Police shoot and kill teen answering his front door

That's another problem with so many guns on the streets.
The cops are forced to make a snap choice and people die.

They pull the trigger or the suspect may pull the trigger.
You have to ask yourself, what would you do?
Even if he had a gun, don't you have a right to have a gun in your home? If he continued to point it at police, then there might be an issue, but they just fired after seeing him.

Cops should probably pick another job if they think it's okay to fire first, then ask questions later if they fear for their lives. There are other jobs out there, and perhaps the pay can be risen for those willing to accept the risks of their chosen job without killing people every time they have fear. Recall most of us are disarmed, and I don't have the ability to kill someone every time I have fear or the unknown like cops do.
Also, will this garner as much attention, if it turns out that there was no gun, as say the killing by the BART cop in Oakland a few years back? Or is there no political agenda in this situation since the victim is white and we ignore when whites get killed by police, which isn't at all rare, it just doesn't get attention from the media on a national scale.
Wouldn't believe everything you read. If police fired on someone something prompted that response. It's impossible to believe it was him opening his front door and getting shot with no pause or intervening time where something escalted the encounter.
Wouldn't believe everything you read. If police fired on someone something prompted that response. It's impossible to believe it was him opening his front door and getting shot with no pause or intervening time where something escalted the encounter.

Fruitvale station much?
Wouldn't believe everything you read. If police fired on someone something prompted that response. It's impossible to believe it was him opening his front door and getting shot with no pause or intervening time where something escalted the encounter.

Fruitvale station much?

You didn't see that as a "common sense" statement? Just opening your front door and the police shoot you?
What do you bet...
Officer goes to door - kid opens door - officer sees Wii, but her mind sees a gun - she grabs her sidearm - probably yells drop it, maybe not - the kid in that split second, completely unaware of her reaction to the controller - for whatever reason raises his hand - and the officer opens fire.
It goes without saying she should no longer be a street cop, desk job fine. She is either not trained well enough, or is waaay to reactionary and trigger happy to carry a gun on her.
Wouldn't believe everything you read. If police fired on someone something prompted that response. It's impossible to believe it was him opening his front door and getting shot with no pause or intervening time where something escalted the encounter.

You don't live in Baltimore city, obviously.
Wouldn't believe everything you read. If police fired on someone something prompted that response. It's impossible to believe it was him opening his front door and getting shot with no pause or intervening time where something escalted the encounter.

Because the police are lying about what happened, right?

The officer was there to serve a warrant on a probation violation on the father and shot him as soon as he opened the door. She claims he had a BB gun.

Sorry, not justified under any circumstances.
That's another problem with so many guns on the streets.
The cops are forced to make a snap choice and people die.

They pull the trigger or the suspect may pull the trigger.
You have to ask yourself, what would you do?

The reason they're trigger happy has nothing to do with guns on the streets.
I hope this cop is charged with manslaughter and kicked off the force. She doesn't need to be carrying a gun.

Cop shoots, kills teen holding video game controller | The Daily Caller

A Georgia family is in shock following the death of their 17-year-old son, who was accidentally killed by a police officer who believed the video game controller he was holding was a gun, according to the family’s lawyer.

Christopher Roupe of Euharlee, Georgia heard a knock at the door of the family’s home last Friday night. Upon opening the door, he was immediately shot by a female police officer.


“The eyewitnesses on the scene clearly state that he had a Wii controller in his hand,” said Law, according to WSB-TV. “He heard a knock at the door. He asked who it was, there was no response so he opened the door and upon opening the door he was immediately shot in the chest.”

Any cop who shoots a person simply because they are holding anything, including a gun, should not be carrying a gun themself. They are a danger to the public.

Not even mentioning that she failed to identify herself, order him to drop whatever he was holding.

She should be facing prison time. It's that plain and simple.
Stop. Don't blame the officer, blame the training. You have to understand, they are trained to react swiftly if they perceive a threat or if someone is holding an object in their hand that even looks like a gun. Moral of the story here is, don't answer the door while holding anything remotely similar to a gun, especially if you know that cops routinely make visits to the residence to ensure someone is not violating their probation. I think the cop was looking for his older brother if I'm not mistaken. I watched this story on the Atlanta news a couple of nights ago. The lot of you are jumping to conclusions. The female cop broke down in tears after she found out she accidentally killed the teen. If it is determined that she killed him out of malice, then we can put her away for murder. But not before.

Not all cops are bad, and some are just following their training, not all of them are out to kill someone. Cut them some slack, will ya?
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No. Not unless and until they stop murdering innocent citizens!

OK, how's this: instead of throwing her in general population with "BAD COP" tattooed on her face, I'll let her just blow her own brains out with a shotgun.
So do people have to die now for PC reasons? Women are probably going to fear more then a male cop, because women are smaller and weaker. Thus they have a right to use a gun before a male cop would? How many people need to die for PC equality of outcome that the cocksucking liberal faggot PC types demand?
If any officer fires their weapon upon seeing someone just holding something.
That person doesn't have any business being a cop.They are only supposed to discharge their weapon
under life or death circumstances.

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