveway so sounds plausible, Everything looks okay. We leave.

Two days later we're back , the guy had killed his wife.

You don't fucking take chances when you have a report of someone in danger.

The slippery slope is you imagining that police everywhere are abusing this authority, they are not. Even if in this one case they did, it is not an epidemic.

It doesnt matter if they are one place abusing their authority if its allowed to continue in one area it creates a precedent for others to do the same and the only thing stopping them is their own moral compass.

They did all of those things and refused to prove anything. Now who do you call if the police are abusing their power? The police? Or get lawyered up and hope they cooperate?

You might as well hand out bags of coins and tell people to make a wish

who do you call? Your lawyer duh. That is the whole point here dude.

These dumb shits all end up getting roughed up and shot over shit that civilized people would say "meh whatever " then contact their attorney over.

People like this moron want to fight the police and then if they don't end up dead then want to sue and guess what, they aren't sympathetic when a defense attorney points out that they fought and argued with the damn police who were there investigating reports of a woman in distress.

The reality is a civil rights violation is only a violation if a jury says it is. You screaming your head off as you refuse to cooperate doesn't mean shit.

Ok, now is "fighting the police" putting your hands up in surrender? Because all he did was put his hands up and they cuffed him. You have to realize that lawyers cost money and if you have enough money sure its "meh"....If you dont, you are faced with a life changing event based on trumped up bullshit all from the word of some cop with a beef.

No one screamed their head off unless putting your hands up is both suspicious AND screaming according to the reality creators aka the police
Well that destroys the entire premise of the 4th amendment then.

Also if putting your hands up is now suspicious then they can come into your house and just say they believed something. Arrest you for being suspicious by putting your hands in the air. AND allowed to keep any evidence that may show they did wrong to themselves.

Thats a dangerous dangerous road you're going down bro. Basically, whatever a cop says goes....Laws dont matter at least unless a cop says "Yes I entered the house and did NOT believe anyone to be in danger". Chances of that happening is 0

Bro, you're not listening.

Cops have to be able to back their shit up. If this police department can't produce the 911 evidence that led them to believe a woman was in danger in that house, they are fucked.

Not according to the chief who basically gave everyone who asked for it the finger.

Now , in the military things are slightly different so not everything directly translates, but let me tell you a story.

Was on duty once, got a domestic disturbance call, reports of shouting and a woman crying for danger. We show up and knock on the door and the guy answers the door, he looks calm we don't hear any disturbances or see anything that leads us to believe anything is amiss. we ask him where is wife is, he says she's out of town, anyone else home? no. well there's only one vehicle in the driveway so sounds plausible, Everything looks okay. We leave.

Two days later we're back , the guy had killed his wife.

You don't fucking take chances when you have a report of someone in danger.

The slippery slope is you imagining that police everywhere are abusing this authority, they are not. Even if in this one case they did, it is not an epidemic.

It doesnt matter if they are one place abusing their authority if its allowed to continue in one area it creates a precedent for others to do the same and the only thing stopping them is their own moral compass.

They did all of those things and refused to prove anything. Now who do you call if the police are abusing their power? The police? Or get lawyered up and hope they cooperate?

You might as well hand out bags of coins and tell people to make a wish

who do you call? Your lawyer duh. That is the whole point here dude.

These dumb shits all end up getting roughed up and shot over shit that civilized people would say "meh whatever " then contact their attorney over.

People like this moron want to fight the police and then if they don't end up dead then want to sue and guess what, they aren't sympathetic when a defense attorney points out that they fought and argued with the damn police who were there investigating reports of a woman in distress.

The reality is a civil rights violation is only a violation if a jury says it is. You screaming your head off as you refuse to cooperate doesn't mean shit.

Ok, now is "fighting the police" putting your hands up in surrender? Because all he did was put his hands up and they cuffed him. You have to realize that lawyers cost money and if you have enough money sure its "meh"....If you dont, you are faced with a life changing event based on trumped up bullshit all from the word of some cop with a beef.

