Police shoot and kill teen answering his front door

Stop. Don't blame the officer, blame the training. You have to understand, they are trained to react swiftly if they perceive a threat or if someone is holding an object in their hand that even looks like a gun. Moral of the story here is, don't answer the door while holding anything remotely similar to a gun, especially if you know that cops routinely make visits to the residence to ensure someone is not violating their probation. I think the cop was looking for his older brother if I'm not mistaken. I watched this story on the Atlanta news a couple of nights ago. The lot of you are jumping to conclusions. The female cop broke down in tears after she found out she accidentally killed the teen. If it is determined that she killed him out of malice, then we can put her away for murder. But not before.

Not all cops are bad, and some are just following their training, not all of them are out to kill someone. Cut them some slack, will ya?

I have to strongly disagree with you.

As I posted earlier, if everything is as described by the news article, she should be charged with manslaughter not murder. She should also be fired. She should never, ever, be allowed to carry a firearm of any kind again. Not even a Concealed Weapons permit. She has shown that she doesn't have the capability to determine if she is in a situation which requires the use of deadly force.

I don't care if she broke down in tears or not. That didn't bring that young man back to life.

The moral of the story is that Police need to be aware that more and more citizens are armed these days. That doesn't give them the right to shoot on sight. They need to be even more accountable for their actions. A higher standard.
Also, will this garner as much attention, if it turns out that there was no gun, as say the killing by the BART cop in Oakland a few years back? Or is there no political agenda in this situation since the victim is white and we ignore when whites get killed by police, which isn't at all rare, it just doesn't get attention from the media on a national scale.
Do you really want all the white people to hate cops, too?

Also, considering that white people get away with international financial crimes and mass murder in wars over lies, all while simultaneously convincing nearly half of US voters to blame poor minorities on food stamps, white people don't really have any complaint.
Stop. Don't blame the officer, blame the training. You have to understand, they are trained to react swiftly if they perceive a threat or if someone is holding an object in their hand that even looks like a gun. Moral of the story here is, don't answer the door while holding anything remotely similar to a gun, especially if you know that cops routinely make visits to the residence to ensure someone is not violating their probation. I think the cop was looking for his older brother if I'm not mistaken. I watched this story on the Atlanta news a couple of nights ago. The lot of you are jumping to conclusions. The female cop broke down in tears after she found out she accidentally killed the teen. If it is determined that she killed him out of malice, then we can put her away for murder. But not before.

Not all cops are bad, and some are just following their training, not all of them are out to kill someone. Cut them some slack, will ya?

I do blame the training, but the cop is still the one that has to pay for it. Until that happens the training is not going to change.
Stop. Don't blame the officer, blame the training. You have to understand, they are trained to react swiftly if they perceive a threat or if someone is holding an object in their hand that even looks like a gun. Moral of the story here is, don't answer the door while holding anything remotely similar to a gun, especially if you know that cops routinely make visits to the residence to ensure someone is not violating their probation. I think the cop was looking for his older brother if I'm not mistaken. I watched this story on the Atlanta news a couple of nights ago. The lot of you are jumping to conclusions. The female cop broke down in tears after she found out she accidentally killed the teen. If it is determined that she killed him out of malice, then we can put her away for murder. But not before.

Not all cops are bad, and some are just following their training, not all of them are out to kill someone. Cut them some slack, will ya?

No, I won't.

it has become an epidemic in police force - shoot first - ask questions later.

And it has to stop.
She should be tried for murder.

I could not care less about her training - it is obviously it has to be changed.

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