Police release video of new Knockout game victim

People who continue to live in a neighborhood that has become rundown and crime ridden are being very foolish. It is the same as continuing to smoke when you know it causes cancer. It is like staying where you are though your town is in the middle of war zone. It is cutting off you nose to spite your face. If you want to stay put, then you risk being the victim of crime. You become a volunteer. Not very sensible.

Everybody who doesn't want to be a victim of crime move to the better neighborhoods. When criminals move to the better neiborhoods, move to the suburbs. When the criminals get to the suburbs everyone should move back to to cities. Eventually criminals will get tired of the chase and decide to become law-abiding citizens. Frigging brilliant.


Serious and violent crimes aren't contained to bad neighborhoods. Just had a little girl grabbed from a residential street and murdered here a few days ago. If it can happen in a 'American heartland' town, it can happen anywhere.
People who continue to live in a neighborhood that has become rundown and crime ridden are being very foolish. It is the same as continuing to smoke when you know it causes cancer. It is like staying where you are though your town is in the middle of war zone. It is cutting off you nose to spite your face. If you want to stay put, then you risk being the victim of crime. You become a volunteer. Not very sensible.

Everybody who doesn't want to be a victim of crime move to the better neighborhoods. When criminals move to the better neiborhoods, move to the suburbs. When the criminals get to the suburbs everyone should move back to to cities. Eventually criminals will get tired of the chase and decide to become law-abiding citizens. Frigging brilliant.


This is a ludicrous scenario. I've always lived in a decent neighborhood and have been at many times very low income. I've never had to be chased out of any neighborhood by crime because I choose to live in decent neighborhoods. If a good neighborhood becomes a bad neighborhood, it doesn't happen over night, it takes decades. How strongly you cling to a completely irrational idea.
I see dingbat posts which say thousands of women die of domestic abuse every day and I call the poster out, regardless of who it is. You just happen to make more than your fair share of goofy and inaccurate comments.

Btw, typos are made by hitting the wrong key. Writing "day" instead of "year" is not a typo, even in the ditz world you occupy.

You are ridiculous and pathetic. I said something to you months and months ago, about your manhood, and you didn't like it. So, like an angry wasp, you pester and pester me for months. Get over it. You are a fool and you are the one who is the dingbat. Everyone agrees your user name is very, very fitting. Stop being so pathetic and leave me alone. Men like you are what good men scoff at and are humiliated by. Get over it. Act like a man instead of being what I called you in the first place. Prove you are better than a stalker.
I know you are in what can be a difficult stage for especially for women, but when you start being sloppy and bizarre wouldn't it behoove you to re-assess your cognitive abilities and adjust accordingly? OTOH, if you've been like this all your life then it is probably too late anyway.

At a certain age I would guess that most would ignore silly thing like the rep system here, but you apparently have taken it to heart like a true teenybopper. That speaks volumes to your intelligence as well.

Give up. You are pathetic and you make yourself look ridiculous.
People who continue to live in a neighborhood that has become rundown and crime ridden are being very foolish. It is the same as continuing to smoke when you know it causes cancer. It is like staying where you are though your town is in the middle of war zone. It is cutting off you nose to spite your face. If you want to stay put, then you risk being the victim of crime. You become a volunteer. Not very sensible.

Everybody who doesn't want to be a victim of crime move to the better neighborhoods. When criminals move to the better neiborhoods, move to the suburbs. When the criminals get to the suburbs everyone should move back to to cities. Eventually criminals will get tired of the chase and decide to become law-abiding citizens. Frigging brilliant.


Serious and violent crimes aren't contained to bad neighborhoods. Just had a little girl grabbed from a residential street and murdered here a few days ago. If it can happen in a 'American heartland' town, it can happen anywhere.

Yours is an historically proven assertion. Estmerdic however was proposing how one should deal with crime-ridden neighborhoods. Her suggestion was vacuous.

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