No one screamed their head off unless putting your hands up is both suspicious AND screaming according to the reality creators aka the police

See, you just don't understand what you're talking about. we can't have a serious discussion about it either, because you won't admit that you in fact don't know what you're talking about here.

Being placed in cuffs is being detained, it is not necessarily being arrested.

It is pretty common to place people in cuffs in situations like this, for both their and your protection.

I would bet a lot of money that they even told the guy that too.
Well that destroys the entire premise of the 4th amendment then.

Also if putting your hands up is now suspicious then they can come into your house and just say they believed something. Arrest you for being suspicious by putting your hands in the air. AND allowed to keep any evidence that may show they did wrong to themselves.

Thats a dangerous dangerous road you're going down bro. Basically, whatever a cop says goes....Laws dont matter at least unless a cop says "Yes I entered the house and did NOT believe anyone to be in danger". Chances of that happening is 0

Bro, you're not listening.

Cops have to be able to back their shit up. If this police department can't produce the 911 evidence that led them to believe a woman was in danger in that house, they are fucked.

Not according to the chief who basically gave everyone who asked for it the finger.

Now , in the military things are slightly different so not everything directly translates, but let me tell you a story.

Was on duty once, got a domestic disturbance call, reports of shouting and a woman crying for danger. We show up and knock on the door and the guy answers the door, he looks calm we don't hear any disturbances or see anything that leads us to believe anything is amiss. we ask him where is wife is, he says she's out of town, anyone else home? no. well there's only one vehicle in the driveway so sounds plausible, Everything looks okay. We leave.

Two days later we're back , the guy had killed his wife.

You don't fucking take chances when you have a report of someone in danger.

The slippery slope is you imagining that police everywhere are abusing this authority, they are not. Even if in this one case they did, it is not an epidemic.

It doesnt matter if they are one place abusing their authority if its allowed to continue in one area it creates a precedent for others to do the same and the only thing stopping them is their own moral compass.

They did all of those things and refused to prove anything. Now who do you call if the police are abusing their power? The police? Or get lawyered up and hope they cooperate?

You might as well hand out bags of coins and tell people to make a wish

who do you call? Your lawyer duh. That is the whole point here dude.

These dumb shits all end up getting roughed up and shot over shit that civilized people would say "meh whatever " then contact their attorney over.

People like this moron want to fight the police and then if they don't end up dead then want to sue and guess what, they aren't sympathetic when a defense attorney points out that they fought and argued with the damn police who were there investigating reports of a woman in distress.

The reality is a civil rights violation is only a violation if a jury says it is. You screaming your head off as you refuse to cooperate doesn't mean shit.

Ok, now is "fighting the police" putting your hands up in surrender? Because all he did was put his hands up and they cuffed him. You have to realize that lawyers cost money and if you have enough money sure its "meh"....If you dont, you are faced with a life changing event based on trumped up bullshit all from the word of some cop with a beef.

No one screamed their head off unless putting your hands up is both suspicious AND screaming according to the reality creators aka the police

See, you just don't understand what you're talking about. we can't have a serious discussion about it either, because you won't admit that you in fact don't know what you're talking about here.

Being placed in cuffs is being detained, it is not necessarily being arrested.

It is pretty common to place people in cuffs in situations like this, for both their and your protection.

I would bet a lot of money that they even told the guy that too.

Yep. He's just too dumb to discuss this in depth.
Bro, you're not listening.

Cops have to be able to back their shit up. If this police department can't produce the 911 evidence that led them to believe a woman was in danger in that house, they are fucked.

Not according to the chief who basically gave everyone who asked for it the finger.

Now , in the military things are slightly different so not everything directly translates, but let me tell you a story.

Was on duty once, got a domestic disturbance call, reports of shouting and a woman crying for danger. We show up and knock on the door and the guy answers the door, he looks calm we don't hear any disturbances or see anything that leads us to believe anything is amiss. we ask him where is wife is, he says she's out of town, anyone else home? no. well there's only one vehicle in the driveway so sounds plausible, Everything looks okay. We leave.

Two days later we're back , the guy had killed his wife.

You don't fucking take chances when you have a report of someone in danger.

The slippery slope is you imagining that police everywhere are abusing this authority, they are not. Even if in this one case they did, it is not an epidemic.

It doesnt matter if they are one place abusing their authority if its allowed to continue in one area it creates a precedent for others to do the same and the only thing stopping them is their own moral compass.

They did all of those things and refused to prove anything. Now who do you call if the police are abusing their power? The police? Or get lawyered up and hope they cooperate?

You might as well hand out bags of coins and tell people to make a wish

who do you call? Your lawyer duh. That is the whole point here dude.

These dumb shits all end up getting roughed up and shot over shit that civilized people would say "meh whatever " then contact their attorney over.

People like this moron want to fight the police and then if they don't end up dead then want to sue and guess what, they aren't sympathetic when a defense attorney points out that they fought and argued with the damn police who were there investigating reports of a woman in distress.

The reality is a civil rights violation is only a violation if a jury says it is. You screaming your head off as you refuse to cooperate doesn't mean shit.

Ok, now is "fighting the police" putting your hands up in surrender? Because all he did was put his hands up and they cuffed him. You have to realize that lawyers cost money and if you have enough money sure its "meh"....If you dont, you are faced with a life changing event based on trumped up bullshit all from the word of some cop with a beef.

No one screamed their head off unless putting your hands up is both suspicious AND screaming according to the reality creators aka the police

See, you just don't understand what you're talking about. we can't have a serious discussion about it either, because you won't admit that you in fact don't know what you're talking about here.

Being placed in cuffs is being detained, it is not necessarily being arrested.

It is pretty common to place people in cuffs in situations like this, for both their and your protection.

I would bet a lot of money that they even told the guy that too.

Yep. He's just too dumb to discuss this in depth.

He's not dumb bro, he just won't cede that this isn't an area he is knowledgeable about and listen to anyone who knows what they are talking about if they don't agree with him.
Well that destroys the entire premise of the 4th amendment then.

Also if putting your hands up is now suspicious then they can come into your house and just say they believed something. Arrest you for being suspicious by putting your hands in the air. AND allowed to keep any evidence that may show they did wrong to themselves.

Thats a dangerous dangerous road you're going down bro. Basically, whatever a cop says goes....Laws dont matter at least unless a cop says "Yes I entered the house and did NOT believe anyone to be in danger". Chances of that happening is 0

Bro, you're not listening.

Cops have to be able to back their shit up. If this police department can't produce the 911 evidence that led them to believe a woman was in danger in that house, they are fucked.

Not according to the chief who basically gave everyone who asked for it the finger.

Now , in the military things are slightly different so not everything directly translates, but let me tell you a story.

Was on duty once, got a domestic disturbance call, reports of shouting and a woman crying for danger. We show up and knock on the door and the guy answers the door, he looks calm we don't hear any disturbances or see anything that leads us to believe anything is amiss. we ask him where is wife is, he says she's out of town, anyone else home? no. well there's only one vehicle in the driveway so sounds plausible, Everything looks okay. We leave.

Two days later we're back , the guy had killed his wife.

You don't fucking take chances when you have a report of someone in danger.

The slippery slope is you imagining that police everywhere are abusing this authority, they are not. Even if in this one case they did, it is not an epidemic.

It doesnt matter if they are one place abusing their authority if its allowed to continue in one area it creates a precedent for others to do the same and the only thing stopping them is their own moral compass.

They did all of those things and refused to prove anything. Now who do you call if the police are abusing their power? The police? Or get lawyered up and hope they cooperate?

You might as well hand out bags of coins and tell people to make a wish

who do you call? Your lawyer duh. That is the whole point here dude.

These dumb shits all end up getting roughed up and shot over shit that civilized people would say "meh whatever " then contact their attorney over.

People like this moron want to fight the police and then if they don't end up dead then want to sue and guess what, they aren't sympathetic when a defense attorney points out that they fought and argued with the damn police who were there investigating reports of a woman in distress.

The reality is a civil rights violation is only a violation if a jury says it is. You screaming your head off as you refuse to cooperate doesn't mean shit.

Ok, now is "fighting the police" putting your hands up in surrender? Because all he did was put his hands up and they cuffed him. You have to realize that lawyers cost money and if you have enough money sure its "meh"....If you dont, you are faced with a life changing event based on trumped up bullshit all from the word of some cop with a beef.

No one screamed their head off unless putting your hands up is both suspicious AND screaming according to the reality creators aka the police

See, you just don't understand what you're talking about. we can't have a serious discussion about it either, because you won't admit that you in fact don't know what you're talking about here.

Being placed in cuffs is being detained, it is not necessarily being arrested.

It is pretty common to place people in cuffs in situations like this, for both their and your protection.

I would bet a lot of money that they even told the guy that too.

You said he was fighting. I was simply letting you know that didn't happen. It's like you cant discuss what happened and keep adding in factors that don't apply
Bro, you're not listening.

Cops have to be able to back their shit up. If this police department can't produce the 911 evidence that led them to believe a woman was in danger in that house, they are fucked.

Not according to the chief who basically gave everyone who asked for it the finger.

Now , in the military things are slightly different so not everything directly translates, but let me tell you a story.

Was on duty once, got a domestic disturbance call, reports of shouting and a woman crying for danger. We show up and knock on the door and the guy answers the door, he looks calm we don't hear any disturbances or see anything that leads us to believe anything is amiss. we ask him where is wife is, he says she's out of town, anyone else home? no. well there's only one vehicle in the driveway so sounds plausible, Everything looks okay. We leave.

Two days later we're back , the guy had killed his wife.

You don't fucking take chances when you have a report of someone in danger.

The slippery slope is you imagining that police everywhere are abusing this authority, they are not. Even if in this one case they did, it is not an epidemic.

It doesnt matter if they are one place abusing their authority if its allowed to continue in one area it creates a precedent for others to do the same and the only thing stopping them is their own moral compass.

They did all of those things and refused to prove anything. Now who do you call if the police are abusing their power? The police? Or get lawyered up and hope they cooperate?

You might as well hand out bags of coins and tell people to make a wish

who do you call? Your lawyer duh. That is the whole point here dude.

These dumb shits all end up getting roughed up and shot over shit that civilized people would say "meh whatever " then contact their attorney over.

People like this moron want to fight the police and then if they don't end up dead then want to sue and guess what, they aren't sympathetic when a defense attorney points out that they fought and argued with the damn police who were there investigating reports of a woman in distress.

The reality is a civil rights violation is only a violation if a jury says it is. You screaming your head off as you refuse to cooperate doesn't mean shit.

Ok, now is "fighting the police" putting your hands up in surrender? Because all he did was put his hands up and they cuffed him. You have to realize that lawyers cost money and if you have enough money sure its "meh"....If you dont, you are faced with a life changing event based on trumped up bullshit all from the word of some cop with a beef.

No one screamed their head off unless putting your hands up is both suspicious AND screaming according to the reality creators aka the police

See, you just don't understand what you're talking about. we can't have a serious discussion about it either, because you won't admit that you in fact don't know what you're talking about here.

Being placed in cuffs is being detained, it is not necessarily being arrested.

It is pretty common to place people in cuffs in situations like this, for both their and your protection.

I would bet a lot of money that they even told the guy that too.

You said he was fighting. I was simply letting you know that didn't happen. It's like you cant discuss what happened and keep adding in factors that don't apply

I certainly did NOT say he was fighting.

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